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**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 **Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19

01-18-2009 , 12:55 AM
mike are we doin table redraws tomm? (one time no?)
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 01:00 AM
Sorry we never do that so I just can't spring it up. But there are gonna be some rules reviews and I will look into redraws in future..
How many left????
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 01:03 AM
That's good! I didn't want one, (meant one time no table redraw if they were common) I like my current spot!

EDIT: 17 left, 100% sure fwiw.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 02:31 AM
i have 83k going into tomorrow, good luck to everyone else still in.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 02:46 AM
Can anyone do me a hugeeeeeeeeeee favour and hook me up with some bananas before tomorrow's trny. I played the 1500 today without peeling and I was was out in like an hour. Coming from Canada I didn't really want to risk bringing any. PM me if you can help, thanks.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by KingDan
you need a new catch phrase

edit: hof sucks too
lol @ u.

**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 06:44 AM
glglgl czar, wally, franklin, t.nips, and charzard

hopefully all of you make the final so this cpc telecast gets some viewers
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 11:42 AM
ugh cant go back to sleep

anyone up already and want to get breakfast or something?
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 12:02 PM
Just woke up.

I might be down to get some breakfast.

Oh, just under 90k. Going into day 2 as CL, I think.

run good 1 time!?
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 12:55 PM
I'm chillin down in the cafe across from pino bianco with a buddy from home playin online a bit before the tourney starts cuz had to checkout of the room if anyone wants to join.

Oh and btw:

For the win.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 01:07 PM
I'm gonna get a shower.

I'll prob swing by if your still there in like half hour frankzilla.

glglgl today sir
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 01:23 PM
glgl chewy, charder, rainetech and walllllllllllllllllly
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech

For the win.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 02:08 PM
He gon do one... he gon do one!
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 02:26 PM
gl all, if anyone wants to grind out we got a patio suite with mad room in the hotel, aim me deadmoneydom. rmk if you log into stars that transfer didnt go threw, it seems as though you'll final table, if you do can you just give me the g back in cash?
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 02:58 PM
overstocked on bananas and have to cross back through border so have to give it away. good **** too. lemme know if u want it
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by isuckoutonu
overstocked on bananas and have to cross back through border so have to give it away. good **** too. lemme know if u want it
I guess when your riiiiiiiiiiiich biiiiiiiiiiiitch you can just give away some goods np np.

gl to all my homes still in this piece enjoy it cus next time ill be there take all yo fools money
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
I guess when your riiiiiiiiiiiich biiiiiiiiiiiitch you can just give away some goods np np.

gl to all my homes still in this piece enjoy it cus next time ill be there take all yo fools money
hahaha, thats how i roll imo
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 04:46 PM
anyone have an idea when the next series at turning stone will be? Didn't get the chance to play a tourny in this series.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 04:47 PM
any updates from the main?
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 04:58 PM
hawk disregard message, it ended up going threw.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 05:19 PM
mee and chewy busto
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 05:28 PM
Busted 12th. Had 92 exactly 13 times (started counting after the 4th) in 2 hours. Shoved TT UTG 7 handed @ 600/1200/200 with 20k. Wally wakes up w/ QQ in the BB, gg life. He's prob CL now too, ppl are donating to him basically, but hes playing very well obv. Has prob 130k+ when I busted like 30 min ago.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 05:39 PM
March 3rd thru 8th Next Event
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-18-2009 , 05:45 PM
Walllllllllll e
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
