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02-02-2016 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by istack_u5
Ah I see what your saying now. Well in that case yes the language and so called "demands" were certainly a bad idea. In the beginning the strikes did have potential if they garnered enough support. But alas, it didnt and if things remain the way they are it wont be good for online poker in the long run.
"You only get one chance to make a first impression." Alas, truer words were never spoken.

There was a time when it would have been very possible to organize some kind of successful boycott. When Amaya reneged on the SNE promises, the player community was justifiably upset, and there was a legitimate issue to rally around. That would have been the time to organize the player base, put forward a coherent statement of achievable goals, and take a professional approach to leadership.

Instead we saw that amateurish website, the list of crazy demands, the wild emotional ranting, and all the barely decipherable English. It was embarrassing for the player community, and it enabled Amaya to simply laugh at the silliness. But that's not the worst part - the worst part was the blown opportunity to successfully launch the movement.

It will take a lot of effort to overcome the initial errors - if indeed, they can be overcome.
02-02-2016 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by 31Alpha
so you cant have a civil conversation?
your position is so weak that you have to resort to childish insults...
but since you asked, my IQ is 142 - own a production company, produced multi-million dollar films ... so im smart enough to debate this with you

my guess is that your 'example' was simply a dumb attempt at creating a unrealistic narrative to support your position -which is again weak AND silly...

as a business man i know everything PS has done has been vetted by (likely) both a internal and external legal team who have vastly more experience in this matter then either of us...

but again .... what 'legalities' has PS violated?

Plus your girlfriend in Canada totally beat up my dad.

Ok I'll show myself out now.
02-02-2016 , 05:27 AM
Another reason no other network is "stepping up" is because of these stupid "we strike one week, then we come back to Stars". If the protestors want to make themself interesting enough for Party/888/Microgaming/iPoker is if they show that they are truly willing to move to another site. Otherwise, why should the other sites dilute their loyalty programs, would only cost them $$$ with no real benefit and no love from the players.
02-02-2016 , 11:19 AM
For those unaware, recently The Fine Bros - a company that produces Reaction videos (Teens React, Kids React, etc.) on Youtube, made a money grab with similarities to what PS did recently. They filed Trademarks on the word "React" and "Teens React" etc. They took down other videos, attacked Ellen for who knows what. Created a really db video "explaining" that what they were doing was good for the community. See the parallels to AmayaStars?

Anyway, Reddit saw the injustice here and organized a full on assault, that ultimately was successful in less than a week. The Fine Bros "apologized", canceled their Trademark Applications and have been quite clearly hurt by the actions of the Redditors. If poker players want to have any success in opposing Amaya, then they should learn from the successful example that occurred just this week. The internet provides a tremendous platform for average people to oppose injustice. We just need to use it wisely and efficiently.

I hope others also see the value here and I'm not just flying off the deep end again.

Last edited by udyr; 02-02-2016 at 11:19 AM. Reason: I suck at links
02-02-2016 , 02:37 PM
udyr the problem is, no-one can agree on the 'injustices'.

I think everyone is pretty much agreed that not honouring the SNE rewards for this year that were earnt in good faith last year is wrong, but other than that there is no clear consensus and just seems like a few guys trying to protect themselves and their own pockets.

If the strikers just made a case for SN rewards being honoured but with the understanding there will be no SN next year, that could probably be doable. The rest is just not gonna make a difference to enough people for it to be successful.
02-02-2016 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by American Express
Another reason no other network is "stepping up" is because of these stupid "we strike one week, then we come back to Stars". If the protestors want to make themself interesting enough for Party/888/Microgaming/iPoker is if they show that they are truly willing to move to another site. Otherwise, why should the other sites dilute their loyalty programs, would only cost them $$$ with no real benefit and no love from the players.
Totally agree, no poker site wants to be used as leverage to make stars be more competitive
02-02-2016 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by IceQueenAce
udyr the problem is, no-one can agree on the 'injustices'.

I think everyone is pretty much agreed that not honouring the SNE rewards for this year that were earnt in good faith last year is wrong, but other than that there is no clear consensus and just seems like a few guys trying to protect themselves and their own pockets.

If the strikers just made a case for SN rewards being honoured but with the understanding there will be no SN next year, that could probably be doable. The rest is just not gonna make a difference to enough people for it to be successful.
Pretty much this.

There's like fifty different factions that appear to be doing some form of 60's battlefield re-enactment. -Frank Turner
02-02-2016 , 04:51 PM
until now...I think is "ironic" that poker players didn't change approach to the game while starting losing, instead, the groups got outplayed letting ps directing the game.
It was suppose to be a movement to all players but still you let 3 top players going to the meeting with general requests and no data. No offence to the 3s (max respect) but from a movement started by russian comunity and joined by all VIP level, 3 pros goes there and pretend to change ps ideas on decisions taken, discussing data that well paid and trained working manager discuss everyday?
02-09-2016 , 09:45 AM
So how's this "strike" going? lol

Looks like most of the opposition to the VIP changes has petered out/disappeared altogether. This whole "striking" process has just been an un-coordinated and badly organised mess.
02-09-2016 , 11:19 AM
More helpful posts from a guy who is too much of a coward to post under his own screenname
02-12-2016 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by acbarone
More helpful posts from a guy who is too much of a coward to post under his own screenname
Whatever you want to think dude. The reality is these silly little 7-10 day "strikes", and then coming back to Pokerstars to grind, are utterly useless. Withdraw your entire balance and take your play elsewhere. Then again, Amaya made it clear they don't want you on their site - so looks like you're ****ed either way.

This thread is essentially dead now. I doubt many people (if anyone) took part in this latest "strike".
02-12-2016 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by udyr
For those unaware, recently The Fine Bros - a company that produces Reaction videos (Teens React, Kids React, etc.) on Youtube, made a money grab with similarities to what PS did recently. They filed Trademarks on the word "React" and "Teens React" etc. They took down other videos, attacked Ellen for who knows what. Created a really db video "explaining" that what they were doing was good for the community. See the parallels to AmayaStars?

Anyway, Reddit saw the injustice here and organized a full on assault, that ultimately was successful in less than a week. The Fine Bros "apologized", canceled their Trademark Applications and have been quite clearly hurt by the actions of the Redditors. If poker players want to have any success in opposing Amaya, then they should learn from the successful example that occurred just this week. The internet provides a tremendous platform for average people to oppose injustice. We just need to use it wisely and efficiently.

I hope others also see the value here and I'm not just flying off the deep end again.
The difference is that The Fine Bros situation was ludicrous and could actually be classified as injustice. The loss of viewers who can actually walk away and never come back also actually hurt their bottom line. Their audience could easily walk over to the next Youtube channel to spend their views. This was a customer boycott with lost customers and lost revenue.

Amaya, in contrast, is well within their rights to charge their customers whatever they want. Strikes are for employees.

Winning players are the only ones that view winning players as employees / partners. Players are customers. Depositors and Withdrawers. Winning players are the cost of doing business, not business partners entitled to their fair share. Until players think about their role in the same terms that the business is using, any action they take to create change will be misguided.

The balance book would simply show +deposits -withdrawals -costs = profit. Effective rake is simply the conversion rate of money in limbo. Deposits are on the rake conveyor headed for Amaya's pocket. Grinders are the ones making the conveyor turn (liquidity), but they are also the holes creating waste (withdrawals). Amaya has determined that a different mix of liquidity and withdrawals is more efficient.

If Amaya's calculations are correct, the only way to hurt their bottom line, ironically, is to play more in order to withdraw more. This in turn could push Amaya further in the same direction to crush costs.

If Amaya's calculations are wrong, conducting a customer boycott and not coming back until Amaya makes changes is the only hope winning players have.
02-12-2016 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
Whatever you want to think dude. The reality is these silly little 7-10 day "strikes", and then coming back to Pokerstars to grind, are utterly useless. Withdraw your entire balance and take your play elsewhere. Then again, Amaya made it clear they don't want you on their site - so looks like you're ****ed either way.

This thread is essentially dead now. I doubt many people (if anyone) took part in this latest "strike".
+ This..Told too many times
02-26-2016 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by sanko33
it's up and running
02-27-2016 , 05:15 AM
Are they still doing these strikes?
