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********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** ********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion**********

05-20-2011 , 02:16 PM
Anyone use MergeMods?

If so, care to give a quick review?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 02:23 PM
No i meant id bet against someone being able to do it.

Jhub, prob no more than like 300. IDK if itd be worth your while, though if youre playing them anyways you might as well. I was of course referring to a mass multitabler, not someone playing 20 tables an hour.

I think the best way to do it would be to give you a month to play x games (3500 or so) and youd have to have profit equal or greater than zero for those games.

If you want to get something going you should post in the sttf regs prop thread. You could prob get some more action.

Steven, what kind of time frame is that. Have you noticed the games getting tougher since black friday?

edit, actually idk if you could get that kind of volume in above 20s. Maybe just say that overall you have to have x games per hour in hem and then only count the profit from >20s.

Last edited by Rusemandingo; 05-20-2011 at 02:50 PM.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by jlevu

That one is updated're number 3 right now I don't think you're catching hanley though lol

What games do you play btw?
So that leaderboard is for all Merge or just Lock? And is it a monthly or yearly?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
No i meant id bet against someone being able to do it.

Jhub, prob no more than like 300. IDK if itd be worth your while, though if youre playing them anyways you might as well. I was of course referring to a mass multitabler, not someone playing 20 tables an hour.

I think the best way to do it would be to give you a month to play x games (3500 or so) and youd have to have profit equal or greater than zero for those games.

If you want to get something going you should post in the sttf regs prop thread. You could prob get some more action.

Steven, what kind of time frame is that. Have you noticed the games getting tougher since black friday?

edit, actually idk if you could get that kind of volume in above 20s. Maybe just say that overall you have to have x games per hour in hem and then only count the profit from >20s.
Well, TBH I don't think 3500 games proves a whole lot, especially when your games are at multiple buy-ins. I think that might give you about 90% confidence that you're within 3.6% of your true ROI or so. Obviously when we're talking about very small edges that's not gonna be enough to tell us if we're a winning player or a losing player.

FWIW I had 1700 some games before they fixed all in luck & my CHIP EV adjusted was 1% something. I think I actually told you the exact % in a PM. I wanna say it was between 1 & 1.3%. During that time I think I hadn't really studied Merge's structure at all.

Since they fixed all in luck I'm 1% adjusted over 2,418 games at an avg. stake of $39.82 at 46.6 games/hr. The games per hr is misleading though because I mix Cake & Merge together. On average I don't have more than 12 games going as I wanted to get used to the software & structure. I definitely get 14-16 going several times per day though. I plan on 16 tabling pretty frequently in the near future, which should dip my ROI, but I've also been studying the structure a little more so that might counter some of it. BTW, $35+ I'm 0.9% adjusted at an avg. stake of $56.48 so far since all in luck was fixed.

If I was actually playing 100% Merge & put in 40 hr weeks I'm sure I could prolly bang out 12,000-13,000 games in a month. However, I don't know how many would be above $20 & since I have a deal w/ Cake that wouldn't be worth it for me to do right now. If we just went by avg. stake above $20 I could certainly put in a good sample, especially when I finally actually put in some full time hrs.

I'm not overly confident yet where I'd want a ton of action unless I had another month so to analyze the games. I could certainly see games getting tougher after this quicktender fiasco too. I haven't played the last few days so I couldn't say. If you want to do a friendly $300 bet I'd certainly be willing though. Just let me know.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 03:40 PM
Thats all of Merge. Im number 16! I think the one on the Carbon page is from last month or something cause it has me at like 65th. Glad i saw this so i have more motivation to grind the rest of the month.

Jhub, let me look it over and think about it and ill get back to you within a week. Obv its not gonna be a decent sample but youre just as likely to run above ev as low so itd be fair at least. Hopefully HEM can start giving support for prize pools so we can start seeing redlines. Ive been spamming their thread in software and suggest others who want it do the same.

You say they fixed allin luck? Are you getting a redline right now?

Last edited by Rusemandingo; 05-20-2011 at 03:52 PM.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Thats all of Merge. Im number 16! I think the one on the Carbon page is from last month or something cause it has me at like 65th. Glad i saw this so i have more motivation to grind the rest of the month.

Jhub, let me look it over and think about it and ill get back to you within a week. Obv its not gonna be a decent sample but youre just as likely to run above ev as low so itd be fair at least. Hopefully HEM can start giving support for prize pools so we can start seeing redlines. Ive been spamming their thread in software and suggest others who want it do the same.

You say they fixed allin luck? Are you getting a redline right now?
If I actually put in a full month & we went by avg stake I think I might have 8Kish games, & then if you add my other games w/ adjusted it would be over 10K.

I've had a redline for a while now. The 1st games I played w/ it fixed were May 6th but it might have been fixed up to a week before that. You would need to start a new DB & re-import Merge HHs though to get it for past HHs. Personally my merge HHs weren't even on my cpu anymore so I just kept my DB & always custom date from May 6th on. Maybe it's different for other skins too.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:27 PM
Thx Ruse.

So was the redline messed up for all Merge SNGs or just super turbos?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 05:50 PM
Its not that its messed up, it doesnt exist (at least on Carbon for me.) They arent recognizing the prize pool so your greenline just goes straight down and the redline is right on top of it.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by jlevu

That one is updated're number 3 right now I don't think you're catching hanley though lol

What games do you play btw?
thanks for the standings. 20$ and 36$ ones
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-20-2011 , 06:53 PM

Merge mods w00t. Haven't tried yet (still haven't depod lol), but looks promising. That site also has a solid merge network hotkey prog too if you're totally out of the loop
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-21-2011 , 05:00 AM
Anyone know of any way to auto reg for sngs on this site? I have MergeKeys, don't think it allows that, anything else?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-21-2011 , 12:53 PM
^Unless some small programmer has something hes keeping to himself, nothing exists. They dude from runbetterpoker has said hes considering adding it to his ahk so hopefully well have something like that eventually.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-22-2011 , 04:30 AM
Anyone else playin 6max DoNs?

No volume yet will post a graph when I have at least 1k games.

********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-22-2011 , 08:06 AM
rusemandingo, are you saying that nobody can beat the $20s and up?

Sounds like you are giving away free $, where do I sign up?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-22-2011 , 01:43 PM
$10 DoNs are now extremely hard....It is very common for the blinds to be 200/400 and 8 players still in the game.

I believe the $20 DoNs are easier than the $10...I don't know what the reason for this is, but its just something I have noticed.

Did not used to be like this a couple weeks ago.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-23-2011 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by WVUskinsfan
$10 DoNs are now extremely hard....It is very common for the blinds to be 200/400 and 8 players still in the game.

I believe the $20 DoNs are easier than the $10...I don't know what the reason for this is, but its just something I have noticed.

Did not used to be like this a couple weeks ago.
Anyone else disagree? I hope someone does disagree.... Maybe not to many DoN players ITT
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-23-2011 , 09:25 AM
I don't think u have enough sample yet. I don't either. I'm hoping for more peeps so the 50s get rolling
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-23-2011 , 07:00 PM
Great. More shutdowns today. Any thoughts on merge status? I'm thinking about withdrawing some profits even though it will kill my bonus (I wasn't clearing it fast anyways)
Here's a blog tracking today's shutdowns

Is there a thread about carbon withdraws and the verification process?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-24-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by vookenmeister
Is there a thread about carbon withdraws and the verification process?
Yes. Internet poker forum

Last i've heard, checks are bouncing, UMW is no longer an option, and support is non existent. The reps in the carbon support thread are giving anyone much info except how to deposit.

Things don't look good.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-24-2011 , 11:03 AM
Merge deposit/withdraw thread
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-26-2011 , 08:55 AM
Anybody have any ideas where the SNG leaderboard has run off and hidden itself these days?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-26-2011 , 10:57 AM
Anyone who has $$ on carbon should fill out the verification forms in advance to speed up their withdrawal process. Here's the link ->.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-26-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by The Venetian
Anybody have any ideas where the SNG leaderboard has run off and hidden itself these days?
Was thinking the same thing. I play on carbon and its been showing last months all this month. I had been checking the lock leaderboard, but now it isnt showing anything. Theyd better not just cancel it.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-26-2011 , 03:46 PM
yeeah I need to see leaderboard
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-26-2011 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by WVUskinsfan
Anyone else disagree? I hope someone does disagree.... Maybe not to many DoN players ITT
I'm grinding DoNs but the 3s as I only put a note on carbon...

I have a tiny sample still 230 games or something, 4%roi so far...

You may have just hit a bad week with more regs then average in your game...large sample needed imo to get a better idea.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
