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Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours

04-18-2016 , 05:03 PM
An even more accurate title:

"Amaya customer with entitlement issues massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours and throws a spoiled brat hissy fit."
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 02:14 AM
5 standard deviations? No. 3 standard deviation is 99.73 which is 99.82 at the top end. 5 standard deviations would be powerball winner.

3) to be entertaining. Well, it is entertaining but not really in the way you were intending.

Classic male depression: No sadness involved; just anger and aggression.

pm me; there are medications that will instantly make you not angry at all.

Source: I'm training to become a shrink but just making money playing poker in the meantime as it's my best income.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by LETIGRA
5 standard deviations? No. 3 standard deviation is 99.73 which is 99.82 at the top end. 5 standard deviations would be powerball winner.
Did you just try to call me out without really thinking through what you're saying? I estimate Stars' mean response time for an email to support is 10 minutes. I could be off, it might be double that. Its not much more. Now what's the standard deviation in minutes?

Incidentally if any of the f***tards responding so far would like to dispute rationale, I've probably done more high risk gambling transactions than anyone who's ever posted on this site. It wasn't an overreaction, it was perfectly applied behavioral profiling, I have the data to back that up. Do you d***wads know what data is?

3) to be entertaining. Well, it is entertaining but not really in the way you were intending.
It was entertaining to me, sorry if you got distracted from Dancing With the Stars.

Classic male depression: No sadness involved; just anger and aggression.
I actually hope you aren't serious, since you say you're training to become a psychologist (you also, Mr. Future Psychologist, just directly contradicted yourself on the same page). Scientology: giving psych students a run for their loans money since 1950.
pm me; there are medications that will instantly make you not angry at all.

I'd be interested in Ritalin or any opioids, good resale. Can you get them?

Source: I'm training to become a shrink but just making money playing poker in the meantime as it's my best income.

Its become super-ultra abundantly clear I've been playing in the wrong games. How much you makin out of curiosity? Game? Stakes?
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:06 PM
This is just getting better and better.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:18 PM
Given the start - that was pretty much the only possible direction. Definitely a mildly amusing "I was only joking (or semi-joking)" rationalization process mixed with some base level attempts at reverse trolling.

Hard to take anything he posts in a genuine way about Stars seriously anymore, but then that is not much of a loss.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
The title should also reflect that the Amaya customer thinks he has the company shaking in its boots by following through on a threat.
Shaking in their boots? Nice drama. That's not even close to what its about at the stage it was at. It was about following through, establishing a pattern whereby ones word reflects future actions precisely.

You're a lawyer right? Have you ever, in your life, successfully collected a delinquent debt? How did you do it?

People who owe money and refuse to pay are making a calculation, if they determine that not paying is no longer worth the consequences you will be paid. Simple stuff. That's the dynamic.

And it should reflect that the customer now claims that his clear overreaction was actually a 'semi-joke' (whatever that is). But a title can only hold so much.
The semi-joke description comes from statements like this

Originally Posted by judgeholdem1848
and heck why not? There's about $800 million of customer deposits, they can potentially steal all of it if security can come up with enough excuses in time. Looks like a pretty sweet deal. Plus what are a bunch of poker players gonna do about it anyway lol. F***it just steal all of it, they would have lost it anyway.

Of course in fairness it should be pointed out how many accounts they haven't ripped off in the last week, which even if its only half or so you gotta admit is pretty good for the types of slimeball shylocks running this ill reputed house.
not being able to be taken 100% seriously unless you're a f***in anencephalic moron. Semi-joke. Underlying intention is serious, unschooled masses will think its completely serious, but serious people will recognize the crazy sh*t for what it is. But if my response to that poster's miscarachterization is pushing your cognitive envelope you may just ignore the semi-joke description and consider it a somber complaint. Nothing will be lost that was ever salvageable.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Given the start - that was pretty much the only possible direction. Definitely a mildly amusing "I was only joking (or semi-joking)" rationalization process mixed with some base level attempts at reverse trolling.
Ok so you're the dude who was trying to say OMG neon-capslock mega tilt.

The problem with that description is that it is objectively false. Can you see from the OP that there were lines included that could be reasonably characterized as "semi-joke" if not outright satire. I hate autism cliches but...

Hard to take anything he posts in a genuine way about Stars seriously anymore, but then that is not much of a loss.
You think I'm in this for the feels bro? Think what you want.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
This is just getting better and better.
I deliver.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
oh old people
Are you suckin Jason Mac's c*** by chance? (right right, you don't know who I'm talking about, save it)

How old do you think I am, guess?
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:41 PM
I had to delete an earlier post because I mistake one ****flake for the other like they were manning woks. It was in response to caplocksmegatilt, I will attempt to reproduce it for clarity

I'm a tilt prone mother f*****. My walls are swiss cheese. There's a plate steel door next to my desk that looks like it got hit by a dumptruck. I know what tilt is. When I wrote the op I was a statue of stately composure. 60 bpm. Serenity incarnate
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
I deliver.
Absolutely. Rarely does any poster string together a series of posts as idiotic as the ones you put forth in this thread. In fact, I suspect that you'd have a hard time finding anyone that read this thread that doesn't now believe that you are a complete jackass. Good job.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Absolutely. Rarely does any poster string together a series of posts as idiotic as the ones you put forth in this thread. In fact, I suspect that you'd have a hard time finding anyone that read this thread that doesn't now believe that you are a complete jackass. Good job.
Well its good to be the underdog. BTW, did you realize everything you just wrote is 100% ad hominem?
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Well its good to be the underdog. BTW, did you realize everything you just wrote is 100% ad hominem?
Is it not a bit late for April fools
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by BRADYboy
Is it not a bit late for April fools
The f*** is that supposed to mean. If you delete it this post will look bad.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
An even more accurate title:

"Amaya customer with entitlement issues massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours and throws a spoiled brat hissy fit."
Entitlement is not an issue, its an adaptation.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Absolutely. Rarely does any poster string together a series of posts as idiotic as the ones you put forth in this thread. In fact, I suspect that you'd have a hard time finding anyone that read this thread that doesn't now believe that you are a complete jackass. Good job.
It's as if he's trying to build sentences around words that he's heard for the first time. Rarely have I seen writing as pretentious as his.

And OP: no I am not a lawyer.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
It's as if he's trying to build sentences around words that he's heard for the first time. Rarely have I seen writing as pretentious as his.
Its as if he's trying to build a rationalization for his illiteracy after seeing words for the first time that I've used in their completely standard contexts.

And OP: no I am not a lawyer.
Well the former quote certainly adds weight to that claim. Were you ever a lawyer? Have you ever had lawyerly exchanges on these boards that may have led a layman to conclude you were a member of the bar? Maybe I'm just confusing your SN with someone else's.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
It's as if he's trying to build sentences around words that he's heard for the first time.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Well the former quote certainly adds weight to that claim. Were you ever a lawyer? Have you ever had lawyerly exchanges on these boards that may have led a layman to conclude you were a member of the bar? Maybe I'm just confusing your SN with someone else's.
You don't have to be a lawyer to get involved in legal issues. But the truth of the matter is that no one in a forum cares about crap like that. A post is judged solely on the merits of the argument. Self-serving bravado only makes you look foolish.

Just like in poker, your tough talk just shows weakness. All of your justifications only show everyone that you fear weakness. Most posters would simply admit to totally blowing it. Instead you seem to have this need to show everyone that your thread was justifiable even though you were completely wrong.

Your type of pompous writing style is knocked out of journalism students in their freshman year. From the responses in this thread, you should have realized long before now that your posts aren't impressing anyone.

Instead of showing a little humility after making a silly mistake that would have put this thread to rest, you've created a circus side-show that will probably get bumped for some time to come.

Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
I don't know how you found that but that's really funny, and clearly on topic.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 01:22 AM
classic In Living Colour.. I had forgotten about this but one of the best. And quite possibly the last time any of the Wayans brothers were funny
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Did you just try to call me out without really thinking through what you're saying? I estimate Stars' mean response time for an email to support is 10 minutes. I could be off, it might be double that. Its not much more. Now what's the standard deviation in minutes?

Incidentally if any of the f***tards responding so far would like to dispute rationale, I've probably done more high risk gambling transactions than anyone who's ever posted on this site. It wasn't an overreaction, it was perfectly applied behavioral profiling, I have the data to back that up. Do you d***wads know what data is?

It was entertaining to me, sorry if you got distracted from Dancing With the Stars.

I actually hope you aren't serious, since you say you're training to become a psychologist (you also, Mr. Future Psychologist, just directly contradicted yourself on the same page). Scientology: giving psych students a run for their loans money since 1950.

I'd be interested in Ritalin or any opioids, good resale. Can you get them?

Its become super-ultra abundantly clear I've been playing in the wrong games. How much you makin out of curiosity? Game? Stakes?

I play fixed limit in new jersey on bovada, stars, and seals. I barely make anything to be honest. Maybe 35-38 bucks per hour. But if you play 60 hours a week that is 100k/y. Docs work more than 60 so i don't care. Still not good money but what do you want me to do;? Flip burgers or work at a company for 22 bucks an hour?

5 standard deviations would mean that only 1 in 7 million customers received a later response.

I'm not a psychologist. A psychologist is a PhD. A psychiatrist (shrink) is an MD who can prescribe meds. I also would never prescribe opiates, ritalin, xanax, drugs of abuse, etc. You can go on the street and find losers selling those. Why do you need me?
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Instead of showing a little humility after making a silly mistake that would have put this thread to rest, you've created a circus side-show that will probably get bumped for some time to come.
Nah. Unless the OP keeps bumping it (certainly possible), other people get bored of routines such as that pretty quickly, particularly when they are a genuine and repeated part of a personality. A posting history (including threads where there is no need/value to semi-joke or semi-troll) illustrates this, and in those cases threads powered by people like the OP fade away quicker after others get past the reaction phase to a strange, unknown, and see him/her/other for what he/she/other is.

That video was pretty amusing and indeed appropriate. Lots of people are like that (without realizing it) in the real world.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
I've probably done more high risk gambling transactions than anyone who's ever posted on this site.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but aren't you the guy who's been stuck at 50nl HU for the last 5 years? While acting like you were the most important thing to happen to the HU forum during that time.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Absolutely. Rarely does any poster string together a series of posts as idiotic as the ones you put forth in this thread. In fact, I suspect that you'd have a hard time finding anyone that read this thread that doesn't now believe that you are a complete jackass. Good job.
+1 I vote op jackass of the year. Should be a lock for the 2016 title!
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-20-2016 , 11:30 AM
6 hours was a long time before amaya took over. Now emails seem to take around 24 hours to reply to on average.

Nothing else to add except i doubt stars are avoiding you their support network is just a lot worse than it once was.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
