UPDATE: The moderators of B&M have agreed to make the list of offenders public. As expected, everyone has been pretty well-behaved under the new moderation system. Hopefully that will continue going forward. This list will be updated accordingly.
B&M Tempban List
First offense (warning) -- warnings are not made public.
Second offense (24-hr tempban)
100%VPIP -- Identifying non-famous players. [Rapini]
33 Big Blinds -- 24-hr ban for trolling, low-/no-content posting, and identifying cardroom staff. [Rapini]
3BetBroke -- Low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
99killed -- repeated no-content posting. [Rapini]
AA Suited -- 24-hr ban for violating the privacy of cardroom staff. [Rapini]
AceCroupier -- Trolling. [Rapini]
bacats32 -- incessant no-content and off-topic posting in the Absurd "Thinking" thread in B&M. [Rapini]
bigjimt -- Low-/no-content posting & discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
BIRDY dealer -- advertising for Revel. [Rapini]
borgota semireg -- trolling. [Lattimer]
cf410 -- abusing the Report Post function. [Rapini]
chefs101 -- trolling / personal attack. [Lattimer]
colt45ss -- discussing illegal activites. [Rapini]
CommanderNChief -- 24-hr ban for off-topic posting: advertising for Harrah's Chester in the PARX thread. [Rapini]
DCJ001 -- 24-hr ban for discussion of moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
Dealer-Guy -- Rigtarding + posting about a containment issue outside the containment thread. [Rapini]
DesertCat -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
dipce -- Potential copyright violation: copying and pasting an entire news article into a post. [Rapini]
dohnutts -- Trolling. [Lattimer]
donkitall -- Personal attack/trolling. [Rapini]
donniccolo -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread and discussing cardroom employees. [Rapini]
Don’t Tase Me Bro -- trolling / personal attack. [Rapini]
DrChesspain -- pictarding in B&M. [Rapini]
FreakShow -- Low-/no-content posting in the B&M Forum. [Rapini]
frommagio -- Derailing. [Rapini]
jamest -- googletarding / not using the search function. [Rapini]
Jediburke -- Using a gimmick account to troll the Harrah's Cherokee thread. [Rapini]
KENNYTRANPLUSEV -- trolling. [Rapini]
LiveActionPro -- trolling. [Rapini]
LivingOffZSun -- low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
LuvTheBeefCurtains -- Trolling the Colorado RC thread. [Rapini]
LVPILET -- Trolling; discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
machi5 -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
Mark275 -- discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
metsandfinsfan -- 24-hr ban for no-content posting. This ban was extended to 48 hrs due to circumvention by gimmick account. [Rapini]
Midnight Cowboy -- 24-hr ban for low-/no-content posting in the B&M Forum. [Rapini]
NDfan -- Low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
NIN -- Consistently trolling the Borgata PV thread. [Rapini]
Omar Comin -- 24-hr ban for no-content posting and discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
PASANDSMAN -- Trolling the Parx thread. [Rapini]
Pauky -- Off-topic posting: poker legislation issues in the CT Poker Venues thread. [Rapini]
Paul Valente -- 24-hr tempban for no-/low-content posting & trolling. [Rapini]
pfapfap -- 24-hr ban for low-/no-content posting / trolling. [Rapini]
PhosphoricAcid -- violating the privacy of non-famous players and cardroom staff. [Rapini]
pokergod350 -- trolling. [Lattimer]
Pokerprotrav -- promoting place of employment. [Rapini]
Randal_Graves -- 24-hr ban for no-content posting. [Rapini]
ReidLockhart -- no-content posting. [Rapini]
RobFarha -- no-content posting. [Rapini]
Roll_up -- identifying a cardroom employee. [Rapini]
Schadenfred -- trolling. [Rapini]
SirRawrsALot -- low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
starrazz -- trolling and politarding. [Rapini]
that_pope -- Low-/no-content posting in the B&M Forum. [Rapini]
Suit -- 24-hr ban for trolling the tipping containment thread. [Rapini]
thekid345 -- trolling and discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
wil318466 -- low-/no-content posting and trolling. [Rapini]
WildDuces234 -- Identifying cardroom staff by name. [Rapini]
wtfikillu -- making multiple staking threads in B&M. [Rapini]
z4reio -- 24-hr ban for low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
zoltan -- 24-hr ban for no-content/trolling posting. [Rapini]
Third offense (48-hr tempban)
bigjimt -- Trolling. [Rapini]
cf410 -- discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
dohnutts -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Lattimer]
Don’t Tase Me Bro -- trolling / personal attack; also sent multiple PMs harassing other B&M forum participants referencing a B&M thread. [Lattimer]
DrChesspain -- low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
floppinnothing -- low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
LiveActionPro -- trolling. [Rapini]
LVPILET -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
MSchu18 -- Trolling, low-/no-content posts. [Rapini]
PASANDSMAN -- 48-hr ban for continuing to shill for Bethlehem Sands in other casinos' threads. [Rapini]
Pauky -- Discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
Paul Valente -- 48-hr ban for low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
PhosphoricAcid -- discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
Redsoxnets5 -- violating the privacy of non-famous players or cardroom staff. [Rapini]
starrazz -- Trolling. [Rapini]
WildDuces234 -- Low-/no-content posting. [Rapini]
Fourth offense
bigjimt -- Trolling. [Rapini]
floppingnothing -- 72-hr ban for violating the privacy of non-famous players or cardroom staff. [Rapini]
LVPILET -- Permanent ban for racist remarks and trolling. [Rapini]
PhosphoricAcid -- 72-hr ban for no-content posting. [Rapini]
Special Achievement Award
g00t4life -- exile for a multitude of violations in rapid succession.
goofball -- exile per this thread:
Pauky -- 3-day tempban & exile from B&M for low-/no-content posting and discussing moderation action in a substantive thread. [Rapini]
Last edited by Rapini; 11-07-2013 at 11:12 AM.