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Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1

08-30-2019 , 04:51 PM
71 year old 20/40 stud players don't generally get up and walk. :/
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
08-30-2019 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
Audition update: We got it!
Congratuations! Well done. But who is "we"? Most players will find you a bit pretentious if you refer to yourself as "we".

Eg. Player: how long have you been dealing?
You: we've been dealing for an hour.
Player : no, not dealing today. I mean how long have you been dealing in your life.
You: yeah, we've been dealing for an hour.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
08-31-2019 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
Just finished up 'Straight Flush' .. a book about the Absolute Poker story from begining to end and how 2+2 was instrumental in uncovering some of the issues their site was having along the way.

It's pretty old news of course, but still an easy read and from a viewpoint on the inside that most may not know about.

Don't pay for it ... should be at the library. (Things we find when our kids are browsing.) GL
Agreed it's a fast and entertaining read, as many of his books are. (I love Bringing Down The House, read it a couple of times, and was entertained by Sex on the Moon.) But by his own admission--actually his bragging--his books are not completely nonfiction.

In his own words, from an interview: "Mezrich is more determined than ever to create his own category, where fiction and nonfiction coexist not only in the same book and same page, but in the same sentences. On the phone from his book tour, Mezrich says, “I see myself as attempting to break ground. I definitely am trying to create my own genre here. . . . I’m attempting to tell stories in a very new and entertaining way. I see myself as an entertainer.’’

(Fwiw, he also wrote the book that The Social Network was based on. I don't know how true or embellished that one was.)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
08-31-2019 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Congratuations! Well done. But who is "we"? Most players will find you a bit pretentious if you refer to yourself as "we".
I think it was for our benefit since we were all kind of involved with advice, suggestions, encouragement, etc.

Well done indeed, Thamel18!
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
08-31-2019 , 09:58 PM
1/3 NL, basically the whole table limps to the BB who checks, before I can even start pulling bets in, UTG+1 puts out an extra ~40 in red, I tell him he already called 3 and he acts surprised, pulls back his red and says sorry

I'm asking here because I asked around at work and have gotten split answers from both dealers and floors, if it checks to him on the flop does that red he put out get treated as OOT action that is binding because action hasn't changed? The guy in question is a regular and I've never seen him attempt any type of angle in the past FWIW
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
08-31-2019 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by football0020
1/3 NL, basically the whole table limps to the BB who checks, before I can even start pulling bets in, UTG+1 puts out an extra ~40 in red, I tell him he already called 3 and he acts surprised, pulls back his red and says sorry

I'm asking here because I asked around at work and have gotten split answers from both dealers and floors, if it checks to him on the flop does that red he put out get treated as OOT action that is binding because action hasn't changed? The guy in question is a regular and I've never seen him attempt any type of angle in the past FWIW
No. He’s not bound to it whatsoever.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-02-2019 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Suit
No. He’s not bound to it whatsoever.
Is there a formal rule on it? Basically a better way to put it than "it's preflop, it doesn't matter"... I'm having a hard time convincing the OOT action group otherwise
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-02-2019 , 08:41 AM
OOT action does not carry over across streets. Dark bets may, when in turn. There is no specific rule stating this i do not believe.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-02-2019 , 09:14 AM
I'm in the 'street' group. No carry-overs ... as long as it's before any cards came out (and no verbal binding declaration) simply tell the Player to pull the chips back and continue to put out the cards for the next street.

I don't think you'll find it in the rules anywhere, but I think the movement of Board cards is a pretty easy way of going from street to street with a clean slate barring any 'last to act issues'. GL

Does the movement of cards go into the 'significant action' formula? You won't find it there, but IMO it really goes a long way to a point of no return in either direction.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-03-2019 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by football0020
Is there a formal rule on it? Basically a better way to put it than "it's preflop, it doesn't matter"... I'm having a hard time convincing the OOT action group otherwise
Originally Posted by dinesh
OOT action does not carry over across streets. Dark bets may, when in turn. There is no specific rule stating this i do not believe.
Exactly what dinesh said. There is no written rule on this one other than the fact that it does not follow the proper order of the game. You cannot bet OOT on a future street. It is one of those things that is almost certainly just a player making a mistake. As in this case, I am assuming he thought he was the BB and wanted to raise legally preflop.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-04-2019 , 09:24 AM
Shows you how much Players/Dealers pay attention at the table.

Spot one .. Bet of 30 ... Player announces 'raise .. 60' and has stacks of 60 and 30 cut out. Starts to push out the 60 with the right hand and then follows (by about 8-10 inches) with the 30. Player releases the 60 while still pushing the 30. Dealer says 60 is the bet. Floor called. Floor explains that 'the exact call' must be put out first before any raising chips can be brought out, so the bet is 60.

Not the 'correct' ruling IMO since neither the Dealer nor the Floor addressed the verbal statement made by the Player. After the Floor left a discussion between Players happened about whether the Bettor 'paused long enough' to make the raise 60 or if he was trying to raise 'to' 60.

4 hands later, same Dealer ... Bet of 30 ... Player announces raise (no amount) ... puts out 20 ... notices the bet was 30 ... puts out 10 more ... puts out 50 more as the raise ... Opener calls the 50 and folds the River. After the hand I tell the Player that he could've forced a raise to 60 and saved 20 chips. He's like "Man, we just talked about that and I missed it!!"

Not the finest hour for anyone involved ... GL
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-04-2019 , 10:44 AM
That's why they're trying to get rid of two motion raising and raise by/raise to confusion in the TDA. It just enables angling and confusion.

In the first example I don't think the verbal statement helped his case. It could still have been either 60 or 90 and if he wanted it to be 90 he needed to either be clearer with his words or push all the chips forward at once. I probably would have let it go if the 60 hand hadn't been pulled back before the 30 went out but I understand the ruling.

I learned very early in my playing to prepare my entire bet and push it out in one motion or say "raise to X" before doing anything. I don't understand why it's so hard for so many.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-04-2019 , 02:18 PM
What’s worse? Unsolicited bad beat stories or unsolicited fantasy football stories?

As somebody who plays in a above-average # of fantasy football leagues... I’ve gotta say the latter is worse.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-04-2019 , 02:27 PM
Unsolicited fantasy football bad beats.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-04-2019 , 10:47 PM
Thoughts on working at MGM Detroit? Feel free to PM.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-05-2019 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by c2d2
Thoughts on working at MGM Detroit? Feel free to PM.
Better hope you catch shifts from 3PM to 4AM-ish ... and probably with some (maybe a lot) of inconsistencies. MGM is less predictable with play than it's 'partner' across the freeway at MCC. They do however carry the evening action for PLO, which can be 5-10 1-2 times a week. MCC generally carries the day poker and then it 'may' spill over to MGM as the night falls. MGM tends to be looser at night than MCC.

Casino tournaments in Detroit tend to struggle but I don't really follow them either to give much input on that side of things. I have zero input on the behind the scenes aspect of employment at either.

Overall I think any 'good' Dealer can make hay in Detroit since there are 'so many' bad Dealers in the fold that you will naturally be noticed and appreciated. GL
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-05-2019 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by c2d2
Thoughts on working at MGM Detroit? Feel free to PM.
Someone please CMIIW, but I played at MGM there one weekend and I think I remember dealers saying that they pooled their tips

And to add on to what answer said, I also remember there being a disproportionately high amount of terrible dealers there
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by football0020
they pooled their tips...

...high amount of terrible dealers there
These things usually go hand in hand.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2019 , 10:46 AM
I'm used to players arguing with me about our own house rules, but had a new level of disagreement a couple of nights ago. I'm dealing at a table in the middle of our last row of tables. Seat 1 gets told he can transfer to another table. He asks me where it is. I tell him it's in the next row over, one table from the back. He tells me I'm wrong, and that it must be up towards the front of the room. I say no, it's the next row over, one table from the back. He says that's impossible because the tables numbers get smaller towards the front, and his new table has a smaller number.

I wasnt having a great night anyway, and was probably on the verge of saying something really sarcastic, but fortunately the laughter from the other players got the point across to him.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
I'm used to players arguing with me about our own house rules, but had a new level of disagreement a couple of nights ago. I'm dealing at a table in the middle of our last row of tables. Seat 1 gets told he can transfer to another table. He asks me where it is. I tell him it's in the next row over, one table from the back. He tells me I'm wrong, and that it must be up towards the front of the room. I say no, it's the next row over, one table from the back. He says that's impossible because the tables numbers get smaller towards the front, and his new table has a smaller number.

I wasnt having a great night anyway, and was probably on the verge of saying something really sarcastic, but fortunately the laughter from the other players got the point across to him.
How could you resist? "ok, head that way then. See you on your way back!"
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2019 , 11:50 AM
I got orientation this Friday, then I hope/assume I start my shift(s) next week. What are some things I should look to find out/questions I should ask?

They run a fairly regular $1-2 PLO, w/ 5$ bring-in & 5$ betting increments. If you've seen this game, how are the blinds calculated into the pot, for bet/raise sizing? Are they rounded up together to $5, or rounded up each individually to $5? I've been practicing/simulating situations where they round up together to $5, or if one of the blinds is in the pot for $5+ & other has folded, the single blind rounds up to $5.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2019 , 01:29 PM
I've seen it done a variety of ways so I'd recommend you go in and ask someone who seems on the ball. Also ask about post-flop calculation if an extra $1 or $2 gets rounded up or down.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2019 , 01:50 PM
PLO 'pot' Pre-Flop (and sometimes post) is room dependent with the blinds. Be blessed that they have the 5 bring to keep most of the math easy.

In our room each blind or post (even in the middle) are counted as 5 as long as they 'stand on their own'. So as soon as a Player folds and they get pulled in then they get combined and a pot bet will decrease by 5. It can get a little interesting if there is a post or two involved.

1) Straddle on B (15), SB (1), BB (2) with CO posting (1 middle, 2 front)
2) SB, BB and UTG limp for 15

3) MP wants to pot it ... (15x3) +SB(15) +BB(15) +UTG(15) +middle(5) +front(5) = "100 is the bet" This is the most extreme 'pot' but we treat each independently.

If the action had folded to the CO then his pot bet is only 95. (45+15+15+15+5)

If the CO had folded then the Button's pot bet is only 80 since the middle still only counts as 5 even though there's 3 chips now instead of 1. (15+15+45+5)

If SB, BB and CO fold then a B 'pot' is 55 due to the 6 chips being in the middle. (45+10)

Some rooms might only count the blinds/posts as 10 from a total of 6 chips in play. That would knock the pot down to 90. Some rooms might consider the $1 in the middle as dead until after the Flop also.

You'll just have to ask ... GL

Last edited by answer20; 09-11-2019 at 01:59 PM.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Rawlz517
What’s worse? Unsolicited bad beat stories or unsolicited fantasy football stories?

As somebody who plays in a above-average # of fantasy football leagues... I’ve gotta say the latter is worse.
When bit coin was the rage, that was the worst. Hearing five degens blather on about it for hours on end made me want to jam railroad spikes in my ear. At least the bad beat stories are told once and end.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-15-2019 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by c2d2
Thoughts on working at MGM Detroit? Feel free to PM.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Iv been reading the boards forever... fig i could at least contribute a tiny bit here... as others have commented on the quality of dealing at the spot (iv only played there)...

Yes, they pool tokes, based on the union, and the contract also has them rotating dealers from the table games into and through the poker room. The dealing can be absolutely horrible, and that is the common understanding amongst the regs. There are also inconsistent floor rulings, but that happens, but is still understood to be an issue within the community. Overall, the floors there seem less customer oriented as well... some clear exceptions exist however. Besides the tables... the dealers keep me away from that place... or at least, i have to mentally prepare myself, and be willing to count every single bit of action that i am involved with... to always protect my action/interests, at all times... or i will be shorted or get screwed at some point in the night, pretty much every night.

For that level of professionalism to exist, and remain a constant...? I am curious as to what else must pass at the organization behind the scenes. Meaning... from the perspective of the thread... how frustrating it must be to work there and be a competent poker dealer? There are a handful of very caring and competent dealers there too. They know about and share in our frustration, it seems.

Btw... i should note some of the floors know about the issue... and they seem frustrated as well, and tend to play it as they are at the mercy of the union contract, and that they are trying to renegotiate. Again, it is a commonly known issue for mgm.

And to remention... the good dealers can't keep their own tokes... so if i give a solid guy a red chip, it is also going to the lady w the long nails that can't cut a stack and is thinking about whatever, while everyone has already checked around, who all of a sudden wakes up and points to utg, nastily tapping for action to start, lol. Said lady is also going to short the all in call by 15 btw... go figure... just a common example, of an every day thing.

So, if ur good...??? How frustrating is this going to be? That i do not want to toke you, because it goes to the other people you are holding up? They cost you money... you being a competent poker dealer. So, why be a competent, caring , kick-ass poker dealer? And so the downward cycle goes, to the point that, just simply, no one cares, and everyone just accepts it. To me, mgm feels like a half step away from this, w a few stand out exceptions, but they seem to be trying to hold back the tide.

But, but... mgm made a mini come back for business w the progressive dropped at mcc, and they now hold the plo crew, but mcc is trying to get back into that. And some just hate mcc for varying reasons, so mgm isnt dead.

Everything i gots... lol.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
