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Register The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX

10-21-2010 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by badbrains

Cool hand where Tony G and Viffer swap cards mid way through the hand. I'm surprised this didn't make the show.
this is epic. also more proof tony was running hotter than the sun. lolz. too bad it didn't make the show. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:04 AM
Even more then epic one of the most funny hands i ever seen. And why one earth is anyone messin with the Tony G show just lead him do his stuff its frikking brilliant. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by WutRUTryin2Hit
If you are saying what I think you are, Pokerstars actually saves money if they get winning players on, cause if the player wins, they get their 100k back.
what are you talking about. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:39 AM
I have to say this again. I just cant see the point of this show if the LC is a bad player. It just imo makes no sense that after you watch the LC play for 4min you know he or she is drawing dead. Its just painful to watch as i see it. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 04:48 AM
10-21-2010 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by cocowheats
YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR IT LITTLE LONGER!! The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 05:01 AM
10-21-2010 , 05:15 AM
Is raising legal? You wouldn't know it the way the LC plays. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by Geotpf
Why on earth did that not make the show? Maybe because it was against the rules? But considering what they held, OMG.

Viffer has A7; Tony G has K7. Right before the flop, they swap one card, giving Viffer a pair of sevens and and Tony G AK.

Then the flop comes QJ10.
You might want to use spoiler tags next time you give away the ending of a video. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 05:35 AM
LC = weak tight. Seriously, raise your hands! Have you ever played live? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by SchererBoy
Is it on one of the Fox Sports channels? I've been watching it from the beginning on PokerTube, but it stops at Ep. 29 I think, and I'm sure there has to be more Ep's than that.
I watch it on Fox, not Fox Sports. You can also see it at here. Hope this helps. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:18 AM
Hey Elizabeth did you and Tony G ever have dinner? You guys are cute on the show together The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by One Voice
She is just so clumsy with both her chips and her cards and doesn't protect her hand either. I don't believe she can hold two cards in one hand slightly spread and bent up so the camera can see like every other pro does so they must have gotten frustrated and tried to show her a dummy way to do it with two hands. This is not meant to be a knock, she seems like a sweet innocent girl that should be dealing with "real" people not poker degens.

As far as the over and under on gay guys at the table I would take the over at 1.5 and under of 4 that was quoted as long as we can count those who are in denial about their sexuality. Tony G seems very interested in LC and I would say he is hetro but once I was at Bellagio and observed Tony G dining with an attractive young man and kept noticing him checking out another guy in the room pretty hard. I didn't think much of it but for the heck of it I decided to ask a Bellagio dealer (they know everything!) at my game later what she knew about Tony G. I'll never forget the response from the dealer which may just have been a joke, but nevertheless she said, "Tony G would rather smell the farts of a young man then the perfume of a pretty girl." Can DN shed any light? When asked about LC in the beginnig Tony G had a tough time spitting out that he was "committed".
If i were to comment on THIS! the way id like to id surley pocket myslf an infraction.So instead i think all return to the episode and let the spew monkeys keep hateing.
Only on ep 3 not sure how its going to turn out but either way if your still out thier Gl elizabeth The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:34 AM
the swapped hands was real fun. it would have been more fun if they both gave each other 7 and they both wud be like sheeeet its a one card game now. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:39 AM
Did I complete miss the next hand between Tony and Daniel? Or is this a part of the next episode they randomly put online? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by faustus
Does anyone know if this weeks episodes will be streamed online somewhere? If not does anyone know how long it takes for them to put the episodes online? Is it right after it's aired or is it at the end of the week?
Welcome to 2p2, Faustus. The episodes appear online I think about twelve hours after they air. This is one of the places you can view them. There was another link mentioned earlier in this thread. Is this it? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:40 AM
I can't imagine anyone except Andrew Robl being a douche to you Elizabeth, it's got to be him either him or Hachem... The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:46 AM
corkins-SOOOO bad.why no rebuy??? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:47 AM
3rd episode:

Well I guess I have to eat my own words. LC is back in black and she didn't need any coolers. I actually think her limping with all hands is superior for her situation where she's only on one bullet and even though she is losing some value on her good hands, she doesn't commit to any of them and always sees a cheap flop and then after actually hitting something, she gets aggressive. And since most pots are straddled she is winning decent sized pots despite everyone knowing she has it.

I now actually think she has a better chance of ending up positive if she can just avoid any serious coolers. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by BigBadBootyDaddy
Daniel completely gained my respect with that recall of the Lederer hand....i was thinking the exact same thing. Pretty sick.
That was absolutely amazing. I can't remember a hand I played a couple minutes ago! The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by RNauta
I would have had more respect if he had just called. What's the point of making a decision, talking about it, changing your mind because you take too long chatting about it and then making the wrong move. If he just folded ok, you can say it's a scary board and you dont have the nuts. But he had the information, he had seen a similar hand where Joe had the same and acted the same, and he didn't follow that information ? Thats just fancy play syndrome.
My take on it is that he made the correct decision. However, right before he implemented it, Tony G talked him out of it. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by MikeBandy
My take on it is that he made the correct decision. However, right before he implemented it, Tony G talked him out of it.
You mean Viffer, right? Either way, I was pretty sure Daniel would call like others were especially after he brought up the similarly played hand Hachem played against Howard Lederer on HSP. As has been said, he had all the info available from said hand; Daniel just couldn't pull the trigger. I know I've been there before (obv. not for near the stakes Negreanu and co. are playing, but...): you have a read on a player and you're certain you have the best hand, but you just don't trust your read enough to call. Obviously, a lot different dynamics when the money involved amounts to what most people don't make in a year. lol

Good play by Hachem, good read by Daniel (just too bad he didn't call). Oh, and it's pretty clear that Viff's "no one would think to bluff you" comment had an effect on Daniel's decision. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 07:56 AM
Elizabeth bets the turn with an over pair, Daniel folds and she takes it down.

Elizabeth throws her cards in, dealer pushes the pot and grabs the cards.

Tony: That was unfortunate. Set?

Elizabeth shakes her head.

Joe: Show him one, Liz.

Elizabeth hurriedly reaches out and grabs a card from the dealers fingers and proudly turns over a 10.

I'm speechless. I'm without speech.

Last edited by kerr; 10-21-2010 at 08:17 AM. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Elizabeth Houston
Firstly, The audition tape is only the first step in a long process to being chosen for the show.
My understanding is that prior to the audition tape, one must win a PS tournament, and that several of these run every day. Is that correct?

By the way, I'm very interested in the television shows, and I'm intensely rooting for you, Liz. However, I'm not competing to be a LC, so I don't know much about the selection process. The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
10-21-2010 , 08:15 AM
That hand between Negreanu and Reynolds was hillarious...

How on earth can someone get check-raised TWICE in the same hand? The Big Game - Week of Oct. 18 on FOX Quote
