2p2 legend ChicagoJoey PLO Podcasts (PLO and Poker Life episodes)
, 12:01 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 306
, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 174
That would be pretty interesting.
Given that so little is known.
Given that so little is known.
, 06:34 PM
I would settle for Hastings as a fill in, If Noel can't make it out.
I would settle for Hastings as a fill in, If Noel can't make it out.
, 04:07 AM
Tourney players are people too.
Looking forward to the Vegas casts. Good work Joey
, 04:09 AM
After about a weekish out here in Vegas hanging around with people I've known for awhile, people i've met through the podcast and meeting various amounts of new people I have to say that it has been interesting. I was hoping coming out here would give me more motivation to keep going forward and starting to venture outside the realm of podcasts but it has done quite the opposite for me. It has been really great to meet fans of the podcasts at Rio and I've gotten alot of love from people who seem to be big fans of the podcast. I think that I fail to realize just how many people play poker and how big the poker world is until I walk into Rio and see thousands and thousands of people in there.
In regards to the stinger stuff, he has many poker friends who are much more well known in the industry than I am that people should be asking to talk more about it. I have heard the same things that everyone else online heard and he hasn't wanted to talk about things with me. He also said he has no interest in commenting about anything. Twoplustwo words of hate used to effect him but now that he has all the money and is in love he doesn't seem to give a **** what is going on with this. As a friend of his I probably care about it more than he does.
I asked OTB long ago if he was interested but at the time he wasn't. We might be able to do something in a different format at some point in time in the future.
I can't imagine he would be interested in doing it but maybe at some point down the road.
Ty papi
Will put his name on my master podcast list, I have so many names on it at this point that I need to figure out a way to go about it in the future.
Nice work
I've been running sims to define parameters of it a bit more that I will talk about in future episodes.
Confirmed soon with Hollywood
Ivey is def on the podcast endboss list. One day....
Everyone has seemed to really enjoy the Saucecast, I am happy about that. I've got to chat with him a few times out here randomly in Vegas.
I believe you do not need a code anymore on RPTR
I shall put him on the PML for the future
6'5 I believe. After hanging out with Oddsen more, he is def on my top 5 list of favorite people in poker that I enjoy talking to and being around. I really like him alot.
I think we have done well on the tourney players I've gotten on the cast.
lol, I would love a porn discussion with Big Dog lol
You heard it straight from Sauces mouth
I would love to have both of those guys on, I think one would be much more well received than others.
That used to be my fave podcast
lol dream car
Johan/berri would probably be years down the road when they decide they want to get out there a bit more. Both are pretty reserved when it comes to that sort of thing. I could see Ilari on at some point.
Gracias papiii
hopefully so
I really like BSH, I've talked with him a bit out here. He is sad I called him a podcast whore last summer but we shall avenge it sometime soon.
Cleaner is funny, I don't think he wants to come on tho.
100 percent having Remko on
Hellmuth never
I am not sure who Brian Tate is but will put him on the PML. Sounds like he would be a fun guy to have on
I will make the lefort/jkoon 3 way happen
Yeah if i get a chance to meet him I will ask him. Would love that
In regards to the stinger stuff, he has many poker friends who are much more well known in the industry than I am that people should be asking to talk more about it. I have heard the same things that everyone else online heard and he hasn't wanted to talk about things with me. He also said he has no interest in commenting about anything. Twoplustwo words of hate used to effect him but now that he has all the money and is in love he doesn't seem to give a **** what is going on with this. As a friend of his I probably care about it more than he does.
I asked OTB long ago if he was interested but at the time he wasn't. We might be able to do something in a different format at some point in time in the future.
I can't imagine he would be interested in doing it but maybe at some point down the road.
Hey Joey, nice work on the Sauce podcast, definitely one of the best.
I wanted to suggest Simon Deadman for the podcast. I'd never heard of him before this WSOP, but I ended up googling him after seeing his name pop up a lot (he came second in the 5k 6max nl the other day)
Anyway, it turns out he's a young guy who doesn't really play online, so he grinded his way up from £50 buyin live tourneys, and now has more than $2m in cashes.
I don't know anything else about him but it'd be pretty interesting to hear from a young guy who almost completely ignored the internet thing and grinded his way up the old school way over the last few years.
I wanted to suggest Simon Deadman for the podcast. I'd never heard of him before this WSOP, but I ended up googling him after seeing his name pop up a lot (he came second in the 5k 6max nl the other day)
Anyway, it turns out he's a young guy who doesn't really play online, so he grinded his way up from £50 buyin live tourneys, and now has more than $2m in cashes.
I don't know anything else about him but it'd be pretty interesting to hear from a young guy who almost completely ignored the internet thing and grinded his way up the old school way over the last few years.
Will put his name on my master podcast list, I have so many names on it at this point that I need to figure out a way to go about it in the future.
Joey confirms Ike will be on a podcast soon.... I don't know who "Ike" is though
Joey confirms Ike will be on a podcast soon.... I don't know who "Ike" is though
Sauce podcast was excellent, really enjoyed it all. Might have to go back and rewatch the final hour or so, just to give it the attention it deserves.
Simon Deadman would be a pretty interesting guest for a podcast, but he is quite different to Joeys traditional guests. He definitely has a very atypical story and is a smart, articulate and well mannered person.
Ivey gotta be the dream Joey, make it happen.
Simon Deadman would be a pretty interesting guest for a podcast, but he is quite different to Joeys traditional guests. He definitely has a very atypical story and is a smart, articulate and well mannered person.
Ivey gotta be the dream Joey, make it happen.
Everyone has seemed to really enjoy the Saucecast, I am happy about that. I've got to chat with him a few times out here randomly in Vegas.
Hi Papi, Ive been looking for a code for russian ptr for a while now, now ive heard you saying in the sauce podcast you are on the russian ptr. Can you toss me a code please, thanks in advance and keep up the GREAT work!
Anyone else reading this feel free to send me a code.
Anyone else reading this feel free to send me a code.
6'5 I believe. After hanging out with Oddsen more, he is def on my top 5 list of favorite people in poker that I enjoy talking to and being around. I really like him alot.
I would love to have both of those guys on, I think one would be much more well received than others.
lol dream car
I really like BSH, I've talked with him a bit out here. He is sad I called him a podcast whore last summer but we shall avenge it sometime soon.
I am not sure who Brian Tate is but will put him on the PML. Sounds like he would be a fun guy to have on
Yeah if i get a chance to meet him I will ask him. Would love that
, 04:31 AM
What is your YT sn
will reinstate you
Fire equity
Hopefully very soon for both of these guys
I actually wonder who the podcast end bosses in poker would be considered.
I wonder who who people would consider to be the top 3 smartest people I've had on the podcast. I don't think I could really narrow it down. Lefort has to be up there near the top for me.

She is such a great troll, i loved it
This shall happen sometime over the next 2 weeks FINALLY

Yeah I think it could be preferred that way for most of the listeners tbh. For people who've only watched it as the way it is over time probably enjoy it the way it is now where it is raw. But if done right and edited well, I think the majority would much prefer it the other way. This takes much more time and energy than I probably want to put into it myself and is also something that I don't think I would want to rely on someone else to do correctly.
I was still upset with you but have forgiven
Thanks choclateeeeeee
Probably far too many times 2 count
Haha so epic, great suggestion and amazed it actually happened. I've always wanted a title but never imagined it would be papi
Gotta show love and give you a shout out papi. I could see AE Jones on some day, putting him on the PML.
Haha I think you are about 95 percent correct
Gracias my young seat script kingpin
Agree, top 5 imo. Maybeeee
I've saw another guy around town that ALLEGEDLY is also Trueteller and now I have no ****ing idea what to believe.
All good suggestions Ralph as always/

Jason I love and at some point. Stinger of course. Igor is probably one of my favorite 3 people I've got to talk to for an extended period of time out here in Vegas. I really like that guy. Rast maybeeee. English live MTT'ers lol idk. Ben would love to have on. Bryn same, Alec same, Barry is a legend, Theo I dont know much about. Selbst I keep seeing all around town and told her she is my favorite FEMALE poker player but haven't asked her about it yet. Flushie probably is upset with me, Alexo i love and got a chance to meet in Vegas, Greenwood i went to EDC with and also really like/could see him on a pod. FFS you are naming all people I would want to have on a podcast and a bunch of people I really haven't considered but would love to have on lol. I need to add you on skype Ralph. Sick list
Fire equity
She is such a great troll, i loved it
That was a lot of fun and the Hollywood impression was hillarious. The hall of fame was good fun too. Overall great stuff and I liked pretty much all of what Sauce said. He made minimal sense though when trying to compare coaching vids to papicasting in terms of EV lost due to time away from the tables? One involves some broad stroke fun discussion on general aspects of poker and life. The other involves intensive and detailed strategic discussion about specific aspects of specific poker formats and has a ridiculously higher potential to be -EV than a strat-less papicast.
Anyway. Sauce is the nuts. ****ing awesome.
Anyway. Sauce is the nuts. ****ing awesome.
Probably far too many times 2 count
Haha so epic, great suggestion and amazed it actually happened. I've always wanted a title but never imagined it would be papi
Thanks for the shout outs Joey,
If your wondering why I am such a fanboy (your not) I've been following Sauce since I got a membership with LEGGO. Railed him for years.... Fairly early in his HS career. His cast with Pokerstatic was the nuts and he's always been kinda mysterious. With exception to training videos. (Watched every single one)
Anyway, as always great work! Sauce is a beast...
Calling AE Jones? Such a smart dude. By far the best training vids imo. Not necessarily for their EV but he was just awesome to watch and friggin' hilarious.
If your wondering why I am such a fanboy (your not) I've been following Sauce since I got a membership with LEGGO. Railed him for years.... Fairly early in his HS career. His cast with Pokerstatic was the nuts and he's always been kinda mysterious. With exception to training videos. (Watched every single one)
Anyway, as always great work! Sauce is a beast...
Calling AE Jones? Such a smart dude. By far the best training vids imo. Not necessarily for their EV but he was just awesome to watch and friggin' hilarious.
Gotta show love and give you a shout out papi. I could see AE Jones on some day, putting him on the PML.
the lefort pick up move is called the hail mary
it involves throwing everything you've got at a woman because like the commerce regs say about playing flush draws fast, no choice
with lefort it never fails (due to body face and bank balance), for us mere mortals it sometimes fails
it involves throwing everything you've got at a woman because like the commerce regs say about playing flush draws fast, no choice
with lefort it never fails (due to body face and bank balance), for us mere mortals it sometimes fails
Gracias my young seat script kingpin
All good suggestions Ralph as always/

on that subject we need Jason Les, must have Hastings post-WSOP round up/catch up, Igor Kurganov, Brian Rast, some English live MTT'ers, Ben Wilinofsky, Bryn Kenney, Alec Torelli, Barry Greenstein, Theo Jorgensen, Vanessa Selbst, Asianflushie, alexo18, RIO guy with the funny voice (Grennwood or Forrester I forget which), Jared Tendler, Jen Shahade's brother, kanu7, Jimmy Fricke, Faraz Jaka, Olivier Busquet, Jason Strasser, Matthew Janda, skier5, HUSNG guys,
well that's a start
well that's a start
, 08:04 AM
Great meeting you tonight while Helmuth was big-timing you! Tate was at my $1500 2-7 triple draw starting table (along with another guy who played the $50k Player's championship - sick table draw). He seemed like a chill guy, good conversationalist/podcast guest.
, 12:31 PM
Can you get Yevgeniy Timoshenko, Andy Moseley, JRB or Phil Laak please? Huge fan of the podcast btw, great job!
, 12:45 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 192
When Saucebaus says someone is a boss, you should listen. Enter Thuritz one time! Love from Arne
, 02:18 PM
I know he is your friend but please don't get Hastings on again unless you are going to give him some tough questions.
I wouldn't want to do that to a friend so i suggest just don't get him on. It would be sickening listening to him just casually dismissing all accusations as no big deal ("well you know Joey, when you're successful you are going to attract haters") and talk about basketball and his supermagic wsop summer.
I wouldn't want to do that to a friend so i suggest just don't get him on. It would be sickening listening to him just casually dismissing all accusations as no big deal ("well you know Joey, when you're successful you are going to attract haters") and talk about basketball and his supermagic wsop summer.
, 04:05 PM
Hi Papi
I personally think that U need to rethink who U call you're friends.
Since Brian hastings has admitted to being the owner off the Noel Hayes account This could do You a lot of harm, indeed i believe You new who the acc belonged to also.
Its not that U could have done anything, but IF You're friends are putting YOU in a bad position in the community then I believe that for the future of You're rep U could do without this person as a personal friend.(especially if YOU want to keep growing into the poker media)
The Way he has attacked BAKES in a PM on here is deplorable, trying to use his (i got friends) remark is unbelievable, & when brian said Bakes should be careful as Bakes has/will lose more is a THREAT. Also he says some other cryptic stuff in PM saying that it will hurt more HS players than him, hmm.
I know You are a decent guy and as such would not attack Bakes in this way but I tell Ya some ppl will cause U damage that U might never recover from.
Don't let You're clean image take a hit on this PAPI.
I don't expect a response, You're private life is none of my business.
P.S keep-up the good work Papi
I personally think that U need to rethink who U call you're friends.
Since Brian hastings has admitted to being the owner off the Noel Hayes account This could do You a lot of harm, indeed i believe You new who the acc belonged to also.
Its not that U could have done anything, but IF You're friends are putting YOU in a bad position in the community then I believe that for the future of You're rep U could do without this person as a personal friend.(especially if YOU want to keep growing into the poker media)
The Way he has attacked BAKES in a PM on here is deplorable, trying to use his (i got friends) remark is unbelievable, & when brian said Bakes should be careful as Bakes has/will lose more is a THREAT. Also he says some other cryptic stuff in PM saying that it will hurt more HS players than him, hmm.
I know You are a decent guy and as such would not attack Bakes in this way but I tell Ya some ppl will cause U damage that U might never recover from.
Don't let You're clean image take a hit on this PAPI.
I don't expect a response, You're private life is none of my business.
P.S keep-up the good work Papi
, 04:10 PM
ah the old 'they be hatin' response - how unpredictable
, 04:27 PM
Plz get Tim Kuznetsov on the podcast! We need to find out who the TRUE trueteller is!
, 04:33 PM
Not sure if others would disagree with me, but I'd like to see some of the mid-stakes crushers like JaJa or even a guy like Ishter.
Also, both Phil Laak and Helmuth would be amazing.
Also, both Phil Laak and Helmuth would be amazing.
, 05:29 PM
Yes, please get SID on the podcast to tell us about #sidgto
, 05:43 PM
hey Joey do you care to revise your position on the Brian Hastings MAing scandal in light of the posts today in the other thread? Still got everyone in there down as a hater? What about Bakes?
, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 1,851
i think oddsens gf appeared for like 1 second on screen in one of his run it once vids
, 05:56 PM
Papi - Koon - Lefort would be the GOAT podcast
, 06:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 582
He never actually called anyone a hater, you are confusing him with Stinger. A lot of people were friendly with Stinger, doesn't mean they all have to clarify their position. Joey was quick and clear to clarify with concise and traceable facts about how things went down during the brief period he lived with Stinger. People are pulling out anything they can think of against Stinger, but once Joey explained things, everyone quickly moved on from the possibility of any wrong doing between him & Stinger. I think if there was still a grey area there that it would have stayed at the forefront of discussions in the other thread.
, 06:23 PM
In regards to the stinger stuff, he has many poker friends who are much more well known in the industry than I am that people should be asking to talk more about it. I have heard the same things that everyone else online heard and he hasn't wanted to talk about things with me. He also said he has no interest in commenting about anything. Twoplustwo words of hate used to effect him but now that he has all the money and is in love he doesn't seem to give a **** what is going on with this. As a friend of his I probably care about it more than he does.
, 06:34 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 582
Yeah there is hate towards Stinger, but in Joeys own explanations in the other thread, he never mentioned anything except what was needed to clarify his own position against any possible wrong doing. He even started his response by saying he understood how people might consider the possibility. There was never any mention of hate or anything defensive to try and divert attention from the situation. He just dealt with the facts.
, 06:42 PM
do you think he knew BH was NoelHayes?
, 06:48 PM
When you stop caring, because you got it all, you run a severe risk of losing it, because you take it for granted.
I don't know him in person, but with age there will come a time where you get a little bit altruistic and think about life and accomplishments differently, your values change. Might be some years down the line, might be so many decades later that it doesn't matter.
Anyway, as long as you are not affected, you should be indifferent. I don't care if he did it and I don't care if he don't, because I am 0% invested as I don't play with him or know him.
I care about that he was on the podcast and that he shared his time with the community. You can care about that, because in my case, this is the only connection and if I would start to hate him for that, I would be a ****ty listener. So I don't.
People here hate way too much to be GTO in their care about others here too. 2p2 is such an unbalanced place towards negativity, but I guess that comes with the territory. It is a bit sad though. At least I seem to care. That might be my mistake tbh...
I don't know him in person, but with age there will come a time where you get a little bit altruistic and think about life and accomplishments differently, your values change. Might be some years down the line, might be so many decades later that it doesn't matter.
Anyway, as long as you are not affected, you should be indifferent. I don't care if he did it and I don't care if he don't, because I am 0% invested as I don't play with him or know him.
I care about that he was on the podcast and that he shared his time with the community. You can care about that, because in my case, this is the only connection and if I would start to hate him for that, I would be a ****ty listener. So I don't.
People here hate way too much to be GTO in their care about others here too. 2p2 is such an unbalanced place towards negativity, but I guess that comes with the territory. It is a bit sad though. At least I seem to care. That might be my mistake tbh...
, 06:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 582
@ sumey: I have no idea who knew. It seems some people certainly knew and your guess is as good as mine as to if Stinger will say who he told.
My guess is Joey didn't know as he is in the US and doesn't play those games. Apparently Stinger just told a select few opponents, which is very dishonest to say the least.
My guess is Joey didn't know as he is in the US and doesn't play those games. Apparently Stinger just told a select few opponents, which is very dishonest to say the least.
, 06:57 PM
Whatever. Will not post further.
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