Originally Posted by SoundPoker
You've accused people of being "arrogant" if they try to reinforce an idea that may have happened 50 pages ago, but then repeat this platitide as if it solves anything?
There are basically only a couple real options for the poker community right now, and your stance is that we have two options:
1. Play and shut up - accept any wrong-doing we see
Can you see how some thinking people might find flaw in that?
I'd hope this is a a given for anyone engaging in any financial speculation of any sort.
You replied to me, but I'm playing way under my bankroll... a winning player at GP, and this money is (way) inconsequential to my life. If you want to compare household incomes we can do that Splaya, is that where this is going? Want to put a side bet on it? Can your dad also beat up my dad?
Or, we could stay on topic and NOT do the personal attacks thing? Your call.
Completely reasonable, and you could be right. So what's wrong with people having the ability to make that call for themselves? Again... why fight AGAINST the ability to hash this out. As others have stated, this data has helped bring down countless scams in the past of all sorts. Seems simple enough. Why are we arguing about this again?
I'd say my motives are more on the side of poker community than the company, but in essence yes... the company opening up basic data to players is a win/win for both sides in the long run, IMO.
See, no insults necessary.
First off, no insult to you Sound. We have talked a lot in the past, I know your motives here are to help. And for sure I don't think you are playing outside your bankroll. Those comments aren't aimed at you, never were, not sure why it has to be taken as I meant it for you.
The only comment really aimed at you was the "many" thing, which I think you can agree is fuzzy language at best. Spats are not helpful, not trying to start one.
Perhaps I should have split my post into a few posts to make it clear it wasn't aimed at you, but I also didn't think you would take it as a personal offense. I will be more clear in the future.
I also aimed the comment to you of "What good is being done" but even that is from the side of I am concerned for how much you invest into all of this Sound. But there isn't any reason to drag that out here in the forums, I think you know to what I refer and I don't really care if anyone else understands.
No, I accuse people of being arrogant because they believe they are bringing something new to the table after 60+ pages of the same arguments they have always been making.
"I haven't read all of this, but look at this idea I had" as if someone before hadn't had it. That is arrogance. Don't get me wrong, I am arrogant at times myself. This isn't name calling as much as it is pointing out, if you are going to engage, the be informed, and don't lay the burden on those of us who have read through the arguments here to clarify a position to you that has long ago been debated. So it isn't name calling as much as it is criticism of an attitude I see. By the way, not just in this forum either. That is not a 2+2 thing, its a people and internet thing.
Not sure why you don't understand my position on hand histories, I thought it was pretty clear in my post. I am not as sure it will be a good thing as other people are, and you can't go back once you go forward, so we need to be REALLY sure its a good thing. That's my argument. Especially because even if we had them, people would still claim there were issues, so we end up back here again. I don't see the ROI on hand history downloads as being positive, and even if it is, I haven't yet to be convinced it is REALLY positive.
In response to your summary as to my supposed "two options", I like strawmen arguments too, but for sure my argument is more nuanced than you are portraying. I leave that to the reader, (or the non-reader as the case sadly sometimes is.)
Finally, Sound poker, I get along fine with you. I wouldn't have engaged with you as much as I have in the past if I didn't. No insults here are directed at you. Criticism, for sure, but even then not in a personal attack way, but in have you considered the view points way. Hopefully that makes sense. We agree completely on not needing personal attacks. I apologize if the way I wrote the post made you feel it was a personal attack, it wasn't intended that way at all.