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**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 **Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19

01-17-2009 , 02:26 AM
Just got here... chillin in SirLagsALot's room, turbo fiddy+roomservice+dutches = great success.

GL to all who are playing tomorrow. hopefully close to like 100 people, if you need bananas holla
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:13 AM
i didnt come to TS and obv go on monster downswing

lesson learned
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by ZJ123
you need a new catch phrase

edit: hof sucks too
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by KingDan
i didnt come to TS and obv go on monster downswing

lesson learned
me too actually

**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by KingDan
you need a new catch phrase

edit: hof sucks too
Whoa now, settle down
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:03 AM
Im with dan fwiw.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:06 AM
i would post my thoughts, but i would either get killed by the "tstone crew", or get a PM from the mods that i am trolling to much.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:57 AM
lol tsaments...i shipped like 7 karats today playing jacks or better video poker on an 85/15 no makeup stake from smittymike highlight of my trip thus far
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 11:16 AM
One word: Sméagol.

Oh and I have an extra bed fwiw... Gl to everyone in the 1500 today.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 11:30 AM
I ran sick bad in the deepstack and busted the first level of the 6 max, but I ended up making it all back at 500 max cash getting it in "3rd best" in a 3 way $1500 pot and scooping. GL to anyone playing today.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 11:33 AM
can anyone do a quick G-ball for online funds before the tourney?

will pay 10%
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/"Winter Poker Meltdown" January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 01:35 PM
gg 1500
misplayed queens early, got fairly short and busted qq<kk aipf. Gl to everyone still in
O and if anyone has any bananas I can buy, that would be much appreciated.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 01:58 PM
Lol bust ako vs kk got slowerolled by a young asian kid fu

Driving home already going to play the mtts on the ride home now
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:54 PM
Won the most ridic pot ever.

50/100 two limps I make it 450 with KK, both call.

QhTh8s, check, check, I bet 1200, call, 2nd guy tank raises to 3.6k (with 6-7k total to start the hand). I puke, tank, and shove. The flatter (old terrrrrrible donk who can't fold his laundry) ends up shoving, then the other guy calls all-in.

Old donk = KJss, flop raiser= A2hh

turn 4s (QhTh8s4s)

river Tx Ship it.

I have like 26 or 27k, with Brad/philivey to my direct left with 28k =/, AreTheseUtz to his left, and kerby is to my right

gla who are still in.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by shaundeeb
Lol bust ako vs kk got slowerolled by a young asian kid fu

Driving home already going to play the mtts on the ride home now
i cannot comprehend how you drive and like 7 table or whatever haha

**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:55 PM
how many played???

**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:57 PM
64 players (i thinks)

little under 33k to first
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:59 PM
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by redirkulous
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:37 PM
gg me i had KK raise to 525 with 3.5k total and brad 2 to my left apparently (i didnt see it) was gonna raise but then folded when i opened, the bb in seat 3 who has probably a double digit iq starts blabbering and says hes all in i call he has AA and i bust

him and the other old donk to his right (im assuming the one who had KJ in theczar's hh above) said that the 4 of us on our end of the table have been doing that the whole time where one will raise and the other folds (shocker?) and that its collusion and mike comes over and basically pwns them end of discussion

lol deep stack turboments tomorrow should be fun i guess
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by CPC CEO
The CPC/Winter Poker Meltdown $1500 N/L Hold’em Main Event is going to be huge!

. . .

Along with the WSOP® and WPT®, the CPC™ will become the third major broadcast poker tournament series.

**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:22 PM
out. i basically played the hand exactly how i wanted to except for the part where i said call. i'm utg+1 with jj make it 525 with 17k behind, rmk makes it 1500, i make it 3500, he shoves, i think wow i'm behind about 98% of the time and in a coin flip 2% and still call them off. i literally told myself if he 5 bet i fold everytime and still called. i wonder what my life would be like if i lay down hands where i know i'm behind.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:24 PM
your 4 bet could be the worst ever
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by slicknastyAK
your 4 bet could be the worst ever

i love the 4 bet because he lays down anything but aa or kk there, what makes the 4bet is ******ed is that i dont lay down. i do see where you're coming from but i kinda related the hand i played the other day against matts brother where i called and got them in on 8910board against aa. if i was deep enough to 4 bet that hand i would of and gotten away from it but i couldnt and lost an asston of chips because of it. i feel with the stacks and being left with 50 bbs would of been fine in this hand.
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
01-17-2009 , 04:43 PM
LOL we are just a bunch of colluders obv.

Hilarious hand with "Pete the beat" where aretheseutz opens EP to 300 at 50/100 I think, Pete flats, and young kid who talked about posting on 2p2 in the midstakes NL forum 3bets to like 1,200. utz flats, Pete has like 5k and also flats leaving himself like 3.5k. Flop comes QQ2 and it checks to Pete who checks back what he later claims to be KK. Turn is an A and he just folds to a barrel. After the hand he says "I had KK but there was nothing I could do because if I shove I know they are calling, just didn't have enough to force them out." I reply with "Yeah you don't want a call with kings there, I wouldn't have shoved either" and he agrees saying "Yeah, just figured I'd play a flop and when the two queens hit I knew I wasn't putting any more chips into the pot"
**Offical Turning Stone** CPC/&quot;Winter Poker Meltdown&quot; January 13 -19 Quote
