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Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand?

08-19-2009 , 04:03 PM
The floor should run for Congress. He'd fit right in with our elected officials while doing interviews and town hall meetings. You know....get asked a very specific, yet simple question, and instead of answering it, just keep rattling off the same garbage over and over that is of NO help and in now ways answers the question. Yep, he may be an elected official moonlighting as the poker room floor.

I think the question the player asks is a very very good one. So if he'd reached over and slapped the dealer's hand, like you would a child when they reach for a hot oven, the floor would have kicked him out and maybe banned him. So the question is valid....what form of "protection" of the hand does the casino allow?

I like how the floor is adamant the dealer mucked the hand "unintentionally". If a dealer does that without actually intending to do it, he/she should be hospitalised.

You bump someone at the mall unintentionally. You don't unintentionally take their wallet in the process.
I was just about to say the same thing. You don't reach over and pull someone's card into the muck, while their hand is on it and call it "unintentional".
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 04:08 PM
It is the player's responsibility to protect their hand. As others have mentioned, one of the things they are protecting it from is the dealer taking it. In fact I would say the main thing they are protecting it from is the dealer taking it as that happens more often than someone else mixing their cards with it. If people never made mistakes and were never dishonest, you wouldn't have to protect your hand.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
Basically, player called then realized there was an unannounced straddle. The player's question of whether he can fold was just that, a question. Dealer took player's cards from his hand without returning the $5. Player complained that he never folded, floor said it's player's responsibility to protect his cards. Player asked how cards in his hand can be physically taken by the dealer and mucked.

Dealer of course did wrong, player's cards should not have been mucked, and if they were, the "called" bet should've been returned since dealer treated player as having folded. However, I found the floor to be much more in the wrong because he simply stood by his dealer allowing a "live" hand to be mucked while adding dead money to the pot that should not have been added. Then floor was very rude to player which was ridiculous. From what I know, player wanted to speak to floor's boss after the ruling, to which floor said "I'm the boss, there's no one above me".

I wasnt involved in the hand but I found it very concerning because of ramifications it has for big pot situations and how the floor arrogantly swept it under the carpet at the expense of the player in Seat 9 which could've been any one....
You can always escalate it up beyond the floor, unless the floor just happens to be the owner of the casino.

Find out who runs the poker room. If it is the same idiot that told you he was the boss, move it up. Write them an email/letter, let them know it is now on 2+2 and many people are asking the name of the place so they can avoid it. Since you have many friends on 2+2, you're going to reluctantly have to let them know soon. You much rather be able to post that the management realized this is handled poorly and promise that it won't happen again.

If they don't respond, don't go back.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:26 PM
OK since the consensus is pretty much that floor acted very poorly, I'm going to find out a way to escalate this to upper management and quote the thread. I won't out the casino just yet so they can take a look at the thread and decide if they want to be embarrassed.

Once again I wasnt the actual player involved, my motivation is that all hands held in players' hands should be considered as 'protected', and the floor can't just act like a dick and expect to get away with it. I've also previously had a discussion with this floor over a different issue and felt that he was very arrogant about it but I just let it go... seeing him do this to another player just made my boil and I think the suggestions here are good.

Will keep you guys updated.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by aBreak?
I like how the floor is adamant the dealer mucked the hand "unintentionally". If a dealer does that without actually intending to do it, he/she should be hospitalised.
In general, or in this case specifically? When you make a mistake at your job, do you get punched in the face? This is such a bizarre attitude.

Originally Posted by randomplaya
OK since the consensus is pretty much that floor acted very poorly, I'm going to find out a way to escalate this to upper management and quote the thread. I won't out the casino just yet so they can take a look at the thread and decide if they want to be embarrassed.

I think you'd have a better case trying to present a clear story and expressing your displeasure with the floor's customer service. I don't think you'll make much headway with, "Hey, I gave my biased report to these random anonymous internet trolls, and they agreed with me! So there in your face point set match!"

However, think of it from this perspective: Players who are demonstrably completely 100% wrong still like to argue, and they like to do it at the table. In those cases, a proper floor reaction is give a ruling, walk away. From the outside, how does your case appear any different?

If you want to have a conversation on hypotheticals, do so away from the table, and not at a time when you're emotionally heated. By trying to trap him at the table, you're putting him in a no-win situation. That's simply unfair on your part.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
since the consensus is pretty much that floor acted very poorly
Of course that's the consensus, as you've presented all the facts in the case. Nobody has anything but your word that the dealer physically took cards out of the player's hand, rather than, say, the player holding the cards forward past the betting line.

This is no different than, "hay guyz, I bet $25 and the dealer put it in his pocket and told me to put out another $25, I told him he pocketed it, and then he denied having done it. Who's right?" Obviously, based on your description of the event, you are. However, there may be competing descriptions of the event and memory is notoriously faulty (the more you play the situation in your head, the more you'll skew your memory to match what you anticipate).

Objective evidence is key, such as a videotape.

Originally Posted by randomplaya
I'm going to find out a way to escalate this to upper management and quote the thread.
You will be laughed out of the room. Seriously, merits aside, how much weight would you give to someone who comes in to your poker room, says that a horrible injustice occurred, and his friends on the Internet back him up?

You may very well be right, but basically the time window for correcting this expires when the overhead videotapes are deleted. The correct action here is to go to a manager and ask them to review the tapes from that night, filling in the conversation to the best of your memory.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 08:18 PM
Hasn't everybody snatched their cards back from a dealer at least once? I can think of a couple times I physically reached out and yanked my cards out of the dealer's hand or put my fingers on the cards harder than the dealer's fingers were on 'em to stop the slide, and both were at showdown when the dealer was trying to muck my winner.

Don't be shy about protecting the cards. Don't go to the extreme of breaking the dealer's hand, or otherwise getting charged with battery, but if the dealer is trying to reach under your hand to take your cards why aren't you doing something about it?

I've actually seen players glare at the dealer as they do something like this, and intentionally let it happen all the while trying to kill the dealer with their eyes, and only when it cannot be fixed suddenly say "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" So sorry, but the time has passed that the dealer can be corrected, sir. You lose. And your righteous indignation that you aren't to blame for this because the dealer did it all isn't going to bring the cards back to life.

'Course the dealer in OP's example was wrong. But the cards are toast. If the room uses the dumbass rule that any partial bets have to stay, even if the player isn't aware of the action in front of him, the floor should pull $5 outta the tray for the player. It'd be cheap public relations. Dealers shouldn't be folding someone's cards when they are asking a rules question. And when you have a dumbass rule like partial bets have to stay, the answer to "can I fold" should not be "yes"--you can pretty much ALWAYS fold--it's obvious the actual question is "what are my options?" Answer the question you know the player intended to ask.

In this case, the correct answer to "can I fold" should have been "the $5 has to stay, but you can fold and forfeit the $5, or you can complete the bet to $10." The Vegas Monte Carlo dealers are very good about answering "can I fold" like this.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 08:21 PM
"Fine, the next time the dealer comes near my cards, I'm protecting my hand by breaking every bone in his."
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 09:27 PM
I forgot to mention that floor also refused to go to videotape when Seat 9 requested.

I just think a room needs to be run properly because they rake us enough as it is.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
I forgot to mention that floor also refused to go to videotape when Seat 9 requested.
Again. All that the Floor could/should have done is apologize for the mistake and give him his $5 back. His hand is in the muck, no matter where you lay the blame.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 10:57 PM
Can we hear what room this is please? Otherwise what's the point? Some of us are curious to know if this matches up to any other stories from played rooms.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:45 PM
Damn, bav, you been working out?
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:56 PM
In flop games, a hand is considered to be protected if it is under a chip or being held. A dealer grabbing cards out of a player's hand is way out of line.

Floor should back their dealers when the dealer is right, but not when the dealer is wrong.

Where did this happen? Floor's rude behavior should be reported to the highest supervisor you can find.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by callipygian

You may very well be right, but basically the time window for correcting this expires when the overhead videotapes are deleted. The correct action here is to go to a manager and ask them to review the tapes from that night, filling in the conversation to the best of your memory.
It has been my experience that most video tapes (disks) are kept for thirty days at a minimum. OP has an obligation to report the Floor's unprofessional behavior.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by aBreak? View Post
I like how the floor is adamant the dealer mucked the hand "unintentionally". If a dealer does that without actually intending to do it, he/she should be hospitalised.
In general, or in this case specifically? When you make a mistake at your job, do you get punched in the face? This is such a bizarre attitude.
I took that to mean that if the dealer really can 'unintentionally' reach across a table, 'unintentionally' grab cards out of a players hand, and 'unintentionally' sweep them and a bet into the muck and pot, that the dealer is probably a danger to himself and others. What else might he do 'unintentionally'? He should seek treatment so as not to 'unintentionally' kick his boss in the jimmy, or 'unintentionally' steal an old lady's purse, or 'unintentionally' eat a box of thumb tacks.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 12:54 AM
I'm willing to believe there's more to the story than in the OP. For one, the player asked, "Can I fold?" I agree the dealer should not grab cards out of peoples' hands, and I'd say for this to have gotten this far is the sign of a bad dealer in general, who's more interested in technicalities than in running a good game.

I just find it odd to wish violence or harm on someone else, even in jest. Especially based on a biased half-told story.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 01:18 AM
was this in vegas or la
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 01:28 AM
This happened at Crown Casino in Melbourne Australia during the Victorian Poker Championships last week. I was there for the tournament which concluded and I've flown out but I know a couple of higher ups that I might email with. My interest in this is also due to Aussie Millions in January which I'll play along with lots on 2p2 I'm sure.. and it's just not right for a reputed casino's floor to act in this manner.

pfapfap, I love your imagination but my version was not biased. I wasnt involved in the hand, is it wrong to be concerned when a player's hand gets mucked incorrectly and dealer protected by an arrogant floor? I think not.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 01:31 AM
It doesn't matter if your version to us is 100% accurate truth. The point is appearances. Printing out this thread will not help you at all. Arguing with a floor at the table will not help you at all.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Wish
I took that to mean that if the dealer really can 'unintentionally' reach across a table, 'unintentionally' grab cards out of a players hand, and 'unintentionally' sweep them and a bet into the muck and pot, that the dealer is probably a danger to himself and others. What else might he do 'unintentionally'? He should seek treatment so as not to 'unintentionally' kick his boss in the jimmy, or 'unintentionally' steal an old lady's purse, or 'unintentionally' eat a box of thumb tacks.
This is correct. I didn't mean the player in question should hospitalise the dealer. Just that something like this is not an unintentional action. The dealers intent probably wasn't to cause a scene or a player to lose a fiver but the action that resulted in those certainly was intentional.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
Damn, bav, you been working out?
I like this comparison better than any of the previous (the Chris Elliott comparison was particularly painful, though probably far more accurate than this one). It was a drunk Canadian who claimed "oh come on, you've gotta have heard this before--you look JUST LIKE HIM". Beer goggles, obviously.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 02:22 PM

Frankly, I prefer Chris Elliott. He's funny! Ed Begley's no slouch, either.

So you gonna cut and gel your hair like that now?
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap

Frankly, I prefer Chris Elliott. He's funny! Ed Begley's no slouch, either.

So you gonna cut and gel your hair like that now?
Stop trolling my thread pfapfap, firstly making fictional accusation of me being biased hiding something.. and now just posting 100% off-topic crap with NO CONTENT with someone that you could easily carry on in private message.

Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by randomplaya
Stop trolling my thread pfapfap, firstly making fictional accusation of me being biased hiding something.. and now just posting 100% off-topic crap with NO CONTENT with someone that you could easily carry on in private message.
Fair enough, sorry about that. I've been playing more online lately, and I'm a nit, so idle hands...

Also, sorry to make it seem I was accusing you of anything. Usually people give biased versions of events that happened to them, and there seemed to be details missing, so I went with the idea that it's possible there's more than you saw or heard. Even still, in my first post, I shared your indignation.

Anyway, I was speaking more perception, and giving reasons why it's a bad idea to print out this thread and present it to the floor. From his point of view you're someone with a biased tale and an axe to grind, and saying "but but but these folks agreed with my version!" only hurts you. I wasn't intending to accuse you of lying, just trying to illustrate how it would seem to those you're trying to convince. That's all it was.

Trying to help, not troll or threadjack. I have an odd style and sense of humor sometimes, and don't always think how it'll be interpreted.

(But hey, it sort of illustrates how good intentions poorly executed can lead to unsatisfying results.)
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
08-20-2009 , 06:44 PM
That's actually a classy reply from you sir, well played & thank you.
Player's responsibility to protect his hand.. even when dealer takes cards from player's hand? Quote
