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07-08-2009 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
this is such a standard line for ftp to take

1. no, they wont grow on us. they are small, ugly and almost impossible to see while multitabling
2. why is ftp ignoring peoples requests to change the cards to the old ones? it seems like such an easy thing do fix
In all honestly, because they are just lazy and do not give a flying F from how I see it.

A simple request, made by the masses...and yet once again, falls on deaf ears!
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by rZ_99
my club and diamond doesn't work ... u put

C:\Poker\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Cards\clubs

C:\Poker\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Common\Cards\clubs_nf_lore s

?? because there is like 2 or 3 more folders for clubs and diamond
hearts and spade works
i think you are talking about club green and diamond blue?
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07-08-2009 , 06:46 PM
who gives a **** about the stupid ****ing cards you can go make your own set or pay someone $2 to make a new set for you right now.

How about we worry about issues like a bug in the sound files that causes the entire client to lag, or invisible cards, or so many other things that just could have been avoided if... somehow, some way, FTP had the ability to... IDK... have a magic group of players that were willing to 'test' the client... before they just shoved it down our throats.
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07-08-2009 , 06:47 PM
Full Tilt is currently unplayable for me. I just want to say how stupid can you be to release a software update that makes your site unplayable. Seriously considering moving my action, how can you trust people who cant even handle their own best interests?
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07-08-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
2. We aren't going to be changing the small deck of cards any time soon. They grow on you, I swear! I recommend using Show Full Cards and the Four Color Cards options (found in the "Layout" tab in the table Options dialog) when using the small cards. Longer term, we'll look into giving more options for the cards that will hopefully make everyone happy.

Please continue to provide feedback. I do apologize for these issues.

Thanks for the response.

Why can I choose 8 different backgrounds but I can't choose what deck of cards I want?
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07-08-2009 , 06:49 PM
I updated HEM played about 200 hands on the new ftp and besides missing my mods (pm me if you can help me) I think it runs great no problems here besides those small ass cards for small viewing. I just moved from my laptop to fix that.
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07-08-2009 , 06:50 PM
So, FTP was opening for me but post-update, my table mods were no longer installed. I re-installed them and now the client won't open -- it says I'm "Connected..." but never actually opens the lobby.

Great job, FTP!

Any more "updates" for us?
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07-08-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by cobrakai111
Thanks for the response.

Why can I choose 8 different backgrounds but I can't choose what deck of cards I want?
Because that is logical and makes sense....look at the source, and there you have your answer.

Someone needs to lose their job over at FTP over this....Heads up their asses!
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07-08-2009 , 06:52 PM
And you better credit everyone ironman today
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07-08-2009 , 06:52 PM
jesus christ ftp. the overwhelming majority of your player base is telling you loud and clear that they hate this update and they want the old client back. but of course listening to your customers is such a stars thing to do right? you'd rather just

why dont you try actually listening to your player base? just once for ****s and giggles
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 06:53 PM
I just dont like having a table. Anyone know how to delete it? Like which files to delete so the cards just fall on the background.
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07-08-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFreedom
I am having the same problem. Anyone knows how to fix this? Thanks!
Same problem here. Can run the client once login, play, exit, and no more. Second and subsequent attempts get as far as 'Connected...' and then hang. Until I restart the PC, I never see a login window ever again.

Have tried a variety of things - removing and redownloading the client, disconnecting and reconnecting from the network, going into the Windows task manager and deleting old processes (note that hung ;'Connected...' windows do NOT cleanup properly on Cancel!), etc. etc. - no joy.

So basically if I play on FTP and exit the client, I have to restart my whole PC if I ever want to run the client again.

There's many, many things wrong with the FTP client - clunky anims, shrunken blurry fonts, bad kerning, bad spacing, nasty new cards, fuzzy card graphics, etc. etc. but that is the issue that will drive me away from FTP to the competitors.

If anyone has found a workaround (e.g. identifying and killing some process in the Task Manager), please let me know. I'm a geek, so be as technical as you like.
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07-08-2009 , 06:56 PM
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
jesus christ ftp. the overwhelming majority of your player base is telling you loud and clear that they hate this update and they want the old client back. but of course listening to your customers is such a stars thing to do right? you'd rather just

why dont you try actually listening to your player base? just once for ****s and giggles
in all fairness FT do actually listen to us. most of their updates are based off ideas that we on this forum contribute. whilst this update may have not have been to everyones taste im sure they will fix all the lag issues and stuff. the cards arent great i agree but ffs this is a minor issue
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:01 PM
Also Doug can we get more NLHE Academy challenges that can be completed at 6max.
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07-08-2009 , 07:02 PM
I have managed to adapt the whole table layout if anyone is interested:

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07-08-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hornstar
I have managed to adapt the whole table layout if anyone is interested:

Very pm me details. As long as names are legible
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07-08-2009 , 07:04 PM
just explain how you got the cards back
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07-08-2009 , 07:07 PM
so how do i datamine now?
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07-08-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by cman24687
in all fairness FT do actually listen to us
how is what they are doing atm listening to us? they are doing exactly what i said before, sitting with their thumbs up their asses and going "LALALA". its just so bad for business. "they grow on you i swear" is just their way of saying "we hear what you're saying, but you know what? tough ****"
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
Hi all,

Apologies for not responding to this thread sooner. It's been a busy day, as you might imagine. I also didn't want to give bad information.

To address the most pressing issues:

1. "Lag" issues - As some people have already figured out, this has to do with a bug in the sound code. We're working on a fix and testing it and we should have an update with the fix sometime tomorrow (as long as testing goes well). In the meantime, turning off sounds will possibly help.

2. The Last Hand Replayer - There's a bug that prevented this from working right away for many people. For most people closing the game and restarting it fixes the issue. We hope to have a fix for this in the forthcoming update as well.

I also should have given a link to the Replayer help page:

There you'll see how to view the full hand transcript (click the underlined hand # in the top left corner of the replayer).

3. The mouse scroll wheel not working on the bet slider - This should also be fixed in the update.

That was the good news. Here's the bad news:

1. Missing cards - We're having some trouble with this one since it seems to only be happening to a very small group of players (we haven't been able to reproduce it yet in our QA department). If you've experienced this, if you could PM me with some details about what you were playing at the time, what kind of machine you have, and what other third party software you were running at the time, that might help us debug the issue faster. This is obviously the top priority for us to fix.

2. We aren't going to be changing the small deck of cards any time soon. They grow on you, I swear! I recommend using Show Full Cards and the Four Color Cards options (found in the "Layout" tab in the table Options dialog) when using the small cards. Longer term, we'll look into giving more options for the cards that will hopefully make everyone happy.

Please continue to provide feedback. I do apologize for these issues.

I feel so unsatisfied.
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07-08-2009 , 07:09 PM
the new HH replayer is a high stakes railers dream! it replays everyhand of the session so you can leave a big table running with durrr and co and then skim over the HH to see the action hands.
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07-08-2009 , 07:09 PM
Just wanted to post in the thread regarding the most epic FT fail of all time. Kthxbai.
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07-08-2009 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by KamikaZ
FTP should call for Stars support, would fix it in seconds imo.
ahh, I see what you did there
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07-08-2009 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
how is what they are doing atm listening to us? they are doing exactly what i said before, sitting with their thumbs up their asses and going "LALALA". its just so bad for business. "they grow on you i swear" is just their way of saying "we hear what you're saying, but you know what? tough ****"
i hated the cards too at first but i played a 3 hour session on ft today. 15mins in i didnt even notice the difference in the cards at all harly. i would still prefer the old cards tbh but im not going to make as big a deal of it as you are mate
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