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***Yea It's March The Madness Is Here Stop Being Lazy and Start Being Awesome **** Thread*** ***Yea It's March The Madness Is Here Stop Being Lazy and Start Being Awesome **** Thread***

03-29-2012 , 06:46 PM
He starts with the last prisoner. Their strategy would change if they knew for sure what the ratio of colors were to be. ie: How many of each color are to be issued.

Assuming a 50/50 split of green/red, then they have a cumulative survival rate of 75% overall (5 with a 100% guarantee of freedom and 5 with a 50/50 chance).

That is, if they start with the last person in line and he states the color of the hat on the head in front of him and so forth.

However, those percentages actually increase if there are fewer of either color in the mix as the true "guessers" will have increasingly more information as the line progresses.

I guess.

Last edited by SlackerMcFly; 03-29-2012 at 06:50 PM. Reason: Actually, there is only one true guesser, and that is the first guy. The others simply are flipping a coin if they cooperate
03-29-2012 , 06:48 PM
The only thing they can say is 'red' or 'green'. It starts with the last guy in line - the one who can see everyone's hat but himself - and moves forward. The hats can be any distribution of red and green.
03-29-2012 , 06:49 PM
Lol, just on the night train back home and next to me there's two teenage lads. Opposite them there's this cute ish girl, bit slutty looking. The lads are fiddling on their mobile phone when the girl suddenly says "ok lads no more photos now please". Seems like their sneaky attempts to get some covert pics of her tits were unsuccessful!
03-29-2012 , 07:12 PM
Also, voice inflection would change things dramatically.

If they simply state what the last guy said, they will survive. If they answer in the form of a question, then the guy in front of him knows it's the opposite.

Dude says blue, next guy knows his hat is blue, but the guy in front of him is red, so he goes... Blue? the signal to the guy in front that his hat is red.

The dude that goes first is the only one that has any chance of being shot in this scenario. I guess.
03-29-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Dali - maybe I am just remembering wrong. I could have sworn you wrote a post a long time ago about pool sharking or something. Maybe you were bowl-sharking though. But in that case, you and Cha should have a match, .
Yeah, I used to sandbag at bowling, really just for tournaments though. That's what that post was about. I feel bad about doing that stuff now, but I was dirt poor, so that mitigates it a fair amount.
03-29-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Daliman
WTF makes people think I am good at pool? When I was younger I was a better-than-average bar player, that's all.

Now, if someone wants to bowl, that's something I can claim some skill at.
sounds like something someone who was actually good at pool would say... OK fine, you got me, I'll gamble you in pool.
03-29-2012 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The only thing they can say is 'red' or 'green'. It starts with the last guy in line - the one who can see everyone's hat but himself - and moves forward. The hats can be any distribution of red and green.
nvm that was for 5 and 5

Last edited by Velocity; 03-29-2012 at 09:40 PM. Reason: im dumb
03-29-2012 , 10:19 PM
The first guy has no better than 50/50 chance no matter what. So he might as well help the team by stating the color belonging to the majority of hats (out of 9) he can see. This will give useful information to the others.

The last guy to act should be able to deduce his color with 100% certainty based on hearing answers and hearing who got shot and who didnt.

Im not sure how to calculate the % certainty the middle 8 guys have without knowing the hat distribution breakdown except that it gets higher obv as they go along.

03-29-2012 , 10:54 PM
hasn't someone said the answer yet?

Look at all the hats in front of you. Green = 1 Red = -1, multiply them all together. First guy, if he gets 1 as an answer says 'green', -1 he says 'red'. Second guy looks at all the hats and multiplies. If he gets the same answer as before he knows his hat is green, otherwise it's red. And so on. Only the first guy can die.
03-29-2012 , 11:41 PM
As stated, it can be all green, all red, or anywhere in between?
03-30-2012 , 12:18 AM
03-30-2012 , 12:23 AM
Micro that's a complicated way of saying
First guy says green if there's an odd number of greens, otherwise red. But yeah the concept is the same.

Everyone else just has to make sure to flip/flop the remaining green even/odd switch in their mind every time someone picks green.
03-30-2012 , 12:30 AM
Nice Suzz. A riddle I got recently:

A king is throwing a party and has 100 bottles of wine he intends to serve to his guests. the night before the party he learns 1 of the bottles is poisoned. He decides the only way to figure out which bottle contains the poison (it's like iocane powder you cannot taste it or smell it) is to test it on his servants. The poison takes about a half a day to a full day to cause death. What is the fewest number of servants a benevolent king would need to kill to determine precisely which bottle of wine is poisoned before his party.

Assume each servant may drink from as many bottles as you like and each bottle may be drunk as many times as you like (the poison need only touch your lips to cause death).
03-30-2012 , 12:36 AM
99 ok maybe not, still thinking
03-30-2012 , 12:37 AM

Hint its much less than 50
03-30-2012 , 12:41 AM
Yeah I figured, still ciphering
03-30-2012 , 12:44 AM
if he has 99 servants each pick a bottle and take a sip from a different bottle he either kills one and knows which bottle or no one dies and he knows which bottle.

so it is either 1 or 0

Maybe there is some other info, like he only has x servants?
03-30-2012 , 12:46 AM
Head hurt
03-30-2012 , 12:49 AM
Ah yeah micro that is a good solution. I guess the way it was given to me is more like "What is the fewest testers we need" your approach should yield the solution I had in mind with some tinkering.
03-30-2012 , 01:19 AM
f wine drink whiskey
03-30-2012 , 02:16 AM
On Suzzers' riddle.
If the first guy shouts the color he sees in front of him he has 50%, but the 2nd guy knows. For the remainder they can then agree that if the person shouts a short "red" or "green" the following person has the same color, while if the color is different the shout "reeeed" or "greeeen".
03-30-2012 , 10:21 AM
I must be using f'ing invisible e-ink. Yeesh.

Besides, the prisoners hung tiny mirrors on the backs of their shirts so nobody got shot in any case.
03-30-2012 , 10:26 AM
Well sorry, just skimmed thread on my phone and responded quite quickly after I saw the riddle.

Cannot read spoiler content on 2+2 app.
03-30-2012 , 11:15 AM
If you want to read a spoiler just quote the post and you can see the text. Sadly it won't let you see pics.
03-30-2012 , 11:54 AM
I think the answer to the wine riddle is 7.

Number the bottles using the binary system, from 0000000 to 1100100. Assign one of your seven servants to represent a particular digit in each binary number. Then go through all the bottles in turn and have each servant drink from the bottle if the digit in the bottle number corresponding to his position is a 1, and not drink if it is a 0.

Wait 24 hours to see who dies, and reconstruct the number of the poisoned bottle by assigning a 1 to the digit of each dead servant and a 0 to the digit of each living servant.

Last edited by Voyeurism; 03-30-2012 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Also, I think of the 7 only 6 at most could ever die at one time so you'd always have one left over to serve dinner!
