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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-29-2019 , 08:20 PM
The show has essentially entirely skipped the white walker story. There was no possible resolution to this crisis other than DEM.
04-29-2019 , 08:23 PM
Also for leap of rampart fans.

Watch teh moment again, Arya obviously is not leaping from above the NK, its a leap from behind.
04-29-2019 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Also for leap of rampart fans.

Watch teh moment again, Arya obviously is not leaping from above the NK.
I’m not suggesting she’s leaping directly on top of the Night King...that would be probably be too far. I’m saying she could leap off the rampart to avoid the white walkers standing at the gate, and thus have a clear path to the Night King.

For those suggesting she was disguised as a white walker, I just think my explanation is much simpler given what was shown.
04-29-2019 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I’m not suggesting she’s leaping directly on top of the Night King...that would be probably be too far. I’m saying she could leap off the rampart to avoid the white walkers standing at the gate, and thus have a clear path to the Night King.

For those suggesting she was disguised as a white walker, I just think my explanation is much simpler given what was shown.
Is this comedy of a post intentional?

We already established zombies can hear blood droplets on stone, but cant hear someone leaping from a rampart etc, you are just reaching and reaching and reaching.
04-29-2019 , 08:35 PM
FWIW the WF godswood is supposed to be 3 acres and the hearttree is at the center. This means arya jumped approximately 300 feet, through large trees, in order to reach the nk.

Kirby's drawing seems more plausible.
04-29-2019 , 08:39 PM
The simple truth is that good writing does not have us debating the plausibility of a leap.
04-29-2019 , 08:40 PM
Here is an absolutely crazy idea. Maybe the show could tell the audience how she got to the NK. You know, with establishing shots, good writing etc. In other words, tv 101.
04-29-2019 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
FWIW the WF godswood is supposed to be 3 acres and the hearttree is at the center. This means arya jumped approximately 300 feet, through large trees, in order to reach the nk.

Kirby's drawing seems more plausible.
How far is the Night King depicted as walking between when he enters the Godswood and when he reaches Bran? It seems like a lot less than 300 feet to me.

In any case, running 300 feet without being noticed is a lot more plausible than the speed at which Dany flew her dragons north of the wall to rescue Jon et al. last season.
04-29-2019 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Wonder if there was an actual crane used in the DEM scene? Its entirely possible. Arya from a machine should replace the term deus ex machina.
They used the huge chains the wights had.
04-29-2019 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK

In any case, running 300 feet without being noticed is a lot more plausible than the speed at which Dany flew her dragons north of the wall to rescue Jon et al. last season.

2 implausibles make a plausible?

This is some crazy keep digging.
04-29-2019 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
How far is the Night King depicted as walking between when he enters the Godswood and when he reaches Bran? It seems like a lot less than 300 feet to me.

In any case, running 300 feet without being noticed is a lot more plausible than the speed at which Dany flew her dragons north of the wall to rescue Jon et al. last season.
I don't remember, but I thought they showed him emerge into the clearing with the hearttree, not when he entered the godswood through the gate or whatever. Anyways, I'm just teasing.
04-29-2019 , 09:09 PM
Can someone explain to me exactly how NK's raising the dead power works.

He raises the dead, they become wights.

Wights can be killed with dragonglass or Valyrian steel (or fire, but that's not important for this question).

If a wight is killed, can NK raise it again. Or is the wight done once it's been killed with the dragonglass or valyrian steel?

In the scene when Jon is rushing at NK and he raises the dead, it looked like the dead he was raising were the fallen good guys. It didn't look like he re-raised any killed wights. But I'm not sure. Can he do that or not?
04-29-2019 , 09:35 PM
Has anybody found out what Bran was doing throughout the whole thing? I thought he was warging to show his location to the Night King but i remember that he said due to the mark that the Night King place on him he always knew his whereabouts; so wtf was he doing?

Last edited by Exothermic; 04-29-2019 at 09:54 PM.
04-29-2019 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
Has anybody found out what Bran was doing throughout the whole thing? I thought he was warging to show his location to the Night King but i remember that he said due to the mark that the Night King always knew his whereabouts; so wtf was he doing?
Hard for us to know when the writers don’t know.
04-29-2019 , 09:37 PM
Until this episode I was actually under the impression that wights can only be killed by fire, and dragonglass or valyrian steel had no special properties against them. The NK and other White Walkers are the opposite: fire will damage them, but had no other special properties against them. Dragonglass and valyrian steel with cause the White Walkers to die.

I think the NK raising the dead to become wights was an invention of the Hardholme episode. Before that, anyone killed by a White Walker would turn into a wight after some time has passed. Since the wights can't be killed by normal means, usually if they "die" it is due to their body being completely destroyed and thus could not be raised again.

I don't think that if a wight kills a person that the person will turn into a wight, that only occurs if a White Walker does it. As the NK's abilities are only used in two episodes I doubt that there's a definitive answer to your question. I'd be interested to hear if someone has a different take though.
04-29-2019 , 09:44 PM
I just rewatched on my plasma, lighting wasn't really an issue. It's too bad plasmas don't get made anymore.
04-29-2019 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
I just rewatched on my plasma, lighting wasn't really an issue. It's too bad plasmas don't get made anymore.
I watched it on a plasma too. Room was dark there was a bit of light. It was still a difficult for me.

Also re-watch is different, because if you've already seen it once in any format, the second time is going to be easier.
04-29-2019 , 09:56 PM
can't believe I was actually really pumped for this episode

Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

Whole episode was a massive low point in dramatic television.

assassination of NK is probably the most unsatisfying event in television and makes all my investment in GOT seem cheap and pointless.
Originally Posted by Viggorous
it was ridiculous how apparently anyone who's even a half relevant character can stand alone for hours fending off literally thousands of dead guys.
and this

Originally Posted by FJS
Well... at least now I know what it's like for my half blind father when he has to watch football...
haha and this

Originally Posted by 72off
bran: i am god, i have a plan to defeat the devil
everyone: ok what is it
bran: my little sister will jump in off the top rope and save the day, anyone questions
everyone: nah sounds good man
04-29-2019 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
Has anybody found out what Bran was doing throughout the whole thing?
I'm starting to think Bran was just watching the battle and recording it for posterity as the 3EC.
04-29-2019 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Until this episode I was actually under the impression that wights can only be killed by fire, and dragonglass or valyrian steel had no special properties against them. The NK and other White Walkers are the opposite: fire will damage them, but had no other special properties against them. Dragonglass and valyrian steel with cause the White Walkers to die.

I think the NK raising the dead to become wights was an invention of the Hardholme episode. Before that, anyone killed by a White Walker would turn into a wight after some time has passed. Since the wights can't be killed by normal means, usually if they "die" it is due to their body being completely destroyed and thus could not be raised again.

I don't think that if a wight kills a person that the person will turn into a wight, that only occurs if a White Walker does it. As the NK's abilities are only used in two episodes I doubt that there's a definitive answer to your question. I'd be interested to hear if someone has a different take though.
What? When they brought the wight to cersei, Jon specifically said they can be killed with fire, or dragonglass, and stabbed it.

Given the vast amount of dragonglass they appeared to have, I figured a lot more wights would have turned to dust / been unreviveable, and that the battle wouldn't have been so hopeless from a numbers perspective. They should have done a lot more damage with that dragonglass.

Last edited by BilldaCat; 04-29-2019 at 10:35 PM. Reason: Eye can't spel
04-29-2019 , 10:46 PM
Bran was the one who gave the special dagger to Arya in the first place. He was way ahead of the game don't you think?
04-29-2019 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by BilldaCat
What? When they brought the wight to cersei, Jon specifically said they can be killed with fire, or dragonglass, and stabbed it.

Given the vast amount of dragonglass they appeared to have, I figured a lot more wights would have turned to dust / been unreviveable, and that the battle wouldn't have been so hopeless from a numbers perspective. They should have done a lot more damage with that dragonglass.
Thanks, I had forgotten that. I looked it up and according to the wiki, in the books, it's currently unknown if dragonglass has special properties for killing a wight.

If the dragonglass turns the wights into dust or whatever, I completely missed it during this battle.
04-29-2019 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
One thing that I hope is indisputable - the musical score was fantastic, especially the last 15 minutes!
Yeah, the score was amazing.

NK could have just chilled in the cut and sent his baddies in for a 100% no risk victory. Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
04-29-2019 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Thanks, I had forgotten that. I looked it up and according to the wiki, in the books, it's currently unknown if dragonglass has special properties for killing a wight.

If the dragonglass turns the wights into dust or whatever, I completely missed it during this battle.
I thought the wight at KL Jon smoked started to disintegrate, same thing with the giant Mormont killed (since why would a wight care if it lost it's eye).

Admit I may be wrong on that, but it was my interpretation. I'll have to go back and rewatch, if I decide i care enough. All the other nitpicks, I understand and get why the writers did what they did (cgi trebuchets firing one time to save $$$), night king letting Arya get close to show Bran/3 how helpless he is .. I think there are reasonable explanations for most of it, but I thought the glass would have made the fight a lot closer to 50/50 than it was.
04-29-2019 , 11:06 PM
The Mormont scene was my biggest eyeroll of the episode. I cannot remember if the giant disintegrated or collapsed. If it just collapsed it's possible that the NK could (re-)reanimate it.
