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K missing from my ACR account [Dec 2014] K missing from my ACR account [Dec 2014]

12-23-2014 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Redhouseab
ACR's response to this thread is unprofessional at best and makes me nervous having my money in the hands of a sub-par staff and a CEO that doesn't give a **** about us players. Half the time I call their support line, I get a rude pushy customer service rep that tries rushing me off the phone instead of caring (or fake-caring) about my issue. On more than one occasion, the c.s. reps have literally sighed on the phone, as if I'm wasting their precious time LOL.

That being said, from all the evidence that has been posted, I still don't see where "ACR refuses to help."

You got hacked (allegedly). This is not the fault of ACR. What do you expect them to do? Give you a free 10K? LOL. They are investigating it. Maybe not at the speed you'd like, but they are doing it none the less. You can't ask the whole world to stop when your highness runs into a problem that was not their fault. For god's sake man, you're playing from a hotel on their unsecured wifi connection (LOL). FYI, your screen shots and evidence are laughable and "prove" nothing. Don't try to burn ACR's bridge just because you suck at poker...ahem...excuse me.. I mean just because you got hacked.
The second part of this is actually spot on, but to act like money isnt safe because of the response and some bad interactions on the phone is absurd. We both know out of all the u.s sites, they are the only one that would even take the time to respond to this on here. They have done nothing but pay players fast in the past year.
12-23-2014 , 07:40 PM
OP, the charade is up.

This thread, and your post over the course of it, have proven it to be what I have always suspected it is - some BS line of proof you're trying to show your wife to prove to her that you didn't lose your bankroll, but someone else "took it from you." That's a YOU problem.

It's clear to those whom are intelligent that you're dishonest, and you've withheld information throughout the thread in an attempt to paint a story that leaves you as a witless victim of a inept company and a savvy hacker. It may of worked on your wife but it has failed here in the court of public opinion.

While the outcome of events doesn't leave me thrilled with Winning_TD or WinningCEO (i.e. how they responded to you, OP) it wasn't very far from what I would expect from their staff and didn't affect the my doing business with them one way or the other. I wasn't going to use their site for a variety of reasons and will continue to be a spectator…

You, however sir, as a grown man with a family, should really have some more common sense and come off as a poor loser. You lost and your wife is pissed. Stop making your personal family issues into a public issue.

Seriously, grow the F up. Stop crying to the internet about your "vanished" 10k. Be a real man, stop playing on shady, unregulated internet poker sites on company work computers and go out there and run your bankroll back up. Everyone goes bust, only jerks like you piss and moan about it and blame it on others to take the heat off themselves in their personal lives.

Please, don't waste our time or embarrass yourself further by trying to reply to this. Slink back under the rock in Austin, TX you came from and let the world be from your nonsense and pray your wife doesn't want to divorce your pitiful arse by the end of this thread.

Good Grief.
12-23-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Online Veteran
Can we please get some cliffs?
Guy says he was hacked for 10K and ACR did not respond in any fashion - but turns out he likely lost the money himself and tried to claim it was not him. Nonetheless, ACR has responded on here a plenty.

*The statistics show that 97% of the people who claim (on 2+2) they have been hacked and the poker room is cheating them out of money are shown to be liars...
12-23-2014 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by jason96544
The second part of this is actually spot on, but to act like money isnt safe because of the response and some bad interactions on the phone is absurd. We both know out of all the u.s sites, they are the only one that would even take the time to respond to this on here. They have done nothing but pay players fast in the past year.
Absurd? Nah. Maybe slight paranoia at best. But I didn't necessarily mean ACR could intentionally steal or open to door to have my money stolen. Simply put, having my money held by unprofessional and lazy people make me nervous. Period. If it doesn't bother you, than you have a peace of mind that I yearn for.
12-23-2014 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
*The statistics show that 97% of the people who claim (on 2+2) they have been hacked and the poker room is cheating them out of money are shown to be liars...
i use to work customer service for a poker site, you wouldnt believe how many people came to live chat looking for refunds because of being hacked.
12-23-2014 , 09:31 PM
LOL statisticates.

I play poker on company computers all the time. Then again, I am the IT manager.

I guess the only thing that keeps me from blaming the OP is that ACR did not come on here and admit the mistake that they gave bad information on the OP's balance and explain how that could happen. When all debits and credits are done in real time (should be and on Bovada they are), there really is NO excuse for that happening.

Last edited by the_duece; 12-23-2014 at 09:38 PM.
12-23-2014 , 10:20 PM
I really hope the majority of you don't procreate. The rest of society will appreciate it. You are an embarrassment. So many of you make the most idiotic posts it's really a shame. I am done with posting anything else, guaranteed, on this topic.

I just love when people say the op is his own problem since he "refuses" to talk to winning td yet I have spoken to him 5 times over the last 2 days. I get it. You don't know **** so pretend you do and post.

I get told I owe an update to the community every 10 mins. Yet, when I post "i am crying". Yet, I have posted a screenshot 3-4 times showing exactly what I said to be true.

Idiots keep saying the site didn't steal your money. No ****. I have never claimed wpn network did. Read my posts morons. Did you even read the title of the thread.

What a sad pathetic site this has become when losers just want to talk **** behind a keyboard. hopefully, one day you will grow up.
12-23-2014 , 10:35 PM
OP, is WPN correct in stating that the majority of the 10k was won and lost playing the same type of game?
12-23-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by themrc
I really hope the majority of you don't procreate. The rest of society will appreciate it. You are an embarrassment. So many of you make the most idiotic posts it's really a shame. I am done with posting anything else, guaranteed, on this topic.

I just love when people say the op is his own problem since he "refuses" to talk to winning td yet I have spoken to him 5 times over the last 2 days. I get it. You don't know **** so pretend you do and post.

I get told I owe an update to the community every 10 mins. Yet, when I post "i am crying". Yet, I have posted a screenshot 3-4 times showing exactly what I said to be true.

Idiots keep saying the site didn't steal your money. No ****. I have never claimed wpn network did. Read my posts morons. Did you even read the title of the thread.

What a sad pathetic site this has become when losers just want to talk **** behind a keyboard. hopefully, one day you will grow up.
lol. this is becoming so sad.
12-23-2014 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by themrc
I really hope the majority of you don't procreate. The rest of society will appreciate it. You are an embarrassment. So many of you make the most idiotic posts it's really a shame. I am done with posting anything else, guaranteed, on this topic.

I just love when people say the op is his own problem since he "refuses" to talk to winning td yet I have spoken to him 5 times over the last 2 days. I get it. You don't know **** so pretend you do and post.

I get told I owe an update to the community every 10 mins. Yet, when I post "i am crying". Yet, I have posted a screenshot 3-4 times showing exactly what I said to be true.

Idiots keep saying the site didn't steal your money. No ****. I have never claimed wpn network did. Read my posts morons. Did you even read the title of the thread.

What a sad pathetic site this has become when losers just want to talk **** behind a keyboard. hopefully, one day you will grow up.
one day op will learn bankroll mgmt? I was with you initially op. Better luck next time in your 25 50 plo endeavors.
12-23-2014 , 11:05 PM
This thread probably belongs in "poker brags, beats, and variances". With some title like, "hacked out of 10k I wish, ACR and 2+2 don't know nothing about that"
12-23-2014 , 11:09 PM
OP you are a huge *******. People are trying to help you and you keep insulting them. Quit being such a dick.

If you really want to get this figured out post all the emails and if you don't want to then gtfo.
12-23-2014 , 11:12 PM
So when will thread title change to reflect reality ?
12-23-2014 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by themrc
I am a member on "the other site"...
Oh, you are one of those people.
12-23-2014 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by themrc
I really hope the majority of you don't procreate. The rest of society will appreciate it. You are an embarrassment. So many of you make the most idiotic posts it's really a shame. I am done with posting anything else, guaranteed, on this topic.

I just love when people say the op is his own problem since he "refuses" to talk to winning td yet I have spoken to him 5 times over the last 2 days. I get it. You don't know **** so pretend you do and post.

I get told I owe an update to the community every 10 mins. Yet, when I post "i am crying". Yet, I have posted a screenshot 3-4 times showing exactly what I said to be true.

Idiots keep saying the site didn't steal your money. No ****. I have never claimed wpn network did. Read my posts morons. Did you even read the title of the thread.

What a sad pathetic site this has become when losers just want to talk **** behind a keyboard. hopefully, one day you will grow up.
Usually when people have nothing left to support their argument they resort to ad hominem, the logical fallacy of name calling. Whether conscious or not it is an attempt to divert the attention away from the argument.

I have seen one screenshot in this thread and it was illegible. I've seen a few links which I wouldn't dare click on. This gives the impression that OP doesn't know how to use a computer, yet he works for a software company. There are so many contradictions and omissions in his story that he defeats his own arguments.

Did OP demand a refund? If so this could be considered attempted extortion, the threat being continued slandering of WPN if he doesn't get his money.

As far as the subject of procreation, I hope OP doesn't teach his children to follow his example.

This thread should be locked or re-titled or both. Otherwise OP can continue to bump the thread to the top of the forum, doing more unjustified damage to WPNs reputation, and in effect all the players who play there.
12-24-2014 , 12:39 AM

If you are using a company owned laptop that may have been compromised do you really think that it was wise to take it to the company's IT person to have it checked out?
12-24-2014 , 12:44 AM
Seems like this is all BS now. OPs language has degened now. Not a good sign.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using 2+2 Forums
12-24-2014 , 01:31 AM
Off Topic Post:

This thread is a great example of the reason for my ID here.

I wonder if for certain types of threads, such as this one, 2+2 could put in a new system in which the thread didn't become so long and have a very high percentage of posts that are redundant or unhelpful.

One idea would be certain threads having pretty strict rules and a high percentage of posts like the ones in this thread being deleted and bringing temp-bans.

Another idea is two versions of threads like this: one that includes everything (like this one) and a modified version only containing the posts that actually add the the matter. (I realize this would take some work.)

Last edited by adultsonlyversion?; 12-24-2014 at 01:32 AM. Reason: typo
12-24-2014 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by adultsonlyversion?
Off Topic Post:

This thread is a great example of the reason for my ID here.

I wonder if for certain types of threads, such as this one, 2+2 could put in a new system in which the thread didn't become so long and have a very high percentage of posts that are redundant or unhelpful.

One idea would be certain threads having pretty strict rules and a high percentage of posts like the ones in this thread being deleted and bringing temp-bans.

Another idea is two versions of threads like this: one that includes everything (like this one) and a modified version only containing the posts that actually add the the matter. (I realize this would take some work.)
Are you handing in your application?
12-24-2014 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by themrc
I really hope the majority of you don't procreate. The rest of society will appreciate it. You are an embarrassment. So many of you make the most idiotic posts it's really a shame. I am done with posting anything else, guaranteed, on this topic.

I just love when people say the op is his own problem since he "refuses" to talk to winning td yet I have spoken to him 5 times over the last 2 days. I get it. You don't know **** so pretend you do and post.

I get told I owe an update to the community every 10 mins. Yet, when I post "i am crying". Yet, I have posted a screenshot 3-4 times showing exactly what I said to be true.

Idiots keep saying the site didn't steal your money. No ****. I have never claimed wpn network did. Read my posts morons. Did you even read the title of the thread.

What a sad pathetic site this has become when losers just want to talk **** behind a keyboard. hopefully, one day you will grow up.
So let me get this straight. You come to 2P2 to gain support from others. You BOLDLY state something slanderous about a company. Your story has more holes than Jimmy Hoffa's body, yet provide shoddy evidence and lash out to the very people you want support from. Hahah bro, you need to learn proper politics.
12-24-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by FakeVariance
Are you handing in your application?
Haha, no. As my post count indicates, they wouldn't want me (been perma-banned before) and I wouldn't have time.

On the other hand, I know it's not cool in voluntary organizations to bring up ideas and not support them, so if they actually wanted me and could give me some training, I'd seriously consider it.
12-24-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by adultsonlyversion?
Haha, no. As my post count indicates, they wouldn't want me (been perma-banned before) and I wouldn't have time.

On the other hand, I know it's not cool in voluntary organizations to bring up ideas and not support them, so if they actually wanted me and could give me some training, I'd seriously consider it.
The problem is that mods have actual jobs and to do what you insinuated would mean they would have to spend every waking hour on this site, and likely would have to be paid exorbitant amounts of money.

Your ideas are good in theory however.
12-24-2014 , 02:01 PM
I guess this thread is coming to an end, as the op states we have been private messaging each other and i have done all i can to help him. I hope he would like to confirm this but very soon the thread will either be removed or just a change of title.

Happy holidays to everyone.
12-24-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz

If you are using a company owned laptop that may have been compromised do you really think that it was wise to take it to the company's IT person to have it checked out?
Good observation as well as op shows no concern that if he got hacked in a Marriott that they may have criminal activity there, or if his laptop is company issued that sensitive information may have been exposed , or even that it may introduce more viruses into his company's IT department.

It irritates the hell out of me that op comes on here wanting the forum to be his tool in pressuring ACR into some kind of customer relations settlement, and then op flips everybody off here who did try and help, and who were listening.

His continual rambling on about customer service was already after the fact that the money had been played out of his account, then his angry digressive out of control rant about the forums shows the true colors of a player who can't handle tilt.
12-24-2014 , 02:23 PM
Still feel the thread title (that keeps getting bumped), is off.

Should read, "My Laptop Hacked, $10k stolen from my ACR Account
