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Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Tipping CONTAINMENT thread.

12-09-2013 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
You should tip me for the service I provided you. AKA dealing the hand. You should not tip me because you happened to be sitting at my table while your name was drawn for some random promotion.
With that perspective, I would assume you're a good dealer that does well. Good, professional dealers know what's going on and when a toke is deserved. I've actually had dealers that knew I had been running bad toss a chip back and tell me to catch them later. Of course this was on a very small pot that had been checked down, something like that.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by HRDuty
With that perspective, I would assume you're a good dealer that does well. Good, professional dealers know what's going on and when a toke is deserved. I've actually had dealers that knew I had been running bad toss a chip back and tell me to catch them later. Of course this was on a very small pot that had been checked down, something like that.
In many places, this is grounds for a write up/termination.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 02:50 PM
Partial Grunch (got 7 pages in and decided I didn't feel like watching tennis...)

I just wondered do tip amounts generally vary based on size of the blinds?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
I just wondered do tip amounts generally vary based on size of the blinds?
In the most general terms, you'll get bigger tips on bigger tables. It certainly isn't proportional. Tips on 10/20 aren't 10x 1/2.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by voelker
In many places, this is grounds for a write up/termination.
Never heard that before. Where might that be?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by HRDuty
Never heard that before. Where might that be?

Just about anywhere. Refusing a tip can be viewed as disrespectful.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
Just about anywhere. Refusing a tip can be viewed as disrespectful.
Right. Showing that you are on the side of a player who has been losing and rebuying is disrespectful.

I have seen only one player get upset when a dealer nicely returns a tip on a minuscule pot telling the player to "win a few more first". Every other time, the player and the table has appreciated that the dealer was not a money grubbing automaton.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
Just about anywhere. Refusing a tip can be viewed as disrespectful.
I don't see how. When you've established a solid rep in a room and dealers know you are not a stiff they are actually showing respect, knowing when the tide turns you will make it up to them. Anyone who might feel disrespected will not have to worry about being on the receiving end of this action.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-11-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
Right. Showing that you are on the side of a player who has been losing and rebuying is disrespectful.

I have seen only one player get upset when a dealer nicely returns a tip on a minuscule pot telling the player to "win a few more first". Every other time, the player and the table has appreciated that the dealer was not a money grubbing automaton.
That is more than likely the general consensus.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-12-2013 , 02:11 AM
This really isn't that complicated. I know of a dealer who refused a tip from a notoriously cheap tipper/universally disliked player (dealers and other players didn't like the guy). On a particularly large pot at a 5-10 NL table, the player threw a dollar to the dealer and the dealer threw the dollar back to the player. The whole exchange was clearly "screw you and your lousy one dollar tip".

The player was offended (rightly so) and the dealer was suspended for a week. This is not an isolated incident and I'm sure that plenty of other dealers can relate similar stories from other rooms. Of course this is entirely different than a dealer refusing a tip out of kindness on a particularly small pot, but the point is, this is a subjective matter. There's a gray area in here somewhere, and poker room managers hate gray areas in their rule books when a nice black and white rule can be written instead.

So the rule is, if a player gives you a tip, you say thank you, and you keep it.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-12-2013 , 05:32 AM
It's insulting to refuse a tip. You are basically saying, "hey, you don't look like you can afford this. You better keep it."
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-12-2013 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by HRDuty
Never heard that before. Where might that be?
Where I work.

Originally Posted by bolt2112
So the rule is, if a player gives you a tip, you say thank you, and you keep it.
This is our rule. If you refuse a tip you will be soon sitting in the Big Dog's office. No bueno
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-12-2013 , 11:33 PM
Tossing back a toke and telling the player to wait till he wins a real pot is nice.

It's not a problem for the guy getting the chip back or the players who heard the dealer.

But the player with headphones or the floorman at the podium or the
player at another table only see the chip go one way and back to the player.

Looks like the dealer is tossing it back because it's not enough.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-13-2013 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Tossing back a toke and telling the player to wait till he wins a real pot is nice.

It's not a problem for the guy getting the chip back or the players who heard the dealer.

But the player with headphones or the floorman at the podium or the
player at another table only see the chip go one way and back to the player.

Looks like the dealer is tossing it back because it's not enough.
If that's the case, then yea that dealer should be called on the carpet.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-13-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Suit
Where I work.

This is our rule. If you refuse a tip you will be soon sitting in the Big Dog's office. No bueno
Big difference in refusing for the wrong reasons and telling a player to catch me later. Is there a rule against stating where it is you're dealing?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-13-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
This really isn't that complicated. I know of a dealer who refused a tip from a notoriously cheap tipper/universally disliked player (dealers and other players didn't like the guy). On a particularly large pot at a 5-10 NL table, the player threw a dollar to the dealer and the dealer threw the dollar back to the player. The whole exchange was clearly "screw you and your lousy one dollar tip".

The player was offended (rightly so) and the dealer was suspended for a week. This is not an isolated incident and I'm sure that plenty of other dealers can relate similar stories from other rooms. Of course this is entirely different than a dealer refusing a tip out of kindness on a particularly small pot, but the point is, this is a subjective matter. There's a gray area in here somewhere, and poker room managers hate gray areas in their rule books when a nice black and white rule can be written instead.

So the rule is, if a player gives you a tip, you say thank you, and you keep it.
Every shift boss I ever worked for was well aware of the many ass holes whose main goal was to make their dealers ''down" as miserable as possible for a half hour. On more than one occasion I've seen jerky players pulled to side and told to either lighten up or find another room. It was always nice knowing your shift boss had your back and stood up for his dealers when they were being wrongly accused of some lame complaint. Of course these supervisors had come up through the ranks and didn't get to their positions by kissing ass and politicking their way to a higher position of authority and increased responsibility. Sadly, in todays poker world with most having the corporate mentality that the customer is always right, regardless. Too many can't figure out that ass hole players will drive off more good customers than vice versa.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-20-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
If you binked a tourney for 750k and after taxes walked out with a net of 450k and the 3% fees went to dealers, what would people tip realistically? Would you owe them anything if 3% of the pay is already going to them?

I am gonna be in the wpt next week in montreal and was hypothetically thinking what people would do with a score like that.

Myself , I have about 80k in student loans so my 450 looks more like 370k after its all said in done.
This summer for a >1m score at the WSOP, I tipped $0 because of the 3% they took. The next tournament I played, I got a dealer that had dealt the last few tables and I was pretty hungover. He said "hey, looks like you must have had a good time after your big score, wish I could have had a big score too". What are other dealer's opinions on a 0% tip in structures where they take 3%.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-20-2013 , 11:40 PM
not all casinos make millions of dollars in profit
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by butterThanU
Show me.

Atlantic Club Casino Hotel Files for Bankruptcy -
Nov 7, 2013

'Upscale' Revel N.J. casino files bankruptcy - USA Today
Mar 26, 2013
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by SoCalQuest
This summer for a >1m score at the WSOP, I tipped $0 because of the 3% they took. The next tournament I played, I got a dealer that had dealt the last few tables and I was pretty hungover. He said "hey, looks like you must have had a good time after your big score, wish I could have had a big score too". What are other dealer's opinions on a 0% tip in structures where they take 3%.
You're screwed no matter what you do at the WSOP. They treat the dealers there like absolute crap. Even if you had left a tip there is no guarantee all of it would have even gone to them. That 3% didn't even all go to the dealers.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 05:20 PM
So in tournaments - what's the general custom for tipping? Cash winners certain %?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
You're screwed no matter what you do at the WSOP. They treat the dealers there like absolute crap. Even if you had left a tip there is no guarantee all of it would have even gone to them. That 3% didn't even all go to the dealers.
So dealers from all over the country flock to the wsop just for base wage and tokes in cash games? Something sounds off in your calculations.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by z4reio
So dealers from all over the country flock to the wsop
Not too many do it more than once.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-21-2013 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by z4reio
So dealers from all over the country flock to the wsop just for base wage and tokes in cash games? Something sounds off in your calculations.
You do know last year the majority of dealers were brand new hired out of vegas and given a two week crash course in dealing.

Nobody with a job at any of the rooms in vegas takes a leave to deal the WSOP

Sent from my SCH-I510 using 2+2 Forums
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
Nobody with a job at any of the rooms in vegas takes a leave to deal the WSOP
Yes, actually, they do. Quite a few of 'em. And sometimes they do it more than once. When I've asked why, the most common reason is to alleviate boredom. It's something different to do, and the pay is roughly equivalent. So once a year they go spend 6 weeks dealing something other than HE each and every day and break up the job monotony. Sorta like a poker dealer sabbatical.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
