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FTP Answers 7/8 FTP Answers 7/8

07-08-2009 , 07:36 PM
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
I think it's funny how they're telling us what to like. 99.9% of people absolutely hate the update, and their response is, "It'll grow on you."

Suck my balls.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous that pertinent issues like crashes and table filters get completely ignored and Full Tilt spends all this wasted time on ****ty new cards and a hand history replayer that honestly doesn't do anything the old player didn't do.

But you know what I hate more? The ****ing UIGEA. If it wasn't for that I'd have been playing glorious Party Poker for all these years. Lets hope and pray for regulation so google or harrah's can open up a poker room.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Wanna know what's hilarious?

I just checked full tilt's forums where they have a huge thread about how horrible the update is... and FTP didn't even ****ing respond there. OMG.
They almost never do respond there.
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07-08-2009 , 07:39 PM
grrrrr, the cards of myself and my opponents just disappeared. that freaking ridiculous while playing on 6 tables... pls fix this
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07-08-2009 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by MarkGreb
They almost never do respond there.
I can't even logon to the FTP forums fwiw either

Not sure why... just can't
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:41 PM
Not too thrilled with the update - the minuses far outweigh the plusses. You have to realize that a lot of multitablers (like me), need/like to use a number of pieces of third party software to play "comfortably", whether it's a hud, shortcuts, mods, table selectors, calculators, etc. Otherwise, it makes it difficult/unpleasant to play as many tables, or even play at all. Looking at the tables now, it looks like there are at least 25% fewer tables. This is not a coincidence.

I finally got HEM to work, but other 3rd party items could take weeks or longer to fix. I think I pay you like $13K a month in rake, and I'm pretty sure, that number will drop noticeably going forward - not because I'm bitter or don't understand that you're trying to improve the software. But it is physically impossible and unpleasant for me to play nearly as many hands as I used to in the same number of hours, with only your current software and the lack of third party software. It used to be that I could play more tables "comfortably" on FT than Stars, but now, I think I can play more tables "comfortably" on Stars than FT (since all software still works on Stars). As loyal as I am to FT, I'm probably going to be tempted to play more over there, but I'll give it a go without for a few days and reevaluate. But it would be terrible for you longer term if I started playing Stars and actually got used to the software, especailly since I think I could make a run at SNE there.

The main point of my post is that you are a major poker site and you have to realize you do not operate in a vacuum. You do not really have a great stand-alone product - it is the 3rd party software that generates a lot of your incremental revenue. Rather than working against the people who write software for your platform, you should try and work more to be proactive about keeping the third party software developers abreast of any potential changes and timetables. In that way, you're not that dissimilar to Microsoft's Windows division or Sony's Playstation division. You can make a decent product, but all the software that is made for your platform is what's going to bring in a huge chunk of your revenues. For example, the issue with the new cards... you can't be expected to make every combination of card layout - so just let someone else (thrid party) do it for you. It'll make the end user happier and probably have them play more on your site. But just surprising everyone with your secretive rollout does no one any good. How about sending out an email to all of us (especially third party developers), letting us know that you're rolling out, so that we can plan ahead? And I would hope going forward you can include the software developers in your plans.

FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:41 PM
**** my life for registering for tournaments. Piece of **** client a;jdssad;salkdas;lkdasd
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Schwobble
Same problem here. Can run the client once login, play, exit, and no more. Second and subsequent attempts get as far as 'Connected...' and then hang. Until I restart the PC, I never see a login window ever again.

[ ... ]
The good news :- I have found a workaround.

The bad news :- It involves disabling the anti-virus.

Mine is Avast - I had to disable ALL the on-access scanners before this would work. (Even having one of them running will hang on 'Connecting...').

Disable Avast, open FTP client, as soon as the full client screen and login window appears re-enable Avast, login and it works.

If you're using Symantec, Norton, AVG or some other antivirus, your results may vary.

(NB : it doesn't appear to be a firewall thing; I have ZoneAlarm, configured to allow fulltiltpoker.exe access, and it works just fine.)

Hope this helps those who've had the same problem. I can't tell precisely why it's happening; Avast isn't logging anything when it's turned on and the client is hanging with 'Connecting...' (if there was a virus string, I'd expect an alert). I am imagining that FTP has changed something internally e.g. is using different ports for some comms, or is trying to read/write the PC HD a different way than it used to. But I'm not going to go sniffing ports right now, I will leave that to FTP, it's their job.

NB : This is ONLY a temporary workaround, to save having to restart the PC every time we want to start the FTP client. It is NOT an ideal solution obviously (try forgetting to restart the antivirus, and see what your PC catches), and in any case FTP MUST fix this client.

(And because I know someone is going to ask this :- Q: Did this happen with Avast and any versions of the FTP client before today's version? A: No. Only today's version is broken.)
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:53 PM
This just in.. FTP is in the business of making money. They could care less about the one percent of their players who frequent this forum and others like it. They want to keep Dick and Jane Donk happy. They are the backbone of any business. New money! Lemmings like this need new bells and whistles, from time to time, to keep themselves entertained. It keeps them from playing in their own poo. If stupid new cards and bad customer support keeps them happy, then I am all for it! All that we can do is adjust and continue to profit from their bad play. Some of you may have decided to try another site, but the donks could care less and aren't going anywhere.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by isukatpkr
FIX THE ****ING LAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the betslider and I want my mods back
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
You have to realize that a lot of multitablers (like me), need/like to use a number of pieces of third party software to play "comfortably", whether it's a hud, shortcuts, mods, table selectors, calculators, etc. Otherwise, it makes it difficult/unpleasant to play as many tables, or even play at all.
Poor you. Take off the training wheels and play real poker...if you can.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:58 PM
Fix for the lag issue (worked for me):

Control Alt Delete -> Processes -> FullTiltPoker.exe (right click) -> Set Priority -> High

If you want to have your holecards bigger (and uglier):

Full Tilt Lobby -> Options -> Show Full Cards
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:59 PM
this is bull****. why the **** isn't my hand replayer working? it's not loading up any hands at all and is just stuck at the stupid gray screen everywhere. i've clicked between ring games and tournies button too and NOTHING ****ING WORKS
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
this is such a standard line for ftp to take

1. no, they wont grow on us. they are small, ugly and almost impossible to see while multitabling
disagreed, just finished a session of 12-16 tabling, the cards have grown on me already. just switch to show full cards and do it 4 colours, perfect imo.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 07:59 PM
Well, after hours of work I still can't seem to understand how to convert the Waffle cards into a working SVG set. I make each card a seperate PNG file, open it in Inkscape and then save it as a SVG file, but when I open back up the SVG file it brings up a picture with a red X and text saying something to the effect of "Linked Picture Not Found".

Anyone know what's up?
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by FTPDoug
2. We aren't going to be changing the small deck of cards any time soon. They grow on you, I swear!

Originally Posted by FTPDoug
We don't care that 87% of you say you don't like the cards. That just means 13% of you prefer that your cards are blurry. Since we can't suck up our pride and admit we screwed up; you guys have to get used to it. There wasn't any problems with the cards in the first place, but since we don't spend our time responding to e-mails we decided to use our free time making problems. The problem we decided to make was to ruin a perfectly good deck of cards by replacing it with a blurry one. We would have changed it back for our rake paying customers if 90% said they didn't like the new update, but unfortunately the poll only showed that 87% of you didn't like it. So, get used to it.

Thanks for your rake,
Full Tilt Poker
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hornstar
I have managed to adapt the whole table layout if anyone is interested:

Heres the download: LINK

Im off to bed now but any problems PM me.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by thiamide
Poor you. Take off the training wheels and play real poker...if you can.
can people please stop saying HUD users arent playing real poker? people who use huds have more info on their opponents thus can make better decisions. better decisions = more money. DUCY?
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:05 PM
yea you can go into the program files and change the cards etc.

the "pro" and "private" avators are not locked or anything so you can replace the "public" avators with either of those etc. At the moment i am phil ivey lol. Obv. others cant see it but its only you.

You can also change around the backgrounds etc.

Also if your getting the error while trying to update that: "full tilt poker .exe in use by another application" etc. you can go to c:, program files, ful tilt poker, and just delete the application that looks like your shorcut on the desktop...
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by SeatSeller
We don't care that 87% of you say you don't like the cards.

Me and a few whiny guys in this thread [who represent about 0.00001% of FullTilt players] don't like the cards, so change them just for us.
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
can people please stop saying HUD users arent playing real poker? people who use huds have more info on their opponents thus can make better decisions. better decisions = more money. DUCY?
Of course I understand the benefits. I just consider it a form of cheating. And I think a whole lot of you guys would struggle without it -- DUCY?
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by thiamide
Poor you. Take off the training wheels and play real poker...if you can.
Online Poker and Live Poker are 2 different animals...

I am tired of people like you claiming that just because people play 16 tables and decide to use tools that almost every one else uses, that they are inferior players.

So I guess the coaches at CR, Stox, DC etc are all just wanna bees and would be **** players if not for the HUDS and stats, and you would tear them apart because you play a more "pure" style of poker.

If HUDS are not for you, If short cuts are not for you, thats fine. To judge someone else just because they want to make their lives easier, and possibly make more money per hour because of it, doesnt make them makes them smart!
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by thiamide
Of course I understand the benefits. I just consider it a form of cheating. And I think a whole lot of you guys would struggle without it -- DUCY?
Let me don't use a HUD, you're a losing player, and this is your excuse for why you lose?
FTP Answers 7/8 Quote
07-08-2009 , 08:11 PM
Please tell me that's not the cards I am seeing posted here.
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