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Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty?

08-25-2009 , 08:32 PM
There is a female dealer who deals a shift just about every time I play 25/50 Limit for the past couple of years.
A couple of weeks ago, I see her sitting down at the table sitting two to my left. This was the first time I have ever seen her play.

Right off the bat, she made a couple of thin river raises when I was the aggressor throughout the hand.
Later, I flopped an OESFD, with TJs on a 984 flop and bet and raised like crazy.
Most times when I get that big of a draw, even when people flop sets they slow down to me, but she kept re-raising. Pocket 9s?
Sadly I missed my draws and she dragged a monster pot with Pocket Kings after flipping my cards face up to her river bet.
She tried to whisper to the person next to her, but in her excitement in winning the pot, she said it loud enough for me to hear.
"I knew he was just on a flush draw, I see him raise all the time like that when I deal."

I know I wouldn't be complaining if I hit the draw.... But this thought has already been on my mind...
There has been another dealer deals the game who Hit & Runs on me late at night from time to time. Each time I feel that I am playing him with my cards up.

I casually approached a floor-man the next time I played. He said, "The order from the top is that: Our employees are also our most valued customers."
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:38 PM
well in most rooms where you work you can not play. ive personally never been to a room you can work at and play at in CT, AC, or LV.

id assume most people who deal and play work on their games while dealing.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:39 PM
So a dealer who deals to you for 30 minutes a day has a better read on you than the players who sit at the the same table with you for seveal hours at a time?

We can't play where we work and using hit and run tactics on players you deal to is pretty stupid but I don't think seeing a player for 30 minutes at a time, while I am extremely busy running the game, is going to give me that great an advantage.

At least not as good an advantage as a huge pocket pair might give me.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
well in most rooms where you work you can not play. ive personally never been to a room you can work at and play at in CT, AC, or LV.

id assume most people who deal and play work on their games while dealing.
I think playing in your own room in Vegas was very standard. Maybe not as much these days.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 08:54 PM
Stop betting/raising turns/rivers after you miss a draw on the flop against said dealer?
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dealer-Guy
So a dealer who deals to you for 30 minutes a day has a better read on you than the players who sit at the the same table with you for several hours at a time?
Not a good comparison.

While the other players are reading me, I am reading them at the same time. If the other players at the table and I have the same reading skills... Net effect zero.
This dealer had 2 years of accumulated reads on me and I had zero reads on her.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:20 PM
I've played against dealers in Tunica who just stepped out of the box and sat down at the table. Pretty weird feeling for me (the player) to be honest. The ones I played with were pretty much some of the worst players at the table. Seriously, I thought to myself, "how could you deal so many hands of poker and still play so bad???" Nothing like seeing a dealer sit down and run through two racks of white in 30 minutes, then get up, put the name badge back on and start dealing again to the very people who they just gave their money too. Weird.

If the state and room don't have any laws/rules against dealers playing in their own rooms, I think complaining about it is VERY VERY petty. Seriously, this is in my opinion a ridiculous post. If this dealer or any other dealer for that matter, is competent enough to get a read on you while in the box and then use it against you later....good for them.

As was mentioned by Dealer-Guy, a dealer only has the opportunity to watch you for 30 minutes at a time, while the other players can watch every single hand you play for hours and hours. On top of that, the dealer has NO more information than anyone else at the table about how you play hands. Well actually they have less, since they see you play less. If the dealer was looking at your mucked cards, well that would be a different story.

I think your complaint and post are pretty childish considering you are playing $25/50. Just my 2 cents.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:22 PM
Even more of an advantage goes to dealers who will sometimes look at a players hole cards after they have mucked...
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:24 PM
This dealer had 2 years of accumulated reads on me and I had zero reads on her.
So should Daniel N., Phil, Doyle and the gang claim you have an unfair advantage and complain to the floor if you ever sit in on a game with them, since you have years of accumulated reads on them, plus seeing their hole cards every single time, while watching them on TV?

No. They would welcome you to the game.

Let me ask this question.....if this lady lost two racks to you every time she sat down would you still have posted this thread and complained to the floor?
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by evildeadalive
Even more of an advantage goes to dealers who will sometimes look at a players hole cards after they have mucked...
That is a clear violation of the rules and the dealer should be asked to stop immediately or you should talk to the floor. Totally different.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:33 PM
Maybe you're so far out of line with the bluffing/semi-bluffing that it's easy for people to notice? Sounds like that could be the case. Mix up your play a bit, become less predictable, and/or do some game selection - avoid the players that are on to you
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:42 PM
This seems like it could be possible but is rare. Most dealers who can play well at 25/50 aren't dealing very much any more.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:01 PM
1. I know I was the one to use the word complain, I used the word in error. Please replace that word with comment because I am really not complaining.... I was just asking the question.

2. Please don't sidetrack the thread by saying how I played the hand.
How well/poorly I played the hand has nothing to do with the thread.

Originally Posted by LuckyTxGuy
...and complained to the floor?
Note: I did not complain to the Floor, I only asked the question to him. I refused to answer who the dealer was. Unfortunately the discussion backfired because not to many dealers play that high of limits so he knew right away which dealer I was talking about.
At that time, I made it clear to the Floor that if the dealers are encouraged to play, then the dealer did nothing wrong. I then asked the Floor to forget the conversation.

Originally Posted by evildeadalive
Even more of an advantage goes to dealers who will sometimes look at a players hole cards after they have mucked...
I have noticed many dealers peek at mucked cards, but I have thought nothing of it because I rarely see them at the tables. I am going with the assumption that the dealer in question is not one of them..... (But I will be paying attention the next time she deals)

Originally Posted by LuckyTxGuy
Let me ask this question.....if this lady lost two racks to you every time she sat down would you still have posted this thread.
I wasn't going to mention this because it felt too much like a brag and unimportant to the thread... but she sat at my table again last week and gave back twice as much as she took before. I was ready for her, that time her thin raises and draw reads ran into my monsters.
So..... Based on the fact I posted the thread anyways, the answer to your question is yes.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:22 PM
Well let me say this....."questioning" the floor vs. "complaining" to the floor is very different, I will gladly admit that and can see where you would feel compelled to ask the floor questions about this situation.

I was the first to admit that playing with dealers that deal to you, in their own casino is a weird feeling for me. For some reason, it's totally different when I've played against them at another poker room. It just seems strangely wrong for a dealer to be playing in their own room. In all honesty, I don't like it and wouldn't mind if it wasn't allowed anywhere.

However, of all the complaints I have about the situation, the dealer having an unfair advantage because they see me play hands and I don't get to see them play hands, it not anywhere on the list. Again, if they were looking at my mucked hands, well boy-howdy, we have a totally different situation. But again, I would speak up about this, unless I was giving the dealer the permission to look. Again, that is against the rules of the casino, so I'm not taking that into account.

As for you not having the advantage of seeing them play, I stand by the comment that if that is true, you would have a VERY large unfair advantage against the TV pros. Also, there are no rules that prevent a rail bird from standing/sitting nearby and watching the game for hours, thus gaining all the same info by observations that the dealer has gained, while you have no information on them.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:23 PM
Only providing a data point -- dealers here in Phoenix are (a) allowed to play, and (b) often sent to work as props near the end of their shifts.

Most of them are just donating their tip money - especially in overlarge tips to other dealers when they DO drag pots, but yes, it has problems.

If I were to run a casino, for no reason other than appearances, I probably wouldn't let my dealers play. It's just one more thing to get upset about.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:27 PM
Don't sh*t where you eat.

A dealer playing in the same room is a very short-sighted person.

In one room I worked, I had a player sore about one hand I played against him during one of the few visits I made to the room six months before I worked there.

It's just not good business. When you lose, you lose; when you win, you lose.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:29 PM
But yeah, as was said, the other players are there with you the entire time, and aren't distracted by all the little things a dealer has to do. Dealing requires you to pay attention to a much different set of body movements and comments than playing. Most dealers are action-hungry with many leaks, anyway. Nine white shirts and an empty seat.

But from a customer relations standpoint, it's a horrible idea no matter how you slice it.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by the machine
well in most rooms where you work you can not play. ive personally never been to a room you can work at and play at in CT, AC, or LV.

id assume most people who deal and play work on their games while dealing.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:35 PM
dealers are usually good for the game. you guys should welcome them
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 12:39 AM
Dealers: -Are usually friendly and social, they don't want to cost themselves tips
-Don't slow roll, taunt, or angle shoot
-Are generally bad

Perfect opponents imo. Only bad thing is when they chat with the guy in the box.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 01:03 AM
You know what the dealer knows, shouldn't be a big deal to play hands a little differently vs the dealer and most are huge donators.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 01:09 AM
In some small clubs, dealers are required to play to keep the games running.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 01:13 AM
Dealers can play at Casino Arizona, praise be.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 02:03 AM
Sounds like you don't know how to adjust your game base on changing condition. You have a lot more than the dealer to worry about.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
08-26-2009 , 02:06 AM
I actually look forward to the time when I get a better job, so I can play where I work now and destroy the regulars.
Do Dealers Who Frequently Deal Your Game, Have An Advantage When They Play Off Duty? Quote
