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Official Double or Nothing Thread Official Double or Nothing Thread
View Poll Results: What do you think on the rake for DON?
The rake is too high but I will continue to play
116 25.00%
The rake is too high and I will not continue to play
89 19.18%
I dont play but if the rake was lower, I would
109 23.49%
The rake is fine
150 32.33%

11-02-2008 , 08:33 PM
Tried Hold'em manager and it seemed promising. It worked fine up until 19 tables -- then pokerstars stopped moving the button and showing the flop so I could only see my hole cards and the bet amount. So I guess that is a slight improvement over PT3 just plain freezing at 20 tables, but not good enough to warrant buying. Plus the tournament tab was lacking just about everything

Guess I need to upgrade my computer instead...

edit: took 2 1/2 hours for the import. Which is longer than PT3 takes for import + housekeeping
11-02-2008 , 08:48 PM
Don't worry DBL I had to do a few things to my computer to get HEM to run smooth over 20 tables, but now it's all good. Switch to Windows Vista Basic instead of Aero....not sure if you're on Vista though, upgrade video card drivers, defrag, max out my ram, turn off anti-spyware programs while I play for starters. Don't know what your computer is like, but if it's really old an upgrade would probably be the best. They're still working on tourney support.

Yea my initial bulk import took a while too, but ever since it has been awesome.

Sorry to keep talking about HUD stuff in here. Come over to the software forum...loads of threads in there about getting programs working for 20+ tables.
11-03-2008 , 03:16 AM
i've never used a HUD in my life, would need to be shown a tour by someone if i ever tried to download one, and not very computer savvy and yet my sharkscope ROI is still 20%. (for 988 games, many of which aint DONS) these things aint really neccessary.
11-03-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
i've never used a HUD in my life, would need to be shown a tour by someone if i ever tried to download one, and not very computer savvy and yet my sharkscope ROI is still 20%. (for 988 games, many of which aint DONS) these things aint really neccessary.
1) 988 games is a tiny sample
2) just because your ROI is good doesn't mean it wouldn't be better if you used software. The goal isn't to merely show a profit, but to maximize it.
11-03-2008 , 03:43 AM
Sorry, don't have HH with me. It's a $20 stars turbo DON, 6 players left.

HJ: 4000
CO: 2500
SB: 1050
BB: 1650

Blinds: 150/300 Antes: (whatever they are at that level, I forget)

I have A 8 on the button. It folds to me. I...
11-03-2008 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by chopchoi
Sorry, don't have HH with me. It's a $20 stars turbo DON, 6 players left.

HJ: 4000
CO: 2500
SB: 1050
BB: 1650

Blinds: 150/300 Antes: (whatever they are at that level, I forget)

I have A 8 on the button. It folds to me. I...
easy fold and hope they both go allin.
11-03-2008 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by chopchoi
Sorry, don't have HH with me. It's a $20 stars turbo DON, 6 players left.

HJ: 4000
CO: 2500
SB: 1050
BB: 1650

Blinds: 150/300 Antes: (whatever they are at that level, I forget)

I have A 8 on the button. It folds to me. I...

Easy fold here. No reason at all to shove as you're third in chips and it destroys your equity to get called by any 2 cards. A call or minraise is also getting shoved over very often here, and then you have to fold into 4th place and are in trouble, especially if the SB doubles through a big stack soon.
11-03-2008 , 09:09 AM

I am 20 tabling right now. I use PT2. I am having similar issues when I try to run PAHud running that many tables, so I have opted to play with out a hud right now. I have had no issues importing HH's or summaries with the DoNs.

My machine is an antique by today's standards.
PIV 3.2 prescott ( Its over 5 years old, and I thrashed this CPU years ago with overclocking ).
1gb ram

I am wanting to build a new machine. I am holding off until the I7 core is released so I can get the newest system and buy myself a few more years of use. I have also started to research solid state drives. They are incredibly expensive, $500+ for 60-80gb. But the speed that they provide is impressive. A review that I read claimed under 10 second boot time to desktop after hitting the power button. This high speed data transfer should greatly benefit running tracking software and a hud.
11-03-2008 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by dylanransom
Easy fold here. No reason at all to shove as you're third in chips and it destroys your equity to get called by any 2 cards. A call or minraise is also getting shoved over very often here, and then you have to fold into 4th place and are in trouble, especially if the SB doubles through a big stack soon.

Hmm, I don't think its as easy as people are making it seem.

If you go all-in and they both fold, as they will often imo as the SB gets 4 "free" hands after this hand and the BB can hardly call with anything after the SB folds, then you have nearly assured yourself a win as you move up into 2nd in chips with 3300 and 2 players with <5BBs.

If you get called and win, which will happen very often with an Ace in your hand imo, its over obv.

If you get called and lose you still have enough chips to hurt everyone and whoever beats you will not be looking to play a pot for a while. So you should be able to steal your way right back to avg soon enough, or if pots are being opened in front of you hope people get crazy and cripple/eliminate themselves before you even have to make your move. You'd basically be shoving any 2 cards the next time it folded to you after you were called and lost imo, and usually you'll steal the 630 chips.

Basically the only really bad scenario is where you get called and lose BOTH times you shove. The first is obv opening with the A8 on the button, the second is the next hand its folded to you where you are shoving any 2 cards with $1k-$1500 chips. Its a fairly small risk imo and the upside is pretty big as it massively increases your equity (almost locking it up) if you can steal the blinds or even better still, win the hand and end the thing.

Continually folding these middling stacks at bubble time can get you in a lot of trouble since the shortstacks are generally not called when they decide to make their open shove and the blinds they steal can catapult them ahead of you if you are routinely passing on opportunities to steal blinds. I don't think that timid play is rewarded in these things on the bubble, often times you are risking more than you think by playing it "safe" and trying to fold your $2500 chips into the money. Conversely, you're not risking as much as you think by shoving when you don't want a call since most players are so tight on the bubble and 1 round of blinds is HUGE. Of course, I certainly could be wrong and welcome and criticism, I'm just learning these like everyone else.
11-03-2008 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
i've never used a HUD in my life, would need to be shown a tour by someone if i ever tried to download one, and not very computer savvy and yet my sharkscope ROI is still 20%. (for 988 games, many of which aint DONS) these things aint really neccessary.
You're right Seven they're not necessary, but they sure do help in a lot of spots. If you're ever interested in getting one set up stop by the software forum.
11-03-2008 , 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=Brocktoon;6925895]Hmm, I don't think its as easy as people are making it seem.

If you go all-in and they both fold, as they will often imo as the SB gets 4 "free" hands after this hand and the BB can hardly call with anything after the SB folds, then you have nearly assured yourself a win as you move up into 2nd in chips with 3300 and 2 players with <5BBs.

+1 here, you need to keep presaure on the smale stacks. If you raise they will fold 90% of the time. There is no better opputunity to steal blinds. I doubt I would shove, but a raise will not get called. If it does get called You are in position after the flop. If BB shoves over, I might lay down. Call SB.

But so many times everyone runs away at the end. It is important to steal blinds. If you fold here. Your folding here on out and hoping the Big stacks will calll shoves.
11-03-2008 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Min4BetU
Other winning/thinking players with brains CANNOT/most likely will not call you, but you have to factor in that a good percentage of a time the big stacks you are shoving into are pure tards that will call with pretty wide ranges in some cases.
+1 with the big stack on the bubble, he has nothing to lose and call you. I would call with AK KK AA JJ QQ in a heart beat if I was big stack. Maybe broaden the range some if I saw you shove before.
11-03-2008 , 12:32 PM
“The “Double or Nothing” sit and go tournaments seem to be very popular. Can we get some larger buy-ins? Just a $200 and a $500 buy-in. A $300 buy-in would try to service the same crowd as a $200 buy-in so it is not needed. So just the addition of a $200 and a $500 buy-in would be great.”

This is the post I made in the “Official Stars Software Improvement” thread located under the “Internet Gambling” tab. If you also want these new limits stop by the thread and show some support. I also e-mailed that same quote to Poker Stars. Again if you want these new limits e-mail Poker Stars this or something similar.

First off I think in the last week it has been talked through that a $35 limit is too close to the $50 limit and would just muddle things up. And secondly, I would like to make an important point to smaller stakes players. You might be thinking these higher limits don't have anything to do with you. But I know of several good players who play the $50's because they don't want to play against the players in the top limit $100's. And I know of several good players in the $20 who would like to move to the $50 but the competition in the $50's is tougher than it should be. By adding these higher limits, many skilled players and players with large bankrolls will move up a limit or two thereby making the $20's, $50's and $100's easier. So no matter what limits you play, supporting the additional of higher limits will probably directly or indirectly make the limits you play easier.
11-03-2008 , 01:39 PM
Plz take à look at this hand.

The shorstack is all in and I am the second shortstack.

Should I call or fold ?

-> If I call I add some chance to beat him.
-> If I fold I keep 5.4BB instead of 4.4B, so i have more fold equity for the next hands, in case the short double up.

Notice that I soon have the SB and BB on me.

Poker Stars, $20.80 Buy-in (150/300 blinds, 30 ante) NL Hold'em Tourney, 6 Players
Hand History Converter by Stoxpoker

BB: 350 (1.2 bb)
UTG: 2,655 (8.9 bb)
MP: 3,060 (10.2 bb)
Hero (CO): 1,620 (5.4 bb)
BTN: 3,920 (13.1 bb)
SB: 3,395 (11.3 bb)

Pre-Flop: Hero is CO with 7 Q
UTG folds,
MP calls 300,
Hero folds, ?? what should I do here ??
BTN calls 300,
SB folds,
BB raises to 320 and is all-in,
MP calls 20,
BTN calls 20
11-03-2008 , 02:05 PM
fold u have garbage. cant believe u asked
11-03-2008 , 02:54 PM
How can i train my DoN gameplay? What differences are there between the Normal SnG strategy?
11-03-2008 , 04:59 PM
Since the charts came up again and I missed them the first time around here they are again.

Originally Posted by ronbo1964
70% - 35%
69% - 33%
68% - 31%
67% - 29%
66% - 27%
65% - 25%
64% - 23%
63% - 21%
62% - 19%
61% - 17%
60% - 15%
59% - 13%
58% - 12%
57% - 10%
56% - 8%
55% - 6%
54% - 4%
53% - 2%
52% - break even

70% - 30%
69% - 28%
68% - 26%
67% - 24%
66% - 22%
65% - 20%
64% - 19%
63% - 17%
62% - 15%
61% - 13%
60% - 11%
59% - 9%
58% - 7%
57% - 6%
56% - 4%
55% - 2%
54% - break even
Originally Posted by Uniqueuponhim
WR   99.9%     99%       95%
53%: 168 BI    110 BI    71 BI
54%: 100 BI    72 BI     52 BI
55%: 73 BI     55 BI     42 BI
56%: 58 BI     45 BI     35 BI
57%: 48 BI     38 BI     30 BI
58%: 42 BI     33 BI     27 BI
59%: 38 BI     30 BI     24 BI
60%: 34 BI     27 BI     22 BI
61%: 31 BI     24 BI     20 BI
62%: 28 BI     22 BI     18 BI
63%: 26 BI     21 BI     17 BI
64%: 24 BI     19 BI     16 BI
65%: 22 BI     18 BI     15 BI
66%: 21 BI     17 BI     14 BI
67%: 20 BI     16 BI     13 BI
68%: 19 BI     15 BI     13 BI
69%: 18 BI     14 BI     12 BI
70%: 17 BI     14 BI     12 BI
11-03-2008 , 05:41 PM
Wow even the lowly 1.10 turbo dons on stars are infiltrated with 20 tabling 2 + 2'ers
11-03-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by BuzzDog1971

I am 20 tabling right now. I use PT2. I am having similar issues when I try to run PAHud running that many tables, so I have opted to play with out a hud right now. I have had no issues importing HH's or summaries with the DoNs.

My machine is an antique by today's standards.
PIV 3.2 prescott ( Its over 5 years old, and I thrashed this CPU years ago with overclocking ).
1gb ram

I am wanting to build a new machine. I am holding off until the I7 core is released so I can get the newest system and buy myself a few more years of use. I have also started to research solid state drives. They are incredibly expensive, $500+ for 60-80gb. But the speed that they provide is impressive. A review that I read claimed under 10 second boot time to desktop after hitting the power button. This high speed data transfer should greatly benefit running tracking software and a hud.
I'm currently using a ****ty laptop while waiting for my desktop's harddrive to come in. This is a dual core 1.8ghz with 1mb ram running XP. Certainly not a performance machine, although it handles 30 tables on stars fine without a hud.

I've given up on HM, and did all of the "performance tuning" the pokertracker site recommended. I always defrag weekly, but apparently you need to restart your computer after defragging -- never knew. Saw a slight increase in performance there. Then it had me stop writing timestamps on all the files -- slight increase in performance again. Then it had me do something they said wouldn't do much (something about truncated file names). Didn't notice any difference. And then I tried each of the hud performance levels. Level 2 ended up being a slight improvement for me. So now I can play 20 tables with very very slight lag...
11-03-2008 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by agarn
Wow even the lowly 1.10 turbo dons on stars are infiltrated with 20 tabling 2 + 2'ers
I don't know if it would help unclog it but maybe offering something between the 1 and 5 level would be a start. Probably just lead to deteroriation of the $3.40 pools I guess.
Part of the problem with the micros is Stars can't start to offer more games without pointing out the rake discrepancy.

The 1.10s should really be 1.05s and then they could offer something like 2.50+.1.
11-03-2008 , 07:09 PM
Stars have them now..... check it out
11-03-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
fold u have garbage. cant believe u asked
Horrible reply. His question isn't dumb since he wants to maximize the chances that the BB goes out and end the tournament. Obviously calling increases the chances of that happening. Its not like he needs a stellar hand against a guy who is forced all in on the BB.

I'm not sure what the proper play is there but calling can't be too bad. The SBs fold is just atrocious.

Last edited by Brocktoon; 11-03-2008 at 08:23 PM.
11-03-2008 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by jasty
Plz take à look at this hand.

The shorstack is all in and I am the second shortstack.

Should I call or fold ?

-> If I call I add some chance to beat him.
-> If I fold I keep 5.4BB instead of 4.4B, so i have more fold equity for the next hands, in case the short double up.

Notice that I soon have the SB and BB on me.

Poker Stars, $20.80 Buy-in (150/300 blinds, 30 ante) NL Hold'em Tourney, 6 Players
Hand History Converter by Stoxpoker

BB: 350 (1.2 bb)
UTG: 2,655 (8.9 bb)
MP: 3,060 (10.2 bb)
Hero (CO): 1,620 (5.4 bb)
BTN: 3,920 (13.1 bb)
SB: 3,395 (11.3 bb)

Pre-Flop: Hero is CO with 7 Q
UTG folds,
MP calls 300,
Hero folds, ?? what should I do here ??
BTN calls 300,
SB folds,
BB raises to 320 and is all-in,
MP calls 20,
BTN calls 20

I'd fold here with your stack. Hopefully the short stack doesn't triple up but even then you're not in that bad of shape if you can find a spot to shove in the next few hands.
If I were one of the bigger 3k+ stack's I'd flat with the intention of calling a shove from the short stack only and fold to any other action.

And yes, the sb folding is ridiculous.
11-03-2008 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by kmoxlee
Stars have them now..... check it out
OMG The $5 turbos have 20c rake and the $3 turbos have 40c rake. I bet that'll get loads of traffic.
11-03-2008 , 09:08 PM
$10 level, blinds 100/200 ante 25, 8 handed, table is playing very tight

Seat 1 1360
Seat 2 1710
Seat 3 Hero 1150
Seat 4 1740
Seat 5 1520
Button 1675
SB 3940
BB 1905

What sould be my minimum range for a push in this spot.

Many thanks
