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Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Tipping CONTAINMENT thread.

07-30-2013 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Shwetty Bawlz
Just wow is right! At least your nephew is guaranteed to make $18 an hour for an 8 hour day.

$50 an hour rarely if ever happens. Average it out over an 8 hour shift and you're lucky if you even make $20 an hour. Especially if you're even lucky enough to work an 8 hour shift!

But everyone thinks they know how much a dealer makes or should make. It's been said over and over in this thread yet people still don't get it.

Good math there buddy.
If you're lucky to make $20/hour you must work in a terrible room. My room isn't that big when it comes to action as 98% of games are 1-100 spread limit filled with nits, and IMO $20/hour would be below average. In an 8 hour day, I would guess that I average about $200 for a $25/hour day, $30 if you count my wage. That also includes breaks. I would say I average about $15/down overall. You will never get a complaint from me, I have a great paying job that requires no education that I tauf myself because it interested me. I realize how lucky I am.

Seriously, if you push a 1k pot and aren't happy with a $1 tip, GTFO so somebody who does appreciate it can take your shift. Yes. There are stiffs everywhere, but these people are cancelled out by the players who ship you a dollar on a blind steal, or the ones than throw you a red-bird for a pot under $100, or the ones that throw you $10+ for that same huge pot.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by bolt2112
You seem to think think that obligations and acceptable behavior are one and the same. I happen to feel that there is a higher standard for acceptable behavior, and that meeting one's obligations only means that you're achieving the absolute minimums of common decency.

If I'm driving in front of you in the left lane going exactly 55 mph while the rest of traffic is going 70 mph, is my behavior acceptable to you? I'm under no obligation to go faster.

If I refuse to hold the door open for an old lady walking with a cane is that acceptable behavior? I'm under no obligation to stand there and wait for her.

Personally, I feel like the guy who tips me $1 (or stiffs me altogether) on a $1000 pot is about the same as the guy who won't hold the door open for my grandma.

And to answer your question, unlike the players at the table, I am obligated to accept the tip, no matter the amount, tap the tray with it, and say "thank you". I am forbidden to refuse it. So I took the dollar, mustered up as sincere a "thank you" as I could, and dropped it in my toke box.
Ridiculous analogies (maybe the worst in the thread yet). And yes, you can get a ticket in most states for driving too slowly on the highway, but I'll just easily pass you by going into the lane that has the guys going 15 mph faster without consideration whether it's acceptable or not.

Heh, it's probably that old lady with the cane driving 15 mph under the limit, but asserting that a dude that tips a $1 on a $1000 pot is on par with a guy that won't hold a door open for an old lady with a cane? Jesus. Sorry, but you project way too much onto people based on their tipping policies (not the first time ITT). Maybe it's time to get a job that doesn't rely on tips to gain a little perspective? I think so.

Mustering up a thank you when someone supplements your hourly wage? Now, that's unacceptable. Unacceptable behavior for a dealer. There's a reason why your room forces you to accept a tip even when you feel it's an unacceptable amount. Care to guess why?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
How about it is a valets job to take care of the clients car regardless of tip?
I'm all about agreeing with you in theory. I'm not saying how it SHOULD be. I'm saying how it is. I never did anything but treat cars with the utmost respect. I cannot say the same for every single valet in the world.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 02:33 AM
I'm under no obligation to feel grateful when someone gives me a lousy tip. But I am obligated to express gratitude. And so I do. How can you possibly describe my behavior as unacceptable? My job requires me to acknowledge the tip with a tap on the tray and a verbal thank you, which I do. I don't mutter the thanks. I don't glare at the player or curse under my breath.

I am under no obligation to appreciate a tip any more than a player is obligated to give me one in the first place. My thoughts are my own personal business and they remain so unless/until I express them out loud.

Yes, I can think of a few reasons why my room forces me to accept tips regardless of amount. 1. It would be bad business to offend customers by refusing tips. The casino is trying to attract customers, not to piss them off. 2. If customers have their tips thrown back at them, they might get the idea to stop tipping altogether, which would have an adverse affect on other dealers. 3. Other players at the table might get the idea that dealers don't appreciate tips and they might be offended and stop tipping as well.

You seem to be stuck on the idea that a dealer should feel a certain way in order to be professional. The reality is that a professional dealer need only act a certain way. Their thoughts and their actions/demeanor need not match.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 04:34 AM
I'd put money on being able to tell the difference between a dealer who "mustered up a sincere thank you" in a big pot and one who is genuinely thankful for any tip they receive.

A $1 tip on a hand is not lousy, sorry, and that brings us to where we were over a year ago: you feeling entitled to tip amounts that have nothing to do with your performance, so I'll bow out now, again. If it takes you an extra 2 minutes in a big pot, that's just variance. Sometimes you'll get tokes on blind steals or just for the **** of it, so it all balances out. You sound like the crying poker player that thinks his aces should win every time.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
How about it is a valets job to take care of the clients car regardless of tip?
It is. But we both know they're not doing it or there's at least some threat of them not doing it.

There's a problem with tipping. People who take jobs involving tips take them with the expectation that they'll receive tips. If they don't receive tips, they're not happy about it. But tips aren't mandatory. So you're left with employees unsatisfied with customers because they don't tip or don't tip more, customers unsatisfied because they feel obligated to pay extra, and businesses laughing all the way to the bank.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 08:58 AM
Not to mention the times you get a dollar from two players even they chop a pot. Usually they lose money to the house but they always both seem to throw a dollar

Sent from my SGH-T999 using 2+2 Forums
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 09:41 AM
I've seen friendly male dealers get tips up to $40 on big pots (~$3K). I've seen friendly female dealers get up to $60 on big pots (~$3K) and one of the more attractive female dealers in our room get $80 on a $900 pot river suckout. I'm sure they've all made higher single pot tips as I don't even play the biggest games in our room.

I see terrible male and female dealers that rarely get more than $5 and when they do get $5-10 it's from someone who isn't a reg in the room and doesn't know how bad the dealer is. "Terrible" covers both fundamental mistakes while dealing and also just being a grump at the table all the time.

Personally, I feel like the guy who tips me $1 (or stiffs me altogether) on a $1000 pot is about the same as the guy who won't hold the door open for my grandma.
Do I even have to point out to you which of the above categories you fit into?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Shwetty Bawlz
Just wow is right! At least your nephew is guaranteed to make $18 an hour for an 8 hour day.

$50 an hour rarely if ever happens. Average it out over an 8 hour shift and you're lucky if you even make $20 an hour. Especially if you're even lucky enough to work an 8 hour shift!

But everyone thinks they know how much a dealer makes or should make. It's been said over and over in this thread yet people still don't get it.

Good math there buddy.
Another one who just does not get it.

I am very familiar with how much dealers make. And I'm normally every dealer's best friend. But when folks start whining about $25 downs like they think they're being cheated by the players, it makes all dealers look bad. Very bad. And it can cause backlash.

I know one guy who once gave a several $hundred tip for a $5Kish BBJ. 20 minutes later he heard that dealer bitching to a coworker about what a cheap ahole the player was, because the tip was barely 5%. Fine... this guy instantly created a new rule.. If they are pissed off when I gave 'em $300, they can be pissed off when I gave 'em $1. And he no longer tips extra for BBJ's and HHJ's. He said he stopped tipping entirely for a short while but finally decided that was unreasonable, though he contends it wouldn't take but one more such incident to push him to that.

Y'all seem to have no idea how bad it looks when you tell people a $25 down is not good enough. Do yourselves a favor and STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT TIPS!
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 11:24 AM
This. I personally started tipping $1 a pot ($20 profit min) after reading this thread.

Last edited by ddboy; 07-30-2013 at 11:25 AM. Reason: That used to be just my min tip, now it's also my max.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 02:44 PM
I think they are referring to $50/hr when one deals in Ivey's room. I'm a player and personally prefer the time/tip pot as it eliminates any confusion and punishes those that would normally stiff.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 03:17 PM
Does anyone factor in house rake/drop when determining how much you will be tipping? It seems a lot harder to tip at places where its 5+1, than places that are 3+1 or 4+0. I know it shouldn't matter, it isn't changing how well the dealers are going to deal, but it makes it tough to tip when you are already losing $6 on a $100 pot, and now adding another $1 to it.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shwetty Bawlz
Average it out over an 8 hour shift
What does the rest of your shift have to do with anything?

Do you tip your server more when the restaurant is slow to keep the server's
average for the shift up?

Originally Posted by Shwetty Bawlz
Especially if you're even lucky enough to work an 8 hour shift!
So you want 8 hours pay for less than 8 hours work.

Well, yeah, I'd like that too.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 05:32 PM
As a player (and as an overtipper), the stories about dealers being disappointed with their jackpot tips are kind of disheartening. It's not just in this thread, but also in the casinos. At my local room, I've heard complaints from dealers in cases where I know the total BBJ table tip has exceeded $1000. These complaints are actually being made at the tables! Generally they come during conversation with regulars, in response to things like "hey, I heard you dealt the jackpot the other night, congrats ..."

It makes me wonder what to do should I ever be lucky enough to hit one. There are certain dealers for whom I'd just open up the floodgates, but I'm talking about the average case. I would absolutely hate it if I learned that a dealer was complaining about a tip that I felt was generous.

Some of the dealer expectations seem to be based on percentage of the jackpot, which really doesn't make any sense at all. If there's an $80,000 jackpot, for example, 5% would be $4,000. That would be quite a windfall, but yet some might complain. I would think that even $500 or $1000 should be appreciated, but from what I hear, it's apparently not so.

I certainly understand why the dealers would hope for a big payoff (it could happen), but I don't understand the complaints.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 05:38 PM
Just curious. What's an overtipper? Is that a person that tips more than they feel the service is worth? I think it is, because tipping more than what is avg doesn't make one an overtipper.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 07:26 PM
The $25/down discussion went as follows:


How satisfied/dissatisfied are dealers that get $25/down in a time/tip pot in a big bobby's/ivey's room game?

Reasonably satisfied.
That kind of game could easily make $3 or less.
It could occasionally make your whole week worthwhile.
Next response, although not an actual answer to the question:

I think any dealer who isn't satisfied making $25 in 30 minutes needs a swift kick in the nards.
Response to the first two responses:

making $25 in one 30 minute down isn't the same as making $25 every 30 minutes. if I make $25 at the 1/2 nl table I'm happy. If I make it at the 2/4 limit table I'm thrilled. And it's unheard of to make that in the breakroom. Those guys at the nosebleed stakes should be able to tip a lot more than $25 per down.

Just the other day I sat at a table with guys talking about their fancy cars and exotic vacations. All while tipping a buck a hand on slower than normal $1000 pots. Unacceptable.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using 2+2 Forums
After this, a number of people apparently became enraged, despite the fact that at no point did anyone actually ever say that $25/down wasn't enough. You're all arguing with yourselves over a nonexistent quote, even deciding along the way to change it to suit your own argument by bringing in the "$50 an hour" figure, which no one ever said.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by z4reio
Just curious. What's an overtipper? Is that a person that tips more than they feel the service is worth? I think it is, because tipping more than what is avg doesn't make one an overtipper.
According to this thread? There's a clear and obvious anti-tipping bias here, which causes anyone who suggests being generous to get attacked by the non-tipping crowd, so I'd say anything over $1/raked hand is going to be thought of as "overtipping" around these parts.

Face it, this thread is set up to cater to 2p2'ers who love winrates and can't stand cutting into them via giving someone else their money. Anyone who even attempts to say that $X amount is too little gets instantly slammed. Any complaint by a dealer results in immediate backlash. The mods aren't even giving this thread a token effort at keeping it down the middle.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
According to this thread? There's a clear and obvious anti-tipping bias here, which causes anyone who suggests being generous to get attacked by the non-tipping crowd, so I'd say anything over $1/raked hand is going to be thought of as "overtipping" around these parts.

Face it, this thread is set up to cater to 2p2'ers who love winrates and can't stand cutting into them via giving someone else their money. Anyone who even attempts to say that $X amount is too little gets instantly slammed. Any complaint by a dealer results in immediate backlash. The mods aren't even giving this thread a token effort at keeping it down the middle.
This is a great post. "Overtipping" according to this thread is anything over $1/pot and maybe $2 for huge pots.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 08:52 PM
I personally am grateful for every tip. Whether it be a dollar or more. I have a few players that haven't tipped me in over a year. I'm grateful for them too and treat them with the same sincere respect as the other players. You know why? They are filling seats at my table. If they weren't there, there action wouldn't be there. If there action isn't there the pots they would lose to another tipper might not be there. They might not tip when they win pots but the people that win pots off of them tip. So I appreciate them coming to fill my tables.

Yes there have been downs where I hit them with the deck and I got little money those downs. But how about most times when players chop a hand and I get 2 bucks and the players actually lost money to the house. Or the drunk guy who throws a red bird fpr small pots cause he doesnt know any better.

It all evens out and if these players didn't bring there action to your room. You don't have a table to deal.

I get tired of dealers complaining about tournament downs. Really how hard is it to deal a holdem tournament. You have no reason to complain. You get a decent compensation for your job.

Hey how about this, have some fun with your job. Get to know the people, even though you don't talk much in the box listen to their conversations. These people lead some interesting lives. If you are outgoing and friendly like you are supposed to be the players will talk to you. Keep it short but talk back with them. It can be a very fun and rewarding job if you can deal with people well.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
despite the fact that at no point did anyone actually ever say that $25/down wasn't enough. You're all arguing with yourselves over a nonexistent quote,
TBH, I think "Those guys at the nosebleed stakes should be able to tip a lot more than $25 per down"--from one of the posts you quoted--at least implies what you said wasn't said. If not says it outright (albeit in different words), especially since it was preceded by "I'd be ecstatic if I got this at a 2-4 limit table" or something to that effect.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 09:02 PM
I didn't expect my post about the jackpot tips to attract attention for the word "overtipper." Stupid as it may be, I'm an overtipper by anyone's definition.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-30-2013 , 09:31 PM
If I won a big jackpot there is not a snowball's chance in hell I would tip 5%. How in the heck is ~1% of money that was the player's to begin with and is going to get taxed not enough for losing the rest of a down dealing?
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-31-2013 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by coffee_monster
TBH, I think "Those guys at the nosebleed stakes should be able to tip a lot more than $25 per down"--from one of the posts you quoted--at least implies what you said wasn't said. If not says it outright (albeit in different words), especially since it was preceded by "I'd be ecstatic if I got this at a 2-4 limit table" or something to that effect.
It was the 3rd or 4th thing said in response to the original question, and the only thing that even really came close to making the point that $25 hourly was no good.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-31-2013 , 10:16 AM
I LOVE the $25/down! Last week I had a shift with 7 of those tables. Had it not been for them I would have made $365 for the week!
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
07-31-2013 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
According to this thread? There's a clear and obvious anti-tipping bias here, which causes anyone who suggests being generous to get attacked by the non-tipping crowd, so I'd say anything over $1/raked hand is going to be thought of as "overtipping" around these parts.

Face it, this thread is set up to cater to 2p2'ers who love winrates and can't stand cutting into them via giving someone else their money. Anyone who even attempts to say that $X amount is too little gets instantly slammed. Any complaint by a dealer results in immediate backlash. The mods aren't even giving this thread a token effort at keeping it down the middle.

I think part of the reason why there's a clear and obvious anti-tipping bias in this thread is due to much of the responses by the dealers in this thread. I have changed my own tipping policies due to this very thread, and it's not because I'm worried about it cutting into my win rate. Dealer tokes pale in comparison to last minute flights, hotels, taxis and such, with regard to win rate.

Originally Posted by frommagio
I didn't expect my post about the jackpot tips to attract attention for the word "overtipper." Stupid as it may be, I'm an overtipper by anyone's definition.
Yeah, I wasn't really intending to derail your post, but you're not an overtipper by my definition. If you want to tip amounts that most players would consider exorbitant then that's your business - if it's more than I would tip in that situation, I still wouldn't consider it overtipping because tipping is subjective and you must have a reason for tipping the amount you feel they deserve. I have yet to see a guy say, "Jeez, this dealer is terrible. Here's $25 for this nice pot." Anyway, I realize this is picking nits, so I won't address it again.
Tipping CONTAINMENT thread. Quote
