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Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours

04-17-2016 , 08:05 PM
Four year customer, I've paid hundreds and hundreds of thousands in rake, the vast majority of which were action creating hands (meaning I actually paid the rake). A good consumer.

To repay the favor Amaya is endeavoring to steal my entire account balance. This was of course 100% expected and should be for anyone who insists on playing the carnival scams on their larcenous midway.

Security sent me some ridiculous hoops to jump through, routine harassment, I complied they have since gone silent, will not return emails. All standard stuff right out of the Rogue Casino Handbook. This comes natural to Amaya, they cut their teeth ripping off old folks and running offshore burn joints so they have the hustle down cold.

Not that I blame them, they just hit a decade low peak traffic count yesterday and are probably going to default on their loans within the year so they have to start coming up with some quick cash, and heck why not? There's about $800 million of customer deposits, they can potentially steal all of it if security can come up with enough excuses in time. Looks like a pretty sweet deal. Plus what are a bunch of poker players gonna do about it anyway lol. F***it just steal all of it, they would have lost it anyway.

Of course in fairness it should be pointed out how many accounts they haven't ripped off in the last week, which even if its only half or so you gotta admit is pretty good for the types of slimeball shylocks running this ill reputed house.

Last edited by JudgeHoldem1848; 04-17-2016 at 08:10 PM.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 08:18 PM
Typically these posts are new posters who leave out a lot of information (which would not make their single side of the story sound quite as good).

You are not a new poster, but you have not really provided any context to your post which basically reads like an angry, bitter person yelling at clouds. All of your posts recently have been angry mutterings about how Pokerstars is going to fail in the near future, so whether that is true or not (likely not), that certainly shows you have an agenda that consumes you, and that means it is more important that you provide more detail to your story if you want more than support from people who are happy to cheer any "mean site is bad and mean and bad" claim at face value, regardless of who makes it.

Separate yourself from the typical "xxx site stole my money" threads and provide all the emails, the full details of their claims etc. in a calm manner and see where it goes. Until then, what else do you really expect? As it reads now, maybe you are just mad that they increased rake and added casino games and such, which are valid complaints in and by themselves, but that by itself is not a proper form of theft. Take a deep breath and better explain the situation, and if it is a valid one you should get some support that matters more than cheering from the torches and pitchforks brigade.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 08:23 PM
OP: It's kind of amazing that you can write all that and not tell us a single thing about what you are talking about.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 08:23 PM
I never said PS was likely to fail, I said Amaya is likely to not meet their full debt obligations if things continue how they are going. If you're convinced that's untrue, congrats on your sense of optimism.

What do you want? My account's been fully verified for 4 years, they requested a picture ID which I sent them, had sent them 2 times before as my accounts been verified since 2012. They're now requesting a Utility bill which I simply don't have. They're refusing to reply to any of my emails explaining any of this.

What should I do next?

What do you want to know? Shoot.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-18-2016 at 06:32 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 08:42 PM
First of all, calm down. You may as well have a neon flashing all caps TILT! sign stuck on your head based on your posts so far.

You are offering no information other than apparently you do not use utilities of any sort, and that is somehow the only way a company like Pokerstars will validate that you are who you say you are.

You still have yet to say what the security issue is nor what triggered whatever it is that is happening, nor anything else. You have not said when they asked for the all-powerful, unobtainable utility bill, so we have no idea if its been years or hours.

You also so not seem like a particularly pleasant person to help with this basic advice, but since you are not a brand new poster with a LOLbad collusion/instant bankroll exploit/multi accounting story, I am trying to give you a little benefit of the doubt, but you are not making it any easier to given that your posts are nothing more than angry dude tirades.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
I never said PS was likely to fail, I said Amaya is likely to not meet their full debt obligations if things continue how they are going. If you're convinced that's untrue, congrats on your sense of optimism.

What do you want? My account's been fully verified for 4 years, they requested a picture ID which I sent them, had sent them 2 times before as my accounts been verified since 2012. They're now requesting a Utility bill which I simply don't have. They're refusing to reply to any of my emails explaining any of this.

What should I do next?
They ask for utility bill but will except other things. I was in a similar situation and used a letter from the government that clearly showed my name / address / date. A letter from a bank might be good as well.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 09:06 PM
You are offering no information other than apparently you do not use utilities of any sort, and that is somehow the only way a company like Pokerstars will validate that you are who you say you are.
Utilities don't validate anything but the address. There are no utility bills at motels. I haven't played on PS in over two weeks, actually it may be even longer now. They are accusing me of logging in using a VPN which is both false and irrelevant since I never attempted to play. I have received and can produce prior written permission from them to log in using a US IP address to interact with the banking interface so long as I do not play. I have never played nor attempted to play on a VPN. I have not played or attempted to play at all in over two weeks and my account was in perfectly good standing the last time I did. I log into withdraw and stop the press, we have a crisis on our hands.

You still have yet to say what the security issue is nor what triggered whatever it is that is happening, nor anything else. You have not said when they asked for the all-powerful, unobtainable utility bill, so we have no idea if its been years or hours.

Hours. I'm biased, somewhat impatient and disinclined to give them the benefit of any doubt. I gave them 3 hours to respond to my first email, then another hour after that, then threatened to create a thread then did so. And the security issue was logging in on a different network/device.

You also so not seem like a particularly pleasant person to help with this basic advice, but since you are not a brand new poster with a LOLbad collusion/instant bankroll exploit/multi accounting story, I am trying to give you a little benefit of the doubt, but you are not making it any easier to given that your posts are nothing more than angry dude tirades.

Fair enough, actually I am quite pleasant but have been less so the last year. Yeah I'm pretty pissed off, I dislike Amaya, dislike what it is and represents, and its probably clouding my thoughts a little. Guess its my fault for continuing on with this Sysphean "career" choice. Worst case scenario, every time, guaranteed.

Also I started this thread not because they hadn't paid me, but because they hadn't responded to a single email. Which remains the case now, about 6 hours later. My goal is to get them to respond to my emails and secondarily of course, to cash out.

edit: but I'd rather be fun than pleasant anyway


Originally Posted by GOT TO WINN
They ask for utility bill but will except other things. I was in a similar situation and used a letter from the government that clearly showed my name / address / date. A letter from a bank might be good as well.
Ok the bank thing might work but not exactly sure what they're after or what the point would be. They know I'm not where I was anymore.


Never mind looks like it was all an innocent snafu

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-18-2016 at 06:34 AM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 09:30 PM
This was all just a bad dream.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-17-2016 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Never mind looks like it was all an innocent snafu

Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
I never said PS was likely to fail, I said Amaya is likely to not meet their full debt obligations if things continue how they are going. If you're convinced that's untrue, congrats on your sense of optimism.

What do you want? My account's been fully verified for 4 years, they requested a picture ID which I sent them, had sent them 2 times before as my accounts been verified since 2012. They're now requesting a Utility bill which I simply don't have. They're refusing to reply to any of my emails explaining any of this.

What should I do next?
Maybe Baazov used your account funds to invest in a new stock. Hold tight, it could be worth millions in a few weeks
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
That roll eyes emoticon if you don't know what it is suggests a dog standing in awe at his demigod master's feet when it intends quite nearly the opposite.

Anyway the thread served its purpose well.

First of all, calm down. You may as well have a neon flashing all caps TILT! sign stuck on your head based on your posts so far.
Its funny how far apart interpretations of simple exchanges can lie absent visual and vocal cues. I reread what I wrote to the point of that comment looking for the unhinged hysterics which must have preceded it but to me what I wrote comes off as stoic satire, which it was.

Originally Posted by kanadai Magyar
Maybe Baazov used your account funds to invest in a new stock. Hold tight, it could be worth millions in a few weeks
Yeah but I can only get paid in cigarettes and shanks.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-18-2016 at 06:35 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
That roll eyes emoticon if you don't know what it is suggests a dog standing in awe at his demigod master's feet when it intends quite nearly the opposite.

Anyway the thread served its purpose well.

Its funny how far apart interpretations of simple exchanges can lie absent visual and vocal cues. I reread what I wrote to the point of that comment looking for the unhinged hysterics which must have preceded it but to me what I wrote comes off as stoic satire, which it was.
Well I don't think I have enough posts to post in this 'thread that served its purpose' but I feel the rolling of the eyes is cause you called out a company saying they stole your entire balance, which they did not. When you give them two hours to respond to your emails and then start a new thread, yeah,, that's mega tilt, not tilt. Why not call them before starting a thread?

Sisyphean task??? unhinged hysterics?? absent vocal/visual cues?? Do you find yourself in mid-conversation at a party and then all of a sudden standing by yourself?

If you think it's a sisyphean task that is YOUR problem NOT stars.

1/. work more hours
2/. study more
3/. develop other sources of income

You always have a choice. Just don't do anything that's a 'sisyphean task' or use that phrase around people.

Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 01:40 AM
Cool thread.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by LETIGRA
Well I don't think I have enough posts to post in this 'thread that served its purpose' but I feel the rolling of the eyes is cause you called out a company saying they stole your entire balance, which they did not.
I said no such thing. I said they were attempting to steal my entire balance, can you prove they weren't?

When you give them two hours to respond to your emails and then start a new thread, yeah,, that's mega tilt, not tilt. Why not call them before starting a thread?
Because they don't have a phone.

Sisyphean task???
Correct spelling +1.
unhinged hysterics?? absent vocal/visual cues?? Do you find yourself in mid-conversation at a party and then all of a sudden standing by yourself?

That's the dumbest f***in thing I've read all week, and I've been reading a lot of NVG. Hand the man a prize.

If you think it's a sisyphean task that is YOUR problem NOT stars.

1/. work more hours
2/. study more
3/. develop other sources of income

You always have a choice. Just don't do anything that's a 'sisyphean task' or use that phrase around people.

Do want me to stop saying it or f*** it so you can wack off in the corner and watch? Jesus, could you repeat it three more times just so we know for sure which one you mean? And it IS stars' problem not MINE when more PR nightmare threads racking up 100 views an hour get started. Like you pointed out in so many words most of these people aren't getting past the title, they sure as hell aren't getting this far.

If I was George Bush I'd go ahead and land on an aircraft carrier right now.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 02:33 AM
Ha. Ok JH, I was just commenting as a passive observer of this thread. As a NJ stars player I found it interesting they were stealing your entire account balance. Can I prove it? No. But the burden of proof is not on me, and you certainly can not prove it, and you know that's true.

I think I spelled the word correctly. The good thing is that your posts don't even remotely resemble even an ounce of clinical depression much less mega-tilt.

I really don't think I want to 'wack' off in a corner.

I feel that would be weird.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by LETIGRA
Ha. Ok JH, I was just commenting as a passive observer of this thread. As a NJ stars player I found it interesting they were stealing your entire account balance. Can I prove it? No. But the burden of proof is not on me, and you certainly can not prove it, and you know that's true.
HINT: the whole thing's a semi joke that could have and would have gone in a more serious direction if they had proceeded to the jack move stage, which was never likely. But I wanted to show them I always follow through on threats. It also afforded me the opportunity to beat Amaya's d*** in in front of an audience.

I think I spelled the word correctly.
I originally misspelled it.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 02:53 AM
All good. I admit it is a joke i guess.

Just weird your aggression; then when stars makes you whole, it's just a joke.

I guess the first post was a joke too right? Sorry i'm kinda new to posting on this forum, thus i probably should not have responded.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:57 AM
Hey mods, if you're going to change a title you should be a bit more accurate. They stopped sending me any emails for 6 hours after many requests. That's highly unusual for PS, can you think of the last time PS support wouldn't even acknowledge that you are trying to get ahold of them for 6 hours?

And I'm dead serious when I say this: I've probably done as many lifetime gambling transactions as anyone on this forum and I've had all kinds of attempted and real thefts against me - they all start this way, every single one. Being stonewalled is the biggest red flag there is that an impending theft may be in play. Its the online gaming equivalent of walking into a 711 with a black ski mask on in July.

So change the title if you want but don't be so inaccurate about it. There was no massive overreaction, its standard. You make overtures of ripping me off you get a taste of how its gonna go for you until I'm paid in full. And it wasn't because of not receiving the desired email, it's because they cut me off for a period that is 5 standard deviations outside their normal response frame, i.e. they were testing the stonewall to see what kind of reaction it would elicit.


Originally Posted by LETIGRA
All good. I admit it is a joke i guess.

Just weird your aggression; then when stars makes you whole, it's just a joke.

I guess the first post was a joke too right? Sorry i'm kinda new to posting on this forum, thus i probably should not have responded.
I said semi-joke. No I was assuming they may be looking for an excuse to rip me off but the first posts are completely over the top craziness designed to 1) make them look as bad as possible by caricaturing them as an abusive, amoral corporate tyrant, which is true enough that its quite effective imo 2) follow through on the threat I made of starting a thread, to demonstrate to them that should things escalate future threats will be followed through on with equal diligence and 3) be entertaining.

The post was written in over the top fashion but my listed intentions were dead serious and I would have continued to escalate until paid. That's what I meant. But yeah, if I wouldn't have been paid later posts would have been much more serious.


Mods you should remove the ridiculous, results-oriented title change. It's empirically false, could have gone in the other direction and the outcome was likely influenced in part by this thread's existence, which was the main reason for the thread's creation. It's like saying shooting an intruder was a massive overreaction because when they rolled him out on the stretcher he obviously wasn't a threat to anyone.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-18-2016 at 03:12 PM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848

Its funny how far apart interpretations of simple exchanges can lie absent visual and vocal cues. I reread what I wrote to the point of that comment looking for the unhinged hysterics which must have preceded it but to me what I wrote comes off as stoic satire, which it was.
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Mods you should remove the ridiculous, results-oriented title change. It's empirically false, could have gone in the other direction and the outcome was likely influenced in part by this thread's existence, which was the main reason for the thread's creation. It's like saying shooting an intruder was a massive overreaction because when they rolled him out on the stretcher he obviously wasn't a threat to anyone.
Maybe the thread title that the mods choose was satirical as well
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Gemaco
Maybe the thread title that the mods choose was satirical as well
Maybe, but its not nearly as much fun.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:12 AM
New thread title a million times more accurate and funny then anything op has posted

Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:41 AM
You realize if you don't have a utility bill, they generally take any reasonable document that proves your residence, right? I also don't have a utility bill and no online poker site has every used that as an excuse not to send money.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:57 AM
Yeah, new title makes a 1 star thread a 5 star.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 03:02 PM
The title should also reflect that the Amaya customer thinks he has the company shaking in its boots by following through on a threat. And it should reflect that the customer now claims that his clear overreaction was actually a 'semi-joke' (whatever that is). But a title can only hold so much.
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
04-18-2016 , 03:48 PM
oh old people
Amaya customer massively overreacts after not getting desired email within ~5 hours Quote
