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NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win?
View Poll Results: Who Will Win Commentators' Week?
Howard Lederer
15 11.19%
Gabe Kaplan
62 46.27%
Joe Sebok
22 16.42%
Ali Nejad
10 7.46%
Mark Gregorich
5 3.73%
Kara Scott
20 14.93%

01-07-2010 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Fist Pump
I can't tell if you people are serious when you say Kara is hot.

6/10 max
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:57 AM
Gabe nailed the interview in E2. I agree with him that viewers are not watching for the poker this week so they need to entertain us like the entertainers they are. And Gabe is the funniest man evar so he wins this week.

Originally Posted by Fist Pump
I can't tell if you people are serious when you say Kara is hot.

6/10 max
Ok so normally I'd question your sexual orientation but for today why can't you just accept that some people has different tastes in women? I'd marry that and stay married for at least 3 years imo. I guess you prefer Leeann?
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 05:09 AM
What's going on with Kaplan's hair-do, it looks like there's been a fight between the left side and the right side and they agreed to disagree. Lederer's done something with his hair too. Not sure what but he's had something done to it cos it's covering more of his head than it used to.

They should make a talking Howard Lederer doll for insomniacs. Just get into bed, pull the string and be soothed to sleep by Lederer talking bollocks about some nonsense no one's interested in. The dude must be the most ignored man in poker and possibly the dullest man alive. The whoor brings nowt to the party.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Totale

They should make a talking Howard Lederer doll for insomniacs. Just get into bed, pull the string and be soothed to sleep by Lederer talking bollocks about some nonsense no one's interested in. The dude must be the most ignored man in poker and possibly the dullest man alive. The whoor brings nowt to the party.
this! i think he talks that much to create a fake loose image. what i mean is, if he is super quiet and plays his style no one will ever pay him off when he bets etc. but if he is always talking but playing super coward folderer style poker it somewhat deceives his nitty image. for example if you are playing live at casino and a dude who is super quiet playing extremely tight enters the pot, you will notice easily. however, if a guy is playing same tightness but talking the most enters the pot most people will different image of him as the previous quiet dude even though they are playing the same style. ok i don't even remember what i was typing, time to bed.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 05:44 AM
This is the most annoying PAD ever.

1. These commentators think that their bourgeois humor is intelligent. Well it's not, it's actually very pathetic, especially when when they laugh at their own jokes and force laugh at others like animals. You're rich we get it, we don't need to waste our time learning about useless BS that you go through in your daily lives. There are so many negative things to be said about each person on this table, that it's really not worth wasting time for.

2. When talking about/to Kara Scott you can sense the sexual tension in their voices. They can't have a normal conversation with a woman without bringing sexual tension to the discussion. She's not any less pathetic herself praising each of the guys and acting like she's sub human because she's a woman. She's trying her best to make money and a name for herself. Now at the pinnacle of the adventure shes stuck at a table with the male versions of what she is about to become (scary).

3. The worst player I've ever seen on television (sitting to the right of Scott), is actally winning pots because even a hyped pro like Lederer doesn't have the balls to re-raise him.

This PAD episode is an allegory for degeneration. Please bring back real players and stop wasting our time.

Last edited by JohanNorseman; 01-07-2010 at 06:11 AM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 06:02 AM
anyone know who won the dryer shootout? talbot or crosby? ok gg rest of this show... i wouldn't watch rest of this douche bag lineup even if i get paid.

Last edited by sbfootball_84; 01-07-2010 at 06:07 AM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 07:19 AM
Now at the pinnacle of the adventure shes stuck at a table with the male versions of what she is about to become (scary).
LOL, that's very good.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 08:28 AM
"Tomorrowwww on Poker After Dark!
"He checked? ... I check....""
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Devilboy666
I guess you prefer Leeann?

Originally Posted by Fist Pump
A few thoughts

1. I dont understand the obsession with Leeann, not hot imo. I won't go as far as saying donotwant.jpg but damn, am I all alone in this one?
A little while back...
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 11:44 AM
Wow, I just saw a huge dis. When <Someone> got knocked out and went to shake hands with Ali, he totally ignored them.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by JohanNorseman
3. The worst player I've ever seen on television (sitting to the right of Scott), is actally winning pots because even a hyped pro like Lederer doesn't have the balls to re-raise him.
mark gergorich is the worst player uve seen on television? not even close, u must not watch much poker on tv.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
Have those collarless shirts from the 80's made a comeback? I just gave all mine to the goodwill.
I wondered the same thing. I would be pleased to see that look come back. That, and parachute pants.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Qsoumha
"Tomorrowwww on Poker After Dark!
"He checked? ... I check....""
LOL, higlight of the week
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by JohanNorseman
This is the most annoying PAD ever.

2. When talking about/to Kara Scott you can sense the sexual tension in their voices. They can't have a normal conversation with a woman without bringing sexual tension to the discussion. She's not any less pathetic herself praising each of the guys and acting like she's sub human because she's a woman. She's trying her best to make money and a name for herself. Now at the pinnacle of the adventure shes stuck at a table with the male versions of what she is about to become (scary).
Sorry but this is the dumbest thing I have read today. You equate her praise for industry peers as her presenting herself as subhuman. Wow. Go right for the negative, often, do you?


3. The worst player I've ever seen on television (sitting to the right of Scott), is actally winning pots because even a hyped pro like Lederer doesn't have the balls to re-raise him.

This PAD episode is an allegory for degeneration. Please bring back real players and stop wasting our time.
OK, now this is the dumbest thing I have read today. This has to be the only poker you have watched on TV, ever, if you truly believe that Mark G. is the worst player you have seen on TV. You can whine about the way he plays some of his hands but Mark presents himself very well on TV. I guess the fact that he isn't throwing temper tantrums or beating his chest screaming about how good he is, is confusing you.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 02:01 PM
Kara's sweet and everything, but her constant smile is kinda tilting.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 03:01 PM
is leann pregnant or something?

wth is the chiquita banana look
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Patrick25
Kara's sweet and everything, but her constant smile is kinda tilting.
I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but you just articulated it.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 03:40 PM
I think if Kara got a nose job, she'd be far more attractive than she is.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by clutchbeastmaster
mark gergorich is the worst player uve seen on television? not even close, u must not watch much poker on tv.
You can't really criticise any of his plays in particular, he's just so damn predictable. There have been several spots where he could have played the hand a bit more, well, creatively, but he's not taking advantage of his image and sticking to ABC poker so far. Granted, that works better in this format than in the last PAD (though he'd never get invited to one of those anyway).

But whatever. Gabe is playing awful but running like a god, so he'll probably win it. I actually felt for Ali, douche and all, because on that KQ vs K7 hand, you could tell that he knew what was coming, and took it like a man. Howard is Howard, playing like the biggest nit but on the right side of a couple of coolers (though I thought he played the flush against Gabe really well). I'm rooting for Joe, but tbh, there are things I'm losing more sleep over than who wins this week on PAD.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by mattm951
I think if Kara got a nose job, she'd be far more attractive than she is.
this, imo
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 04:50 PM
Ugh, humanity sickens me sometimes. We have a very attractive woman to look at, and yet we drill the idea into women like her that they really need a plastic surgery or two in order to not feel self-conscious about themselves. WTF, really?
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 05:26 PM
Mark Gregorich is actually a pretty good player he is consistent but pulls moves at good points as must not have seen him play before so you automatically assume he doesn't have skill because you don't know of his play

What is up with Ali Nejad being such a needler to Joe Sebok, calling out his short-comings and personal things like that...wasn't very respectful or even kind of him to point stuff out, and for whose benefit is it for him to point those things out to everyone?? who knows
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Ugh, humanity sickens me sometimes. We have a very attractive woman to look at, and yet we drill the idea into women like her that they really need a plastic surgery or two in order to not feel self-conscious about themselves. WTF, really?
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Ugh, humanity sickens me sometimes. We have a very attractive woman to look at, and yet we drill the idea into women like her that they really need a plastic surgery or two in order to not feel self-conscious about themselves. WTF, really?
If you look at my original post in this thread, I stated she was "extremely hot" before I mention a nose job. I'm just saying she'd benefit even more if she were to get a small minor procedure, such as a nose job.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
01-07-2010 , 06:40 PM
Yes but the point that Dima and others made still stands 100%. I've played against and been interviewed by Kara (/brag), she is super hot, clever and a nice person. She does not need a ****ing nosejob, and posts/opinions like your own are a factor in making other people who aren't so fortunate but (still) also don't need plastic surgery feel bad about themselves.
NEW Poker After Dark - Season Premiere - Jan 4 - Commentators Week - Who Will Win? Quote
