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Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts) Popular Poker Streamer Gripsed Accused of Botting (viewer counts)

03-28-2016 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by throwawaySSminow
Same thing happened to me. Although, admittedly, I did go a bit overboard in my post that got removed. I will write that, in my opinion, it was probably Gripsed that ordered the bots to his own channel. And that's also based on his response(s) to the accusation. Do I believe you likely have some sort of psychological issue that you should seek help for? Sure. Do I think you had anything at all to do with the viewbots in Gripsed's channel? Not for a second.

I enjoyed reading this thread as I found it very entertaining. Reading these responses was actually quite an interesting process. Without naming names or making personal insults, as a mod made clear would not be allowed, I'd just like to state that if you believe that Twitch does not profit from viewbots then you do I write this in a nicer way than my removed post....not that intelligent. Very-not-that-intelligent. At the very least you aren't educated on the subject.

As someone that works in the industry and has firsthand knowledge, I truly believe anyone that isn't in my shoes should still be able to figure this out themselves. If someone is posting about viewbots and mentioning anything about stress on servers then this person clearly has no background in computer science and very little to no grasp on the subject they're writing about. Some people would refer to this as, "talking out your ass." It would be similar to me writing, "There's no way it's beneficial for Twitter to have millions and millions of fake accounts because of the storage costs and additional overhead." If you had any knowledge at all on the subject, and were not simply typing out words that sound correct when you put them together and say them out loud, then you should be able to realize how ridiculous it is of a statement to make.

If you think PostFlopRepop ordered viewbots to Gripsed's channel then you're certainly entitled to your opinion. If you think Gripsed did it himself then have that opinion. But when people post incorrect after incorrect after incorrect after incorrect statements about Twitch then that really only leads to more people who cannot think for themselves to spread this misinformation. Directly after one of these posts that I'm referring to, someone quotes it and their post opens with "This is a great post." No. No it isn't a great post. It's the polar opposite of a great post. It's similar to your post earlier in this thread (not you, PostFlopRepop) in which you state Twitch is losing money from viewbots because advertisers can differentiate between real people and bots and thus Twitch won't get paid advertising revenue for the bots. Which, as I've explained, makes zero sense because Twitch wouldn't be getting that advertising revenue if the bots weren't there anyways. It just doesn't make any sense at all. These posts that I describe are full of misinformation and statements that make no sense and anyone should be able to realize this after taking merely a few seconds to think about them. And these statements seem to be so frequent in this thread that it would take so much time to go through each, such as the examples I just provided, and detail exactly how ridiculous they actually are.

So, instead of doing that, I would highly encourage some people here to learn the difference between facts and opinions and, more importantly, to think harder (or at all) before you speak or write. This should not be limited to internet forums and I would encourage this in all areas of life.
So you believe your opinions about Twitch are fact because you "work in the industry?" I'm sorry but your thinly veiled insults and vague professional work references do not add much credibility to what you are trying to say. You seem to take your opinions very personally too.

Unlike you I don't feel any permanent allegiance to any opinion I have expressed here. I am prepared to change my mind about anything once new facts present themselves. Every opinion I expressed was based on the best information I had. Others have different information and have thus presented different views.

You have presented nothing new here as far as I can see.
03-28-2016 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by throwawaySSminow
I'd just like to state that if you believe that Twitch does not profit from viewbots then you do I write this in a nicer way than my removed post....not that intelligent. Very-not-that-intelligent. At the very least you aren't educated on the subject.

As someone that works in the industry and has firsthand knowledge, I truly believe anyone that isn't in my shoes should still be able to figure this out themselves. If someone is posting about viewbots and mentioning anything about stress on servers then this person clearly has no background in computer science and very little to no grasp on the subject they're writing about. Some people would refer to this as, "talking out your ass." It would be similar to me writing, "There's no way it's beneficial for Twitter to have millions and millions of fake accounts because of the storage costs and additional overhead." If you had any knowledge at all on the subject, and were not simply typing out words that sound correct when you put them together and say them out loud, then you should be able to realize how ridiculous it is of a statement to make.
OK, provide data to back up your assertions.

How much of Twitch's profit comes from viewbots? This assertion was made by you to somehow imply that Twitch did not want to truly eliminate viewbots. I know for a fact that if Twitch wanted to they could present exact numbers on how much money they have spent fighting viewbots. But since you make these bold claims, please tell us how much profit there is in viewbots?

And while you are at it, why not provide some more meat to your other claims. Have you programmed viewbots or provided this service for others? What is the reason you feel so certain about this? And what is your reason for implying that viewbots do not take up server resources?

I think your Twitter example is far fetched at best. Twitter does not have a subscription service that pays them literally multiples more than they earn in advertising revenue. So comparing Twitter to Twitch may not make the point you are trying to get across.
03-28-2016 , 05:21 AM
LOL is this ghost of m guy aka gripsed?

We're supposed to believe that postfloprepop was not only online within the first 30 minutes of every gripsed stream to fire up the view bots, but that he set up numerous questions and answers to make the viewers look validated? On top of this, Gripsed and the mods were aware of these weird questions and answers, and instead of even acknowledging it, he set up a custom welcome message for all new fake followers!

Gripsed you're caught, now man up and say you made a mistake as we all do in life. It's just irritating when people continue to deceive and lie once caught. You won't get my respect back, or my viewership back, until you admit fault.

It's also tiring to hear people say "I don't know why gripsed would do that, or who would have the motivation to do that"..

You serious? Streaming earns money .. The more viewers, the more money..
03-28-2016 , 07:08 AM
funny how in 2 weeks most people in this thread will have a life again and their 5 minutes of fame are over. enough said.

no, this is not the same person/gripster replying
03-28-2016 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by danielj
The most questionable thing to me here is why would this guy analyze the data to look for a viewbot? I would think that if he doesn't like gripsed he would just stay out of his channel entirely?
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
I don't speak for Jaime and he will eventually reply and explain.

But my understanding is that the reason he was checking the traffic is because people were messaging him alleging there were bots on the Gripsed channel. So he naturally investigated it.

Seems reasonable to me.
I'd really like to see some of those people messaging him beforehand come forward.
03-28-2016 , 10:05 AM
I saw him yesterday, got a weird vibe of it really. At one time he was acting like a robot and saying only bots are allowed tonight, yet he said he wanted to move forward.
03-28-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by nba_guru
Postfoprepop why is your account so new? Neither if you guys should be trusted. Both dirty

because he's bat**** crazy and had other accounts banned in the past

no interest in this whole fiasco really, but was surprised to keep seeing the name FTHustla420 being so heavily involved and no one noticing/remembering him being involved in 2+2 drama in the past.
03-28-2016 , 12:40 PM
"Just love seeing all my info in this thread. You know, the fkn nerve buddy. Let me tell you what...Imma throw someone some money to spam the hell outta you. Got my picture up here? The fkn nerve....I swear to god, if by the good grace of GOD almighty, we cross paths knowingly, imma knock you the fk out clown. Fk you and everything stand for. I got your skype, Ill ship someone money to spam the fk outta you. Fkn clown, putting my picture up on here. Delete it or imma get you. Pinky fkn promise. You got until 12 am et."

kushhero/postfloprepop/fthustla420 post #19

03-28-2016 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by bbuhbowler
"Just love seeing all my info in this thread. You know, the fkn nerve buddy. Let me tell you what...Imma throw someone some money to spam the hell outta you. Got my picture up here? The fkn nerve....I swear to god, if by the good grace of GOD almighty, we cross paths knowingly, imma knock you the fk out clown. Fk you and everything stand for. I got your skype, Ill ship someone money to spam the fk outta you. Fkn clown, putting my picture up on here. Delete it or imma get you. Pinky fkn promise. You got until 12 am et."

kushhero/postfloprepop/fthustla420 post #19

Well, my first thought when everybody was accusing FThustla of being behind the viewbotting was, "this guy would never even take the time to think to do something like that."

Now here in his own words, he proves my personality profile is way off. Could this be a case of some unfortunate words and then an unlucky coincidence? Maybe.

That whole other thread is about him lying about his Stars name then going ape on backers. And then once they out him, rather than let sleeping dogs lie he tries to cover himself with more lies.

This story just gets stranger and stranger. FTHustla, it looks like you threatened to bot them man.

Please spell it out the same way we have asked of Gripsed: have you ever viewbotted somebody?
03-28-2016 , 01:23 PM
^^^^ how noone remembers this is beyond me
03-28-2016 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by codfordinner
LOL is this ghost of m guy aka gripsed?

We're supposed to believe that postfloprepop was not only online within the first 30 minutes of every gripsed stream to fire up the view bots, but that he set up numerous questions and answers to make the viewers look validated? On top of this, Gripsed and the mods were aware of these weird questions and answers, and instead of even acknowledging it, he set up a custom welcome message for all new fake followers!

Gripsed you're caught, now man up and say you made a mistake as we all do in life. It's just irritating when people continue to deceive and lie once caught. You won't get my respect back, or my viewership back, until you admit fault.

It's also tiring to hear people say "I don't know why gripsed would do that, or who would have the motivation to do that"..

You serious? Streaming earns money .. The more viewers, the more money..
His custom welcome message and other chat moderation bots were programmed long before this viewbotting allegation. Please see above. In 2 separate posts I outline the differences between the 3 kinds of bots.

Gripsed already had tons of viewers on a regular basis. While he may have been behind this, the reason people question this is not because extra viewers don't help, but because he really didn't need fake viewers the way some other streamers might.
03-28-2016 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
His custom welcome message and other chat moderation bots were programmed long before this viewbotting allegation. Please see above. In 2 separate posts I outline the differences between the 3 kinds of bots.

Gripsed already had tons of viewers on a regular basis. While he may have been behind this, the reason people question this is not because extra viewers don't help, but because he really didn't need fake viewers the way some other streamers might.
Means, motive, opportunity.
3 standards of investigation.
Failure of any one of these three suggests looking elsewhere.

Worth noting, anger or revenge are the motive in almost all malicious or violent crimes. Insanity in some form or another fill in the rest.
03-28-2016 , 02:54 PM
The real issue is that Twitch does nothing to promote the smaller guys, which leads to stuff like this. It's hard to blame a guy for trying to get discovered, not that viewbotting is acceptable, but the way Twitch is set up it's next to impossible to get popular. They sort of leave it up to the community to help each other out or something and it's a disaster.

What I've always wanted to see from Twitch is better methods of discovery, whether it be the bigger streamers working/playing with the smaller streamers or something else. Obviously people get boosted viewership when they make deeper runs in tourneys so it would be great if we could get notifications when stuff like this happens. Or putting Twitch tags on the streamers avatar on Pokerstars with a link to the stream when they are playing. I assume that would require some compliance with both Pokerstars and Twitch.


Is it possible for you to get hold of a Pokerstars rep to try and work something out? I hope Pokerstars and Twitch would care about this kind of stuff because nothing will happen unless they take a proactive approach which would ultimately benefit everyone.
03-28-2016 , 03:09 PM
Just watch Tonkaaaa. Problem solved.
03-28-2016 , 03:42 PM
Gripsed is dffrent he is kinda fun. Just hope he didnt do it.
03-28-2016 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by YearYin
The real issue is that Twitch does nothing to promote the smaller guys, which leads to stuff like this. It's hard to blame a guy for trying to get discovered, not that viewbotting is acceptable, but the way Twitch is set up it's next to impossible to get popular. They sort of leave it up to the community to help each other out or something and it's a disaster.

What I've always wanted to see from Twitch is better methods of discovery, whether it be the bigger streamers working/playing with the smaller streamers or something else. Obviously people get boosted viewership when they make deeper runs in tourneys so it would be great if we could get notifications when stuff like this happens. Or putting Twitch tags on the streamers avatar on Pokerstars with a link to the stream when they are playing. I assume that would require some compliance with both Pokerstars and Twitch.


Is it possible for you to get hold of a Pokerstars rep to try and work something out? I hope Pokerstars and Twitch would care about this kind of stuff because nothing will happen unless they take a proactive approach which would ultimately benefit everyone.
If you check Gripsed youtube channel you will see that the first video upload was made 7 years ago. He has more than 50k subscribers on Youtube and more than 6 million video views. Maybe his Twitch presence is small compared to Jaime's, they also target different audiences in my opinion. I doubt he tried to get discovered because anyone playing poker for a few years already knows him.

Others may already have a huge presence on Twitch, trying to increase their presence and reach on other platforms. This is just natural for broadcasters. Maybe the limitation of existing viewers is the real problem.

There is already plenty of ways for Twitch broadcasters to increase their number of viewers through networking (Twitch hosting, Twitch email alerts, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, ...).

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 03-28-2016 at 04:14 PM.
03-28-2016 , 04:49 PM
Gripsed personality doesn't translate well on twitch . Who knows how long he's been botting for and what his true unique # are on twitch and YouTube . He's been doing his youtube thing for 7 years with 50k + subs ( you could probably look into those #) and has been on twitch for 2 years ... When the apparent bots were turned off gripsed was getting 200 viewers on the busiest viewer twitch poker day (Sunday) while giving out free rolls / $$$$ . Ghost of m (gripster) claims gripsed has a huge following . Gripsed had plenty of motive to viewbot ( small declining following for an original twitcher) viewbots would help get real unique views to sell his business products / affiliate links .. Everyone makes mistakes / we r taught @ a young age that telling the truth is always the best course of action .. Come clean to all the gripsters / tell the truth and all will be forgotten and you can move on from this.
03-28-2016 , 05:04 PM
By the way, twitch in its current form, exists for 4 years only.

We will most likely never know who did it and unfortunately the FBI is busy with other investigations at the moment.

There is plenty of good broadcasters with good content on Twitch, who cares about the number of viewers they have.
03-28-2016 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by AuroraCee
Gripsed personality doesn't translate well on twitch . Who knows how long he's been botting for and what his true unique # are on twitch and YouTube . He's been doing his youtube thing for 7 years with 50k + subs ( you could probably look into those #) and has been on twitch for 2 years ... When the apparent bots were turned off gripsed was getting 200 viewers on the busiest viewer twitch poker day (Sunday) while giving out free rolls / $$$$ . Ghost of m (gripster) claims gripsed has a huge following . Gripsed had plenty of motive to viewbot ( small declining following for an original twitcher) viewbots would help get real unique views to sell his business products / affiliate links .. Everyone makes mistakes / we r taught @ a young age that telling the truth is always the best course of action .. Come clean to all the gripsters / tell the truth and all will be forgotten and you can move on from this.
For the record I am not a "Gripster" in any sense. I guess anybody who wasn't ready to assume he did it is a Gripster in your book. I have tried to be independent in this matter, and my views have changed a lot as new information has been presented.

I probably have spent more time on Twitch poker than any other human. Even still I rarely get a chance to watch his stream because of scheduling conflicts. But often times I will see who is in the listing and how many viewers they have. While 200 viewers may not seem like a lot to you, it's a very strong viewership for the highest competition day of the week. And I have seen thousands of viewers in his streams at different points in time, before this botting issue occurred.

I do agree with one thing: if he did do it, just admitting it would have been the best way to get past this. But he has already denied he had anything to do with this. Till more information comes to light, it's pretty difficult to know for sure.
03-28-2016 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
For the record I am not a "Gripster" in any sense. I guess anybody who wasn't ready to assume he did it is a Gripster in your book. I have tried to be independent in this matter, and my views have changed a lot as new information has been presented.

I probably have spent more time on Twitch poker than any other human. Even still I rarely get a chance to watch his stream because of scheduling conflicts. But often times I will see who is in the listing and how many viewers they have. While 200 viewers may not seem like a lot to you, it's a very strong viewership for the highest competition day of the week. And I have seen thousands of viewers in his streams at different points in time, before this botting issue occurred.

I do agree with one thing: if he did do it, just admitting it would have been the best way to get past this. But he has already denied he had anything to do with this. Till more information comes to light, it's pretty difficult to know for sure.
Problem is we don't know how far back this viewbotting scandal goes . His numbers are tarnished because of this.. you claim you've seen thousands of unique viewers viewing gripsed stream , well unless he was hosted by the staples house / carver / tonkaaaa or live at the bike (your welcome limon ), that stream has never had thousands of humans @ one time viewing / non-humans or bots well that's another story .
03-28-2016 , 07:15 PM
Hope he burns in hell for doing this , or maybe just 5 years jail .
03-28-2016 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
Hope he burns in hell for doing this , or maybe just 5 years jail .
"Thou Shalt Not Commit Viewbotting" was only #12, right between "Thou Shalt Not Double Park" in 11th and "Thou Shalt Not Litter"

Sorry. No inquisition this time.
03-28-2016 , 09:39 PM
First of all yes this is a new account. I am new to poker but have been watching streams for about a year now. Complete disclosure, I'm subscribed to Jaime Tonka and J Carver. I don't know who is responsible and I'm not here to defend anyone or be a (insert name here)ster. I simply saw something in the thread and wanted to add my 2 cents.

Originally Posted by bbuhbowler
"Just love seeing all my info in this thread. You know, the fkn nerve buddy. Let me tell you what...Imma throw someone some money to spam the hell outta you. Got my picture up here? The fkn nerve....I swear to god, if by the good grace of GOD almighty, we cross paths knowingly, imma knock you the fk out clown. Fk you and everything stand for. I got your skype, Ill ship someone money to spam the fk outta you. Fkn clown, putting my picture up on here. Delete it or imma get you. Pinky fkn promise. You got until 12 am et."

kushhero/postfloprepop/fthustla420 post #19


Originally Posted by ghost_of_m
Well, my first thought when everybody was accusing FThustla of being behind the viewbotting was, "this guy would never even take the time to think to do something like that."

Now here in his own words, he proves my personality profile is way off. Could this be a case of some unfortunate words and then an unlucky coincidence? Maybe.
While I agree this may speak to FTHustla's rage or "personality profile" I don't think he meant he would spam him with viewbots.

I think he is referring to a DDOS attack which is a much different beast than viewbotting his channel. One would temporarily shut down a stream causing a mild annoyance and one could completely destroy a stream and brand. Having someone's skpe info is all some people would need in order to cripple someone's internet connection. It's happened to many streamers in the past. I've personally seen Forsen's (hearthstone streamer) stream DDOS'ed after he accidentally showed his skype info.

This certainly doesn't help his case but I don't think it is proof of guilt either.

PS. ghost_of_m for president
03-28-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Pixcat
I feel sorry for the bots.
Hahahaha oh man I lol'd
