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***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** ***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread***

04-24-2013 , 07:23 PM
Smitalos for Style-raping president!
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by llllllll
It was due for last summer. They decided to introduce late reg before that and now go on about it as if it's some huge thing. They also don't have auto top up, auto rebuy and the raise buttons are ridiculous.

Wanna raise to 4x? Click the 4x button and get a nice 5x raise.

Also tune into their weekly show if you want to see two brain dead tarts talking about 'poker weddings' or handbags and shoes (i'm being serious).
Tbh it's this lack of auto topups, auto rebuys, awkward software for mass multi tablers that makes Sky Poker such a cool site.

If they supported Hud's made all the software super easy to 10 table etc then it would be over run within weeks by all the rakeback pros grinding out 10 tables of 50nl to 200nl.

It does pretty well as it is and has a nice community feel to it.

Deposits and cashouts are really fast aswell and support actually answers your questions specifically within a few hours. I'm a fan, it's a nice site.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Carlos Smitalos

Not surprised at all with the way they're dealing with this tbh. Every time someone so much as toes the line on their strict forum rules, they almost always have their thread locked/deleted.

(imo) It just feels like we're being treated like children. Not allowed to question any of the decision making by anyone in charge, and the only way we ever get consoled is simply with a 'just trust us' feel to it all. The way to build confidence in management isn't through a... "Shhhh, don't you worry your little heads about it, now go play, we'll sort it." but through an open and transparent free-for-all w/information.

Promotion information is often not shown beforehand or late altogether, and there's never anyone stepping up to explain WHY a change is happening, just that it's 'for the interests of the players'. Even proposed benefits for the site posted in their forums are sometimes not addressed, or again, just locked/deleted because it doesn't stand up to the rules.

Love some of the guys at Sky, but jeez, Tikay popping his head round the door to say everything'll be okay, sure doesn't fill me with as much confidence as I'd like.

***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 07:41 PM
Ulliott has 12k followers? Some people need to get a life.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jamsym2
Tbh it's this lack of auto topups, auto rebuys, awkward software for mass multi tablers that makes Sky Poker such a cool site.
It's not awkward at all, it's just rubbish. You can get used to the raise buttons in a day if that, and I used to 9-12 table on there with ease. There are people on there 24 tabling. No auto top up/rebuy also isn't cool. Getting it in on the river and losing, only to get AA the next hand and you only have 25bb in front of you, and you get it all in and win. That's grossly annoying.

If they supported Hud's made all the software super easy to 10 table etc then it would be over run within weeks by all the rakeback pros grinding out 10 tables of 50nl to 200nl.
Nobody mentioned supporting HUDS. And their rakeback system is pathetic so i don't think they're gonna attract rakeback grinders any time soon. Infact a lot of them left when they changed from dealt to weighted contribution and mugged the low stakes cash players off with a cruddy rakeback deal.

It does pretty well as it is and has a nice community feel to it.
The community is largely made up of people who will only welcome you if you toe their lines, agree with what most of them say, throw in a bit of arselicking and you're certainly thought more of if you bum everything Sky Poker. If you're even slightly against what any of the 'regs' say they will send you to Coventry.

Case in point: There is a diary on there by some guy who's trying to grind cash. He's gone from £200ish to like £1700 in the last year. I would say 80% of his current roll was won binking MTT's, including winning TWO all-in satellites for a tourny he was already registered for, for a total of £220.

Now he goes round giving pretty weak advice as if he's some cash phenom. You go on there and politely point out that despite him now playing NL30£, he's actually been pretty lucky to get a lot of his bankroll and that he won hardly none of it playing cash.

Your post will be deleted.

Do the same to a non-regular, you'll be allowed to say pretty much anything you like to him as long as you're not using loadsa swearwords. Regs on there can say pretty much whatever they want without any comebacks, especially if they play higher stakes. Incestuous, insular 'community'. A bit inbred, if you will.

Deposits and cashouts are really fast aswell and support actually answers your questions specifically within a few hours. I'm a fan, it's a nice site.
I like the layout, I like the hand history function and i actually agree that cashout's are really simple and quick, pretty much pain free. I actually don't even mind the graphics or the lobby layout, but a commercial juggernaught like Sky should have gotten their act together RE: the software much much sooner.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by llllllll
Case in point: There is a diary on there by some guy who's trying to grind cash. He's gone from £200ish to like £1700 in the last year. I would say 80% of his current roll was won binking MTT's, including winning TWO all-in satellites for a tourny he was already registered for, for a total of £220.

Now he goes round giving pretty weak advice as if he's some cash phenom. You go on there and politely point out that despite him now playing NL30£, he's actually been pretty lucky to get a lot of his bankroll and that he won hardly none of it playing cash.

Your post will be deleted.

Do the same to a non-regular, you'll be allowed to say pretty much anything you like to him as long as you're not using loadsa swearwords. Regs on there can say pretty much whatever they want without any comebacks, especially if they play higher stakes. Incestuous, insular 'community'. A bit inbred, if you will.
FWIW, I started with £150 and have done it in roughly 6 months. All told I think I've cashed for maybe £800 total in MTTs in the last 6 months, but can EASILY knock £300+ off that in terms of getting my actual MTT profit, so less than one third of my BR increase has come from MTTs and I never said I was solely a cash player. I didn't realise winning money at MTTs was just about being 'pretty lucky'.

Once you take away small bits of rakeback etc, I'd say probably £800+ of my BR increase has come from cash. Must do better.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Lambert180
FWIW, I started with £150 and have done it in roughly 6 months. All told I think I've cashed for maybe £800 total in MTTs in the last 6 months, but can EASILY knock £300+ off that in terms of getting my actual MTT profit, so less than one third of my BR increase has come from MTTs and I never said I was solely a cash player. I didn't realise winning money at MTTs was just about being 'pretty lucky'.

Once you take away small bits of rakeback etc, I'd say probably £800+ of my BR increase has come from cash. Must do better.
LOL at how many of the stupid Sky regs are coming here.

My point was that you think you're some sort of authority on there because you appear to be a winning player, and that if someone was to slate you in the open they'd be reprimanded for it, but it's fine for regs like beaneh to go around calling people morons for fun because he's a 200NL 15 million table reg.

Also you won about a quid an hour playing cash overall. Good for you. Saw your interview on their channel this week though, shame about your speech impediment. And your girlfriend, which beach did you harpoon her on?

Inb4 beaneh turns up.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:13 PM
To counter balance llllllllll:

I'll declare an interest, I am a Mod on that forum. I think what you've put about the community is somewhat unfair. I'm not going going to shill the positives as that'll look like some weird product placement and it's a bit out of order to do that on another forum I'll admit we probably have one or two over zealous Mods/Admin who are a little quick with the delete and lock on some occasions for my liking. I do refute the statement that regs are looked after while newcomers are crushed. I know for a fact I have spent more time defending new posters and spent much more time in rows with regs, some of whom I would call friends. But that's something levelled at Mods on pretty much every forum going so I'm not going to get bent out of shape over it.

No you don't have to 'bumlick' as you put it, there are plenty who don't, are strongly critical and are well respected. We also get our fair share of people who post something, mash F5, give it ten minutes without a reply and then scream 'why won't you love me?' Just forums is all, same all over.

A final point, IMO with the Sky Branding come both bonuses and headaches. One of the headaches is everything has to be clean as a whistle. Smitalos who posted above in this thread, he had a post on there about a prop bet. Just in case the thing got messy it got taken down, they wouldn't want to be involved anyway it there was some problems between the parties involved. It's either live up to that or have no forum on there at all.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by TeamDyson
To counter balance llllllllll:

I'll declare an interest, I am a Mod on that forum. I think what you've put about the community is somewhat unfair. I'm not going going to shill the positives as that'll look like some weird product placement and it's a bit out of order to do that on another forum I'll admit we probably have one or two over zealous Mods/Admin who are a little quick with the delete and lock on some occasions for my liking. I do refute the statement that regs are looked after while newcomers are crushed. I know for a fact I have spent more time defending new posters and spent much more time in rows with regs, some of whom I would call friends. But that's something levelled at Mods on pretty much every forum going so I'm not going to get bent out of shape over it.

No you don't have to 'bumlick' as you put it, there are plenty who don't, are strongly critical and are well respected. We also get our fair share of people who post something, mash F5, give it ten minutes without a reply and then scream 'why won't you love me?' Just forums is all, same all over.

A final point, IMO with the Sky Branding come both bonuses and headaches. One of the headaches is everything has to be clean as a whistle. Smitalos who posted above in this thread, he had a post on there about a prop bet. Just in case the thing got messy it got taken down, they wouldn't want to be involved anyway it there was some problems between the parties involved. It's either live up to that or have no forum on there at all.
I know who you are just from your surname, SolarCarro?

You're just another defend Sky at all costs merchant. There's no point preaching to me about what goes on there, i've witnessed it myself, and i still occasionally read their forum. You know the way their 'customer care' team treats non-priority members is shocking, unless of course they toe the line. It's just a fact. The fact that you get all cosy with Tikay et al. at the Sky Poker Tour doesn't change the facts of the matter. I have friends who had problems on there and have been Sky subscribers since the day it launched, and who thought they'd try out Sky Poker cause it was a 'trusted' name, and were then basically told to swivel when they lost the best part of a buy in because the software crashed half way through a hand. Yeh, i'm sure it was their brand new pc and SKY BROADBAND connection that was wrong. Funny that every other site worked fine and the connection never went down.

And they're now even ****ting on their regs, disallowing forum comments on the programme because they want to sucker more people in.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by llllllll
I know who you are just from your surname, SolarCarro?

You're just another defend Sky at all costs merchant. There's no point preaching to me about what goes on there, i've witnessed it myself, and i still occasionally read their forum. You know the way their 'customer care' team treats non-priority members is shocking, unless of course they toe the line. It's just a fact.
Bad read I'm sorry to say.

I'm TommyD.

I'm sorry if you have had bad experiences in the past there, if you wish to PM me here or there I will do my best to help.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by TeamDyson
Bad read I'm sorry to say.

I'm TommyD.

I'm sorry if you have had bad experiences in the past there, if you wish to PM me here or there I will do my best to help.
Ha i know his missus is called summat Dyson. Not a bad read TBF, just polarized to nuts or air and i guess i got bluffed.

And you seem like the only decent mod on there, to be fair, and seem like an all-round genuine person.

But this thread is case in point. I'm making a valid point about how the forum operates, and then Lambert has to crawl out from under a rock to come and try to undermine me on a completely different site. I have my opinion about him and his play, but i never even mentioned his name. I probably was a bit of a prick for insulting him and his ladyfriend, but w/e, i'm operating anonymously and he involved himself when he didn't have to, and that's exactly what the forum is like. People jumping to the defence of any reg or the site above what any non-reg thinks. For instance, i've personally witnessed Lambert saying a line someone took was 'atrocious', and then beaneh came along and defended the line, saying it was great. Lambert then snap-changed his mind and agreed with beaneh. Very weak.

Think Sky are shady for making the rakeback deal crap for micro's players? You'll get told to get over it and that you should love Sky for the awesome forum and awesome tour and awesome show they provide for us.

And i think my original point in this thread stands. They'll just get Tikay to come and not actually put anything straight.

Why can't they come out and go 'yeh, Devilfish thinks we're going to become insolvent soon - he's full of ****, we're part of BSKYB and are going nowhere' etc?

Instead you get 'inch along...nothing to see here'. That's why i don't like your forum, because people like Lambert come and defend that sort of attitude and if you dare say anything about it on their forum you can just expect a delete and a ban from some chino-wearing tosser called 'Sky_Lee'.
A final point, IMO with the Sky Branding come both bonuses and headaches. One of the headaches is everything has to be clean as a whistle.
Also no offence, but are you saying the same Sky branding who got done for tapping phones up and had to actually discontinue a newpaper because of it, can't allow some open honest questions in a forum?

Last edited by llllllll; 04-24-2013 at 08:45 PM.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-24-2013 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by llllllll
Ha i know his missus is called summat Dyson. Not a bad read TBF, just polarized to nuts or air and i guess i got bluffed.

And you seem like the only decent mod on there, to be fair, and seem like an all-round genuine person.

But this thread is case in point. I'm making a valid point about how the forum operates, and then Lambert has to crawl out from under a rock to come and try to undermine me on a completely different site. I have my opinion about him and his play, but i never even mentioned his name. I probably was a bit of a prick for insulting him and his ladyfriend, but w/e, i'm operating anonymously and he involved himself when he didn't have to, and that's exactly what the forum is like. People jumping to the defence of any reg or the site above what any non-reg thinks. For instance, i've personally witnessed Lambert saying a line someone took was 'atrocious', and then beaneh came along and defended the line, saying it was great. Lambert then snap-changed his mind and agreed with beaneh. Very weak.

Think Sky are shady for making the rakeback deal crap for micro's players? You'll get told to get over it and that you should love Sky for the awesome forum and awesome tour and awesome show they provide for us.

And i think my original point in this thread stands. They'll just get Tikay to come and not actually put anything straight.

Why can't they come out and go 'yeh, Devilfish thinks we're going to become insolvent soon - he's full of ****, we're part of BSKYB and are going nowhere' etc?

Instead you get 'inch along...nothing to see here'. That's why i don't like your forum, because people like Lambert come and defend that sort of attitude and if you dare say anything about it on their forum you can just expect a delete and a ban from some chino-wearing tosser called 'Sky_Lee'.
I'm not here to defend anyone but while you didn't name who it was you made it pretty obvious to anyone who reads both forums who you were talking about. But hey, you're entitled to your opinions and that's fine, he's entitled to come back at you as well. Some of the other stuff you have put I do agree with, I was only piping up to give a counter argument to some points I didn't agree with.

On the bolded part, I don't know but I guess his contract probably has all sorts of social media clauses about they style and subject of things he can and can't say in an official capacity, so he can't just come out and say that. I stand by my first post in this thread, I think there is more cause for DFish to expand on his comments than SkyPoker to defend them, just because they are so vague and can be taken so many ways.

To go back to some of the very early stuff in this thread, after Black Friday I contacted SkyPoker asking if player's funds were seperate as they were and are still with Alderney. I got expressly told they were seperate and was given all the contact details I needed for Alderney to confirm this, which in time they did. Money's pretty much as safe on that site as is possible.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 01:26 AM
Sky are about to record another of their cash games,Devilfish probably hoped to get invited but didnt.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by llllllll
But this thread is case in point. I'm making a valid point about how the forum operates, and then Lambert has to crawl out from under a rock to come and try to undermine me on a completely different site. I have my opinion about him and his play, but i never even mentioned his name. I probably was a bit of a prick for insulting him and his ladyfriend, but w/e, i'm operating anonymously and he involved himself when he didn't have to, and that's exactly what the forum is like. People jumping to the defence of any reg or the site above what any non-reg thinks. For instance, i've personally witnessed Lambert saying a line someone took was 'atrocious', and then beaneh came along and defended the line, saying it was great. Lambert then snap-changed his mind and agreed with beaneh. Very weak.
If you take a breath and have a quick reread of the above you might realise that you are the one who needs to look at his behaviour.

You posted on 2+2 slagging off some players diary on another forum. He comes on here and defends his position (quite well) and then you go all whiney about how he should not defend himself.

Never having been in the Sky forum my impression is that someone contributing a diary is likely to be better respected than someone who on first impression seems very negative and in the case of slagging. This quote does seem to offer some hope though.

I probably was a bit of a prick for insulting him and his ladyfriend, but
All you need to do is delete the but and replace it with sorry.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 03:47 AM
I'm not surprised by Tikay's response. Being a representative of Sky he is hardly going to entertain any speculation within this thread and has probably been told to adopt a 'don't worry about it' approach. Surely anything official will come from the site itself in the form or some sort of carefully worded statement, if this becomes necessary.

The Fish could've been pissed, have some vendetta or whatever, but the onus is really on him to explain himself. I wouldn't be surprised if he never mentions it again and the tweet gets buried in the Twitter graveyard.

I am not a reg on Sky nor do I have any involvement in their community, however some of the vitriol on this thread has overstepped the mark. If you don't like the site, don't play there. Simples.

Having said all of this, Sky do need to address their unspoken policy of trying to brush things under the carpet if they want to avoid this sort of speculation in the future.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 04:37 AM
|||||| needs to calm down a little
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 05:38 AM
Rough thread.

A guy makes a super vague negative comment about a site. Doesn't respond to follow up tweets. The burden is definitely on Ulliot here.

Even if something terrible is going on at Sky Poker, his tweet is irresponsible. What rational person would take action based on Ulliot's tweet?

All he did is get the attention of some. Hopefully that wasn't his goal here and he'll either issue a retraction and apology or he'll back his warning up with some substance.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 05:44 AM
Ok llllllll grinder you know the names of a fair few of the regs, watch the show and regularly read the forum, but dont play on the site? Bitter much? sounds like you may have had a bad time on there care to elaborate on your alias so we know who the keyboard warrior is?

You then attack a reg contributor who has the supposed audacity to write a diary on the forum in which he describes to the community his journey of building up his bankroll highlighting the highs and lows, including when he has had some big losses on the tables. The same player you suggest thinks he is some cash phenom just because he has shown he can turn a profit at varying levels and shared this experience with the community, he also criticizes and asks for advice on his own play.

Fair enough your entilted to your opinion, but to personally insult someone because they have the audacity to respond to your views which were quite obviously about him is ridiculous.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:06 AM
IS that Dickie? i know u ,you always pop up and make comments..... you would have thought by now and the ICO enquiry that you would have stopped all this nonsense..... oh thats right ... you are an outside contractor....... you dont actually work for SKY...

lol.... KARMA is a bitch... remember that
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by 67isthenuts
Ok llllllll grinder you know the names of a fair few of the regs, watch the show and regularly read the forum, but dont play on the site? Bitter much? sounds like you may have had a bad time on there care to elaborate on your alias so we know who the keyboard warrior is?

You then attack a reg contributor who has the supposed audacity to write a diary on the forum in which he describes to the community his journey of building up his bankroll highlighting the highs and lows, including when he has had some big losses on the tables. The same player you suggest thinks he is some cash phenom just because he has shown he can turn a profit at varying levels and shared this experience with the community, he also criticizes and asks for advice on his own play.

Fair enough your entilted to your opinion, but to personally insult someone because they have the audacity to respond to your views which were quite obviously about him is ridiculous.
Another Sky shill who's come to defend the forum's honour.

I actually gave a scenario in which someone thought they were something they're not, and how it would be unacceptable to say what i've said here, but if i were to say it to a non-reg, it would be fine.

Then all the Sky board, figuring out that another site has mentioned them for probably the first time ever, signs up in droves to come and slag me off.

It was a hypothetical situation, about a hypothetical slagging off which would be unacceptable to do to a reg, but not to a non-reg. Lambert came here and mentioned his name, not me, noone else on 2p2 woulda known who i was talking about unless they went to the Sky forum specifically to read it.

So nice try at defending his honour but you really need to learn to read what i was actually saying. I used his 'diary' as a comparison for what is acceptable on their forum, and didn't even mention any names.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-28-2013 at 08:06 PM.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:27 AM
Completly ignored the first part of my post as expected. Thankyou for your well reasoned and logical response.

I actually havn't played on sky for a while i just took interest in this thread because i have had money on there and felt i would present an ulterior perspective on the community and that thread in particular as you chose to use it as a specific example.

Surely going on the forum showing firm evidence of your claims and posting in on here would back up your point more thoroughly than hypothetical situations which makes you come across as a ranting maniac.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-28-2013 at 08:07 PM.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:33 AM
llllllll - YAWN

I can narrow down who you are to one of 3 people purely from your posts on here.

You had to find somewhere else to vent your spleen now you've been banned from Sky? Move on, no-one wants to hear you.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Slykllist
llllllll - YAWN

I can narrow down who you are to one of 3 people purely from your posts on here.

You had to find somewhere else to vent your spleen now you've been banned from Sky? Move on, no-one wants to hear you.

Also, wasn't banned from Sky.
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:43 AM
The DF just retweeted a reply to the OP tweet.

jason herbert ‏@smashedagain 24 Apr
@devilfish2011 Dave there was incident of tracking software and HUDS being used but Tikay caught them and compensated people himself i think

Suggests it's more of a concern with the software then any financial issues?
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
04-25-2013 , 06:44 AM
Who gives a **** about that, not really bad
***Ex-Official Sky Poker Support Thread*** Quote
