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08-13-2010 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
if he 4bets full pot though i don't really think ike can flat. i don't know what the exact numbers would be, but i'm pretty sure ike wouldnt have enough maneuverability. that would prob only be a consideration if he made a normal/balanced sized 4bet. i could be wrong though
I agree that Ike doesn't call with many hands. Ok, good, you win a small pot. If Ike does call, though, I can't easily think of a scenario where Ike will put any more money in while behind. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
I agree that Ike doesn't call with many hands. Ok, good, you win a small pot. If Ike does call, though, I can't easily think of a scenario where Ike will put any more money in while behind.
i think u overestimate ike's edge in a 33k pot with 70k behind The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
Thanks for all the thoughts, keep them coming. This topic makes for interesting discussion.
I think what most people want to see is:

1. A competent, decently aggressive player. They don't have to be the second coming of Phil Ivey, obviously. Just someone who can think somewhere beyond level 1 and who doesn't think limping with any two random suited cards is aggressive. So far, Will and Nadja pass, the other two don't.

2. A good, genuine personality where you actually can empathize with them a little bit and want them to win. Alternatively, they can just be really hilarious (intentionally or otherwise). Nadja and Ernest seem to pass this, and I guess Will does too, though he was maybe 20% on the too reserved side.

3. Someone for whom the money genuinely means a lot but is willing to try to fight through it. Hard to tell who that will be from a two-minute video, I suppose, but does Stars do any research as far as player's playing histories online? If not, I think they should.

4. Boobs. (I'm mostly kidding here, but you know what I mean.) The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Armandinho
i think u overestimate ike's edge in a 33k pot with 70k behind
I don't think I do. If Ike is going to flat a 4bet in that spot, then he pretty much has to play you like you have AK. If he's calling pre-flop, then he's not folding top pairs or overpairs on the flop. It's a problem for you if you do in fact have AK, because then you're being played against perfectly. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by DontRaiseMeBro
this made me laugh

This LC was the worst so far, he was also very unlikeable imo. Bringing rap lyrics with the intention of using them on a poker show is just not right. The lyrics were decent I guess, but major fail still.

Also, it would be nice to see more viffer on these cash game shows. IMHO he's as fun to watch as durrrr and PA and has a pretty likeable personality. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
I don't think I do. If Ike is going to flat a 4bet in that spot, then he pretty much has to play you like you have AK. If he's calling pre-flop, then he's not folding top pairs or overpairs on the flop. It's a problem for you if you do in fact have AK, because then you're being played against perfectly.
ike is not some bad 1/2 live grinder "i put u on AK" type. more i think of it, he probably doesnt have a big calling range eg. 1010-QQ and he might shove queens a certain percentage he might call the occasional AK which he cant win ever if we bet when hit and CR when miss The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Armandinho
ike is not some bad 1/2 live grinder "i put u on AK" type. more i think of it, he probably doesnt have a big calling range eg. 1010-QQ and he might shove queens a certain percentage he might call the occasional AK which he cant win ever if we bet when hit and CR when miss
No, he's not going to put you on one hand, but in this case, he might as well play like you can only have one hand. If he flats that 4bet, he's not planning to make a hero fold of his TT-QQ when they give him an overpair. Therefore, he might as well discard the possibility of AA and KK, and just wait for the flop and see if A or K appears. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by DontRaiseMeBro
This, is brilliant The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
No, he's not going to put you on one hand, but in this case, he might as well play like you can only have one hand. If he flats that 4bet, he's not planning to make a hero fold of his TT-QQ when they give him an overpair. Therefore, he might as well discard the possibility of AA and KK, and just wait for the flop and see if A or K appears.
no, he might call the extra 12k because he thinks he can win 20+ 70k behind which gives him roughly 8:1 to flop a set against an obviously strong range and he might also go to an occasional showdown.
you really think he is shipping over our 21k bet into a pot of 32k on a 2 2 7 flop just cause he thinks- great, he missed his AK! i dont think so The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Armandinho
no, he might call the extra 12k because he thinks he can win 20+ 70k behind which gives him roughly 8:1 to flop a set against an obviously strong range and he might also go to an occasional showdown.
you really think he is shipping over our 21k bet into a pot of 32k on a 2 2 7 flop just cause he thinks- great, he missed his AK! i dont think so
You should set-mine with those odds only if you can get more than 100% of your opponent's stack on average when you hit. That's not very likely. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by crazynip
I'm not sure what demographic they are going after with this week's LC.

The broke ass trash with 5 kids and a bad temper demographic?

What would happen if the LC pulled out a shiv and stuck raheem in the gut? There was a moment that it looked like that was where this was heading

O sweet lord that'd be some good TV. Am I the only one that was hoping for this?

I mean, Rahim was out of ****ing control with the trash talking and it started immediately without any provocation. That said, LC didn't handle it well at all. He probably couldn't have handled it worse.

I kinda hate both of them, but do you guys not get that this makes for great TV? Heroes and villains, etc? The LC doesn't always have to be one of the heroes. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:20 PM
Maybe I am seeing things since no one else has mentioned it (at least not in the last couple of pages I have read) but I swear it looked like the LC worked on angle on Haxton on the AK vs QQ hand. Watch his chip shuffling. He takes back the chips he was shuffling, counts out a call, then moves his hand forward forcefully towards the pot (past where he had been shuffling, where his other hand was protecting his cards) then stops. They even showed a close up of Haxtons face and he did seem to react to that movement. Then he made his set speech and folded. Did anyone else see that or am I crazy? The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:25 PM
Viffer with the hilarious/awesome bluff on the loose cannon. Broke his heart by showing it as well. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:38 PM
Rahim is a hero. I haven't seen action like that since Sammy Farha played on HSP The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ziplok
Viffer with the hilarious/awesome bluff on the loose cannon. Broke his heart by showing it as well.
i was hoping something like this would happen today. And it did.

And now, i feel bad for wishing hate on the brother

Last edited by npknhldr; 08-13-2010 at 07:59 PM. Reason: but i still lol'd The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:04 PM
LC: I'm gunna bust you
Rahim: No, sorry you can't bust me


Also Viffer is the king of poker one liners....LMAO at the "french kissing the rattlesnake" line..... The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ziplok
Viffer with the hilarious/awesome bluff on the loose cannon. Broke his heart by showing it as well.
That was great. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:15 PM
man if viff's K7hh had beat troy's K7ss to knock him out, that would've been so epic. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:19 PM
Man...just wathcing now and Troy is really not a likable guy. Not one bit. The "tiffany michelle" swirl at his chips was just another reason.

PS I think I saw Haxton playing at Lilith Fair. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by RowdyZ
Maybe I am seeing things since no one else has mentioned it (at least not in the last couple of pages I have read) but I swear it looked like the LC worked on angle on Haxton on the AK vs QQ hand. Watch his chip shuffling. He takes back the chips he was shuffling, counts out a call, then moves his hand forward forcefully towards the pot (past where he had been shuffling, where his other hand was protecting his cards) then stops. They even showed a close up of Haxtons face and he did seem to react to that movement. Then he made his set speech and folded. Did anyone else see that or am I crazy?
I'm pretty certain that LC cut out a RAISE (looked like close to $20k) and started shuffling those chips - the camera shows Haxton make a look (the now famous "set-blink"*), but my read was that Haxton was trying to get action with his reaction...don't know??? Quite possibly it was genuine confusion. Was the LC angle-shooting? possibly....

Either way you weren't the only one to see it.

*maybe one time he heard someone say, "he binked a set on the turn..." misunderstood what was said and now he thinks all blinking is set related

Anyone remember Todd Brunson pump-faking chips into a pot vs. Phil Laak on HSP (season 3 or 4?) and Laak threw a fit.."those chips crossed the plane - is that a call - we need a ruling, MORI!!!!" The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:40 PM
blowhards like rahim and the LC are why i hate to play low stakes live poker. dbags like them at every single table who have to tell you how good at poker they are, how rich they are, or show off some cool tough guy act. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gabzor
yeah, I almost find Troy more annoying than Rahim now after watching the 4 episodes and not just the too hot for tv segment. He's way to tense and defensive in his manner and table talk. He let's Rahim get to him way more than he should.. Troy must be the poorest comeback needler in all of LV
+1. Ep 4 did it for me. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 08:59 PM
I'm liking Rahim more and more.
I'm liking the LC less and less. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 09:06 PM
where is the viffer bluff against the lc? The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
08-13-2010 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I think what most people want to see is:

1. A competent, decently aggressive player. They don't have to be the second coming of Phil Ivey, obviously. Just someone who can think somewhere beyond level 1 and who doesn't think limping with any two random suited cards is aggressive. So far, Will and Nadja pass, the other two don't.

2. A good, genuine personality where you actually can empathize with them a little bit and want them to win. Alternatively, they can just be really hilarious (intentionally or otherwise). Nadja and Ernest seem to pass this, and I guess Will does too, though he was maybe 20% on the too reserved side.

3. Someone for whom the money genuinely means a lot but is willing to try to fight through it. Hard to tell who that will be from a two-minute video, I suppose, but does Stars do any research as far as player's playing histories online? If not, I think they should.

4. Boobs. (I'm mostly kidding here, but you know what I mean.)

Yea, more or less that. No OTT annoying personalities please. The Big Game, Week of August 9 on FOX Quote
