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*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** *** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread ***

06-11-2014 , 09:12 AM
Hello all,

It's that time again, when we put out the tentative schedule for this year's World Championship of Online Poker, requesting feedback from our players on what we have planned. Please see below and let us know what you think, either here in this forum or by contacting us via email at wcoop at pokerstars dot com. We'll collect feedback and make any needed adjustments before launching the full schedule in the client later in the year.

Some details, such as the guarantees, will be set at a later date and will be published once the Events are deployed into the client.

The schedule is below. Thanks in advance for the feedback!

2014 World Championship of Online Poker - Tentative Schedule

Sunday, September 7th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-01: $109 NL Hold'em [WCOOP Kickoff] (2-Day Event)
11:00 ET: WCOOP-02: $215 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Sunday Warm-Up SE] (2-Day Event)
14:30 ET: WCOOP-03: $215 NL Hold'em [Sunday Million SE] (2-Day Event)

Monday, September 8th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-04: $320 PL Omaha [6-Max]
14:00 ET: WCOOP-05: $320 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Shootout]
17:00 ET: WCOOP-06: $215+R NL Hold'em [Turbo]

Tuesday, September 9th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-07: $215 NL Draw
14:00 ET: WCOOP-08: $215 NL Omaha H/L [6-Max]
17:00 ET: WCOOP-09: $1,050 NL Hold'em [Super Tuesday SE] (2-Day Event)

Wednesday, September 10th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-10: $215 PL Omaha [KO]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-11: $320 NL Hold'em [Ante Up] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-12: $215 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up] (2-Day Event)

Thursday, September 11th
06:00 ET: WCOOP-13: $215 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
11:00 ET: WCOOP-14: $530 NL Hold'em [6-Max, KO] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-15: $320 Stud H/L

Friday, September 12th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-16: $215 PL Omaha [6-Max, Progressive SKO]
14:00 ET: WCOOP-17: $215 NL Single Draw 2-7 [Re-Entry]
17:00 ET: WCOOP-18: $320 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Zoom]

Saturday, September 13th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-19: $109 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-20: $320 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)

Sunday, September 14th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-22: $215 NL Hold'em [Sunday Warm-Up SE] (2-Day Event)
12:30 ET: WCOOP-23: $10,300 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Re-Entry, High Roller] (2-Day Event)
14:30 ET: WCOOP-24: $700 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)

Monday, September 15th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-25: $215 NL Hold'em [4-Max] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-26: $320 Stud
17:00 ET: WCOOP-27: $215 PL Omaha [Turbo, 1R1A]

Tuesday, September 16th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-28: $320 Mixed Hold'em
14:00 ET: WCOOP-29: $320 FL Badugi
17:00 ET: WCOOP-30: $1,050 NL Hold'em [Super Tuesday SE] (2-Day Event)

Wednesday, September 17th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-31: $215 PL 5-Card Omaha H/L [6-Max, 2R1A]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-32: $700 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-33: $320 8-Game

Thursday, September 18th
06:00 ET: WCOOP-34: $320 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Re-Entry] (2-Day Event)
11:00 ET: WCOOP-35: $320+R PL Omaha [6-Max]
14:00 ET: WCOOP-36: $320 Triple Draw 2-7

Friday, September 19th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-37: $215+R NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-38: $530 FL Omaha H/L
17:00 ET: WCOOP-39: $215 NL Hold'em [6-Max, 10-Min Levels]

Saturday, September 20th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-40: $1,050 NL Hold'em [6-Max] (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-41: $530 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-42: $320 HORSE

Sunday, September 21st
11:00 ET: WCOOP-43: $215 NL Hold'em [Sunday Warm-Up SE] (2-Day Event)
12:30 ET: WCOOP-44: $10,300 NLHE [High-Roller Heads-Up]
14:30 ET: WCOOP-45: $2,100 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)

Monday, September 22nd
11:00 ET: WCOOP-46: $320 PL 5-Card Omaha [6-Max, 1R1A]
14:00 ET: WCOOP-47: $320 NL Hold'em [Re-Entry] (2-Day Event)
17:00 ET: WCOOP-48: $215 NL Hold'em [Turbo, KO]

Tuesday, September 23rd
11:00 ET: WCOOP-49: $320 Mixed NL Hold'em / PL Omaha
14:00 ET: WCOOP-50: $530 Razz
17:00 ET: WCOOP-51: $1,050 NL Hold'em [Super Tuesday SE] (2-Day Event)

Wednesday, September 24th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-52: $215 NL Hold'em [1R1A]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-53: $215 NL Hold'em [Re-Entry, Big Antes] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-54: $2,100 PL Omaha [6-Max, Re-Entry]

Thursday, September 25th
06:00 ET: WCOOP-55: $320 NL Hold'em [6-Max]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-56: $530+R NL Hold'em
14:00 ET: WCOOP-57: $215 FL Hold'em [6-Max]

Friday, September 26th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-58: $530 NL Hold'em [1R1A] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-59: $215 NL Omaha H/L
17:00 ET: WCOOP-60: $1,050 FL Hold'em [6-Max]

Saturday, September 27th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-61: $700 PL Omaha [Heads-Up] (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-62: $700 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-63: $2,100 HORSE

Sunday, September 28th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-64: $215 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Sunday Warm-Up SE] (2-Day Event)
12:30 ET: WCOOP-65: $10,300 8-Game [High-Roller, Re-Entry]
14:30 ET: WCOOP-66: $5,200 NL Hold'em Main Event (2-Day Event)
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 09:42 AM
I especially like the 215$ PLO KO and the 215$ PLO 6max PSKO.
As far as I can see, the buy-ins for Mixed, Stud and Draw games are roughly like last year, which is good, imo.

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 06-11-2014 at 09:53 AM.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 09:53 AM
looks nice without big differences compared to 2013.

i like that you added 1 more NL Omaha high/low tournament.

what duration you plan for one blind level? 15 or 20 min?

i would also like some more tournaments with 10 minute blind increase (micro million structure).

for pot limit tournaments i would like to see antes.

just as a spectator i would like to see a real highroller. 25, 50 or 100k dollar buyin. how many runners would you expect for that buyin?

Last edited by whitesnow; 06-11-2014 at 10:04 AM.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 10:48 AM
I am really happy that there are tournaments starting 06:00 and 08:00. Looks good!
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 11:07 AM
two identical 700 prog skos?

why do players have to sign their life away to play in the main?
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 02:16 PM
No regular Plo8? Change 1 of the NLO8's into plo8 (6max prefered, but doesn't matter much).
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Protential
No regular Plo8? Change 1 of the NLO8's into plo8 (6max prefered, but doesn't matter much).
Saturday, September 13th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-19: $109 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-20: $320 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)

Bryan, try to launch satellites earlier this time.
At least for a month before kick-off.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 02:53 PM
Random 215 o8s aren't particularly prestigious, we get them every week! Could we at least get 1 big buyin? Likewise I think there should be a 1k Omaha event. Its supposed to be the granddaddy of tournament series but everything seems much smaller than scoop.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by user12345
That's a 6-max. I too would like to see a regular full ring PLO8, I'm more likely to take a shot at that rather than the 6-max, if I don't manage to satellite in.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 03:09 PM
Is event 56 not a 2-day event, or was that a typo?
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Demonic16
Random 215 o8s aren't particularly prestigious, we get them every week! Could we at least get 1 big buyin? Likewise I think there should be a 1k Omaha event. Its supposed to be the granddaddy of tournament series but everything seems much smaller than scoop.
Didnt see the 2k Omaha in there.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by BryanS-PS

Thursday, September 11th
06:00 ET: WCOOP-13: $215 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
Poor choice for the earliest timeslot, no one is going to want to latereg this.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-11-2014 , 06:27 PM
Nice to see a second NLO8 rather than the PL Courchevel h/l that was there last year.

A few suggestions/comments:

Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
Wednesday, September 17th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-31: $215 PL 5-Card Omaha H/L [6-Max, 2R1A]
What's the reasoning behind making a tournament like this 2R1A? These formats have traditionally scared away recreational players who do not have additional funds for rebuys/addon.

If 25% of the field is going to late reg and take the addon ($215 + $200 = $415), isn't it better to make it a $530 freezeout?

Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
Tuesday, September 9th
14:00 ET: WCOOP-08: $215 NL Omaha H/L [6-Max]
Saturday, September 13th
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)
Friday, September 26th
14:00 ET: WCOOP-59: $215 NL Omaha H/L
Any way to make one of these a bigger buyin? A $1k buyin seems reasonable for a "Championship" series. If you think that's too high, surely you can find a way to integrate the PLO8 into a Special Edition of the Wednesday red $530 PLO8 with a bigger guarantee.

Originally Posted by BryanS-PS
14:00 ET: WCOOP-17: $215 NL Single Draw 2-7 [Re-Entry]
12:30 ET: WCOOP-23: $10,300 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Re-Entry, High Roller] (2-Day Event)
06:00 ET: WCOOP-34: $320 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Re-Entry] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-47: $320 NL Hold'em [Re-Entry] (2-Day Event)
11:00 ET: WCOOP-53: $215 NL Hold'em [Re-Entry, Big Antes] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-54: $2,100 PL Omaha [6-Max, Re-Entry]
12:30 ET: WCOOP-65: $10,300 8-Game [High-Roller, Re-Entry]
I think it's a bad precedent to have 7/66 events as re-Entries. I don't mind adding it in the two high rollers, but it shouldn't be part of a $320 NL Holdem event. Even if the number of re-entries is limited to one, it drastically lowers a recreational player's ability of winning the tournament that the regs have two bullets in.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-12-2014 , 04:51 AM
please add finally some...
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-12-2014 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by Protential
No regular Plo8? Change 1 of the NLO8's into plo8 (6max prefered, but doesn't matter much).
Originally Posted by Demonic16
Random 215 o8s aren't particularly prestigious, we get them every week! Could we at least get 1 big buyin? Likewise I think there should be a 1k Omaha event. Its supposed to be the granddaddy of tournament series but everything seems much smaller than scoop.
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)

I'd say with the sorry state of O8 atm having 2 x $215 is fine and will attract lots of non regs. Wont be like every week coz the prizepool will be 5 times that if not more.

Like that there is a $320 plo8 and don't care that it isn't $530 as again will attract more non regs.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-12-2014 , 09:32 AM
this day is delicious
Saturday, September 20th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-40: $1,050 NL Hold'em [6-Max] (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-41: $530 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-42: $320 HORSE

Agree that the $320 NLHE shouldnt be a re-entry. Obviously with scoop and now this you're trying to force more of them into schedules, but I hope you can change your heart and turn away from them

Would like something to 'support' the main event, a $320 or $540

Also a triple stud would be nice in there somewhere
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-12-2014 , 12:27 PM
Saturday, September 13th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-19: $109 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-20: $320 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)

320 not big enough for a saturday. you have a 700 pko scheduled for this day

Wednesday, September 17th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-31: $215 PL 5-Card Omaha H/L [6-Max, 2R1A]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-32: $700 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-33: $320 8-Game

swap the position of the 320 and 700, more runners on a saturday. especially if you run the 700pko with the normal 320sko

looks good though so far
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-12-2014 , 06:22 PM
Some events start at 5am in mexico/canada and will be smaller events for sure.

For the opening day there needs to be a 530$ in there in my opinion. If people cant afford a 530 then there is still the 215$. Besides that there wont be anything different compared to a normal sunday. I dont see many 530s anymore during wcoop like it used to be so it would be perfect.
Before there was a 530$ sunday million ever month and a 1k$ sunday million 4times a year so it woud be a nice compensation.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 05:14 AM
Bryan what are your thoughts on making some of the events 3-day? (main, super tues replacements come to mind)

Any chance of a wednesday 100k replacement (or anything at that timeslot)?

Surprised the flighted format is not being used.. A $109 with day 1's each day for a week, day 2 on sunday.. like FTOPS.

A turbo prog super ko on the final day would be fun
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 07:10 AM
+1 to a flighted format.

Also, will 8:30ET time starts for Day 1 start at 8:30ET Day 2?
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 07:13 AM
R.I.P Second chances you will be missed.

Whats with all the PSKOs, i mean i love them as much as the next guy, but there are 6 of them on the schedule and not a single SKO. Would be nicer if there was a bit more variety.

also huge -1 to the ME popup
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
Saturday, September 13th
11:00 ET: WCOOP-19: $109 NL Hold'em (2-Day Event)
13:00 ET: WCOOP-20: $320 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
15:00 ET: WCOOP-21: $320 PL Omaha H/L [6-Max] (2-Day Event)

320 not big enough for a saturday. you have a 700 pko scheduled for this day

Wednesday, September 17th
08:00 ET: WCOOP-31: $215 PL 5-Card Omaha H/L [6-Max, 2R1A]
11:00 ET: WCOOP-32: $700 NL Hold'em [Progressive SKO] (2-Day Event)
14:00 ET: WCOOP-33: $320 8-Game

swap the position of the 320 and 700, more runners on a saturday. especially if you run the 700pko with the normal 320sko
+1 this would be great for both tourneys.
Also the first day looks really unappealing - I'd be happy to see at least s530 as a wcoop event, if not something added. I can't find any logic in having >$215 event on every other day of the entire series, but not on 1st Sunday... ?!?

On the other hand great job running ME sats already and also I should say I am really happy with the dates, I was worried it could start right after EPT Barcelona. I'm glad it stays as usual.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Card_Trick
R.I.P Second chances you will be missed.

Whats with all the PSKOs, i mean i love them as much as the next guy, but there are 6 of them on the schedule and not a single SKO. Would be nicer if there was a bit more variety.

also huge -1 to the ME popup
Stars rakes the bounties on progressive knock out tournaments but not on regular knock out tournaments, so that is why they are pitching these imo.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by user12345
please add finally some...
At least a 109$ PL Courchevel Hi event would be nice.

Are you going to offer deepstack satellites to all variants this year?


- Could we maybe have a 13-Game-Event next year?
Just like 10-Game on FT, plus PLO8, NLO8 and PL Courchevel Hi (for example)

- How about a Dealer's Choice Event, like at this year's WSOP (would be even better!)

- I would also like to see an OE-Event (LO8 and Stud8), which is always offered at the WSOP, and is a great format for MTT's, due to the split-pot nature of it, imo.

- And last, but not least: A Super Stud Event, pretty pleeaasse ! ! !

Last edited by TooRareToDie; 06-13-2014 at 06:00 PM.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
06-13-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Card_Trick
R.I.P Second chances you will be missed.
*** WCOOP 2014 - Official Feedback Thread *** Quote
