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***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011) ***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011)

12-09-2011 , 10:05 AM
Im sure they had a million or two above normal cashed out since the update so it will prbly take them a lil while to get it to us.
12-09-2011 , 11:52 AM
Welcome to the new bodog rep, djg1979.
12-09-2011 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by betty345
Personally I feel they'll see less money cashed out by winning players but volume of poker hands will decrease significantly at nl 50+ BUT volume won't change much at the micros as many of the players simply won't care or aren't smart enough to figure out the security risks associated with anonymous tables
Come on, aren't smart enough? I'm not an idiot, I just don't see this as a big security risk.

I'm not going to stop playing at bodog. Why? Because I don't care about minor security risks. I play poker very casually, I haven't needed to withdraw since I only played at Stars and Absolute (from US). I don't deposit money I don't consider already gone.

Anonymous tables are awesome. I really like it and don't miss having my own screen name even a little bit. I can still chat and interact with the people at my table, and they're just as forgetable as before. It's still fun though, and that's what matters.

When it starts to look like Bodog are actually maliciously screwing me out of money I'll start to think about moving to another site. At this point they look no more greedy incompetent than Cake or Merge skins, even after all this frantic controversy. Someday maybe there will be another Stars for US players, until then I'm happy where I am.

Maybe I'm a fish, but I honestly do not give a **** about any of this and I doubt many other casual players will either. I can still throw a couple hundred dollars onto bodog and it keeps me entertained for months whenever/wherever I want. My account could be drained and it's no more than a minor disapointment.

Sorry if it's different for you, but imo Bodog is still the best option for casual US players... assuming you can deposit.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to give a somewhat different point of view.
12-09-2011 , 12:39 PM
so many mentions of WU. Is it totally idiotic to use Visa to deposit these days or do most people just not have Visa and therefore use WU?
12-09-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by brrrap!
Welcome to the new bodog rep, djg1979.
No no no... I'm allergic to ******s, talking to Bodog mgmt would make me break out in hives.
12-09-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by effrum
so many mentions of WU. Is it totally idiotic to use Visa to deposit these days or do most people just not have Visa and therefore use WU?
It's difficult to find a Visa that will be accepted. Most bank issued cards dont work.
12-09-2011 , 01:30 PM
Just had my first tourney win on Cake last night using my Bodog funds. Never going back.
12-09-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by no eff eks
Come on, aren't smart enough? I'm not an idiot, I just don't see this as a big security risk.

I'm not going to stop playing at bodog. Why? Because I don't care about minor security risks. I play poker very casually, I haven't needed to withdraw since I only played at Stars and Absolute (from US). I don't deposit money I don't consider already gone.

Anonymous tables are awesome. I really like it and don't miss having my own screen name even a little bit. I can still chat and interact with the people at my table, and they're just as forgetable as before. It's still fun though, and that's what matters.

When it starts to look like Bodog are actually maliciously screwing me out of money I'll start to think about moving to another site. At this point they look no more greedy incompetent than Cake or Merge skins, even after all this frantic controversy. Someday maybe there will be another Stars for US players, until then I'm happy where I am.

Maybe I'm a fish, but I honestly do not give a **** about any of this and I doubt many other casual players will either. I can still throw a couple hundred dollars onto bodog and it keeps me entertained for months whenever/wherever I want. My account could be drained and it's no more than a minor disapointment.

Sorry if it's different for you, but imo Bodog is still the best option for casual US players... assuming you can deposit.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to give a somewhat different point of view.
And another new bodog Rep!
12-09-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by ilikeaces86_
Im sure they had a million or two above normal cashed out since the update so it will prbly take them a lil while to get it to us.
Surely you are mistaken aces, according to bodog they had no spike in cashout requests.
12-09-2011 , 02:02 PM
I am a recreational user and do not like the changes at all and will leave Bodog after I use up a tourney ticket.

-Miss the old table format.
-Do not like the anonymous tables. The analogy between anonymous tables and a live casino table is not logical.

My .02
12-09-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by llDayo
Just had my first tourney win on Cake last night using my Bodog funds. Never going back.
Have they frozen your acct, and charged you with collusion or some other fraudulent activity yet? Have you actually withdrawn your "winnings"? Numbers on a screen is all you have. In a few months you might have real money. gl sir

Cake is not the answer IMO

I'm upset at Bodog re the new client, but I miss them already. At least I could cash out in a timely manner, one free per month, and their service was great.

I miss you Bodog, we had something special....and you went and threw it all away
12-09-2011 , 02:28 PM
Bodog should change the slogan from "Be a Player" to "Be a Number".
12-09-2011 , 02:45 PM
Anyone here who is still playing on bodog notice any collusion at their games? I haven't played much but i noticed games like higher stakes double ups 6 mans get filled up pretty fast like the 130+5 one. The thing is before the update, double ups never filled up fast at the higher stakes though the highest was $60. Should i expect there is a lot of funny business going on there?
12-09-2011 , 03:04 PM
Good news. The Ayre Force is now taking over security at Bodog. All is well.

12-09-2011 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Katipo
I still cannot see my opponent's hands when it goes to showdown.
Same here. I'm not seeing opponent's hands even when he/she/it bets and I call!

This is yet another powerful tool for colluders.

Example 1:

A 3-way pot where you get sandwiched on a later street by a colluder with the nuts and another who is helping to pump the pot with a hopeless hand.

Normally the pumper has to find a spot to fold prior to the river or at the river because he can't expose his trash. And in either case the fold looks awfully suspicious.

But with Bodog's help, the pumper can now put in extra bets -- or even call at the river -- without any suspicion on your part because you never get to see the trash he has!

Example 2:

A 3-way pot of $20 where the river brings in four to a flush. Prior action indicates that you weren't very happy with even three flush on board. Colluder #1 bets $10 with something like top pair. Colluder #2 calls $10 with nothing. How much do you like your straight or baby flush? You fold, and don't get to see either hand.

And if you do happen to have enough to call, it simply looks like #1 turned his made hand into a bluff, and #2 made a bad bluff catching call, because again you don't see that #2 had zippo.

Note how much stronger the $10 bet and call look than if #1 had bet $20 and #2 had folded -- colluders risk the same $20 but with much higher chance of success.

A little thought will reveal plenty more examples.

But don't worry, Bodaddy will take care of you with their crack staff of back-office programmers. The same programmers who have been unable to fix the simplest of bugs in their client software, and who violated elementary client-server security rules with their update, and lied to you about it.

Yes, I'm sure Bodaddy is on the job 24/7 looking out for the integrity of the game, and will ferret out all cheating and publicize it when cheating occurs, at further damage to their already tattered reputation.

I'm sure they will then go to the further substantial effort of seeing which players were affected by the cheating prior to their detecting it, and determining how much the honest players should be compensated, and making up the losses at their own expense (since the cheater's funds will have been withdrawn), even though affected players have no way of proving they were cheated.

I'm sure that will happen.

Sleep tight, wildebeests. King Calvin will take care of you.

Last edited by chalupa; 12-09-2011 at 03:29 PM.
12-09-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by jamest
Anyone here who is still playing on bodog notice any collusion at their games? I haven't played much but i noticed games like higher stakes double ups 6 mans get filled up pretty fast like the 130+5 one. The thing is before the update, double ups never filled up fast at the higher stakes though the highest was $60. Should i expect there is a lot of funny business going on there?
I don't play these games but id imagine a 6 handed SNG is gonna fill quicker than a 10 handed SNG, for a very obvious reason lol.

Another thing is there is no shot at seat selecting now so you won't have regs hoping in and out of seats trying to get the most +EV spot, this would also cause them to go off a lot quicker.

Last edited by Matt Stafford; 12-09-2011 at 03:26 PM. Reason: Just play tournys, 20 tables weeeeeee
12-09-2011 , 03:55 PM
matt stafford,

omg!! you better me win my fantasy playoffs
12-09-2011 , 03:59 PM
I assume you mean 6 handed sng fill up faster than 10 handed b/c there is just a few spots left after 2-3 players sign up right?
12-09-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by jamest
I assume you mean 6 handed sng fill up faster than 10 handed b/c there is just a few spots left after 2-3 players sign up right?
The number 10 is a bigger number than the number 6, is what I was getting at. So yah, after 3 players sign up only needing 3 more instead of 7 more is another way of looking at it.

Regs not being able to seat select is huge too though. Bodog SNG traffic seems like it is just as good as before overall, no?
12-09-2011 , 04:09 PM
Also, donks only have to beat 3 players instead of 5 to win now! What a great deal.
12-09-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by jamest
Anyone here who is still playing on bodog notice any collusion at their games? I haven't played much but i noticed games like higher stakes double ups 6 mans get filled up pretty fast like the 130+5 one. The thing is before the update, double ups never filled up fast at the higher stakes though the highest was $60. Should i expect there is a lot of funny business going on there?
Ive played the 21s (withdrew most of my money so not rolled for 135s yet) havnt seen any cheats so far. Just decent players mixed with bad players. I've seen bad decisions made that are usually fatal. I've seen folks comeback from the dead hitting every card they need way too often (I personally came back with 30 chips left at the 25/50 level). May be variance, my sample size is small ~150 games. It's an adjustment from 10 man but the games are beatable once you get used to it.
12-09-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by PapaPyrite
Have they frozen your acct, and charged you with collusion or some other fraudulent activity yet? Have you actually withdrawn your "winnings"? Numbers on a screen is all you have. In a few months you might have real money. gl sir
Even if something like that were to happen I'm basically playing with other people's money anyways
12-09-2011 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Stafford
The number 10 is a bigger number than the number 6, is what I was getting at. So yah, after 3 players sign up only needing 3 more instead of 7 more is another way of looking at it.

Regs not being able to seat select is huge too though. Bodog SNG traffic seems like it is just as good as before overall, no?

Can you explain what you mean by seat select and how it is huge? I know back before the update, we could pick our seats.
12-09-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by jamest
Can you explain what you mean by seat select and how it is huge? I know back before the update, we could pick our seats.
In a DON you want to have the "regs" to your left (IMO) as the bubble approaches as they have extremely small calling ranges to your shoves and allow you to maintain your stack/chip up as necessary.

A few regs didn't understand this and would always sit to my left....but a few started to figure it out and when id sit to there left after they were seated they would get up and find a new seat or wait to register in a new SNG.

The opposite is true in regular SNGs in terms of where you want the regs.
12-09-2011 , 07:05 PM
I am wondering what is going on with Bodog leaving the USA market at the end of the year, we are only 3 weeks away. where is this new site that bodog is supposed to split it's usa players off on to ? is my money safe on bodog after the new year?
