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Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here?

03-17-2014 , 04:00 PM
I thought an exposed hand was killed in a tournament? Then penalized?

I'm sure the ruling is different anywhere you go, but as I remember playing in WSOP events, etc, an exposed hand is a dead hand.

If that were the case here, then problem solved, but obviouisly it wasn't which sucks.

Lastly, always beware the speech, and this guy was giving a speech.
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-17-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
I believe you are insinuating that we have some loud and frequent detractors. I won't argue against that.
What I was insinuating is that when someone posts about something as being an angle shot or not, 100% of the time there is an argument about whether it is or isn't and its always more than just a couple people on each side. So I say everyone's definition of an angle on this forum is actually quite inconsistent.

Maybe 70% are fairly close on what they think an angle is and the other 30% are completely off and/or disagree. But I do get what you're saying about this thread and I agree with you in this case.
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-17-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I thought an exposed hand was killed in a tournament? Then penalized?
You thought wrong. It should never be killed because it was exposed. Only a penalty should be given after the hand.
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-17-2014 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
I remember playing in WSOP events, etc, an exposed hand is a dead hand.
They did for a while, but not any more.
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-18-2014 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
They did for a while, but not any more.
What about exposing yourself? Is there a penalty for that?
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-18-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
What about exposing yourself? Is there a penalty for that?
Yes. You get a new nickname, "Short Stack"
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-18-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by albedoa
Wrong. An angle requires that the perpetrator acts within the technical confines of the rules.
I'll join in the disagreement. It's an angle.

I think treading close to the rules, maybe over the line, maybe not, is pretty classic angling. Typically when you know you're going over the line, it's because you know the cost outweighs the benefit. Here, the old guy figured "sure, I'll probably get a penalty for exposing my hand, but it'll be worth it". If the guy calls, everybody knows the old guy did it on purpose and the one-round penalty costs him 1.5 blinds. If the opponent folds, old guy gets to keep his cards face down and play the "poor dumb me" card and potentially escape with a warning because nobody knows for sure he did it on purpose.
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
03-18-2014 , 09:17 PM
Speaking of old guy angles, last night in a cash game, a grumpy old nit shoved on the river. His opponent muttered, "I have a king..." The old nit said, grumpily, "Send me home."

He got called, scooped with his Aces.

The classics still work!
Angled during live tournament, is there ever a different floor ruling here? Quote
