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Should I post list of crooks and deadbeats? Should I post list of crooks and deadbeats?

03-17-2009 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by imhidonks
i don't quite understand why the time frame is important.
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03-17-2009 , 05:08 PM
Why are you foreclosing on my home???? You mean you wanted me to pay all that back on some sort of tricked me!!! Sleazy lenders tricked me!! AHHHH!!!
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03-17-2009 , 05:14 PM
Inhidonks, I really don't think people were bashing you here or against you. Afterall we only know what we read from Zimmer4141. Some of us just posted that we had played a decent amount with you and that you were a regular mid stakes grinder. Coming on here and posting that we all suck, or reading forums makes us dumb or w/e it is that you said seems like a pretty big dick move though...
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03-17-2009 , 05:31 PM
DUDE i signed offline during a final table last night because i was lagging then i busted and went to sleep. Zimmer i told you id get the money when i get it when you loaned it to me.We could have talked about this on aim i don't know maybe when i'm not playing 30 tables. Now i have half the online community talking **** about me coming to my full tilt tables and calling me a scammer.VTLAXER09 your so raw bro you must have a super sick life to be able to read these then go find me on tilt and harass me...seriously what a queer. and you act like ignoring you on aim is a criminal offense i ignore everyone because i'm playing 30 tables. why don't you just wait till i'm not playing.there was no reason for this zimmer straight up that is all i want u to realize this was a very queer thing for you to go and do. your right i did just tell you i had respect for you man i did.that all just changed since i've been sitting here thinking about how much i do for people i would never think to go out someone on a forum i could never live with myself. its probably the most pathetic thing i've encountered in all my years of poker. You knew you were getting the money and you did this because you want attention i guess. i mean i still will never understand why you did this straight up....zimmer4141 while you outed me as a guy who might take long to pay back the only loan he had ever taken out i mean dude i don't even have a credit offered me it and i told you id get it when i when i had my entire bankrolled seized when i was 16 o wait we are the same age it was illegal for you to the money that i borrowed from you was money that could have been taken away like mine was but your dad covered for you.. I know what i have done wrong i never should have let you lend me money that you offered and i should have communicated to you better that i physically haven't been able to pay you yet but that i will

By writing this you have proven to me that you cannot accept your own faults and that you are ignorant to how blessed you are to get to keep all of your underage winnings
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03-17-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
God people owing money and being douches about it is so tilting.
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03-17-2009 , 05:51 PM
If u have BR to play 30 mtts at the same time, then you can probably trasnfer the money you owe to his account easily.
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03-17-2009 , 05:53 PM
anyone else get the feeling sheets just started this thread to blackmail those that owe him with exposure? I'm glad 2+2 is here for you sheets to air your dirty laundry, have you ever posted anything on this site besides gossip about people that owe you money?
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03-17-2009 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by konrad
If u have BR to play 30 mtts at the same time, then you can probably trasnfer the money you owe to his account easily.
im pretty sure hes staked so this is not correct
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03-17-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by electrickshiite~
have you ever posted anything on this site besides gossip about people that owe you money?
hey electrikshiite

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03-17-2009 , 06:00 PM
i would like to apologize to Zimmer4141, He is a poker player and has tons of insight. Probaly one of the smartest kids i've met, with great bankroll management skills. He made me believe i could make it at poker 4 years ago. i was not saying i am not to blame i obviously should not have accepted the loan nor should any 16 year old kid with not 1 dollar to his name i mean come on that's just common sense. I learned from my mistakes a long time ago as we all should. i will just never respect this as the proper method to go about anything of the sort...and if you are loaning money to someone you don't believe in then what are you doing i would blame myself for that... I wasn't going to forget you good things happen to good people ...but you took that away from yourself, could never see a real friend doing this.
Since he cares about how he looks to you guys i will accept all the fault for this misunderstanding and pay it back asap...

Am i supposed to be fighting the fact that your saying i'm a crook and a deadbeat....i just don't think this is a good way to go about things!!!!
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03-17-2009 , 06:23 PM

I think the whole community should really appreciate the fact what you and bax are doing. Giving young talented players an oppurtunity to get a big score and get their game to the next level. I understand that in such a situation not everybody acts totaly loyal, that is a shame, those people are not worth putting to much effort in though.

Imo you should provide the people you know who also back other players, some kind of list or atleast the names of players who where not loyal to you. The rest of the community has not really that much to do with the situation you got in to. So no need for them to know any names. Besides that people can (afterall) change and they know how to show it by givin the money back to the owner. (an "excuse me" is always nice, including the money obv.) I really hope for you and bax that is gonna happen because nevertheless the community needs backers.

And sorry for my English
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03-17-2009 , 06:24 PM
damn ur parents wouldn't back you up for 10k? glad my parents aren't like this.
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03-17-2009 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by janwienk

I think the whole community should really appreciate the fact what you and bax are doing. Giving young talented players an oppurtunity to get a big score and get their game to the next level. I understand that in such a situation not everybody acts totaly loyal, that is a shame, those people are not worth putting to much effort in though.

Imo you should provide the people you know who also back other players, some kind of list or atleast the names of players who where not loyal to you. The rest of the community has not really that much to do with the situation you got in to. So no need for them to know any names. Besides that people can (afterall) change and they know how to show it by givin the money back to the owner. (an "excuse me" is always nice, including the money obv.) I really hope for you and bax that is gonna happen because nevertheless the community needs backers.

And sorry for my English
i wish ppl weren't allowed to be backed online
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03-17-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by electrickshiite~
anyone else get the feeling sheets just started this thread to blackmail those that owe him with exposure? I'm glad 2+2 is here for you sheets to air your dirty laundry, have you ever posted anything on this site besides gossip about people that owe you money?
No. Never.
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03-17-2009 , 07:05 PM
jeezus, you people slamming sheets have no clue.
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03-17-2009 , 07:14 PM
jeezus, you people slamming the people who are slamming sheets have no clue.
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03-17-2009 , 07:19 PM
Anything else to add Sheets?
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03-17-2009 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
jeezus, you people slamming sheets have no clue.
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03-17-2009 , 07:25 PM
inhidonks, Please tell me what you have done over the past two years, and specifically in the last 2 months that should give me confidence that I was getting paid back other than you saying "I'm gonna pay you back".

There was a timeframe of two weeks where you agreed you could pay me back. It has been much more than two weeks from the start of that agreement until I posted all of the personal information. If I had confidence that without outing your name, info, and story with me to everybody that I would get paid back, I would not have posted what I did.

The fact is that the only reason I posted this is because I thought it was the only way I could get paid back. After you passed the deadline set by you and didn't respond to multiple IMs from me, I did what I felt I had to do. All you had to say was "I'm at a final table, we can talk when it's over." The fact that you signed off immediately with no response tells me that you'd like to duck me and ignore me.

I don't care if you come against me because we're basically on opposite sides of this, but please do not try to play the victim in this, because I don't think you'll get any support that way.
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03-17-2009 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
He really isn't obligated to become a free-of-charge credit rating agency for poker players.
Todd Terry,

I respect you tons but I pretty much think we're all obligated to become free-of-charge credit rating agencies for poker players.
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03-17-2009 , 07:43 PM
lol @ inhidonks blowing up over this. its been 2 years and u have not payed a debt. you are in no position to talk about whats respectful and what isnt. not paying a debt in a timely fashion is extremely disrespectful, and shows that u really dont value ur reputation and are dishonorable and disloyal to friends. the only reason u now care is because of this thread. ur keep going on about the underage thing but that is completely irrelevant. try putting urself in zim's shoes and think how he feels. nothing personal here, dont hate me for this post, im just telling it like it is.
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03-17-2009 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by imhidonks
Well id just like to say that's big of people to put stuff like this up to begin with... If you would like a number on how much money full tilt has of mine its upwards of 10k easy ..not all of us were so lucky to have our dads send in their ids to validate accounts to cash out our money huh Zimmer. It really musta been quite nice not having to worry about your money being seized because you were lying lol. Anyways i don't need to bash anyone. When someone loans you 1600 dollars when your 16 and your 100% clear i didn't have a br which is why you were loaning me ...i don't quite understand why the time frame is important. Im sorry i logged off on you when i at a final table...concentrating does not help your play. I mean who the **** wants wants some kid aiming you after you've already clearly explained yourself...and your only goal is to stop running awful and get out of make up..and i just wanna say to all you little girls that read **** like should probaly go blow your brains out because most of the clowns who post **** don't realize their own faults....So while yes apparently i ruined young zimmer4141s life i think ive helped far more players.........o and wait i dont really give a **** about what anyone who reads online forums....Zimmer4141 even though i just talked you and sent you some money I lost so much respect for you....for you of all people to not understand what has happened.......i mean its seriously good to know how good people are at backstabbing....i didnt see one person back me up on the thread....i guess ive never helped anyone or been owed money or been scammed and i guess you all haven't played underage or ever done anything you regret huh.
I have no idea what the story is at all, but allow me to give you a bit of advice.

When you make an incoherent post like this with no real attention to any sort of grammar, spelling, or logical sense, it hurts your cause. If you want people to listen to what you have to say and you want to plead your case, try doing it in a more functional manner. I don't mean to sound condescending but you are obviously young and immature and can't really see the importance of how you present yourself in how you are perceived. I realize it's just the internet here, but anybody who reads your post will have a first impression of "wtf."

Just my 2c...
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03-17-2009 , 07:52 PM
Like i said zimmer i was in makeup and the fact that i told you when i got out i would pay you......o and then I play everyday of my life way more than anyone i've ever met, so i can get you ASAP like i said. I don't know what else you want me to do. Your the one that made this a public issue. I'm not playing the victim i'm telling you straight up that this was the dumbest way you could have ever gone about this. Thank you for trying to discredit me to the entire poker world, over something that really isn't that hard to understand. Truly appreciated.
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03-17-2009 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by swd805
lol @ inhidonks blowing up over this. its been 2 years and u have not payed a debt. you are in no position to talk about whats respectful and what isnt. not paying a debt in a timely fashion is extremely disrespectful, and shows that u really dont value ur reputation and are dishonorable and disloyal to friends. the only reason u now care is because of this thread. ur keep going on about the underage thing but that is completely irrelevant. try putting urself in zim's shoes and think how he feels. nothing personal here, dont hate me for this post, im just telling it like it is.
Remember he is still just an 18 yr old kid.
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03-17-2009 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by imhidonks
Like i said zimmer i was in makeup and the fact that i told you when i got out i would pay you......o and then I play everyday of my life way more than anyone i've ever met, so i can get you ASAP like i said. I don't know what else you want me to do. Your the one that made this a public issue. I'm not playing the victim i'm telling you straight up that this was the dumbest way you could have ever gone about this. Thank you for trying to discredit me to the entire poker world, over something that really isn't that hard to understand. Truly appreciated.
I made it a public issue because you never responded to me when I tried to get in touch with you. When somebody is unable to pay a debt, the worst thing they can do is ignore the person they owe, even though that's by far the easiest thing to do. You could have explained over the past few days when I tried to IM you that you were still in makeup and you still can't pay me back. That makes it much more believable that you would pay me back than you just ignoring me. The fact that you ignored me multiple times caused me to make it a public issue because you left me with no other choice.

FWIW, he's not 18, I'm 20 and I'm pretty sure we're both around the same age. Guys, we've both been in poker around the same length of time, so I don't think age is a reason to handle the situation in this manner.
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