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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-14-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
A couple of people have said Olenna took the poison from Sansas necklace, where did this idea come from? Watching the scene back it does look like she takes a stone from the necklace (there's one missing on it after she touches it) but don't know where the idea comes from that the stone contains poison?
Plus, did the fool even ask her to wear it to the wedding when he gave it to her? Even so, seems like a roundabout way to get poison to the wedding.
04-14-2014 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by poster
As I wrote earlier, the poisoned wine was poured from carafa in front of Cersei and Tywin. if the necklace is where the posion was, and it seems likely from the captions, then Olenna was trying to kill one of them.
They had access to his cup, so why put the poison in the caraffe? Joffrey hands his cup to Marg when he goes to cut the pie.
04-14-2014 , 06:40 PM
So Yara is headed for the Dreadfort still, and they mentioned Bolton had to sneak into it to avoid the ironborn. Bolton also dispatched a bunch of troops to 1. Hunt down the Stark boys and 2. Take Moat Catlin. Yara should have an easy time capturing the dreadfort. Any ideas what she does after she takes it and her brother isnt there?

Also, #TeamYara.
04-14-2014 , 06:41 PM
One more thing about Olenna Tyrell that was made clear today --

She doesn't care who holds a title, the power can be elsewhere.

Best example -- Her son, the leader of the Tyrells, wants to join the conversation between her and Tywin, and she tells him what I tell my kid sometimes -- "Be quiet, the adults are talking."

Someone smarter than me can figure out how that might tie into a theory that she was behind this.
04-14-2014 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by STA654
So Yara is headed for the Dreadfort still, and they mentioned Bolton had to sneak into it to avoid the ironborn. Bolton also dispatched a bunch of troops to 1. Hunt down the Stark boys and 2. Take Moat Catlin. Yara should have an easy time capturing the dreadfort. Any ideas what she does after she takes it and her brother isnt there?

Also, #TeamYara.
Where is Bolton at now? If Yara finds him I have to imagine she employs some ironic information-gathering techniques.
04-14-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by STA654
So Yara is headed for the Dreadfort still, and they mentioned Bolton had to sneak into it to avoid the ironborn. Bolton also dispatched a bunch of troops to 1. Hunt down the Stark boys and 2. Take Moat Catlin. Yara should have an easy time capturing the dreadfort. Any ideas what she does after she takes it and her brother isnt there?

Also, #TeamYara.
She should have an easy time getting to the Dreadfort, but not sure it will be so easy to capture. I'm sure Bolton will keep some forces with him, and its not that easy to take a castle - especially with only 50 men.
04-14-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
Plus, did the fool even ask her to wear it to the wedding when he gave it to her? Even so, seems like a roundabout way to get poison to the wedding.
I thought i remember him asking her to wear it so someone in his family could get one last day in the spotlight or something along that effect.
04-14-2014 , 06:48 PM
Olenna could think Jofferey would've murdered Margery at some point, and wants Tommen to be the king+husband instead.

Not sure how old Tommen is at this point. Margery is supposed to be 20, I think. Joff was 19 according to GoT wiki.
04-14-2014 , 07:11 PM
That's just silly, there's no guarantee whatsoever Marg just hitches Tommen. If the Tyrell's did it then their fingerprints are all over it and were it not for Tyrion they would've been the main suspects because they brought the pies. So why exactly would the Lannister's just be like "ya just marry Tommen even though maybe ya'll killed Joffrey." Throughout the series we've seen Marg manipulate Joffrey one scene after the other, she's not in danger. She just became Queen. There is no motive. They did not do it.
04-14-2014 , 07:27 PM
To me it looks like the fool is acting on someone else's instruction to carry out the assassination and frame Sansa. By bringing Sansa away from the scene immediately, the fool has helped incriminate her.

I can't imagine Sansa actually playing a part in the assassination, other than as a scapegoat - she is the least self-aware character on the show and is has made no attempt thus far to "play the games of thrones".

I could potentially see Olenna pulling the strings here, but it depends on whether or not Marj has a claim to the throne yet in GoT world (Olenna would know better than we would).Plenty of bad blood between the Lannisters/Tyrells since last season. The Tyrells had been gunning to marry Sansa into their family, and were thwarted by the Lannister's marriage of Tyrion/Sansa. Also, Cersei threatened last season to slit Marj's throat in her sleep if she ever called her sister again.
04-14-2014 , 07:28 PM
It probably wasn't the pie. Even if it was, its not like Olenna and Margery personally baked the pie.
04-14-2014 , 07:29 PM
Good post, Vix.

No question Marg has communicated to Olenna that Joffrey is completely under her thumb. The initial inquiries made of Sansa re: Joff were made by O and M to be prepared for how to handle him.
04-14-2014 , 07:35 PM
The fool was almost guaranteed not ushering sansa away to implicate her but to protect her.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 04-14-2014 at 07:35 PM. Reason: but by doing so may have done the former.
04-14-2014 , 07:36 PM
Seems like fancy play syndrome to hide the poison in Sansa's necklace but I still can't imagine why one of the pendents appeared to be missing after Olenna talked to her.
04-14-2014 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by roy_miami
Seems like fancy play syndrome to hide the poison in Sansa's necklace but I still can't imagine why one of the pendents appeared to be missing after Olenna talked to her.
The wedding was really expensive, you take what you can.
04-14-2014 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
They had access to his cup, so why put the poison in the caraffe? Joffrey hands his cup to Marg when he goes to cut the pie.
but they werent trying to poison joffrey, they were trying to poison Cersei or Tywin
04-14-2014 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
That's just silly, there's no guarantee whatsoever Marg just hitches Tommen. If the Tyrell's did it then their fingerprints are all over it and were it not for Tyrion they would've been the main suspects because they brought the pies. So why exactly would the Lannister's just be like "ya just marry Tommen even though maybe ya'll killed Joffrey." Throughout the series we've seen Marg manipulate Joffrey one scene after the other, she's not in danger. She just became Queen. There is no motive. They did not do it.
I agree about it probably not being the Tyrells, but disagree about the lack of motive, particularly on the part of Marg. Marg being friends with Sansa and wanting to protect her from Joffrey's extra chromosomes is a possible motive. It could even be argued that Marg has more of a motive than Tyrion, who really has no motive at all tbqh, unless he suddenly gives a **** about Sansa.

The marriage itself was always strategic in nature so it wouldn't surprise me to see Marg marry whomever is named king next.
04-14-2014 , 08:28 PM
Sansa is protected by Tyrion and Tywin
04-14-2014 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
I agree about it probably not being the Tyrells, but disagree about the lack of motive, particularly on the part of Marg. Marg being friends with Sansa and wanting to protect her from Joffrey's extra chromosomes is a possible motive. It could even be argued that Marg has more of a motive than Tyrion, who really has no motive at all tbqh, unless he suddenly gives a **** about Sansa.

The marriage itself was always strategic in nature so it wouldn't surprise me to see Marg marry whomever is named king next.
What show are you watching?
04-14-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
It's the pie like 99.999999999999999999999999999 percent

Wine peeps are assassination fish
Serious q: Does it even matter? (Pie vs wine) If a bookreader knows the answer, please PM (whether or not it matters, not why, obv)
04-14-2014 , 09:09 PM
I say no way it's the pie. I'm seriously confused how that seems more probable than someone poisoning him by altering the wine in his cup? Serious someone explain to me why the pie makes more sense.
04-14-2014 , 09:10 PM
necklace charm/poison thing seems legit...also joff's face kinda turned the same color as those charms

tyrells and jester teaming up to trick sansa/tyrion into taking the blame seems most likely at this point
04-14-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Serious q: Does it even matter? (Pie vs wine) If a bookreader knows the answer, please PM (whether or not it matters, not why, obv)
Yeah I want this PM as well as long as it's not hugely important, though I can't see why it would be. Thanks
04-14-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Serious q: Does it even matter? (Pie vs wine) If a bookreader knows the answer, please PM (whether or not it matters, not why, obv)
Why wouldn't it? The wine is much more of a elaborate mechanic where things can go wrong. With the pie you are hitting the intended target *if* the King is always first served at his wedding. I'm assuming this is the case because I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption; there is an order that people eat in weddings as per social custom. Margaery was certainly at risk here if it was the pie but I think Joffrey ~always dies. And it's much easier to poison the pie.
04-14-2014 , 09:18 PM
Also the wine means the Tyrell's did it and that would be patently absurd, that's why I am ruling it out. If GoT jumped the shark so be it.
