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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

05-18-2016 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
Am I the only one whose favorite character is Ramsay?
05-18-2016 , 03:10 AM
i read some out of the bookreader thread, and yes, alot of stuff is being said that we do not know of yet as a series-watcher. All the histories in the book arent up to speed, some are ahead, some are behind, Kinda hard to put like 10 plots/subplots running in a linear line with x-axis t, much easier in books. Most commonly is names though ,we do not know like 50% of the names that are being thrown in the book-reader thread because you get more indepth characterstudy of every fricking character in the books compared to the show, which also helps their speculation regarding what their intention are going forward, and thus considered somewhat spoilerish to me. He had information I could not possible have, and thus dechiffer a certain scene ahead of time because he knew the personality of the character.

Example below, and remember im a series-watcher not a bookreader but i read some stuff in there and other places: Possible spoiler, alert alert etc.

Guy that refused to shake hands with bolton after delivering Rickon and his "direwolf", speculation amongst some book readers have it that it wasnt his direwolf, it was to small and it doesnt line up with the character of that guy from that house, he is considered loyal as f and actually balls deep on oaths, hence his refusal of shaking hands was not what he said it to be, "i dont believe in oaths"-whatever he said, but rather refusing to shake on it he cant be considered an oathbreaker as no oath were given. -> Giving bolton rickon was a part of a bigger plan. IDK. But some seem to believe that given the characterization of this guy in the books isnt what the show is presenting.

Mainly what ive gotten from the bookreaders is that the setup for boltons demise is speeding on faster than we series watchers are expecting, sure, LF+sansa+JS+Wildlings will be a force on its own, but it sure does seem from bookreaders point of view that "they"`(most likely LF) are secretly aligning with some houses in the north already(putting rickon there to pull JS and the wildlings out to join up) All a masterplan of LF, and it sure does sound something he could do.
05-18-2016 , 05:27 AM
rbk wtf is wrong with you

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having a thread for non-bookreaders. Why is it that some of the bookreaders just can't handle that and go full mouth frothing rabies mad at the idea? Why get so upset with the non-bookreaders and call them names?

There is ample reason why stuff from the books can still diminish or mar the experience of non-bookreaders. Just because you don't understand that fact doesn't mean it's not true. Ranting and raving and calling people names because you are convinced you are right (you're not) and they disagree with you is just making you look like an asshat, and it makes no one want to talk with you. Try behaving like a human that is capable of interacting with other humans, if that is possible for you. My opinion of you has definitely dropped a few notches based on your nutjobbery here.

+1 RIP kennel master's hot daughter
05-18-2016 , 06:44 AM
lol pls show me one single time when I objected to this thread?
I've never requested to post, back when this thread was behind the books I never came in wanting to post or calling u dumb for not wanting to be spoiled.

it's like u just see "generic book reader" and ATTACK.

I mean i never freaking post in this thread, I didn't even make any posts about the actual content of the show, I didn't call for any change in the system whatsoever.

I simply made comment that I don't think any book readers have any idea wtf is gonna happen next and I stand by it.

esp since the show runners have made it clear they're doing their own thing.

this lashing out at me is really absurd and misplaced.
05-18-2016 , 08:16 AM
it is hilarious seeing how ****ing nitty and stupid ppl itt can be tho.
do ppl in here really just hate knowledge that much?

there is no rational argument, it won't ruin anything it can't possibly retroactively degrade your memories of the show etc it's literally nittery for nittery sake.
I've posted twice in this thread, I mean I dunno if it's cuz ya'll hate reading that makes u act this dumb or what but lol at attacking me.
Jump back into a thread you were already banned from for AIDSing it up once before, insult everyone in the thread multiple times because they disagree with your completely incorrect position, then claim that you are the victim and that people are lashing out at you.


nobody had called you a nit
nobody had called you stupid
nobody had called you dumb
nobody had suggested you hate knowledge
nobody had suggested you hate reading

you did all of these things. You are rude and insulting for no reason. Then you are puzzled why no one wants you here.

Once you're called out on your behavior, you respond by crying and whining that everyone is "lashing out" at you. Act like a ****ing adult already. We are here to enjoy the show and you are doing nothing but AIDSing up the thread by insulting people who politely disagreed with your incorrect viewpoint.

really hoping Drogon eats rbk next
05-18-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
dont worry tho I will continue to stick to my pace of 2 posts every 6 seasons u have my word.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
see kdubs post below.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
lol dude the motivation for killing the bastards is one of the most obv things ever and least ambiguous in the entire show.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
see the thing is there is nothing book readers can spoil because the show has gone past the books and no one has any ****ing clue what's gonna happen..
Originally Posted by riverboatking
I don't care enough to have a protracted argument but this seems like nonsense.
you simply can't spoil anything cuz NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
I used to post in the old thread (I didn't read any of the books till after that season aired)
I grunched this thread so didn't see that post by 27o and believed the problem was secret book readers speculating about what might happen in the future.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
no worries I fully understand why they want this thread free of book readers.

Originally Posted by riverboatking
ahahahaha that made me literally lol.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
oh I'm sorry did me posting to ask what happens if you get infracted spoil u on whether or not I had been infracted?

Originally Posted by riverboatking
I deleted my post I meant to post that in the other thread. I saw Kirby's name and assumed I was in the other thread.

[/QUOTE] Once you're called out on your behavior, you respond by crying and whining that everyone is "lashing out" at you. Act like a ****ing adult already. We are here to enjoy the show and you are doing nothing but AIDSing up the thread by insulting people who politely disagreed with your incorrect viewpoint. [/QUOTE]

+1 It's the Internet homey. Relax a bit.

Last edited by prayforsnow8; 05-18-2016 at 09:42 AM. Reason: .
05-18-2016 , 10:25 AM
Put this thread back on track or banning the lot of you with out caring, that's bad and good posters alike...try me...
05-18-2016 , 10:32 AM
So for the last damn time,
Im allowing some bookreaders in here that are able to control themselves and not "spoil" the show. That means anything thats book thats not in the show even if its minor the TV people dont want it.

Ont he flip side the TV people treating book people like aids is annoying as ****, leave them be if they are behaving, report if they arent. But bashing all bookreaders makes my blood boil since I AM A BOOKREADER AS WELL.

We can all live pretty happy lives here and talk about a really good show , and the other thread can talk about a really good show and a really stellar set of books.

If you dont think you are capable of being an adult about these situations then please , go..or you will force myself or other mods to take action.

To all my OOT mods, here on out take swift action... on the BS
05-18-2016 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
Am I the only one whose favorite character is Ramsay?

The actor of Ramsay was the runner-up to play Jon Snow. One of the more enjoyable theories I have read recently on there is what if Ramsay and Jon were twins. All we know of Ramsay's birth is this woman Roose raped showed up at his door, and Roose raised him as his own which seems like a peculiar choice for him.

Last edited by Scary_Tiger; 05-18-2016 at 10:58 AM.
05-18-2016 , 11:23 AM
Let's all take a moment and think what this show would be like if Ramsay was portraying Jon snow...

Mind blown.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-18-2016 , 12:03 PM
And if kit was playing Ramsay

05-18-2016 , 12:07 PM
Pics of kennel daughter?

Oh yeah her. She was fairly hot
05-18-2016 , 12:51 PM
She can walk my rottweiler anytime she wants.
05-18-2016 , 12:57 PM
Started rewatching all the episodes. Felt my hatred for some characters slipping.
05-18-2016 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Started rewatching all the episodes. Felt my hatred for some characters slipping.
I remember a sense of overwhelming sadness during Stark family scenes on rewatch knowing what was coming
05-18-2016 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by JayKhalifa
Let's all take a moment and think what this show would be like if Ramsay was portraying Jon snow...

Mind blown.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This can be said for almost every movie ever, loads of iconic roles nearly went to actors that would be totally different.

Who is to say that the Ramsey actor wouldn't have pulled it off and Kit Harrington could have played Ramsey, we cold have sat here saying NOOOO WAYYYY...mind blown etc.
05-19-2016 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Rooksx
Emilia Clarke confirmed in an interview that those were indeed her boobies.
But was that really Emilia in the interview...?

Episode was highly entertaining. Not a book reader, BTW.

Favorite scene was Tyrion negotiating with the ambassadors. Not exactly sure why they would accept Tyrion's offer though. He didn't exactly give anything in return for giving up slavery in 7 years. But I guess that's the gift of a skilled negotiator - make them thing they're getting something.

And there is about a 1% chance the plan with the Tyrells saving the Queen works out for anyone but the Lannisters. Cercei is using whatever info she got from Tommen (presumably it was about the walk of atonement, but who knows for sure) to manipulate Old Lady Tyrell into this assault. She's probably planning on murdering her uncle too for good measure.

Buttercup and Ramsay would make an awesome team
05-19-2016 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by WoodsGOAT
This can be said for almost every movie ever, loads of iconic roles nearly went to actors that would be totally different.
heh yep. Robert DeNiro was almost Sonny Corleone

James Caan was almost Michael

05-19-2016 , 12:22 PM
This is a nice piece of fan editing.

05-19-2016 , 12:41 PM
That's pretty awesome.
05-19-2016 , 01:03 PM
Not a bookreader but I feel like gendry is going to sail into bravos and arya will see him and abandon her a girl has no name persona.
05-19-2016 , 01:18 PM
Took him long enough to row there.
05-19-2016 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Leo Getz
Not a bookreader but I feel like gendry is going to sail into bravos and arya will see him and abandon her a girl has no name persona.
I like this. Besides Jon Snow or the hound, Gendry is probably the only person she cares enough about enough to leave the faceless men for. Unless hot pie has some more wolf bread.
05-19-2016 , 01:25 PM
Gendry reaching land somewhere should be the post credits scene in the series finale.
05-19-2016 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Leo Getz
Not a bookreader but I feel like gendry is going to sail into bravos and arya will see him and abandon her a girl has no name persona.
That would piss me off as it would make her 1.5 seasons of training seemingly for no reason
