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High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN
View Poll Results: What grade would you give for High Stakes Poker - Season 7, Episode 5
8 3.70%
37 17.13%
68 31.48%
63 29.17%
40 18.52%

03-27-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by jbellfeins
I'm confused as to why they let Doyle play with his hat on repping his site, but they have disallowed all FTP players from being on this show.
omg .. again! THEY are FTP himself.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by El-Sheik
This episode was painful to watch. I wonder how big the pot would've been if the AA vs 55 hand took place in season 6.
Well, since Robl wouldn't have been there, we can assume that whoever had the set of fives wouldn't have checked flop/turn. God, that hand was butchered by both of them.

The overwhelming bulk of the hands were boring, and Norm's playcalling was uber-bad. How many times does he have to predict an action completely wrong before he just gets out of the prediction business?

I want the last 42 mins. of my life back.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by justonemoretime
Do you have a link to this game?
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:14 PM
This episode was the worst out of the 5 thus far, hopefully the new line up will be better the again I have no expectations. I want the PAD Omaha to air! That will have some sick action guranteed.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:24 PM
Just watched this episode. Agree boring.

Quads vs. AA hand. I think the way Robl was checking by pounding his chip stack was all Viffer needed to see/know by the time he put $17K in the middle.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:28 PM
Wasnt the best but not bad. I know many think it is crap cause no Durr. But I have been surprised taht it hasn't been that bad. Doyles a nit and they allow him as they dont see Doyles room as competition. Great Fold by Antonio
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:39 PM
As for Norm, he had some good lines like "and David Peat misreads his hand (when he calls a raised pot with 63)"... and both players appear to have toothaches".... "Robl just calls with deuces and 3 overcards hit the flop, What are the odds of that ?" ... "Peat calls with the small blind, its not like he call with those kind of hands evertime" and "Actually a good flop for Vfiffer, didn't cost him any money."
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:50 PM
Full Tilt pulled their players, pokerstars did not ban them.

Please never let Andrew Robl on tv ever again. Seems like a nice enough dude, but he plays the most boring poker ever. He 3 barrels that board and he gets called all day, instead trap trap trap, pop em on the river!!! Gtfo.

And Antonios fold was super standard, but I don't mind Norms comments. I like fish not knowing that was an easy fold..

As it was the last episode with that group I kinda woulda liked to have seen final chip counts.. Anyone know if Selbst got even, or close?
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by tiltnonstop
I mean, he´s the man, the myth, the legend, but Doyle plays like a total fish vs Vanessa. Calling off 20 % of effective stacks out of position with 87s, really? That´s pretty horrible. Power poker my ass.
It always seems like he has total contempt for her as a player. Sexism?
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:04 PM
next weeks lineup looks better, norm shouldnt have to talk much
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by tiltnonstop
I mean, he´s the man, the myth, the legend, but Doyle plays like a total fish vs Vanessa. Calling off 20 % of effective stacks out of position with 87s, really? That´s pretty horrible. Power poker my ass.
I didn't pay attention to exactly how bad a call it was at the time. I remember thinking he wasn't getting the implied odds he needed, but wow.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:38 PM
What can you say when Ruffin was the star of the first five episodes?

Just really weak tonight and the addition of Chan wasn't allowed to develop, wonder what they paid him to sit in one partial episode?

Also - Norm is not only not growing into the gig, he's regressing. My gosh he adds almost nothing (the only remotely funny line was the 'Peat misreads his hand' one).

Someone above referenced watching older shows and the glaring difference; I agree.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:39 PM

I have finally caught up with this season of HSP and for me anyway it's pretty clear this is going to be a below par season. Norm Macdonald is doing an ok job but I do miss Gabe. Norm just doesn't produce the same atmosphere that I associate with the show. As for the players, I'e never been a fan of this pros vs whales type layout. I mean who is this complete idiot Ruffin they've found who keeps sucking out, overbetting 5x and acting out of turn?

Can't wait for Galfond.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:32 PM
doyle is tilted and cuz he isnt been dealt any aces/kings
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:39 PM
"Andy Beal is tough - He's a good friend of mine"
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:51 PM
Where the #"!#! is PA, Durrr and Ivey.

Impressed Antonios laydowns...
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by wigga
Where the #"!#! is PA, Durrr and Ivey.

Impressed Antonios laydowns...
They are signed to a company that doesn't allow their players to participate on shows like HSP or The Big Game
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:35 PM
Pretty boring episode overall. Strange to say it but if Ruffin was still there at least there would've been more action.

Also, finally noticed Norm's hands for the first time. LOL, wtf? Really weird.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:47 PM
viffer played the aces horrible then lost the minimum , why bother limping with them trying to let someone else raise it up when the table the way it is...

I like viffer alot but i think he played them aces horrible
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:57 PM
I thought this episode was fine and don't know what everyone is complaining about. Norm had some good lines, and there were a bunch of reasonably interesting pro vs. pro spots. Solid "B" grade for me.

I'm not going to comment on any of the "analysis" so far largely because I disagree with most of it, but I WILL say that I thought the most butchered hand by far was when Antonio turned the nut straight in a family pot... then smooth-called and kept everyone in... then raised when the flush came on the river, with 3 Villains still in. WTF? And Vanessa's 3bet size on the river with the nuts was once again poor IMO, either pump it way up if you think you can catch a 2nd-best hand or can outlevel your opponent into calling with a bluff catcher, or keep it small for value against a wider range or to induce a bluff.

Last edited by pineapple888; 03-27-2011 at 04:05 PM.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:58 PM
Chuckled at Norm's "axis of evil" comment when Antonio and Johnny were shown standing close to each other.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by pineapple888
I thought this episode was fine and don't know what everyone is complaining about. Norm had some good lines, and there were a bunch of reasonably interesting pro vs. pro spots. Solid "B" grade for me
could not agree more, people need to stop bitching it really isn't that bad

Antonio making good folds and Chan running like god on TV, imagine how much Ruffin would be down if he was seated in Antonio's seat, lol...
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by 97Suited
viffer played the aces horrible then lost the minimum , why bother limping with them trying to let someone else raise it up when the table the way it is...

I like viffer alot but i think he played them aces horrible
he limps with garbage all day and often gets raised
his limp was fine
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 05:28 PM
He raises with garbage and gets called all the time too.

Guess which is both more suspicious and risky.
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
03-27-2011 , 05:54 PM
i also agree that i think this ep was fine.....i enjoyed watching. i've actually been impressed by the way antonio is playing. the instafold to selbst after her "i can beat a bluff" comment. and the fold of A5 on the river after hitting trips vs chan; its not the sickest fold ever, but still, i think he deserves some credit for it.

i think norm was actually pretty funny this ep. no, he's no gabe, but he's getting better. i think a lot of people are selectively remembering gabe with AJ and not so much gabe by himself last year. i love gabe; best commentator ever, but its hard for anybody to host solo. norm is improving quickly.

lol good catch vanessa after the antonio flopped sixes hand where she finds out doyle also had top perr: "holy shhhhh-crap". i've enjoyed watching her play.

peats' super-swipe for the hole cam before folding doesnt necessarily bother me, but its really bizarre.....

loved watching robl flop broadway and not get even get action from viff on his flop bet. robl started talking again immediately this episode; nothing that comes out of his mouth is anything short of tilt-inducing. soooooo glad viff didnt pay robly off with the aces vs quads....

i honestly forgot that barry was playing until he was talking to antonio halfway through the ep about it being "ok to mess with the guy who's ahead".
High Stakes Poker: Episode 5 - March 26, 8pm on GSN Quote
