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WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread

03-25-2016 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
is this some kind of joke? this is overcosted by prob 2 mana
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 07:44 PM
kirb normally has a knack for spotting winning cards but my take on the rogue bee was it is very mediocre
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 07:59 PM


okay nobody loves the card nearly as much as I do

: ( ill remember this : (
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:00 PM
Xaril looks really good

LOL tentacles for arms
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:02 PM
Hopefully they keep leaking bad cards so I can just quit. I just can't is that even real?
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Seems absolutely terrible, probably one of the worst cards revealed so far.
wtf @ it being a legendary

i can't even see it ever being picked in arena. seems worse than THE BEAST even.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Priptonite

Bloodthistle Toxin: 1 Mana - Return a friendly minion to your hand. It costs (2) less.
Briarthorn Toxin: 1 Mana - Give a minion +3 Attack.
Fadeleaf Toxin: 1 Mana - Give a friendly minion Stealth until your next turn.
Firebloom Toxin: 1 Mana - Deal 2 damage.
Kingsblood Toxin: 1 Mana - Draw a card.
I assume these are spells? Interesting card. Probably not good, but maybe? Stealthing Gromm or Archmage or whatever is good. You lose a lot of tempo to do possibly broken things later. I can see it being used.

Edit: oh, lol, rogue.


Double edit: and random! hmm... idk
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:13 PM
xaril is a rogue legendary
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Abysmal
Lol at sjow not even trying to pretend it could be anything other than terrible
What in the actual ****, wow.

Just.... why.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:19 PM
whats annoying about cards like xaril is imo

- theyre amazing

- theyre legendary and not deck defining

And because of that you can only run one, so you have to depend on the rest of the class archetype to be highly competitive by itself.

With thaaaat said, IF miracle rogue is good this card will be AMAZINGGGG...

IF malygos rogue is good this card will be AMAZINGGGGG.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 09:03 PM
5 mana, 2/2 weapon that can attack again if it attacks an enemy minion first would be a bad card, but you could draft it in arena. As is it's terrible even in arena, which is insane.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:20 PM
I'm gonna give the tentacle for arms thing a try when it comes out in my fatigue elise warrior. There are turns where i can't spend my mana and have a billion armor, and this might help with that
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:21 PM
tentacles for arms

**** for brains

I legit may just hang on to my $50
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:21 PM
I guess the question is would Headcrack be used in Fatigue Warrior

I think the answer might be absolutely
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Searix
I'm gonna give the tentacle for arms thing a try when it comes out in my fatigue elise warrior. There are turns where i can't spend my mana and have a billion armor, and this might help with that
yeah I mean if you need to burn through some unneeded mana that's probably your card
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:23 PM
but I get what you're saying I've had turns like that often with CW

in fact I just ANYFINNED a cw who had two similar turns in that game
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:25 PM
toxins possibly the spare parts replacement?
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
yeah I mean if you need to burn through some unneeded mana that's probably your card
yeah, that is a real thing that happens though. this card probably sucks but not every card should be evaluated on how good it is when played on curve
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:34 PM
the deathrattle should be that it returns the weapon to your hand ETA as in it's ready to play not a weapon card, kind of like a weapon version of Dreadsteed, now that would be cool imo

I guess the upside is that you can't silence a weapon so you could have a 2/2 weapon in hand in perpetuity, but the utility of 2 damage (esp with your face) going into late game is obv not good

Last edited by Namath12; 03-25-2016 at 11:41 PM.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:37 PM
Like spending a card in your deck to have a 2 damage weapon in the specific instance that it goes to fatigue, is so so bad. and that's the best thing that can be said about the card.

I wonder what the developers were saying when they made it. Such trash.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:38 PM
I actually think that new rogue legendary is super cool and super good too. I'm super excited to put that in my malygos rogue deck.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:49 PM
Rogue card looks awesome.

But 4 drops are kinda crowded and I don't know if it's better than tomb pillager, stats are bad and it synergizes with teacher which it would probably sub for. The effects are all good but random. Good combo pieces and good with Gadget. Tbd.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:01 AM
Rogue card looks great in spell synergy decks. The question I'm wondering is if Rogue will always be mage-with-a-dagger or if they'll someday be something else as well.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:02 AM
At least I don't have to deal with the infuriating Teacher-Oil anti-synergy.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:03 AM
Can't wait for my 12/12 stealthed edwins as well.
WHISPERS of the OLD GODS (wog imo) discussion thread Quote
