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***Yea It's March The Madness Is Here Stop Being Lazy and Start Being Awesome **** Thread*** ***Yea It's March The Madness Is Here Stop Being Lazy and Start Being Awesome **** Thread***

03-02-2012 , 06:41 PM
It's that lousy smarch weather I tells ya
03-02-2012 , 06:52 PM
have ~$1360 moneybookers and want $ in chase bank, if anyone can help. paying $50.
03-02-2012 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
or more posts that ensure others know about one's own superiority.
Also this. Those kinds of post are for strat gtfo of our monthly tips thread
03-02-2012 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by bones
I'm sure you're a very smart guy, but at 21-22 and still in college you should prob drop the condescending tone about others joining "the real world".
03-02-2012 , 07:58 PM
what about places where u order the food at the counter, then they bring it to you. how much do you tip?
03-02-2012 , 08:12 PM
Those that know aren't talking. Those that talk.... Don't know.
03-02-2012 , 08:13 PM
what about when you order a hookball and she uses her teeth when she's going down on you and doesn't stop regardless how much you tell her, slap her around, and yank her hair when she does it. how much do you tip?
03-02-2012 , 08:14 PM
what about when you're playing 'just the tip' with your dog? do you give Fido the whole tip or just the tip? At what point have you gone too far? What's the tip at that point?
03-02-2012 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by bones
I'm sure you're a very smart guy, but at 21-22 and still in college you should prob drop the condescending tone about others joining "the real world".
Who are you and what have you done with bones?
03-02-2012 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
Today is day one of my 3 month weed break, it's been like 5 years since my last real break. Also quitting all the pop, coffee, junk food, etc I'm pretty sure my head is gonna explode from mass withdrawl Any tips are appreciated lol

Any changes on your game or anything different while grinding??
03-02-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
Today is day one of my 3 month weed break, it's been like 5 years since my last real break. Also quitting all the pop, coffee, junk food, etc I'm pretty sure my head is gonna explode from mass withdrawl Any tips are appreciated lol
Maybe try and actively disassociate things you know you enjoy "better"
with pot.
Try herbal tea instead of the coffee if you can manage that.
If you feel your brain clicking again in parts it's not used to, enjoy that.

Sidenote, but when grinding at Sippin's house I had to use a ****ING
MICROWAVE to prepare tea or coffee. Considered buying him
fluffy pink kettle or something.

I haven't really quit since I started about 2-3 years ago, but
I have had spells of a months or so when travelling and found
it really refreshing as a break.
Never really craved it, closest
is when I'm alone/bored and I would know it makes time pass quicker.
So focus on positives cause there's tons. Like having dreams
that make sense again Very often when I'm smoking i'll
have a dream that is so nonsensical I feel very sad about making up
something so useless in my head.
But yeah, entim can visit in 3months time? :P
03-02-2012 , 09:43 PM
i just went cold turkey on coffee, pretty brutal 3 days. My head felt like it was exploding, cold sweats, shakes and dizzy spells.

Giving up smoking was a lot easier on my body

Tomo, maybe just a shed load of asprin to cope with the headaches and just grin and bear it, oh also heard that wheatgrass supplements help caffine withdrawl but, taste nasty (didn't try in the end so can't confirm)

and wtf people is going on with this thread, were not mttc
03-02-2012 , 09:47 PM
man, coffee -.- I drank like 4 or 5 cups total until i was... 25 I think, then I went a bit short on sleep for a few days and thought "ah, whatever, i'll give this coffee stuff a shot"

worst decision of my life. Now I need 2 cups/day or I'll have at most 1 hour of productive time per day.
03-02-2012 , 09:50 PM
If I ever feel the need to sleep 9 hours/day + naps, I go off caffeine for 3-4 days. Don't get the headaches fortunately, but other than that it wrecks me.

But, coffee tastes so much more delicious after going back on!!
03-02-2012 , 09:55 PM
i was on like 8 cups a day when working in my old company. We had a great cafe and my team would bascially get a round of coffee's in every hour or so.

I survived like this for about 3 years, so no wonder it took a toll when i quit!
03-02-2012 , 10:01 PM
was your deskchair also a toilet?
03-02-2012 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by entim
Maybe try and actively disassociate things you know you enjoy "better"
with pot.
Seemingly unpossible, but I'm trying hehe
Try herbal tea instead of the coffee if you can manage that.
If you feel your brain clicking again in parts it's not used to, enjoy that.
I'm huge tea guy and drinking even more now, stuff just makes you feel gooood. Pretty sure I smoked enough pot that 1/5th of my brain is hibernating, look forward to returned brain power

But yeah, entim can visit in 3months time? :P
If not before then I'll certainly see you at wsop!
Originally Posted by juandadi
Any changes on your game or anything different while grinding??
Went busto ~4 tabling today, had seriousss trouble keeping my mind focued. Was really frustrating, but I always get antsy/weird the 1st dew days. Gonna redeposit in a few days and crushcrushcrush.

imo I've kinda smoked myself ******ed and I never really do much active thinking now even if I'm few tabling. I really think I'll go back to the old me who can't stop thinking do should be great really
03-02-2012 , 10:12 PM
just take some time to get your sober head on straight

caffeine is so addictive!
03-02-2012 , 11:21 PM
Caffeine doesn't even have a real effect on me anymore. Some very very rare times I notice an increased heart rate, but that's like... once every 2 months. Other than that I don't even feel the effect of being "more awake" anymore, yet the thought of stopping to consume caffeine sounds like a horror movie in my head. I NEED MY FIX GOD DAMN IT

Aside from regular coffees I consume a few other stuff too. Sorry to Tomodak but here are my 3 favorite drinks:


I don't know wether they sell this everywhere, but it's ****ing delicious. Every other brand that sells ice coffee I don't like at all, but this one has me fiending stores around town if they are sold out in my regular store... Which happens a lot for some reason .


I used to be a red bull guy, but once I went Nalu I never even wanted Red Bull anymore, maybe because Nalu doesn't taste as sugary.


It's a big ****ing can so not for use on a daily basis but ****ing good as well.

/caffeine fiend.
At least I don't need the alcohol or cigs on a daily basis I guess .
03-02-2012 , 11:42 PM
i dunno what you guys are doing, i just drink a lot of whiskey
03-02-2012 , 11:48 PM
Beer. It's not just for breakfast anymore.
03-03-2012 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Beer. It's not just for breakfast anymore.
03-03-2012 , 12:57 AM
I'm going to India in a few days. Going to see family. Any suggestions on tourist stuff I mAy not know about? The plane ride is a bitch. I sleep on my stomach only and snore on my back where it's real hard to get to sleep. Any advice on getting to sleep on the plane?
03-03-2012 , 01:56 AM
Taking melatonin helps me stay asleep on a long plane ride - otherwise I'm lucky if I get 15 minutes straight. Can pick it up at any GNC.

Or just go off caffeine a couple of days beforehand
03-03-2012 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Can pick it up at any place that sells vitamins and ****
