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Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4)

06-11-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
Kinda nice to know that even Ivey runs bad sometimes.
I was surprised Ivey b/c instead of b/f against viff.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 06:15 PM
Can someone explain Oppenheim's call with the nut low again Antonius's set on the flop? I know when I drink I sometimes make terrible plays but I usually at least have a pair, a draw or I'm the one betting.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by HypersionSD
Can someone explain Oppenheim's call with the nut low again Antonius's set on the flop? I know when I drink I sometimes make terrible plays but I usually at least have a pair, a draw or I'm the one betting.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 06:34 PM
Week 2 tonight can't wait.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 07:30 PM
always was the commentary that ruined this show. arguably even more tilting than rwIII's.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 07:31 PM
pokercast takes a while to load the HD episodes....anyone else got the same problem??~~.still good though
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyPanic
Patrik seems to make some pretty strange calls preflop, defending 63o oop vs ivey and viffer?

tiny ep. 5 spoiler
before durrrr overbets the T9o I said "i'd love to see him make it like 30 here it looks so bull****ty" [x] confirmed as good as durrr
I said "This is the line where he overpots the river. He shouldn't though, Ivey will snapfold anything worse that he can conceivably have at that point." [x] confirmed better than durrr (and you).
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 08:35 PM
Is it me or Ivey and Antonius really dislike Oppenheim??
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 09:28 PM
Does Ivey ever look like he doesn't dislike everyone?

Let me take a wild guess here, but maybe they're pissed because he beats them in every pot (be it with the best hand or a bluff).
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by loveminuszero
Floating OOP results in lighting money on fire lol.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 10:24 PM
Oppenheim is the worst imo. Acts like every decision will make or break his life.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel Ocean
Week 2 tonight can't wait.
Wait, new episode tonight? You sure? My Tivo says it's a repeat. Need to know so I can record it if it's new.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by snappo
Wait, new episode tonight? You sure? My Tivo says it's a repeat. Need to know so I can record it if it's new.
Fairly certain it's new, record it if possible
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Josef
Fairly certain it's new, record it if possible
ok yea i'll record just to be safe.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-11-2012 , 11:50 PM
Did anyone else get tilted after PA folded tp va oppi? It was hilarious after when he said he wish there wasn't a clock so he didn't have to think haha.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 12:05 AM
Wow how goofy does Oppenheim look with that ridiculous button and patch?
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Fri Rize
Wow how goofy does Oppenheim look with that ridiculous button and patch?
rofl i was wondering if he changed his shirt

also wtf at hollywooding in a 3 person pot with eli to act after him
viffer raises his ak and cbets and oppenheim takes like forever to fold his air lol

lold at table talk ivey wants to bet antonius he'll have grandchildren before him
also durrrr 3 bets to 18,500 patrik "THAT'S ALOT"
45k pf raise for durrrr and opie

Last edited by coolnout; 06-12-2012 at 12:36 AM.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 03:21 AM
Without sounding gay anyone know what type of shirt Ivey is wearing? Looks sick smart.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 04:04 AM
Might get flamed for questioning Durrrr but

that call with two pair vs Ivey's set seems bad on that board when Phil bets into both of them on the flop, bets turn, and bets ~80% pot on the river when everything got there
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by MMD
Without sounding gay anyone know what type of shirt Ivey is wearing? Looks sick smart.
It's Gucci obviously.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by loveminuszero
Might get flamed for questioning Durrrr but

that call with two pair vs Ivey's set seems bad on that board when Phil bets into both of them on the flop, bets turn, and bets ~80% pot on the river when everything got there
Meh i think it's tough to judge without having a good read on frequencies. it's almost a leveling spot - durrr knows ivey knows it's a good bluff spot given everything got there + ace changes his value range quite a bit. does that increase his bluff frequency or decrease it? totally player dependent. there's some super laggy players that calling there is fine even though you lose to a wide range of hands.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 07:41 AM
It's week 2 and Ivey still way off on his reads. I thought durrs call of the pocket fours was bad but I'm glad it worked out against oppenheim(super douche)
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 09:23 AM
did anyone upload the director's cut?
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 09:58 AM
Can anyone direct me to episode 1 and 3 of the 1st week? Iv seen 2, 4 and 5
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
06-12-2012 , 11:31 AM
I can see why they didnt air this series. This is BORING poker for sure. But its all we have to watch so Ill take it.
Poker After Dark returns, airing on NBC Sports Network ("new" episodes air week of June 4) Quote
