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NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner?
View Poll Results: Who Will Be The Biggest Winner?
Eli Elezra
7 2.47%
Patrik Antonius
52 18.37%
Alan Meltzer
26 9.19%
Gabe Kaplan
27 9.54%
David Peat
40 14.13%
Tom Dwan
131 46.29%

10-11-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Why cant you guys admit it was pathetic of Tom to lose 500k vs players like Meltzer and Gabe and Eli lol. Dont get me wrong i really love to have him on tv and he played brilliant on hsp specially season 5. But this was one of the worsed performance i ever see on cash game tv. Sure he got little unlucky in few key hands i admit that but it was overall just horrible.
I bet if the entire world with Phil Ivey leading the pack told you you were talking out of your ass you would still manage 'to stick to your guns!'
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10-11-2010 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Isitdur?
I don't think you know what you are talking about. You just sound like a silly little Durrr fanboy. If Durrr made that play with the 96 we wouldn't hear the end of it and you'd come in here saying how amazing he is.

Also, what do you mean with your comment about his 'current state of mind' as this was filmed ages ago.
i mean continuing into week 2 of the cash game losing half a mil, i know it was filmed a year ago

i like durrrr's style but wouldnt consider myself a fan of his. on the contrary, i find him awkward and nerdy as a person.

the problem with gabe's hand is that he should never ever take that line with any hand for value. he has 100k behind on the turn with a 100k already in the middle. he can easily get stacks in by the river and he should never check back his nuttish hand on the turn.
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10-11-2010 , 02:05 PM
Yeah I know what you mean he played it really wierd. I do like how he played that 53 hand vs Patriks' A7, was a good semi-bluff.

Yeah Dwan is a bit of a nerd but what do you expect from someone who has made a career out of sitting in front of the computer screen all day long?
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10-11-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by acesholdup
I'd say if you always know spot on what is in the pot in big bet poker you might not be paying enough attention to all the other information that can be available, more important, and quite a bit more difficult to double check than the size of the pot in a live poker game but this isn't a strat forum so cool if that's been your experience and/or what works for you.
This sounds weird to me. Knowing the pot size is second nature. You just multiply up the bets and add it to a total in the back of your mind. If you are experienced at doing it, it shouldn't distract you one bit from your play.

Not only that, but I would be shocked if any consistently winning live NL players have trouble with the pot size. It's so basic.

EDIT: By the way, if you carefully watch televised poker, you will note that most of the experienced pros know exactly what 2/3rds or 1/2 or a PSB is at any point, and their sizes are almost exactly proportionate to pot size. And they don't ask for spreads. So somebody besides me knows how to calculate pot size without getting distracted.
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10-11-2010 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Why am i pathetic? Lets face it Mike the mouth said Durrrs ego will get to him in the end and i so agree. Even maybe Mike isnt as good player as Tom he has been around long time. Give you exs how disrespectful Tom is. They had a tv show for him Million dollar challange or something like that, he played vs Sammy some italian and zigmund. Could he take it serious and stay focus for the show? No ofcourse he had to stay awake for few days and play so tyred it was pathetic watching that show. When you are in the spotlight like Tom is and when you are getting payed alot of $ from full tilt why cant you take a tv show like that serious? Lets just face it Tom is out of control and in the end of the day he will go broke.
I wonder, would you be rambling the same way if Durrr won the 412K pot KQ v TT hand and didn't get 5 outered on the river by Antonius in that QQ v A8 hand, I wonder...
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10-11-2010 , 02:55 PM
By the way, I love the look on Viffer's face on Day 4 when Eli shoves the river with his full house against Viffer's aces up. (And what was Viffer doing betting that river at all? Once Eli calls his monster raise on the turn with the flush draw, you have to put Eli on trips or better, don't you?)
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 02:55 PM
Where can i find todays episode?
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 03:26 PM
no episode today. next new episode will air tonight.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 03:37 PM
Why am i pathetic? Lets face it Mike the mouth said Durrrs ego will get to him in the end and i so agree.

Why do you believe in the prophecies of an idiot like Mike...?
That being said, I do feel Tom Dwan played pretty awful this week, after the KQ vs tens hand he was non-stop steaming and not playing his A-game. Granted, he was pretty carddead, but then just play tight for once. Tom however kept on calling raises with garbage and missing flops. And the AK call was just terribad, but I think that was a result of him folding the Queens against Patrik earlier.
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10-11-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Why am i pathetic? Lets face it Mike the mouth said Durrrs ego will get to him in the end and i so agree. Even maybe Mike isnt as good player as Tom he has been around long time. Give you exs how disrespectful Tom is. They had a tv show for him Million dollar challange or something like that, he played vs Sammy some italian and zigmund. Could he take it serious and stay focus for the show? No ofcourse he had to stay awake for few days and play so tyred it was pathetic watching that show. When you are in the spotlight like Tom is and when you are getting payed alot of $ from full tilt why cant you take a tv show like that serious? Lets just face it Tom is out of control and in the end of the day he will go broke.
Well, I certainly put a lot of stock in what Mike thinks about it. The Mouth used to be a strong player, when not tilting, until about 2006 or so. Now he's a whiny nit.

Durrr's game is high variance, and it's always been that way. Most of the time he will run over opponents who are afraid to play for stacks. Some days, they have good enough hands to stand up to him, and he loses a big chunk. So what?

I agree, Dwan will go broke at the end of the day.*

* - If all forms of poker are banned during that day.
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10-11-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Why cant you guys admit it was pathetic of Tom to lose 500k vs players like Meltzer and Gabe and Eli lol. Dont get me wrong i really love to have him on tv and he played brilliant on hsp specially season 5. But this was one of the worsed performance i ever see on cash game tv. Sure he got little unlucky in few key hands i admit that but it was overall just horrible.
You make it seem like Gabe is a fish. He likes to give the impression that he's a clown, but he's a very strong cash player.

Eli is good too, but steams way too much.

Here's another guy who underrated Gabe:

Edit: when watching this clip again, I noticed that Lynda Carter TOTALLY had the hots for Gabe. She was all over him.

Yet another reason why Gabe Kaplan is the man.

Last edited by Aabelno; 10-11-2010 at 04:11 PM. Reason: new info
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by crazynip
Yes, but when they consistently put themselves in bad situations like durr does, they deserve to lose their ass. Playing any pot, raising with ATC, and then hitting so often like he does is sick. He's a luckbox plain and simple and we have seen how bad of a player he can be when the deck doesnt bail out his 10-4 off preflop 3 bets he loves to do.
This is very true.
Originally Posted by JayLighter420
damn, $1800/hr + getting to see Leann's fine behind walk by
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 05:10 PM
Lol iam getting alot of hate here guys.

Ok its true Tom did get unlucky in few pots i cant argue against that.

I cant take it back that i think he played poor this weak overall. Hope he returns and get all the money next weak.
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10-11-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Armandinho
to all the haters durrrr was running about 500k below EV this session-
Where's your math?

I think durrr is an amazing player, but as amazing as he looks sometimes, he looked like a clueless rich donk fish this week.

I mean, you can whine about the KQ vs TT hand, but since when is calling 4bets with Kq offsuit a good play?
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10-11-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
I mean, you can whine about the KQ vs TT hand, but since when is calling 4bets with Kq offsuit a good play?
When you're deep-stacked against a less-skilled opponent who will make more mistakes than you postflop in the long run.
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10-11-2010 , 06:14 PM
tom did say in the directors cut he did think alans range was weaker than normal when he called the 4bet. Alan doesnt look too creative pre flop tho imo, and so KQ is prob marginal at best.

tom didnt really play all that bad. Doesnt really look like he's playing any diff from usual, just no good spots came up for him to bluff or always flopped very little equity to make plays. However, when u constantly play rags against a laggro calling station table u should expect many situations where check folding is the only option, so no big suprise he had to fold his rags so much on the flop and so losing many many small pots
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10-11-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by wants
When you're deep-stacked against a less-skilled opponent who will make more mistakes than you postflop in the long run.
Except that when you call 4bets with KQo, regardless of your opponent, usually you will be the one spewing postflop and making errors.
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10-11-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by bamboo
tom did say in the directors cut he did think alans range was weaker than normal when he called the 4bet. Alan doesnt look too creative pre flop tho imo, and so KQ is prob marginal at best.

tom didnt really play all that bad. Doesnt really look like he's playing any diff from usual, just no good spots came up for him to bluff or always flopped very little equity to make plays. However, when u constantly play rags against a laggro calling station table u should expect many situations where check folding is the only option, so no big suprise he had to fold his rags so much on the flop and so losing many many small pots
One interesting thing on the director's cut is that Dwan also defended Meltzer's call. Now maybe he was being politic, but he basically argued "I could have lots of hands that the pair + OESFD is in good shape against, including 2 pair, top pair, a bare ace of hearts; it's reasonable for him to call against my range. It just happened that I had a hand that had him in bad shape".
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Where's your math?
I didn't make the original statement, but just in the two pots I remember:
KhQ (75%) vs ThTc on QJ9h board for 412,900 = 310k equity.
AKo (23%) vs Q9 on 953 board for 286,200 = 66k equity

That's 376k in just the two hands.

I think durrr is an amazing player, but as amazing as he looks sometimes, he looked like a clueless rich donk fish this week.

I mean, you can whine about the KQ vs TT hand, but since when is calling 4bets with Kq offsuit a good play?
Seriously? He called getting at least 2-1 against the whale with 9x behind. Absolutely nothing wrong with that play.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 08:49 PM
In the KQ vs TT hand between Meltzer/durrr was that not just really bad form of Gabe/Viffer to talk once Tom put him all in.

Viffer chirping in with his "Mr meltzer, he just emptied the clip into you." His best line in this spot's just saying nothing.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
In the KQ vs TT hand between Meltzer/durrr was that not just really bad form of Gabe/Viffer to talk once Tom put him all in.

Viffer chirping in with his "Mr meltzer, he just emptied the clip into you." His best line in this spot's just saying nothing.
Actually, for whatever reason, I thought there was way too much table talk when serious hands were taking place. Usually the pros are very good about shutting down the table talk whenever the action gets hot, but this week was an exception.
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10-11-2010 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
Actually, for whatever reason, I thought there was way too much table talk when serious hands were taking place. Usually the pros are very good about shutting down the table talk whenever the action gets hot, but this week was an exception.
It did seem there was some inappropriate comments during hands. Viffer probably should be more careful about comments, like "It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.", or something like that.
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 09:12 PM
Eli, on the director's cut, on calling Viffer's raise with 96 suited.

"The raise was not that much and I love to play the suited connectors."
NEW Poker After Dark - Weeks of 10/4 & 10/11-0k Cash Game - Who Will Be The Biggest Winner? Quote
10-11-2010 , 09:24 PM
One more director's cut anecdote. Kaplan's description of the advantages of running it once (or refusing to show your hand and allow insurance deals) is excellent. Actually much better poker strategy than he ever gives you on HSP.
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10-11-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by BigSoonerFan
I didn't make the original statement, but just in the two pots I remember:
KhQ (75%) vs ThTc on QJ9h board for 412,900 = 310k equity.
AKo (23%) vs Q9 on 953 board for 286,200 = 66k equity

That's 376k in just the two hands.

dont forget the QQ A8 hand against antonius with a 5 outer for a 100k pot which gives him another 90k on top of that
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