Originally Posted by RaiseAgainst
3handed, as the 2nd stack: "I need to be at least top two, I'm gonna call all-in here with 33 and flip" > loses > "well that was just bad luck, I was a 51% favourite"
open shoves AA in co, bb calls with AKs, "Hahaha see, he thought I was just stealing blinds, he calls with AK!"
lol and the first time he is actually up money in 2 hours is the time he picks to calculate his hourly: 36$ in 2 hours, my hourly rate is 18$
moldran is the gift that keeps on giving!
Lol wow, he's so ****ing ridiculous! Spots when he snap calls with AK there, because he thinks others are bluffing, but when others do the same thing he changes the reasoning behind it or how good it is.
Never seen anyone so results orientated too. After he decides to do something (eg call an all in), he often either confirms it was good after he wins, or if he loses he often changes his mind that it was bad and that he shouldn't have done that.
And yeah he's really deluded and he edits and so much too, that time to choose when to calculate his hourly is a perfect example.