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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-23-2019 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Arya didn't mention why she wanted that spear either. I'm guessing Arya bringing the NK down to earth is supposed to be a surprise.
Hmmm interesting. They did establish she has great aim in the scene with Gendry where she throws the dragonglass at the wall.
04-23-2019 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Ungoliant
This whole thing some of you are doing itt of predicting that the most predictable things will happen and then preemptively groaning about how terrible the writing is for being so cliche and predictable is really bizarre.
Yeah lol
04-23-2019 , 10:00 AM
Pinnacle has odds for lots of things, most interestingly IMO for who will die in the next episode. Currently looks something like this:



Also worth mentioning since it was just brought up here: the odds of Hodor coming back as a wight at some point are 1.833 for YES and 1.909 for NO.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 04-24-2019 at 02:26 AM. Reason: spoil added
04-23-2019 , 10:14 AM
I don't touch markets for that kind of stuff where outcomes are already known to some people, but Grey Worm and Theon should be like 1.1. Also Brienne is surprisingly long (no jokes, please). Davos worth a punt too.
04-23-2019 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Ungoliant
This whole thing some of you are doing itt of predicting that the most predictable things will happen and then preemptively groaning about how terrible the writing is for being so cliche and predictable is really bizarre.
The lowering of expectations has been essential preparation for watching GoT eps for a couple seasons now.
04-23-2019 , 10:27 AM
I doubt Tyrion will die, otherwise the scene they showed us where Bran told him what he's been up to for the past 8 seasons would have been meaningless. He will at least live until that plot point plays a role
04-23-2019 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
Hmmm interesting. They did establish she has great aim in the scene with Gendry where she throws the dragonglass at the wall.
It's an example of a strong, concise narrative that is neatly buried in a seemingly mechanical excuse for Gendry and Arya to get together.

Provided Arya actually brings the Ice Dragon down, it will be a fine piece of storytelling. If she doesn't, it's a missed opportunity.

After that scene, I'm going for the NK killing Arya 1-on-1 before Jon can get to her (i.e., Phantom Menace where Qui-Gon dies), then Jon taking it down just when it looks like several heros are about to bite the dust (Frodo destroys The Ring).
04-23-2019 , 10:50 AM
Surely Arya would need one hell of a throwing arm to puncture the dragon? Unless dragonglass goes through Walkers like a knife through hot butter.
04-23-2019 , 10:53 AM
Put odds for events in a scripted tv show in a spoiler you moron
04-23-2019 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I have the rest of the show figured out but I'm not going to spoil it.
You're a treasure
04-23-2019 , 11:12 AM
The Hound will definitly survive because there will be the endfight with his brother.
Jamie will survive until he kills either Danny or Cersei...
+I have a feeling Danny ****s everybody over and leaves for the Iron Islands before the battle begins.
04-23-2019 , 11:54 AM
One thing I still wonder about is the dream Dany had in the early seasons where she was walking in the Iron Throne room and it was covered in snow with the building being a ruin. It seemed like foreshadowing, but it could just have been a dream.

Bran also had a similar vision with the Iron Throne covered in snow and the building being half destroyed.

Although I guess those visions could still come true if the Night King is defeated and Dany/Jon/Cersei fight each other in King's Landing afterwards.
04-23-2019 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Andro
One thing I still wonder about is the dream Dany had in the early seasons where she was walking in the Iron Throne room and it was covered in snow with the building being a ruin. It seemed like foreshadowing, but it could just have been a dream.

Bran also had a similar vision with the Iron Throne covered in snow and the building being half destroyed.

Although I guess those visions could still come true if the Night King is defeated and Dany/Jon/Cersei fight each other in King's Landing afterwards.
I've seen some speculation that the Night King actually bypasses Winterfell and takes his dragon to King's Landing, which I think would fit the prophecy pretty well
04-23-2019 , 12:32 PM
Wouldn’t Dany’s dragons annihilate the Walkers if the Night King and his dragon aren’t around? His army would need to have something we haven’t seen if he’s not going to be at Winterfell.
04-23-2019 , 12:33 PM
not that i necessarily think he will, but Jaime could die next ep

*Tyrion re-retelling the old joke about how he'd like to die if given the choice*
*Jaime wanders off without replying in kind and stares at Brienne*

(he previously said he'd like to die in the arms of the woman that he loves, at the time it wasn't clear who he meant, probably Cersei, but not definitely, anyway i think it's pretty clear what he thinks on the matter now)

also, Brienne to Pod earlier (in s6?):
"i can't make you a knight, but i can teach you how to fight"
"i suppose that's more important"

now he knows how to fight, and sing!
and now she CAN make him a knight ... if they survive
04-23-2019 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Arya is definitely the one I'd consider to be a realistic chance. My thinking was that it would be a little odd to spend all that time building her a new weapon only to have her immediately die, but if the Walkers are defeated next episode, a dragonglass weapon will be pointless anyway. It's probably just that the weapon was an excuse to have her interact with Gendry. I was expecting Arya to die sometime this season, but not this soon. When I think about it though, she's pretty dispensable now. She still has beef with Cersei but that won't be hers to resolve.

Edit: Actually, Arya dying to protect The Hound would work pretty well narratively.

She has enough of a history with Gendry that the weapon wasn’t needed for them to interact. My guess is that Arya May be the one to kill the night king or the dragon with that thing.
04-23-2019 , 12:41 PM
but yeah, i don't quite get what Jaime's big service to the cause is supposed to be if he just dies fighting zombies in Winterfell, so he probably needs to have a final showdown with Cersei
04-23-2019 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
not that i necessarily think he will, but Jaime could die next ep

*Tyrion re-retelling the old joke about how he'd like to die if given the choice*
*Jaime wanders off without replying in kind and stares at Brienne*

(he previously said he'd like to die in the arms of the woman that he loves, at the time it wasn't clear who he meant, probably Cersei, but not definitely, anyway i think it's pretty clear what he thinks on the matter now)

also, Brienne to Pod earlier (in s6?):
"i can't make you a knight, but i can teach you how to fight"
"i suppose that's more important"

now he knows how to fight, and sing!
and now she CAN make him a knight ... if they survive
Seems like either Jaime or Brienne is going to get it after that great scene last week, but I come back to an interview with the actor who played Bronn....I don't remember his exact quote, but it was something to the effect of "Thrones fans won't like me very much after this season"....Now that we've seen the mission he has been sent on, I believe he is going to end up killing Jaime

I think it's plausible that Jaime survives the Winterfell battle, sees breinne fall, and now here comes an old friend to kill him

A buddy told me he thinks it would be out of character for Bronn, but I don't think it's too far out there -- there have been a few times where he has shown his love of gold and castles

Bronn kills Jaime and disappears from the show....
04-23-2019 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ungoliant
This whole thing some of you are doing itt of predicting that the most predictable things will happen and then preemptively groaning about how terrible the writing is for being so cliche and predictable is really bizarre.

It’s highly predictable, and pisses me off.
04-23-2019 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
Wouldn’t Dany’s dragons annihilate the Walkers if the Night King and his dragon aren’t around? His army would need to have something we haven’t seen if he’s not going to be at Winterfell.
Agreed. Another issue I had with the NK skipping Winterfell is that (as far as I know) he is the only one with the power to raise the dead

I don't see how they do this episode without them giving us some undead Starks lol
04-23-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
The Night King is thousands of years old. That's long before the Targaryens showed up in Westeros.
Do we know why it’s taken the NK so long to make his move on the wall following his prior defeat? Seems like he’s been incredibly inefficient. Mance Rayder and prior kings beyond the wall were able to amass huge living armies in a generation even without the NK’s supernatural abilities. NK could have easily turned those armies, but instead was doing things like making blue eyed babies one at a time.
04-23-2019 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Howard2018
Seems like either Jaime or Brienne is going to get it after that great scene last week, but I come back to an interview with the actor who played Bronn....I don't remember his exact quote, but it was something to the effect of "Thrones fans won't like me very much after this season"....Now that we've seen the mission he has been sent on, I believe he is going to end up killing Jaime

I think it's plausible that Jaime survives the Winterfell battle, sees breinne fall, and now here comes an old friend to kill him

A buddy told me he thinks it would be out of character for Bronn, but I don't think it's too far out there -- there have been a few times where he has shown his love of gold and castles

Bronn kills Jaime and disappears from the show....
i could see it, but ... it's felt like Bronn has had far greater conscience than he's let on, post-Blackwater maybe, the cracks in his mercenary facade have been there for a while now anyway (similar to the Hound)

passing on the opportunity to kill Jaime or Tyrion for gold would be a satisfying conclusion to his arc
04-23-2019 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Why? After the battle King Jon can legitimize him as Gendry Baratheon and he and Arya can get married and join houses Stark and Baratheon like Ned and Robert wanted to do from the beginning.
I know, I actually think that's what will happen, I just find that a super unsatisfying ending to Arya's arc is my point. All that time spent becoming a ninja to just go be the Lady of Storm's End? pfffft
04-23-2019 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
i could see it, but ... it's felt like Bronn has had far greater conscience than he's let on, post-Blackwater maybe, the cracks in his mercenary facade have been there for a while now anyway (similar to the Hound)

passing on the opportunity to kill Jaime or Tyrion for gold would be a satisfying conclusion to his arc
Yeah, he's one of my favorite characters, but somehow I have gotten to where I like all the characters, but he has on a few occasions demanded more gold for his services

I think it would be very Thronsey for them to kill off Brienne and to show Jamie's heartbreak, and he let's his guard down
04-23-2019 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
I doubt Tyrion will die, otherwise the scene they showed us where Bran told him what he's been up to for the past 8 seasons would have been meaningless. He will at least live until that plot point plays a role
This scene tilted the hell out of me.

"Oh cool, we're about to get some great forward plot momentum here with this convo between Bran & Tyrion!"

