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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-15-2016 , 11:45 PM
For comparison. Definitely not her imo. nsfw obv
05-15-2016 , 11:53 PM
Looks like her in that comparison, def pref what/whoever that was to the cericei scene

Loved the stark reunion scene and nice to slowly get some movement in the east.

Lol at Ramsay eating that apple and shrugging he is so getting whacked this season oh boy
05-16-2016 , 12:12 AM
another great episode. great season so far. i like how the red womans sexy err old neck was threatened, shes been insulated for far too long.

the only thing im confused about is the iron born story line.. vale teams up with jon and the wildlings.. and the iron born team up with them too even though they dont need a navy?
05-16-2016 , 12:25 AM
When I first started watching the show last year I told everyone I thought winter coming was a giant troll and it was never going to come.

Would be pretty hilarious if the season never mentions the white walkers again.
05-16-2016 , 01:02 AM
^ we definitely gonna see the Knight's King in action
05-16-2016 , 01:22 AM
I usually do NBA Rap Ups over on TZ, made one for tonight's Game of Thrones:

05-16-2016 , 02:02 AM
So sick that the Dothraki live on the playa
05-16-2016 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
For comparison. Definitely not her imo. nsfw obv
The nipples are the same, it's her.
05-16-2016 , 03:35 AM
mmm Littlefinger coming to slay Bolton, Bolton kills rickon, Sansa marry's Littlefinger, LF becomes King in the North, takes everyone south and destroys khaleesi in Kings Landing. Game Over LF wins.

Early days my friend

lets make it happen George.
05-16-2016 , 08:07 AM
That Bolton bastard is just no damn good, I'll tell you what.
05-16-2016 , 08:22 AM
10/10 episode
05-16-2016 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
seems pretty convenient to let your prisoner near some flaming baskets which kill all the leadership of the tribe
I know, why wouldn't they just hold court in rooms lit by electricity?
05-16-2016 , 08:51 AM
Great episode imo. Really looking forward to danerys story arc now. Briannes warning to Davos and the red women was epic, however I won't be surprised if she dies trying to get one of them (probably red women).

Eventual showdown of the North vs boltons should also be epic. Gg rickon I doubt he has a happy ending. Is it just me or did sansa's character just switch in an instant? She's always been scared and basically cowering trying to get somewhere safe. All of a sudden she gets away and finds family and than says 'if you don't help me I'll do it myself' wtf is she gonna honestly expect to do after being a prisoner and weak coward after all these years? I imagine in the book it details her transition from little scared girl to future ruler of the North well but it just felt really forced suddenly.

Also what happened to this thread? Are approved posts still here? This used to be bumping now we dead. I skipped reading after a bunch of spoilers early on but now it feels like we're all almost caught up with the books, wish we had more discussion going on.

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05-16-2016 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by JayKhalifa
Is it just me or did sansa's character just switch in an instant? She's always been scared and basically cowering trying to get somewhere safe. All of a sudden she gets away and finds family and than says 'if you don't help me I'll do it myself' wtf is she gonna honestly expect to do after being a prisoner and weak coward after all these years? I imagine in the book it details her transition from little scared girl to future ruler of the North well but it just felt really forced suddenly.
A whole section of the time she had with Little Finger was about redefining her character. Granted, it does feel like a lot of that had been forgotten while she was in Winterfell getting raped by Ramsey.

I think less posts here has something to do with less posts on 2p2 as a whole.
05-16-2016 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
I think less posts here has something to do with less posts on 2p2 as a whole.
05-16-2016 , 09:12 AM
I think all the travails Sansa has faced is supposed to have hardened up her character over time.
05-16-2016 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Tall Paul
05-16-2016 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Tall Paul

Lol beat me to it
05-16-2016 , 09:29 AM
So in the High Sparrow - Tommen - Cersei - Small Council game of telephone, who do you think is lying?

Is it as simple as Cersei wanting the Faith Militant destroyed and thus is lying to get the Tyrells to send their army to do it (and thus take the blame)? I could also see it maybe being the High Sparrow if he wants to provoke a fight and start a revolution, but that seems much less likely. Doubt it's Tommen inventing a story to get his wife out of jail as he seems too clueless.

My other thought is that Cersei is planning to use this to destroy both the Faith Militant and the Tyrells. Not sure if she has the power to do this, but perhaps the plan if for Tyrells to slaughter Faith Militant, and then for Cersei to slaughter the Tyrell army (do we know who is currently in charge of the City Watch, and if they are loyal to Cersei)?
05-16-2016 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
I think less posts here has something to do with less posts on 2p2 as a whole.
This, the fact that every show watcher thinks every book reader is something evil and run them out of this thread and top it off for those who don't want to be spoiled.

We no longer have to approve posts btw,

Episode was good,
Danny had been in that room before and knew the setup , so she knew the fire lanterns would be there. 2 big take aways , who locks the door? I assume its our favorite Buddy cops...on that note Dario bowing is a big thing, he knows of here amazing feet's but to see her come out of a burning fire can tell hes now as enamored with her as Jorah.

Sansa has been trained by LF to be more cunning , I believe she will "forgive" him even if its just to use the Army in the Vale. I also highly doubt Rickon dies , the up coming war is something to look forward to I believe all the houses , minus karstark, will fall in around Jon and Sansa.

The iron born story line is pretty f'n lame right now, its just this side story with no meaning for the show cept to send Theon some where that isnt the wall?

Also is there any doubt that Stannis is dead now?
05-16-2016 , 10:18 AM
Obv stannis is dead
05-16-2016 , 10:38 AM
I'm a little confused on the secret the high sparrow told Tommen. When did that take place, on screen, which episode? Also it's a trap right? High sparrow sacrifices himself and some high borns to start a revolution of poop vs privilege
05-16-2016 , 10:44 AM
Quick thoughts:

I feel like the Sansa / Jon reunion is setting us up for some strife between them down the line. Probably related to her relationship with LF. Not sure exactly how it will play out, but if we assume LF meets them in battle against Ramsay and then tries to weasel his way back in after the victory, Snow will probably take issue with him.

Also, does LF try to marry Sansa himself or does he marry her to young Robyn after all? We know he wants the throne, but does he care about wearing the actual crown? Could go either way imo.

I'm expecting Cersei's plan of having the Tyrells take out the High Sparrow to backfire on her. I could see Jaime getting killed in that exchange (what else is the point of him anymore?). Also, we have to remember the prophesy about her children dying... how does it play out so all her efforts lead to Tommen getting killed? Perhaps she alienates him and he turns to the High Sparrow, who feeds him to the mob? Or somehow Zombie Mountain goes berserker on him? Or perhaps the Sand Snakes sneak in and cap his ass while Cersei is focused on the Faith.

One other angle is whether LF ends up somehow in the loop on the Tyrells thing. I'm sure he would find some way to twist that to his purposes, but he may not be in the good graces of Olenna just now. Can't recall exactly where they left off...?

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05-16-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by killa
The iron born story line is pretty f'n lame right now, its just this side story with no meaning for the show cept to send Theon some where that isnt the wall?
I'm pretty sure they are just setting up to be another army against the Boltons for the Starks.

They may be the suitors for the Boltons traditional land area after the giant battle.
05-16-2016 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
10/10 episode
Was it? I may have been distracted, but until the last 5 minutes I was really not feeling it.
