Originally Posted by StaYSMacKed
I know of a confirmed bot thats going on month 3 on the site, completely undetected and it’s not sophisticated at all. This was set up to test Globals new security team and they’ve failed miserably. They don’t have a team, they have players who report players. They’ve turned into a joke in the industry.
shut the hell up you paranoid clown
You know nothing about CONFIRMED BOTS. And even if you DID know about bots, which you don't, you've never illustrated to US that you know anything (you just bleat on about all this stuff you "know", with no documentation), so there's no reason to listen to word 1 of anything you say on the topic.
Originally Posted by StaYSMacKed
Haha this. The company shill Splaya. Unlike you Splaya, I actually speak truth and help players, not read from a company FAQs sheet they gave you. I warned players of bots, warned them a few weeks before the PayPal fiasco with proof, etc. Provided the HH extension to over 50 players, etc. Even tho I don’t play Global, I can provide insights when I think it’ll help the community, even if it’s warnings. Keep hoping in every thread though shilling for the company with the corporate positive spin.
You've never helped any poker player, dumbass. In fact, all your bull**** does is HURT the traffic of this awesome site. You make all these outlandish claims and provide zero evidence of them actually being true.
"I can provide insights"
you're some random losing degen with a hard paranoia complex, what insight could you conceivably have? GTFO
In before "you're a shill", because that's totally what a non-paranoid, reasonable person calls everybody that has a different opinion.