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Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot!

10-16-2010 , 08:53 AM
I made 3k in 6 hours yesterday playing midstakes cash. I think I made more in rakeback in that one session than you did botting over how long?!? Maybe you should devote your energies to learning to play the game.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 09:04 AM
OP next time bot higher than 2nl

[x] Fail
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 09:22 AM
Whats the highest limit these bots were playing?
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 09:32 AM
lol at the people who are so afraid of bots and are so happy they are gone. From the research i've done since this happened. Bots about 75% of bots out there are breakeven/losing at 2nl, another 20% are winners at 2nl but lose at higher stakes, and only 5% are winners. Mostly only as high as 25NL.

Most of the winning "profiles" are for MTTs which don't are only good up to a certain level, where playing like a rock early and shoving late is the optimum strategy. ie freerolls and tourneys under $10

So who's afraid of the big bad bot?

Not me.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 10:09 AM
Basalt13 you are missing the point so badly it is painful. Even if the numbers you quoted are correct, and I'm not saying they are correct, technology and program writing move so fast that the % of winning bots could go up in the blink of an eye.

I hope this doesn't go over your head but lets play a game called "in your lifetime". I have no idea how old you are but I bet the day you were born there weren't any cell phones, now they are everywhere. I bet the day you were born the weren't any music cd, heck depending on your age, it might have been 8 track tapes, 45's albums, tapes. Wanna do video recorders too? Betamax? VHS? Technology moves fast. It isn't just what a bot can do today it is what bots might be able to do even just "in your lifetime".

I'm not so much trying to single you out, but the "I'm not afraid of bots" mentality that some have around here is so misplaced.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 10:23 AM
OP, why didn't you buy a bot that wins at NL10 or NL25?

Originally Posted by JimmyBwohoho
Whats the highest limit these bots were playing?
NL100 Rush, PLO100

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-17-2010 at 09:30 AM.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Basalt13
lol at the people who are so afraid of bots and are so happy they are gone. From the research i've done since this happened. Bots about 75% of bots out there are breakeven/losing at 2nl, another 20% are winners at 2nl but lose at higher stakes, and only 5% are winners. Mostly only as high as 25NL.

Most of the winning "profiles" are for MTTs which don't are only good up to a certain level, where playing like a rock early and shoving late is the optimum strategy. ie freerolls and tourneys under $10

So who's afraid of the big bad bot?

Not me.

[ ]Research
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by BigFish2010
I will say that what ever time you spent on your bot was a waste, you have made close to nothing with the bot and will probably have a hard time getting back on FT (if they ever let you back).

You have not only wasted your time but mine when you made me read this ****!
might be your best post ever
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:22 AM

****ing scum

lol at the people who are so afraid of bots and are so happy they are gone. From the research i've done since this happened. Bots about 75% of bots out there are breakeven/losing at 2nl, another 20% are winners at 2nl but lose at higher stakes, and only 5% are winners. Mostly only as high as 25NL.
UMM .bots will get better the more ppl use and develop them..they have the potential to ruin online poker in the future if sites can not detect and eliminate them.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Basalt13 you are missing the point so badly it is painful. Even if the numbers you quoted are correct, and I'm not saying they are correct, technology and program writing move so fast that the % of winning bots could go up in the blink of an eye.
I really can't believe how people are reacting to this situation. "oh it was 2nl who cares" even though players all the way up to 100nl have been getting refunds. This obviously has been going on for MONTHS. I'm personally kinda disappointed in FT for taking so long, and kinda freaked out about all this. It almost sounds like a fricken level by FT.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:38 AM
Risking your account and if the industry decides to establish a network-wide blacklist risking your eligiblity in online poker(maybe even poker in casinos) for $150? Are you guys insane?
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by BeenAWhile
Risking your account and if the industry decides to establish a network-wide blacklist risking your eligiblity in online poker(maybe even poker in casinos) for $150? Are you guys insane?
WTF is this? No one can be stopped from opening a new account under false name and cash out some how at even one site.
It will always be possible e.g. to do poker funds (under false name) vs. MoneyBookers or Neteller transfers.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Basalt13
lol at the people who are so afraid of bots and are so happy they are gone. From the research i've done since this happened. Bots about 75% of bots out there are breakeven/losing at 2nl, another 20% are winners at 2nl but lose at higher stakes, and only 5% are winners. Mostly only as high as 25NL.

Most of the winning "profiles" are for MTTs which don't are only good up to a certain level, where playing like a rock early and shoving late is the optimum strategy. ie freerolls and tourneys under $10

So who's afraid of the big bad bot?

Not me.
[ ] Clue

It's simple really, I hope you can grasp this concept:

Bots make money off fish
Bots lose to regs

Regs would rather make a lot of money from fish, than a little money from bots

Get it?

Bots become a middleman between good players and suckers, taking a piece.

Still don't get it?

Quit poker.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Basalt13 you are missing the point so badly it is painful. Even if the numbers you quoted are correct, and I'm not saying they are correct, technology and program writing move so fast that the % of winning bots could go up in the blink of an eye.

I hope this doesn't go over your head but lets play a game called "in your lifetime". I have no idea how old you are but I bet the day you were born there weren't any cell phones, now they are everywhere. I bet the day you were born the weren't any music cd, heck depending on your age, it might have been 8 track tapes, 45's albums, tapes. Wanna do video recorders too? Betamax? VHS? Technology moves fast. It isn't just what a bot can do today it is what bots might be able to do even just "in your lifetime".

I'm not so much trying to single you out, but the "I'm not afraid of bots" mentality that some have around here is so misplaced.
lol bots are there for 10y+/- and 90% of them still suck... that´s a LONG blink of an eye imo.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by cbt
lol bots are there for 10y+/- and 90% of them still suck... that´s a LONG blink of an eye imo.
if someone actually writes a very good one though, I don't think there's much point in selling it as that will obviously just get everyone caught. At least long term, it is much more profitable to keep it quiet. So there may be better bots that we don't know about.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by DrTrentRaisner

NL100 Rush, PLO100
Is this confirmed and were the bots winning at 100nl? Sounds troublesome if a bot could beat 100nl rush.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrDrTurtleRick
[ ] Clue

It's simple really, I hope you can grasp this concept:

Bots make money off fish
Bots lose to regs

Regs would rather make a lot of money from fish, than a little money from bots

Get it?

Bots become a middleman between good players and suckers, taking a piece.

Still don't get it?

Quit poker.

The fact that they take money from the fish is troublesome bc this way the games will dry up even faster.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:29 PM
Looks like this bot is a joke, glad computers haven't killed pokers like they did chess
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by DrTrentRaisner
WTF is this? No one can be stopped from opening a new account under false name and cash out some how at even one site.
It will always be possible e.g. to do poker funds (under false name) vs. MoneyBookers or Neteller transfers.
No. You have to provide ID and proof of address to cash out. You can easily make a new account, but it's a little tougher (altho not impossible) to cash out.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by DrTrentRaisner
WTF is this? No one can be stopped from opening a new account under false name and cash out some how at even one site.
It will always be possible e.g. to do poker funds (under false name) vs. MoneyBookers ogr Neteller transfers.
Maybe on ScamALotPoker but at full tilt your account gets temoparily closed before cash out in order to validate your id
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:51 PM
Bots will never take off, for the simple reason that no one will ever sell a decent winning bot, why would they? They'll just increase their risk of being caught and give themselves the hassle of having clients to keep happy. And the reason OP was only player 2NL, is because that's probably the only stakes the bot could beat.

I think there are far more important things for the sites to worry about such a collusion. Bots are a good thing for most players, as I'm sure most players can beat them.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Looks like this bot is a joke, glad computers haven't killed pokers like they did chess
They killed limit poker, in the future Nl might be next, if a bot can beat 2nl (I know, lol 2nl) it will be a matter of time before higher stakes get infested. And there are a ton of shady sites that do nothing to stop bots and dont even care.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:40 PM
Yea sites need to def step up and do something a lot more

Last edited by IamPro; 10-16-2010 at 03:40 PM. Reason: before it gets too out of hand if it hasnt already
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:42 PM
Feel good about yourself, OP?
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
10-16-2010 , 04:10 PM
I've just checked out their forum where people are openly discussing how to steal peoples money like there is nothing at all wrong with what they're doing...Unbelievable...OP, you're scum btw.
Ask a Former Full Tilt Bot! Quote
