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04-25-2016 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
^^ don't be mad you can't beat the Chinese. If it's rigged why am
I up over 5k @5/10-10/20 so far? Why did I receive my payout In under 3 days? Don't be salty u lost and scream scam because your not as good as you think you are.....
yeah you got any tangible proof? screen shot?
im with kardnel on this one. after watching like 10 mins of play @ 10/20 its pretty obvious theres no ****ing way this site is legit . what amount did you cash out? try to cash out the 5k and send screenshot . sounds like bull**** to me. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by Siculamente
it sure would help if we were allowed to see mucked losing showdown hands
Sooo many time i feel like wtf can this guy have here??!! Soo frustrating (an maybe convenient) that we can t see the hole cards. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 05:50 AM
Well to be fair i asked support and it seems it will be avaiolable soon [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by KptBomba
Well how about the Chinesee can't be legit because they don't have deposit options avaliable in China etc.?? They have bigger high stakes traffic than original site owned by ourgame??
And I don't want to deposit and lose my money just to prove the point but no way it is at all legit. There is a HM converter already on the market so if someone still plays there they can get the all info assuming they know where to find it.

At this point I am going to assume you are just a shill for the site and you land on my ignore list so feel free to do the same.

1. ourgame is copycating the name to deceive unaware customers
2. majority of players on the site are Chinese BUT they don't have any viable deposit options for them to actually be from china.
3. their play is consistent with bots and collusion.
4. you cannot see mucked cards at showdown (altho they say it is in the works)
5. bunch of grinders are down a bunch in ev / have doubts the site is honest

its problem

Last edited by Siculamente; 04-25-2016 at 06:43 AM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
yeah you got any tangible proof? screen shot?
im with kardnel on this one. after watching like 10 mins of play @ 10/20 its pretty obvious theres no ****ing way this site is legit . what amount did you cash out? try to cash out the 5k and send screenshot . sounds like bull**** to me.
I'll post here when I start my sesh @10/20 tonight, like I did last time. Watch for yourself just as others did. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 02:04 PM
you said you cashed out. i said do you have proof. you saying someone is you is not proof. howz about a screenshot of you cashing out?

Last edited by fishfood69er; 04-25-2016 at 02:11 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
you said you cashed out. i said do you have proof. you saying someone is you is not proof. howz about a screenshot of you cashing out?
I was referring to you saying the games are rigged/full of super users. US players have such few options these days I want to see this site succeed. I feel completely comfortable having a decent amount on the site. My proof is the fact I am playing the HS games putting my money where my mouth is. why would I waste my time and energy playing if I didn't trust them? And yes, I successfully recieved 3k from them so far. Sorry I don't wanna post a screen shot of my bank account to appease you. noone is forcing you to play there or believe me. Look through my post history, I primarily play on BOL, I'm not some random popping up shilling for this site. Probably in my best interest not having a bunch of twoplustwo nits infesting the games anyhow. But you shouldn't come here screaming scam when you have zero proof, other then watching 10 minutes of people playing.

Last edited by Oh_4Q_Man; 04-25-2016 at 03:20 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 04:00 PM
jokes on me again for trying to reason with degens on a gambling forum.

i played a fair amount, ran it up and then came the inevitable doom switch. i lost ~10bi in maybe 45 minutes? not that time lapse is a good judge. people getting 150bb+ with ATo or donking all in 3bet pots with an over to the board etc with crazy crazy overcalls and squeeze raises. i'm not going to repeat what i said from 2 posts up, just want to add that i haven't played vs such erratic tagfish even in a live casino and the really fishy home game i play in a really really long time. it doesnt add up/ sounds too good to be true so it most likely is [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 04:08 PM
Guy's happy cause he somehow managed to win 3k (which is 1-2 buyins at the stakes he claims to be playing),come back when your balance will show -30k and tell us again what you think about this "ligit" "chinese" site.

If I was one of the victims who made a deposit here,I would be worried about giving them my personal info/cc or ewallet details too.
The situation here definetely looks worrisome. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
Guy's happy cause he somehow managed to win 3k (which is 1-2 buyins at the stakes he claims to be playing),come back when your balance will show -30k and tell us again what you think about this "ligit" "chinese" site.

If I was one of the victims who made a deposit here,I would be worried about giving them my personal info/cc or ewallet details too.
The situation here definetely looks worrisome.
I'm not "claiming" anything. I posted my s/n and when I was playing so people like you could watch and see the games were ligit. But whatever, not gonna try to change anyone's mind anymore. If you think it's a scam, your entitled to that opinion. Your loss, when in an age of multitabling nits, giving up the opportunity to play against people who actually like to gamble it up, just seems silly to me. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
Your loss, when in an age of multitabling nits, giving up the opportunity to play against people who actually like to gamble it up, just seems silly to me.
You are right,that would be silly.Thats why I regularly play in games like this.
It's called live poker [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by BlueSamurai
You are right,that would be silly.Thats why I regularly play in games like this.
It's called live poker
Ok. But your on an Internet poker forum. Soooo.... [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
yeah you got any tangible proof? screen shot?
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
And yes, I successfully recieved 3k from them so far. Sorry I don't wanna post a screen shot of my bank account to appease you.
I'd be happy to help you edit this document such that you can not be identified. Furthermore, you could then post said document and we add the image to the cautionary warning we published about the site. Which ranks highly in Google I might add. Adding "proof" of withdrawals might go a long way toward getting O.P more traffic.

Kahn [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by frenchfish
Thinking exactly the same but still, i can t pass without trying it myself. My horse and i ve been grinding there for 3 days and soo far haven t managed to make any kind of profit, i personally ran atrocious getting set over set 3 times, and loosing count of all in ev at this point.... Add to this some verry weird lines and situation that seems recurent.

But of course even tought it looks a little suspicious, i m far from sure it s rigged yet. Guess time and sample will give a more acurate picture.

I encourage whoever is playing there to contact me by pm soo that we can start a small group , have bigger sample and be able to share our observations.
Hello , are still playing on it ?
I'm playing for 6 days on it , I lost more than 25 buy in ,set VS over set ,bad timing KK vs AA , 90% bad beat with very weird play. I'm playing poker for 10 years , 4years as a pro with always positive years. I had some incredible bad run in my career , so 6 days bad run could always happend , but I discovered this thread , now,I became suspissious about the fact ourgame is a big scam. Do you know long term winner on Ourgame poker ?

Very strange play indeed ,

I'm remember one very strange hand :mp 1 raise 3bb ,Button(hero) calls With TT ,big blinds calls__ Flop A T x ; big blinds bet 1/2 pot , MP shove 100bb ,button(hero) over shove with 200 bb and big blind snap call 200 bb with ... QQ , Turn ... Q ...

Nowaday , even the biggest fish in the world don't call a" multi way 200 bb pot " with queens with a A on the board , strange like he knew the queen will come....

I had in 7x a set beat by a over set in several days a lot of strange big bad configuration ,
I already experience some bad periode and 6 days is very short , but I'm very perplexe and amm I have read on this forum about Ourgame make me perplexe...

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-26-2016 at 07:11 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 09:52 PM
Bad players = Bad beats

That's just how poker works.

Don't take what I'm saying as an endorsement for the site though, because it certainly isn't. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 10:05 PM
Was going to deposit and try things out. Think I may wait a short time to see other people's experiences. Is there a way to convert HH?

As for the name it doesn't bother me. Imitation is the best form of flattery, and sometimes success. You see it in not just the poker world but also in reality.

Has there been any other withdrawals? [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kounterfit
Was going to deposit and try things out. Think I may wait a short time to see other people's experiences. Is there a way to convert HH?

As for the name it doesn't bother me. Imitation is the best form of flattery, and sometimes success. You see it in not just the poker world but also in reality.

Has there been any other withdrawals?
Tell on this forum , if you success to be winner please ,

I already know 3 another pro player from Malta who lost a lot of money on it in strange maneer... all 4 of us are suppiscious of the fact this room is pure scam....

Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Bad players = Bad beats

That's just how poker works.

Don't take what I'm saying as an endorsement for the site though, because it certainly isn't.

I'm not a beginner...

Originally Posted by Kardnel
"Proof": I played two sessions here before it was super apparent. This is coming from someone that is a strong winner at 5/10 and 10/20 in today's environment. I have been playing internet poker since 2004 and have never been convinced (and so quickly, lol, it is *obvious*) that a site was rigged.

I will give you an example of the lines I faced. I played against a variety of people with reg fish stats but who did not play anything like a normal reg. The regs (several different screen names, but probably the same actual person or bot) had a donk bet of over 50% and always a pot sized one. And unlike when you normally raise this bet in position, the line that these "regs" took was to *snap* 3b you like the predecision button was clicked. This happened habitually. It wasn't just one guy, it was several different opponents who all played this same "style". *EVERY* time I raised with air this happened. The vast majority of the time when they donked I would have air. And strangely, the only time their sizing would change is when they would donk fold and take ridiculous lines that nobody ever actually takes. For example, I 3b TT on the button against cutoff. He donks 2x the pot on KQT and folds to my jam. Do regs normally take this line? Obviously not. It was as if the guy who was cheating me realized that oh wait this might be too obvious, better lose some back to him.

Another odd line that these "regs" took was to get in hands preflop that no ordinary reg does. A guy is playing 25/10 and his preflop line once with AA against my UTG open was just to 3b all in for 100bb. Then a few hands later this exact same reg took the line of min3b against my UTG+1 open. Then he calls off a shove (I am short at this point) with QT. Another example of a preflop line that real regs do not take is I have KK and am 3b MP vs sb. I 4b and he 5bs. We are 180bb deep. I go all in and he snap calls with AJo... and sucks out. This is not some guy with fish stats. As another point, several of the different "regs" on this site would min3b as their standard sizing. Like uh, could you make it any more obvious that this is not a legit poker game? Oh nah, it must just be that the only 50 regs in the world that think min 3 bet is a good idea play on this one site.

The hardest proof? I actually spoke with the people from the real ourgame (not this fraudulent rip off) that indeed the site is just stealing people's money in rigged games.

TBH I am shocked that a winning poker player wouldn't see through this facade faster. Then again, you're probably just 10nl grinders that couldn't even beat those games so they had to find something even softer to keep making a living at the game. Good advice to you folks: if this is your career or expected way to make money I'd just give up now (if you actually played these games longer than a day or two).

Anyway, frankly if you don't want to heed this warning then good, I hope you lose money for being so stupid. Only downside of course is that you will give another scammer in the future incentive to do this again.
Which tracker do you use please ? PTR4 doesn't work on it...

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-26-2016 at 07:13 AM. Reason: 3 posts merged [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I'd be happy to help you edit this document such that you can not be identified. Furthermore, you could then post said document and we add the image to the cautionary warning we published about the site. Which ranks highly in Google I might add. Adding "proof" of withdrawals might go a long way toward getting O.P more traffic.

I'm @ Foxwoods for the week (posting on phone) but when I get home I'll PM you and we can set this up. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Matthias Pohl
I'm not a beginner...
I'm saying that the other players are the bad players. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 11:25 PM
how about you guys stop posting bad beats like they have anything to do with it being rigged.

-house players working together to collude and take your money. possible
- house bots playing like **** and sucking out. seems likely

-rigged rng to give the house players money. would be the first time in the histroy of online poker afaik so provide some proof. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-26-2016 , 12:37 AM
Guys, R U stupid?
ever heard of Doha Poker?
that's obviously the same project [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-26-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by iBreakU_U
Guys, R U stupid?
ever heard of Doha Poker?
that's obviously the same project
I must be stupid because I have never heard of it. Care to enlighten me?

Edit- just read up on it. Any evidence it is the same people? Or is this just a guess?

Double edit- I guess I am now officially a shill. I emailed ourgame and told them about this thread and how I was defending them by telling about my (so far) positive experience on their site. They promptly thanked me and credited me a $300 cash bonus. Won't be able to confirm they put the $$ in my account till I get home, but they said it was there.

Last edited by Oh_4Q_Man; 04-26-2016 at 01:44 AM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-26-2016 , 01:39 AM
well, it has 10\20 and 25\50 running around the clock multiple tables
and we are in 2016
any more proof needed?
also compare the bonus offers

sry if was too rude previoulsy, Doha is kinda a big deal in my community

Originally Posted by coinflipper
would be the first time in the histroy of online poker .

would not

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-26-2016 at 07:15 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-26-2016 , 01:54 AM
^ to rig the RNG? I think he's correct in that; afaik no site has ever been caught *rigging* the RNG.

Last night I wanted to take a shot at 25/50 but the highest limit available was 10/20, and I didn't have any filters on. Kinda weird the 25/50 games dissapeared and then respawned [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-26-2016 , 02:00 AM
well, keep us informed on how do ur shots go)

gl anyway [CARE NEEDED] Quote
