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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

04-23-2019 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Death predictions for next week? Brienne seems like a lock. Theon too. Tormund and Beric seem like they've outlived their usefulness. I'd think The Hound dies protecting Arya except that we probably need him still for FanServiceBowl. Sam will be some kind of hero protecting people in the crypts. All the Starks, Targs and Lannisters will live.

Some chance Gendry dies.
This seems reasonable, however Arya and Tyrion are not locks to survive. Arya has next to nothing to resolve, and I could see her dying to protect Sansa or something similar.

Similarly, they made a big deal about Jorah this week with the sword and the hand talk so I could see him stepping into Tyrion's role at some point. Tyrion dying also elevates Jamie as the resident Cersei expert. Think it's less likely than Arya dying, but still a possibility.
04-23-2019 , 02:59 AM
Arya is definitely the one I'd consider to be a realistic chance. My thinking was that it would be a little odd to spend all that time building her a new weapon only to have her immediately die, but if the Walkers are defeated next episode, a dragonglass weapon will be pointless anyway. It's probably just that the weapon was an excuse to have her interact with Gendry. I was expecting Arya to die sometime this season, but not this soon. When I think about it though, she's pretty dispensable now. She still has beef with Cersei but that won't be hers to resolve.

Edit: Actually, Arya dying to protect The Hound would work pretty well narratively.
04-23-2019 , 03:25 AM
Just realised half of that episode was just explaining which characters end up in the crypt.

Someone dies to save scar face girl.
04-23-2019 , 03:48 AM
I agree with with 72off, Ned never lied. He said that Jon is "of his blood" and then never expanded upon it. He told Cat that this would not be brought up again, and he avoided King Robert for over a decade to avoid having to lie.

He was counting on everyone's assumptions to form a lie for him.
04-23-2019 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Death predictions for next week? Brienne seems like a lock. Theon too. Tormund and Beric seem like they've outlived their usefulness. I'd think The Hound dies protecting Arya except that we probably need him still for FanServiceBowl. Sam will be some kind of hero protecting people in the crypts. All the Starks, Targs and Lannisters will live.

Some chance Gendry dies.

Edit: I hope Lyanna Mormont takes a sword to the face as well so I don't have to put up with her cringey scenes anymore.

Greyworm is incredibly dead. He talked with the love of his life about their lives together after it’s all over. That’s a death sentence.

Last edited by Rooksx; 04-23-2019 at 04:08 AM.
04-23-2019 , 04:22 AM
Oh, yeah. Him and Missandei barely count as characters to me, I'm super uninterested whenever they're on screen.

I'm becoming more convinced that one of Arya or Gendry will die. We had:

- Theon being accepted back into Winterfell
- Brienne getting knighted
- Grey Worm making life plans with Missandei
- Gendry hitting Arya's back walls

None of these happytime things are good news for any of these characters, it's all setup to make their deaths more poignant. I still think it's more likely Gendry than Arya though, Arya doesn't have a lot to do, but Gendry is a completely useless character who exists at this point purely to be Arya's love interest.
04-23-2019 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
Just realised half of that episode was just explaining which characters end up in the crypt.

Someone dies to save scar face girl.

That someone would assuredly be Davos.
04-23-2019 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Brocktoon
That someone would assuredly be Davos.
Oh, right. Of course. That is totally going to happen.
04-23-2019 , 06:23 AM
This episode was a nice, heartful send off after 7 seasons and before what should be a huge bloodbath. You guys can call it "fan service" if you want, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I loved every minute of it.

I'm obviously worried about how you can make everything that needs to happen fit in 5h'ish of TV, but I don't think the first 2 eps of this season are to blame for that.

This show needed two more seasons is all. Seasons 7 and 8 offer wayyyy enough contents for 4 seasons total.
04-23-2019 , 07:11 AM
r/ASOIAF are mostly thoroughly convinced that next week isn't really the end of the Night King, because he didn't appear in this week's ep or in the trailer for next week and because dude, you can't end the threat that the show opened on that quickly. They think he's left a force of Walkers and wights to attack Winterfell while he heads down to King's Landing. This marks approximately the 149,126th time that the sub has been incorrectly convinced that the show's plot is going to be more complicated than it looks.
04-23-2019 , 07:31 AM
im kinda sad varys prolly has said two lines tops so far this season...

lockin jorahs demise with sam givin heartsbane to him, truly a kiss of death before the war lol

also the "dragon fire will stop him?" line is soo important i mean no one really knows if that will actually work..... summonin cersei on this matter theres a promise there
04-23-2019 , 08:12 AM
Seems like a lock that Hodor will come back as a wight. Among others, but Hodor in particular is definitely going to be a thing.
04-23-2019 , 08:30 AM
We know they're aware of the undead dragon from E1, but at least on screen everybody seems to have forgotten about it. All of the planning involved their own 2 dragons, how to defend against the ground army (flanking, etc), yet nobody mentions THEIR dragon. Weird.
04-23-2019 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
r/ASOIAF are mostly thoroughly convinced that next week isn't really the end of the Night King, because he didn't appear in this week's ep or in the trailer for next week and because dude, you can't end the threat that the show opened on that quickly. They think he's left a force of Walkers and wights to attack Winterfell while he heads down to King's Landing. This marks approximately the 149,126th time that the sub has been incorrectly convinced that the show's plot is going to be more complicated than it looks.

That theory doesn’t hold water because our heroes’ plan is “kill the Night King and his army conveniently dies”. Unless the Winterfell forces are thoroughly defeated, but the dragons fly the main characters out to King’s Landing, where they have a second go at killing NK. That sounds stupid even as I write it.
04-23-2019 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
I thought this episode was bad. Felt like fanfic.

And I know a lot of people love the Brienne character but I don't get it. I think she's mostly cringe inducing. I'm not sure if it's the writing or the actress, but she seems terrible. If they end up having her and Jaime hook up that might be the last straw for me.

Also lol at the long awaited reunion between Jaime and Bran. "Sorry I pushed you out the window". "No biggie".
It felt to me like Bran knows something bad is going to happen to Jaime and that maybe that needs to happen so he had to let it.
04-23-2019 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Namath12
seems they have to kill either gendry or arya's storyline, one cannot live while the other survives
Why? After the battle King Jon can legitimize him as Gendry Baratheon and he and Arya can get married and join houses Stark and Baratheon like Ned and Robert wanted to do from the beginning.
04-23-2019 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Kamikam
This episode was a nice, heartful send off after 7 seasons and before what should be a huge bloodbath. You guys can call it "fan service" if you want, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I loved every minute of it.

I'm obviously worried about how you can make everything that needs to happen fit in 5h'ish of TV, but I don't think the first 2 eps of this season are to blame for that.

This show needed two more seasons is all. Seasons 7 and 8 offer wayyyy enough contents for 4 seasons total.
Yeah, making an episode that the people who love the show and pay money to watch it will like, what a terrible crime.

This thread is a pathetic joke.
04-23-2019 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
We know they're aware of the undead dragon from E1, but at least on screen everybody seems to have forgotten about it. All of the planning involved their own 2 dragons, how to defend against the ground army (flanking, etc), yet nobody mentions THEIR dragon. Weird.
Arya didn't mention why she wanted that spear either. I'm guessing Arya bringing the NK down to earth is supposed to be a surprise.
04-23-2019 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
r/ASOIAF are mostly thoroughly convinced that next week isn't really the end of the Night King, because he didn't appear in this week's ep or in the trailer for next week and because dude, you can't end the threat that the show opened on that quickly. They think he's left a force of Walkers and wights to attack Winterfell while he heads down to King's Landing. This marks approximately the 149,126th time that the sub has been incorrectly convinced that the show's plot is going to be more complicated than it looks.
and what would he want in king's landing?
other than landing
04-23-2019 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Yeah, making an episode that the people who love the show and pay money to watch it will like, what a terrible crime.

This thread is a pathetic joke.
He is saying he did like it. It’s almost as if different people have varying opinions when it comes to a price of art.
04-23-2019 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
That theory doesn’t hold water because our heroes’ plan is “kill the Night King and his army conveniently dies”. Unless the Winterfell forces are thoroughly defeated, but the dragons fly the main characters out to King’s Landing, where they have a second go at killing NK. That sounds stupid even as I write it.
The idea is that they will somehow straight up win militarily and that Cersei will end up having to help fight the NK. I'm not saying it makes sense.

Originally Posted by cashy
and what would he want in king's landing?
other than landing
That part at least makes sense. The people. For his army. Part of the theory is that the population of King's Landing has been mentioned on the show recently.
04-23-2019 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Arya didn't mention why she wanted that spear either. I'm guessing Arya bringing the NK down to earth is supposed to be a surprise.
Oh God, yeah, I guess that is going to happen.

The correct answer to "why wasn't the Night King in this ep or in the trailer for the next one" is of course "we're for some reason supposed to be surprised when he shows up on the dragon".
04-23-2019 , 09:49 AM
Actually the Arya spear thing is another data point for Gendry dying. Arya will avenge him using the spear he forged. This episode is really coming together in my mind.
04-23-2019 , 09:51 AM
I have the rest of the show figured out but I'm not going to spoil it.
04-23-2019 , 09:54 AM
This whole thing some of you are doing itt of predicting that the most predictable things will happen and then preemptively groaning about how terrible the writing is for being so cliche and predictable is really bizarre.
