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***Official DoN Strategy Thread*** ***Official DoN Strategy Thread***

11-17-2008 , 02:21 PM
This thread is for hand history posting and discussion of DoN strategy only. Please convert your hands and don't include results (in order to encourage the most helpful feedback and learning opportunities). Please only one hand per post and NO bad beats.

For more information on ROI's, sample sizes, bankroll requirements, buy-in level differences, mulit-tabling preferences etc., please visit

Moderator edit: One strike policy applies in this thread for rule breaking. Don't test us.

Further edit: There is NO complaining about fish, regs, or other posters which could be construed as BBV.

-sttf mod team

Last edited by TruFloridaGator; 01-18-2009 at 12:20 AM.
11-17-2008 , 02:42 PM
Poker Stars $50+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t25 - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP: t2200
CO: t2210
Hero (BTN): t1510
SB: t3950
BB: t1375
UTG: t3755

Pre Flop: (t525) Hero is BTN with 9 T
3 folds, Hero?

SB is loose. Shoving is -EV but if BB happens to get a walk you move into 6th.
11-17-2008 , 02:46 PM
do we really need them all in an "official thread" wouldn't it make more sense to just post them like regular hands but with "DoN" in the header?
11-17-2008 , 02:52 PM
Individual hands are allowed by the Mods but often get lost in the shuffle because not many people play them. This thread is just an easy way to keep DoN players up to date and help to de-clutter the forum for the 9-man postings. We started the new Strat Version to try to move away from FAQ type postings (variance, bankroll etc.) and move back to strategy. It'll probably be similar looking to the STTF Cash Thread.
11-17-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by BudELee236
and help to de-clutter the forum for the 9-man postings.
F the 9mans. Post individual threads until the mods finally give us our own forum imo. The official DoN thread already has more posts than 10 of the forum sections on 2+2
11-17-2008 , 03:19 PM
I would be happy to use this thread if for no other reason than the fact it doesn't have that out dated poll at the top of each page.
11-17-2008 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by BudELee236
Poker Stars $50+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds + t25 - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP: t2200
CO: t2210
Hero (BTN): t1510
SB: t3950
BB: t1375
UTG: t3755

Pre Flop: (t525) Hero is BTN with 9 T
3 folds, Hero?

SB is loose. Shoving is -EV but if BB happens to get a walk you move into 6th.


You are in perfect position with a loose SB on the heels of the other SS. You can last another round, no reason to push here especially depending on how loose the SB is.

How have the stacks behind you been?
11-17-2008 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by BudELee236
This thread is for hand history posting and discussion of DoN strategy only. Please convert your hands and don't include results (in order to encourage the most helpful feedback and learning opportunities). Please only one hand per post and NO bad beats.

For more information on ROI's, sample sizes, bankroll requirements, buy-in level differences, mulit-tabling preferences etc., please visit
WTF? The official don thread is locked? That sucks so badly. It's all very well having our own strategy thread, but I liked all the general discussion between regs and other stuff that went on there. Where can we go to talk about that stuff?
11-17-2008 , 06:35 PM
I am using Sit'n'Go Wizard but am unsure with a particular option. It gives you the choice to select 'Chip Equity Mode' and I am unsure if I should have this selected or not. One some of my hands if I tick this option it gives a different answer than what it does if it were unticked.

I tried to read in the 'help' section on sng but all it says is that 'chip equity mode' is for MTT's whereby it does not affect the payout structure. But I am more inclined to think that 'CEM' has to be selected as stack size is so important.

Please help me out with this as I am unsure if some of my plays were correct or not.

Thank you in advance.
11-17-2008 , 06:45 PM
DoN $5.50
Blinds 150/300
10 Handed

UTG 1060
UTG1 3320
Hero MP 1460
CO 2750
BTN 1880
SB 2230
BB 1850

Hero Hole Cards: AQ hearts

Pre Flop: 2 Folds, Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?
11-17-2008 , 06:53 PM
DoN $5.50
Blinds 300/600
10 Handed

UTG Hero 187
UTG1 782
CO 5210
BTN 2630
SB 360
BB 600

Hero Hole Cards: 97 Spades

Pre Flop: Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?
11-17-2008 , 06:53 PM
Almost all of the high volume low stakes DON regulars suck at postflop play and are generally way too tight up until the bubble. Don't be afraid to play in there games. Of the infinite number of players who 10+ table the 5s - 10s, there are only 5 which I don't want in my games (2 of which being confirmed 2p2ers). My ROI may actually be slightly higher in games with high volume regs - at least with the ones I know how to exploit now.
11-17-2008 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Almost all of the high volume low stakes DON regulars suck at postflop play and are generally way too tight up until the bubble. Don't be afraid to play in there games. Of the infinite number of players who 10+ table the 5s - 10s, there are only 5 which I don't want in my games (2 of which being confirmed 2p2ers). My ROI may actually be slightly higher in games with high volume regs - at least with the ones I know how to exploit now.
I have around 3 regs on iPoker that I know how to exploit. I actually prefer up to 2 of them to be on the same table as me due to the fact that I can steal chips from them.
11-17-2008 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
DoN $5.50
Blinds 300/600
10 Handed

UTG Hero 187
UTG1 782
CO 5210
BTN 2630
SB 360
BB 600

Hero Hole Cards: 97 Spades

Pre Flop: Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?

Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
DoN $5.50
Blinds 150/300
10 Handed

UTG 1060
UTG1 3320
Hero MP 1460
CO 2750
BTN 1880
SB 2230
BB 1850

Hero Hole Cards: AQ hearts

Pre Flop: 2 Folds, Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?
11-17-2008 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Almost all of the high volume low stakes DON regulars suck at postflop play and are generally way too tight up until the bubble. Don't be afraid to play in there games. Of the infinite number of players who 10+ table the 5s - 10s, there are only 5 which I don't want in my games (2 of which being confirmed 2p2ers). My ROI may actually be slightly higher in games with high volume regs - at least with the ones I know how to exploit now.
possibly true, but most people would improve their game more by focusing on improving their bubble play then earlier on.
11-17-2008 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
I am using Sit'n'Go Wizard but am unsure with a particular option. It gives you the choice to select 'Chip Equity Mode' and I am unsure if I should have this selected or not. One some of my hands if I tick this option it gives a different answer than what it does if it were unticked.

I tried to read in the 'help' section on sng but all it says is that 'chip equity mode' is for MTT's whereby it does not affect the payout structure. But I am more inclined to think that 'CEM' has to be selected as stack size is so important.

Please help me out with this as I am unsure if some of my plays were correct or not.

Thank you in advance.
Chip equity mode will tell you how many tournament chips a certain play can expect to net you in the long run.

$ev uses cEV and applies it to the payout structure to see how much money a certain play can expect to net you in the long run.
11-17-2008 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Daniture

Why would you fold the first hand?

On the next hand BB will become SB and have a stack size of 300, Whilst I only have a stack size of 187 and would have to survive both the BB and SB to beat the bubble which I just could not see happening.

The 2nd hand I will not comment on until I have more opinions on but I thank you for your opinion although explaining why you would push would be helpful.
11-17-2008 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
DoN $5.50
Blinds 150/300
10 Handed

UTG 1060
UTG1 3320
Hero MP 1460
CO 2750
BTN 1880
SB 2230
BB 1850

Hero Hole Cards: AQ hearts

Pre Flop: 2 Folds, Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?
I would shove this. Once the blinds hit you again you will effectively have no fold equity. SB and BB have stack sizes that can't really call you without a monster. Shove.

Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
DoN $5.50
Blinds 300/600
10 Handed

UTG Hero 187
UTG1 782
CO 5210
BTN 2630
SB 360
BB 600

Hero Hole Cards: 97 Spades

Pre Flop: Hero ?

What would you do in this situation?
Fold here and play next hand. Calling here will induce a string of limpers behind you, whereas you may be able to play the next hand 2-3 ways from the bb. Either way you're pretty much toast.
11-17-2008 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by xxdanimalxx
I would shove this. Once the blinds hit you again you will effectively have no fold equity. SB and BB have stack sizes that can't really call you without a monster. Shove.

Fold here and play next hand. Calling here will induce a string of limpers behind you, whereas you may be able to play the next hand 2-3 ways from the bb. Either way you're pretty much toast.
+1 AQs got to shove with that stack, and I'd shove maybe A8, AQs is easily good enough anyway.

97s tricky this one, you're screwed. i'd probably call to get it over with although yes i guess you're probably better off waiting for a better spot lol
11-17-2008 , 11:31 PM
DoN $5.50
Blinds 150/300
10 Handed

UTG 1060
UTG1 3320
Hero MP 1460
CO 2750
BTN 1880
SB 2230
BB 1850

Hero Hole Cards: AQ hearts

Pre Flop: 2 Folds, Hero ?

This hand I did shove whilst S'n'G Wizard said to Fold. Outcome - I won 450 chips as nobody called.

What I don't understand is why the SnG Wizard says to Fold whilst to any of us it looks like an instant shove.
DoN $5.50
Blinds 300/600
10 Handed

UTG Hero 187
UTG1 782
CO 5210
BTN 2630
SB 360
BB 600

Hero Hole Cards: 97 Spades

Pre Flop: Hero ?

I shoved on this hand whilst S'n'G Wizard said to Fold. Outcome - I won 375 chips beating BB 5To. Very next hand I was presented with 87o and heads up with SB I lost to the SB 45s.
11-17-2008 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by WildOrchid76

What I don't understand is why the SnG Wizard says to Fold whilst to any of us it looks like an instant shove.
1) Wiz's default ranges will have 4 people calling all-in with ranges as wide as A3 QT etc. You need to adjust these manually to something more reasonable.

2) Wiz doesn't take into account that you can't just sit around and wait for a hand -- blinds will hit you and you'll lose FE...
11-17-2008 , 11:38 PM
Wild Orchid,

Here's why you have to play the AQ hand. I've not seen it expressed like this in any previous posts so take it FWIW. Given the stack sizes and the fact that there are still seven players remaining, you will have to almost certainly play at least one more hand. Would you rather play AQs now or some likely worse (perhaps much worse) hand later. Easy push.

On the second hand, are you missing antes? May effect the decision if so.

Last edited by KeepHonking; 11-18-2008 at 12:01 AM.
11-17-2008 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by WildOrchid76
DoN $5.50
Blinds 150/300
10 Handed

UTG 1060
UTG1 3320
Hero MP 1460
CO 2750
BTN 1880
SB 2230
BB 1850

Hero Hole Cards: AQ hearts

Pre Flop: 2 Folds, Hero ?

This hand I did shove whilst S'n'G Wizard said to Fold. Outcome - I won 450 chips as nobody called.

What I don't understand is why the SnG Wizard says to Fold whilst to any of us it looks like an instant shove.
DoN $5.50
Blinds 300/600
10 Handed

UTG Hero 187
UTG1 782
CO 5210
BTN 2630
SB 360
BB 600

Hero Hole Cards: 97 Spades

Pre Flop: Hero ?

I shoved on this hand whilst S'n'G Wizard said to Fold. Outcome - I won 375 chips beating BB 5To. Very next hand I was presented with 87o and heads up with SB I lost to the SB 45s.
What ranges did you use with the AQs hand? This is a +EV shove if all 4 behind are calling 33+,A4o+,A2s+,KJo+,KTs+ (they aren't).

In the 97s hand, aren't the SB and BB both all-in pf w antes?

Please convert your hands before posting.
11-17-2008 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
do we really need them all in an "official thread" wouldn't it make more sense to just post them like regular hands but with "DoN" in the header?

You're allowed to post them as individual hands/threads as well, this is more to serve as the starting of a 2nd official DoN thread because the other one got derailed and crappy and too long for the habitual readers.
11-18-2008 , 12:39 AM
With regards to the " Official DoN " threads. In the future would it be best that we make the all-in-one DoN thread a monthly thing? So we would run this one out until the end of November, then create a new thread on December 1st, " Official DoN Thread-Decemeber 08 ", or something along those lines?

Just tossing some ideas out there.
