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05-02-2016 , 12:23 PM
Thanks Fountouris for observation.

Frenchfish , I don't think anybody is winning on it as i'm almost 100% sure that another fake chinese user are super account user with the possibility to see hole card of opponent etc... but you are right ,if there is big winner there would have no interest in this forum... but i really doubt on the possibility of long term winner on Ourgame...

So after have losing 2500$ on it by really strange manneer and according to all another observation of people of this forum , I strongly recommanded to NOT deposit on Ourgame.

At least , my lost will serve another people to not make the same mistake than me... [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-02-2016 , 12:52 PM
This thread is so much like one about made in 2003 that it's almost scary.

Their "players", who acted in the same way as described above, were said to be "Korean investors". They could see all the cards of all the players, so the only way you could even win a hand was by playing top cards, particularly draws, passively. If you made your draw, no one would call a bet. If you didn't, and chose to bluff, someone would make what on the surface looked like a hero call and win.

Most tables always had only one seat available for the mark who had watched the passive and simple play before sitting. Suddenly, after he sat, the betting became aggressive with what appeared to be miracle reads of the mark's cards.

There are many threads about Propoker in the archives, up until their sudden demise. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-02-2016 , 01:17 PM
I have now little more experience of this site.

I ve played some husgns.

I ve typed to players and asking ''are u bot or working for ourgame''
seems that they are freezing after that question (they taking more timebank) and they answer in
3-5 minutes ''why u play so bad'' (same answer atleast 4times)
And they even using smileys the same way ( '' lol )) '' )

In last snghu i got 3x AA and 1x KK in 5hands
I made 3 times Min 3betting and 1x min open on the button. Villain folded every time though he was pf station earlier.

Couple of times they have made made min 3bet with small PPs and flopped set vs my tpgk.

im 100% this site is a scam. ive played poker over 10 years online and have seen pretty much all. Now when i type this villain shoves 24bbs and i snapped with QQ. he had AA. He usually just limps or minraising buttons [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-02-2016 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by duass
frenchfishes: I have still some money at Ourgame. Do you think that is safe sent to them scan of ID or passport?
IMO in depends how much money you have there. If you have money you need you should send them your documents and cashout.

But if you have just a few NL10 buy ins left, I would prefer to don't send them any documents.

I would prefer to sit on all those microstakes tables they have , fold everything and ...only 3bet preflop and 3barell postflop those hands 62o 63o, 72o, 73o, 82o, 92o., 93o, T3o,T2o and FOLD EVEYRHING ELSE , FOLD ALL AQ, AK , ALL PAIRS JJ and lower etc, so from your stats you represent a SUPER NIT image who plays only premium hands.

If they raise you on the flop then SHOVE all in.

If they 4bet you preflop also shove ALL IN to see what type of hands they call you. If they call you light when you do this, then you have a proof that they can see your cards!

You will be able to have some fun at least . If they really can see your cards, then they will notice that you have nothing, and they will call you preflop, on the flop and on the turn with RAGS!

But on the river they will have a big problem !

When your own stats will be VPP 8% PFR 7% 3bet 5%, (but you fold all premium hands and play only those rags)
do they really have the guts to call down your 62o until the river in a 3bet pot with their own better rags?

Or they will be afraid that if they call down your rags with better rags, then you will find out that they can see your cards?

In the second case you can double up your bankroll there, because they will call each 3bet, they will call flop and turn, but then they will fold almost every river ... They can't call the river with A high or K high because they will reveal that they can see your cards. Bloat the pot with nothing and make them call with nothing and on the river force them to

a) fold the river because they are afraid to show you that they see your cards, is probably the only way to make money there.

or b) call the river and show to everybody that they can see your cards

And if you loose, at least it is a way to have some fun, trolling those scammers.

If you do what I suggest and also record the session to a video and put on youtube, then you can have millions of clicks because they video will become viral for years, and if you put advertisments to the video you can make more money from the views, than the money you lost there.

It looks crazy but I 'm serious, that is what I would do if I was on your position...

Also after they will read this post on 2+2 it is possible that they will really get scared about you are recording it, and you can put the video on youtube, and they will FOLD everyhting against your 62o, so if you play exaclty the hands I reccomend and only those hands, you could possibly win some money there!

After you win the money then you can send them your documents, and cashout as a winner! You will be the 1st person who managed to crash the collusion there so you will become a hero in online poker history!

My idea is free to use for everybody else was a victim of this room and wants to try it . I only ask anybody who do this, to just refer my name on that viral youtube video he will produce doing it.

Last edited by fountouris; 05-02-2016 at 07:09 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-02-2016 , 07:59 PM
On this post, I summarize and complete my idea for a video recorded session on "Ourgame" to reveal the scam

We can create a very crazy, balanced polarized preflop range.

Preflop raise first in , or 3bet the following hands :

62o 63s, 72o, 73s, 82o,83s 92o, 93s, T2o, T3s, AA, KK, QQ,JJ

and fold all the rest( fold AK, TT etc)

Flop: cbet 100% and if they raise then shove all in
turn : cbet 100% and if they raise then shove all in
river: shove all in 100%

Prefrop never cold call, always 3bet or fold. If they 4bet you, then shove. If you raise first in and they 3bet you, then don't 4bet, but SHOVE your entire stack.

Postflop never fold , never check, never call. Only BET or SHOVE 100%! (100% aggression!)

By playing this game and record it on the video , you put those scammers working there in a really very difficult situation

-They can't call you. Iif they call, then they publicly reveal that they see your cards (you record the session on the video!)
-They can't fold either. By folding they let you make money!

I explain also that we added JJ+ and some suited rags for balance. We have created a super polarized balanced preflop range, containing only rags and premium pairs . And we can video record how they react to this

If they always fold preflop when you have the premium pairs and they always call or raise preflop when you have the rags, then we the recorded session video is a proof to everybody that they can see your cards

I'm looking for any volunteer who have money left on "ourgame" and wants to try doing this on MICRO CASH games (NL10 ,NL4 ) and video record the session , so we can to put it on youtube

Last edited by fountouris; 05-02-2016 at 08:24 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-02-2016 , 08:24 PM
I made a small deposit via bitoin here. I hate to say it but I agree that something very strange is going on here. Very suspect situations and odd things that happen.

Maybe its just a play style unique to the Chinese population but I have noticed that I almost never see any "regs" or the same screen name more than once. And there really are not that many games that run. Same screen names rarely sit at more than 1 table. And all the people from China seem to have a similar play style in that they (insta) donk bet a huge %.

The play is super passive until I sit down. The river is not often reached until I am involved in a hand. And the play is generally very passive, no 3 bets, no post flop aggression; unless I open the pot or am involved in the hand. In all my time playing I have not see 2 Chinese players get allin vs each other before the river. Maybe its me?

Maybe the above posts have influenced me but I have been around online poker long enough and I have seen just about everything. I'm not saying this site is or is not anything, just some general observations.

I was able run my small deposit up a little bit and made a cashout via bitcoin. They asked for a scanned ID, which I sent - and I promptly received my bitcoin payout (about 24 hours). Something to note is I signed up with my current address and had a typo on my birthdate. My ID contains an old address and my correct bithdate. Zero questions and no issues with cashout.

For now, I am choosing to withdraw the balance of my account and take my action else ware. I hope to see more success stories posted in this thread and bring my action back after more reviews. Options for US players are already very limited and anywhere that allows bitcoin transactions is a huge plus. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 12:05 AM
Funny hands. Playing 9h sng. im huge cl. And giving icm pressure.
I shove 98s otb bb and sb and bb have equal stacks. bb snaps with T2s and hold.
After doupled up villain flat pf. F: 775r he made 4x pot shove with K7s and hold vs my AA.

Soon i ll have played my small deposite and today i ll play one tournament (i have ticket) and that's it for me... [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
This thread is so much like one about made in 2003 that it's almost scary.

Their "players", who acted in the same way as described above, were said to be "Korean investors". They could see all the cards of all the players, so the only way you could even win a hand was by playing top cards, particularly draws, passively. If you made your draw, no one would call a bet. If you didn't, and chose to bluff, someone would make what on the surface looked like a hero call and win.

Most tables always had only one seat available for the mark who had watched the passive and simple play before sitting. Suddenly, after he sat, the betting became aggressive with what appeared to be miracle reads of the mark's cards.

There are many threads about Propoker in the archives, up until their sudden demise.
It's possible ourgame is planning on scamming players. I just doubt its with superusers. When I went on my heater there I was playing pretty LAG @ 5/10 and 10/20, getting value bets otr paid off, as well as successfully getting Chinese players to fold when bluffing with air. I just requested my last 500 hands in the client to find some hands to post, but the email I got from them just says, "There is no information corresponding to the request for DigitalDegen." Tried lowering it to last 100 hands and got the same message. Haven't played there for a week so maybe its a time thing.

I'll email them and request my HH through support and post them if anyone wants to take a look. I just think if it is a scam it is more likely a "build up reputation and eventually run with player $" scam rather then superusers at HS tables. I Could be wrong tho, usually am. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 12:23 AM
This player ''coffe'' from russia who won last month rakerace just played nl5k when i start railing. He inst left table when was in CO position and didnt even wait 2 free rounds. Now he is playing nl2k and do weird limpings etc.
Who russian regular really does that ? [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by duass
frenchfishes: I have still some money at Ourgame. Do you think that is safe sent to them scan of ID or passport?
I have no idea, lets just say that i m not particulary serene about it to say the least.
If the money was under 2 buy in of my current limit, i probably would gamble it up ...

@GutPunch , yes the insta pot donk flop or river is a signature moove on this site, i play on 2 diferent chinese network and i can tell you that this isn t something chinese players do to a degree that come even close to what we can see on this site.

Last edited by frenchfish; 05-03-2016 at 03:59 AM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by fountouris
In addition to my conclusions I have to add those:

I'm not sure that all those "chinese" usernames belongs to different persons, not even sure if they are really chinese.

As you can clearly see in the above post describing my 25/50 HU observation, it looks like that it was the SAME PERSON playing HU against himself....

It also looks like that there are a few people playing there , each one has many multiple accounts with different chinese user names , seating at many tables and seating many times at each table he plays (that's why the action is so slow, the game is so passive, we have less multiway pots and many "different" players "are" playing exaclty in the exact same bad way)

During last five years I have played more than 4 millions hands in more than 20 different online poker rooms . I have never seen something similar to this
This dude is your Ukrainian owner lol [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
It's possible ourgame is planning on scamming players. I just doubt its with superusers. When I went on my heater there I was playing pretty LAG @ 5/10 and 10/20, getting value bets otr paid off, as well as successfully getting Chinese players to fold when bluffing with air. I just requested my last 500 hands in the client to find some hands to post, but the email I got from them just says, "There is no information corresponding to the request for DigitalDegen." Tried lowering it to last 100 hands and got the same message. Haven't played there for a week so maybe its a time thing.

I'll email them and request my HH through support and post them if anyone wants to take a look. I just think if it is a scam it is more likely a "build up reputation and eventually run with player $" scam rather then superusers at HS tables. I Could be wrong tho, usually am.
Yeah I think you're wrong... And if not, there's certainly no reason to think you're right. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by TommyTsunami
Yeah I think you're wrong... And if not, there's certainly no reason to think you're right.

Anyway I emailed support asking for my last 500 HHs and got this reply.


We can propose a history of 100 last hands. You can order them in your client software. If you will send a request for 100 hands instead of 500, you will get them on your email.

Have a nice day!"

Requested in client for last 100 (again) and recieved same email with the message "there is no information corresponding to the request for digitaldegen."

Perhaps I was too quick in defending them. Very odd they will only give last 100 HHs and it seems I can't even get those. Requested cash out for my last 5k, hopefully I will receive it. If I do get boned for it atleast I'm up $2600 all said and done. But If It does get processed then prepare for the 5/10 tables at BOL to get very fishy

Last edited by Oh_4Q_Man; 05-03-2016 at 11:46 AM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 02:54 PM
fountouris thank you for your efforts in this thread. Its posters like you which reminds me of how good this site can be. Thanks. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 03:28 PM

This is screenshot from their homepage:

Last edited by Steez; 05-03-2016 at 03:38 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-03-2016 , 06:14 PM
Dan Druff recommends that everyone stay far away from this site. He goes into detail why on his latest podcast. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 12:43 AM
For players who say that it's maybe the style of Chinese players : it's wrong. I have been playing on legit Chinese sites and on = you cannot compare. Behavior of the Chinese players is very suspicious. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Kaiwall
For players who say that it's maybe the style of Chinese players : it's wrong. I have been playing on legit Chinese sites and on = you cannot compare. Behavior of the Chinese players is very suspicious.
Same here, the insta donking to this degree isn t a chinese thing, it s a thing, but then again sometimes plays differ from one network to another. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 06:17 AM
Names of 'legit chinese sites' please? [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 08:20 AM
This site is a chinese (ukrainian?) knock off.Simple as that. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:17 PM
They said they fixed the bug that was not letting me get my HHs. Few hands from the session. if anyone wants to see them all I'll send them to u. Note: I never claimed to be a good player, prob butchered all these hands.

Hand #182, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:23:28

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($6035.80) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1539.40)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1436.40) Small-blind ($10)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♢J ♣A]

xiuPink: Raise 40
DigitalDegen: Call 30
Storm: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♠3 ♡6 ♢3]
DigitalDegen: Check
xiuPink: Bet 50
DigitalDegen: Call 50

Tern: Cards: [♠3 ♡6 ♢3 ♣Q]
DigitalDegen: Bet 150
xiuPink: Fold

Table cards: [♠3 ♡6 ♢3 ♣Q]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $108
Hand #181, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:22:48

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($6095.80)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1549.40) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1368.40) Big-blind ($20)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠10 ♢10]

Storm: Raise 60
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 40

Flop: Cards: [♡3 ♢J ♢3]
DigitalDegen: Check
Storm: Check

Tern: Cards: [♡3 ♢J ♢3 ♡9]
DigitalDegen: Bet 100
Storm: Fold

Table cards: [♡3 ♢J ♢3 ♡9]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $68
Hand #145, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:01:12

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1724.80)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4775)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1423.40) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1154.20) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #5: Veth ($901)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♡2 ♠J]

Veth: Fold
Storm: Fold
510-s: Fold
xiuPink: Fold

Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $10

Hand #146, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:02:02

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1724.80)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4775)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1413.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1174.20) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #5: Veth ($901) Big-blind ($20)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♢7 ♡5]

Storm: Fold
510-s: Fold
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 10
Veth: Check

Flop: Cards: [♣10 ♢A ♠4]
DigitalDegen: Check
Veth: Check

Tern: Cards: [♣10 ♢A ♠4 ♠7]
DigitalDegen: Bet 30
Veth: Fold

Table cards: [♣10 ♢A ♠4 ♠7]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $19.20

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1744.80) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4775) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1413.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1193.40)
Seat #5: Veth ($861)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠10 ♣6]

xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Fold
Veth: Raise 40
Storm: Call 30
510-s: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♡9 ♣Q ♡2]
Storm: Bet 50
Veth: Call 50

Tern: Cards: [♡9 ♣Q ♡2 ♠Q]
Storm: Check
Veth: Bet 100
Storm: Fold

Table cards: [♡9 ♣Q ♡2 ♠Q]
Winner - Veth, money: $108

Hand #151, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:07:41

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1654.80)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4745)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1413.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1203.40) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #5: Veth ($969) Big-blind ($20)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♣A ♡J]

Storm: Fold
510-s: Call 20
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 10
Veth: Check

Flop: Cards: [♢J ♡Q ♢4]
DigitalDegen: Bet 30
Veth: Fold
510-s: Fold

Table cards: [♢J ♡Q ♢4]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $38.80

Hand #152, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:08:53

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1654.80) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4725)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1413.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1242.20)
Seat #5: Veth ($949) Small-blind ($10)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♣10 ♡10]

510-s: Raise 60
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 60
Veth: Fold
Storm: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♢J ♢10 ♠4]
510-s: Bet 120
DigitalDegen: Raise 400
510-s: Fold

Table cards: [♢J ♢10 ♠4]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $208
Hand #158, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:11:54

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1604.80) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4545) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1473.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1450.20)
Seat #5: Veth ($909)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♢A ♠J]

xiuPink: Raise 40
DigitalDegen: Fold
Veth: Call 40
Storm: Fold
510-s: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♢6 ♠8 ♣4]
xiuPink: Check
Veth: Check

Tern: Cards: [♢6 ♠8 ♣4 ♣A]
xiuPink: Check
Veth: Bet 60
xiuPink: Fold

Table cards: [♢6 ♠8 ♣4 ♣A]
Winner - Veth, money: $68

Hand #159, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:12:21

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1594.80)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4525) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1433.40) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1450.20)
Seat #5: Veth ($977)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♡A ♣10]

DigitalDegen: Raise 40
Veth: Fold
Storm: Fold
510-s: Fold
xiuPink: Fold

Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $30

Hand #161, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:13:50

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1594.80)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4515)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1433.40)
Seat #4: DigitalDegen ($1460.20) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #5: Veth ($977) Big-blind ($20)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♢4 ♢2]

Storm: Raise 40
510-s: Fold
xiuPink: Call 40
DigitalDegen: Fold
Veth: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♣6 ♣7 ♣3]
Storm: Bet 20
xiuPink: Call 20

Tern: Cards: [♣6 ♣7 ♣3 ♣2]
Storm: Check
xiuPink: Check

River: Cards: [♣6 ♣7 ♣3 ♣2 ♡2]
Storm: Check
xiuPink: Check

Table cards: [♣6 ♣7 ♣3 ♣2 ♡2]
Winner - xiuPink, winner cards: [♠A ♢7], Money: $88
Winning combination: [♢7 ♣7 ♡2 ♣2 ♠A]

Hand #169, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:17:33

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1534.80) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4575)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1529.40)
Seat #5: Veth ($957)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1380.20) Small-blind ($10)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠A ♡3]

510-s: Fold
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 10
Storm: Check

Flop: Cards: [♠K ♣A ♠J]
DigitalDegen: Bet 30
Storm: Fold

Table cards: [♠K ♣A ♠J]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $19.20
Hand #174, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:20:28

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($1544.80) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #2: 510-s ($4545) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1529.40)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1398.40)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠A ♣3]

xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Fold
Storm: Raise 30
510-s: Raise 100
Storm: Call 80

Flop: Cards: [♡7 ♡K ♣J]
Storm: Bet 180
510-s: Call 180

Tern: Cards: [♡7 ♡K ♣J ♡9]
Storm: Bet 460
510-s: Call 460

River: Cards: [♡7 ♡K ♣J ♡9 ♠10]
Storm: All-in 784.80
510-s: Call 784.80

Table cards: [♡7 ♡K ♣J ♡9 ♠10]
Winner - Storm, winner cards: [♡4 ♡A], Money: $1542.80
Winning combination: [♡A ♡K ♡9 ♡7 ♡4]

Hand #175, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:21:12

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($3087.60)
Seat #2: 510-s ($3000.20) Small-blind ($10)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1529.40) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1398.40)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♢10 ♢K]

DigitalDegen: Call 20
Storm: Raise 80
510-s: Call 70
xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Fold

Flop: Cards: [♡A ♡8 ♡9]
510-s: Bet 200
Storm: Raise 420
510-s: Raise 640
Storm: Call 420

Tern: Cards: [♡A ♡8 ♡9 ♣Q]
510-s: All-in 2080.20
Storm: Call 2080.20

Table cards: [♡A ♡8 ♡9 ♣Q ♠2]
Winner - Storm, winner cards: [♢A ♠A], Money: $3038.20
Winning combination: [♡A ♢A ♠A ♣Q ♡9]
Hand #185, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:24:34

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #1: Storm ($6005.80) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1419.40)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1583.40) Small-blind ($10)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠5 ♡A]

xiuPink: Fold
DigitalDegen: Call 10
Storm: Check

Flop: Cards: [♢6 ♣5 ♡3]
DigitalDegen: Check
Storm: Check

Tern: Cards: [♢6 ♣5 ♡3 ♢J]
DigitalDegen: Bet 30
Storm: Call 30

River: Cards: [♢6 ♣5 ♡3 ♢J ♠J]
DigitalDegen: Check
Storm: Check

Table cards: [♢6 ♣5 ♡3 ♢J ♠J]
Winner - DigitalDegen, winner cards: [♠5 ♡A], Money: $48
Winning combination: [♢J ♠J ♠5 ♣5 ♡A]
Hand #201, Game #164312, Holdem No limit (10/20 USD)
2016-04-24 06:29:46

Table #164312, 6-max
Seat #3: xiuPink ($1379.40) Big-blind ($20)
Seat #6: DigitalDegen ($1607.80) Small-blind ($10)

DigitalDegen, Your cards: [♠7 ♡3]

DigitalDegen: Call 10
xiuPink: Check

Flop: Cards: [♣A ♠2 ♢4]
xiuPink: Check
DigitalDegen: Check

Tern: Cards: [♣A ♠2 ♢4 ♠J]
xiuPink: Check
DigitalDegen: Bet 40
xiuPink: Fold

Table cards: [♣A ♠2 ♢4 ♠J]
Winner - DigitalDegen, money: $19.20 [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
I'm @ Foxwoods for the week (posting on phone) but when I get home I'll PM you and we can set this up.

I never got that PM from you...

Kahn [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-05-2016 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I never got that PM from you...

Sorry about that. Figured since I was no longer the only one claiming to have recieved a payout from them ITT, it was no longer necessary for me to provide any proof. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-05-2016 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
Sorry about that. Figured since I was no longer the only one claiming to have recieved a payout from them ITT, it was no longer necessary for me to provide any proof.

I've yet to see any confirmed payments. If in fact this is a scam site using a bunch of super-users, getting a few guys to post on forums would be rather easy. I think pics (edited to retain anonymity) are in order to help satisfy the masses...

Kahn [CARE NEEDED] Quote
05-05-2016 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I think pics (edited to retain anonymity) are in order to help satisfy the masses...

No doubt [CARE NEEDED] Quote
