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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

11-28-2015 , 10:52 AM

skybXXXXX SNGs $30-100
11-28-2015 , 11:32 AM
I will join, as I think pokerstars behavior is unfair and unreasonable to us as loyal customers.

I'm not sure this place is the place to float it, but has an open sitting strike been suggested? In any KOTH environment this is much easier, as a fish never open sits, i.e. hu, zoom, or on the tables where there is only one spawn (i.e. 5/10 plo), and if the best players are onboard...
11-28-2015 , 11:36 AM
daithianseo micro stakes
11-28-2015 , 12:01 PM

bearsfan775 mtts
11-28-2015 , 12:04 PM
Zoom PLO500, NL500 and HSMTT 300k VPPS
11-28-2015 , 12:10 PM

Hwardshore 50-100NL. I where planning to go for SN+ 2016. But with the changes made, not that likely.
11-28-2015 , 12:13 PM


Almost 400k VPP this year
11-28-2015 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Deldar182

I'm not sure this place is the place to float it, but has an open sitting strike been suggested? In any KOTH environment this is much easier, as a fish never open sits, i.e. hu, zoom, or on the tables where there is only one spawn (i.e. 5/10 plo), and if the best players are onboard...
This will with a 99% chance result in (severe) tempbans. So people who want to do this should be made aware of this
11-28-2015 , 12:51 PM
11-28-2015 , 01:02 PM
In: rubenrtv PLO400-2k
11-28-2015 , 01:12 PM
in kasabianp 200z 600k vppz
11-28-2015 , 01:22 PM
In (haven't played that much recently though).
fabstinho, HSMTT.
11-28-2015 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by benislovas
Davydenko123, MTT
benasg, MTT
You have two accounts ?
11-28-2015 , 01:32 PM
Good luck protesters. Looks like amaya is slashing anything promo related . People on this forum make up small part of their player pool which is so large will not be felt. Amaya is looking to squeeze every last cent while slashing player incentives like rakeback to the bare carcass. The mass tabling regs are not the desirable player since they take money off the site that could be raked among its rec player pool. Opening fantasy and gambling casino shows were pokerstars true intent lies.
11-28-2015 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Good luck protesters. Looks like amaya is slashing anything promo related . People on this forum make up small part of their player pool which is so large will not be felt. Amaya is looking to squeeze every last cent while slashing player incentives like rakeback to the bare carcass. The mass tabling regs are not the desirable player since they take money off the site that could be raked among its rec player pool. Opening fantasy and gambling casino shows were pokerstars true intent lies.
True, Its sad that cause PokerStars did not used to be like this when it was a private company with good intention. But now its purely corporate with shortsighted greedy intentions. Stock price, share holders, spreadsheets matter, they crealy don't think a step ahead.

They are a service provider, which is allowing people to play poker against each other. Hosting the service allows then to charge rake. Like any other payment service provider does.
The new owners seem to have a oldfashioned idea of what poker is in that it is a gambling game where the house wins, like any other gambling games.
One where the casino bans winners and welcome losing players.
11-28-2015 , 01:50 PM
11-28-2015 , 02:11 PM
I'm in. jakoon1985

High Stakes MTT, Cash and SNG. 224k vpp this year.

Last edited by NovaSky; 11-28-2015 at 02:30 PM.
11-28-2015 , 02:12 PM
Mogelwette, MTT/SNG midstakes 170k vpp this year
11-28-2015 , 02:13 PM
in (.net)
11-28-2015 , 02:18 PM
im in

17wilshere, nl10sh
11-28-2015 , 02:25 PM
Signed up today just to take part. Props to Ansky for getting the word out and doing something about this!

guvnorrr NL25-50
11-28-2015 , 02:40 PM
Hi, so I scheduled a trip back home in advance so I'm not abroad to play online but would like to put my name down anyway. Part of the reason I've been in America more and traveling for live stuff vs playing online is due to acceleration of online poker's decay that Stars has been part and parcel of due to their many policies, particularly over the last year. I would say that even though I'm not abroad boycotting, I essentially am in spirit.

Shane Gamble, mtts
11-28-2015 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
Once again you are pretty mistaken for the upteenth time in this thread. If you just checked in sporadically to look at the list you would recognize a ton v good mtt players. Many of which are top 500+ in p5 rankings (not that those rankings actually signify the best players though)

Ironically the current p5 #1 ranked player joined the very post above this.
Yes of course, everything I have said in this thread is wrong and so are the other 6 to 8 posters ITT that have made similar and over lapping or inter-related points to my own.

I did say I may be mistaken about top 500 ranked MTTers so I thank you for informing me that there are a lot signed up to the boycott. There are also a lot not signed up to it, the majority.

But this doesn't change the fundamental facts that Pokerstars have the best schedule of on line comps, the biggest and best major on line series and many of the biggest live event tours as well as the on line satellites to them.

So MTTers will have to return and play most or many of these or else they are totally shooting themselves in the foot.

A good cash game player can move and own weaker players on various platforms, albeit they are going to have to start from scratch somewhat with compiling new player notes on opponents, and won't have as bigger range of games to play initially, but with MTTers there are very few other places they can play the schedules they want to.

If the top MTTers do take a genuine and long term stand against playing on Pokerstars then all that will happen is that players (not involved in this boycott) and who are either infrequent players on Pokerstars or regular or infrequent players on other platforms will hear about this and see that the big Sunday Pokerstars comps and big series comps are now way softer, which will replace the loss of players that Pokerstars have lost through Pro MTT grinders leaving the site. So I believe the numbers will equalise back to where they were quite quickly in MTTs on Pokerstars.

This is exactly how a market works, and what we are dealing with here is pure market economics, and nothing else.

You also have to consider that there are many 100s of players who haven't signed up to this (and to future boycotts) that are simply licking their lips at the prospect of playing in softer fields on boycott/strike days.

I mean I am a well below an average NLHE MTT player but I would be tempted to play the Sunday Million if I saw evidence that a lot of the best players are sitting it out and that Pokerstars have given a lot of freeroll type opportunities into it for new account sign ups, which is certainly the kind of strategy they will deploy to procure new players and account sign ups should there be a Sunday boycott.

So at the very same time as all your boycott action is happening Pokerstars whole ongoing strategy is to procure new players based largely on the "promise" of potential MTT glory, something which will be much easier and will happen more frequently should the most successful MTTers leave the site.

So this boycott/strike is flawed in 3 main areas:

1. Players are not employees so you can't strike and even a boycott isn't really a boycott unless you all play somewhere else and don't just have 2 days off and then make up the volume by playing again on Stars a few days later.

2. Boycotting an operator who has a near monopoly position in the market place is very likely to fail. It is is bit like me boycotting Thames Water who supply the water to my property. Okay I could take a shower at the gym every day, buy bottled water to drink and take my clothes to a launderette to be washed, but ultimately I want and need to use the services of the monopoly supplier of water services in my area because it is the by far the most convenient and effective option for me, even if I get a letter in the post saying they have increased prices by 10%.

3. You are all trying to "buck a market" which nearly always fails and often results in bigger pain and losses, than those which would have resulted had the market been left to its own natural flow and movement. Examples in economics being of governments printing money in times of economic depression causing uncontrollable inflation and governments trying to support their own currencies and the market (and traders) then smelling blood and causing an even bigger financial blood bath.

You guys in my opinion are trying to buck a market and you don't even have the proper tools to do it with, aside from we are angry so we won't play for a few days.

Well Amaya I believe will have the completely opposite philosophy to you and will look at the situation and say, okay today is December 2nd and this is the current market situation, the situation being player numbers are down.

So what they will do is simple, they will come up with new initiatives to procure new players, as well as accelerate existing initiatives that procure new players.

On the strike point itself as an overall concept, one of the reasons why I first posted in this thread (apart from being a player myself) was because I found the idea of a strike/boycott of a gaming platform a totally odd concept.

Put it this way, how many marches or demonstrations have you seen in the last 50 years from people demonstrating against taxes being put up on tobacco or alcohol products?

Because this is what this strike reminds me of. If you take a few steps back and think about it rationally, you are boycotting and complaining about a gaming/gambling platform whose object in the first place is to cause it's overall customer base immense financial harm, and with it knock on other life harm, by providing a very unwholesome form of entertainment, so not too dissimilar to the alcohol and tobacco industries, all 3 of whom can only rely on the consumer themselves having their own sensible level of personal responsibility, and of course in business the providers of these three forms of human entertainment wish the worst results upon their customers in order to reap the biggest financial rewards from them.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 11-28-2015 at 03:05 PM.
11-28-2015 , 03:19 PM

'nabourisk', Supernova, smorgasbord of games
11-28-2015 , 03:32 PM
D-*ine3. 64k. 50-100nl
