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The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread..

07-11-2010 , 03:02 AM
Total douche
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-11-2010 , 03:05 AM
link plz
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-11-2010 , 11:02 PM
i like calcanis' fold there but if he really didn't care about the money he would have gotten it in without so much as a second thought
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-12-2010 , 03:14 AM
starcraft for the win!!... dont diss the greatest game ever!!
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-12-2010 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by LOLNHDONKWP
I think it was "What's the biggest tip you've ever got"
"here's 200"

Amazingly douchey.
This is the part that annoyed me.

He might as well have just wrapped a wad of $100's around his schlong. He probably has no idea how much an ass he comes off as when does that.

Other than that, I think he was good for the game for sure.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-12-2010 , 09:43 AM
"don't worry bout it, it's Daniel's money"

that was great lol
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-12-2010 , 06:59 PM
Huge Douchebag IMO
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-12-2010 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by jasoncalacanis

They were in fact pitching this table as dead money central to the other players to get them to sit down..... they were pitching the LC hard as a donkey (nine years as a pro... a donkey, really?), me as the whale and Phil H. as dead money tournament pro who can't keep it together.
No matter how competent the LC, the EV equation says he should be very loose towards the end unless he is way ahead.

I liked Jason C. at the table. I think whales (e.g. Guy) make for a better game.

Oh, and Doyle needs to see a doctor to get that golden horseshoe surgically removed from his ass.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-13-2010 , 05:40 AM
I don't understand why everyone thinks "jasoncalacanis" is the real Jason Calacanis. It kind of makes me want to pretend to be Allen Cunningham.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-13-2010 , 01:13 PM
I attend internet marketing conferences as I run an IM company, and this guy is pretty universally hated. Didn't even realize he was tapping into the poker universe now. Sigh.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-13-2010 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Unurgent Finger
I don't understand why everyone thinks "jasoncalacanis" is the real Jason Calacanis.
Because he is ...
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-14-2010 , 09:14 AM
Did anyone else feel that Jason came off as a bit condescending with his "when was the last time you were gainfully employed?" line of questioning? Specifically, to the LC: "Have you ever held a real job?"

Speaking of which, I found it funny that they kept describing the LC as an "aspiring" poker pro. He hasn't worked since 2004, pretty safe to say he's doing all right with the "poker pro" thing. Of course he could be in one of those marriages where the wife is the big breadwinner of the house.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-14-2010 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Freewill1978
Did anyone else feel that Jason came off as a bit condescending with his "when was the last time you were gainfully employed?" line of questioning? Specifically, to the LC: "Have you ever held a real job?"

Speaking of which, I found it funny that they kept describing the LC as an "aspiring" poker pro. He hasn't worked since 2004, pretty safe to say he's doing all right with the "poker pro" thing. Of course he could be in one of those marriages where the wife is the big breadwinner of the house.
I think Calacanis was a tool at some other times but not so much with that line of questioning. I think he was starting a debate among a table of pros who haven't had jobs for a long time. It was no more insulting to the LC then it was the David Williams imo.

The tipping thing is way more annoying.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-14-2010 , 09:56 AM
Totally agree with a poster above. If he didn't care about the money then he would have shipped his stack in with a set of 10s. He was just trying to make an amazing fold for the cameras. He was condescending and in no way entertaining for the show. A complete tool.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-15-2010 , 04:45 AM
Jason was being a tool but I thought Brunson stooped pretty low when they were talking about Starcraft he says,"have any of you heard of girls before". I mean starcraft may be nerdy or whatever but you could say poker is geeky aswell because it involves maths.

Otherwise Brunson is a legend.

Also where is the proof that jasoncalacanis is Jason Calacanis?
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-15-2010 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Unurgent Finger
Jason was being a tool but I thought Brunson stooped pretty low when they were talking about Starcraft he says,"have any of you heard of girls before". I mean starcraft may be nerdy or whatever but you could say poker is geeky aswell because it involves maths.

Otherwise Brunson is a legend.

Also where is the proof that jasoncalacanis is Jason Calacanis?
I disagree. The guy is over 76 years old. It's a light-hearted joke that a lot of people would make in that situation and everyone took it as it was meant. You're reading a bit too much into it.
The "Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?" but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
07-15-2010 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by jasoncalacanis

Really the only thing that matter is a) did I have a good time, b) was I entertaining, c) will I get invited back. Feels like yes on all three.
How predictable: a JC hate thread.

Dude, I hated watching you so much I felt compelled to add my own hate. I needed an hour on the kick bag after watching you. You were in no way entertaining for me. Don't kid yourself.

PH made a good point to Tony G (another complete tit imo) that although it's bad enough being a bad loser, it's worse being a bad winner.

What was that all about needling DN after he paid you off? You keep that up and someone is gonna knock your teeth out.

HAHAHA the CEO of poker..hahahahaha. Nothing worse than "the self proclaimed <insert adjectival phrase here>"

The &quot;Who the hell is Jason Calacanis?&quot; but I hope I never see him again thread.. Quote
