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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-09-2009 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Comment I got today: Wow, you suck so much. You just push any two and pray, don't you?

(7BB deep, blind vs blind).
Also standard:

-Learn to play poker
-That's your only play isn't it?
-People like you ruin the game
-God you suck all in every hand
-Azn ***

I want to reply "if you have time to type things in the chatbox you suck" but I don't have time to type things in the chatbox
09-09-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Rebellz
lol is that limit obv? i was writing that TE sizes are SO ******ed rotfl
I sent one hand where i got to river w/ Qhi expecting to win, and lost to Khi to a friend, and he berated me not raising the 'weak minbets' and thought trying to showdown was silly.

But yeah it was the 320 6m mixed, so we had to endure 50% of minbet madness. Haven't played limit for years, and i played FR back in the day so prob didn't play perfect limit but everyone else seemed to make really terrible mistakes.

Plus the NL played really deep in comparison so i just tried to stay alive/chip up a little in limit and then destroy NL.

Oh well, many more wcoops to not win!
09-09-2009 , 11:59 AM
I can understand if the women the robber went back for was super hot, but come on, he can do better, especially with all his newfound riches.
09-09-2009 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by vers
I can understand if the women the robber went back for was super hot, but come on, he can do better, especially with all his newfound riches.
That news outlet failed miserably by not posting her pic
09-09-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by TwistedEcho
I sent one hand where i got to river w/ Qhi expecting to win, and lost to Khi to a friend, and he berated me not raising the 'weak minbets' and thought trying to showdown was silly.

But yeah it was the 320 6m mixed, so we had to endure 50% of minbet madness. Haven't played limit for years, and i played FR back in the day so prob didn't play perfect limit but everyone else seemed to make really terrible mistakes.

Plus the NL played really deep in comparison so i just tried to stay alive/chip up a little in limit and then destroy NL.

Oh well, many more wcoops to not win!
Well if it's mixed it makes the fold not as bad I guess(since you can crush NL). I don't think I've played more than 500 hands of Limit in my life but have read a decent amount on it. Everything I've read says that in a hu's battle(which essentially bvb is) don't ever fold a pair especially when it's under repped. Both a thinking and non thinking player has reasons to bet there with worse value hands and bluffs.
09-09-2009 , 12:36 PM
That hand was in nl
09-09-2009 , 12:50 PM
I've been thinking lately that always using infinite horizon type EV in poker is sometimes inappropriate particularly in these big tourney spots. Sure it keeps us from overthinking things and prolly keeps us out of trouble quite a bit. But I'm starting to think situational folds like that deserve more credit as opposed to mathematical hand waving.

Sorry random rant. I'm not actually good at poker so prolly disregard that. On a side note I've been thinking about trying to learn a new game and LHE seems appealing. I have proven I suck thoroughly at NLHE and that would prolly be the same with PLO. Thoughts?
09-09-2009 , 02:14 PM
I ran so good a couple days ago that I knew my most likely best case scenario was to break even for the rest of the week. It's so important to remember that your only real profit is ROI x grind, those spikes have to regress to the mean. I've taken to yelling "The money's not mine! The money's not mine!" out loud whenever I get all in as a favorite the last couple days. Helps a little.
09-09-2009 , 02:22 PM
Anyone looking to put in some grind this weekend. I might be interested in some most games played props if anyone wants to throw one out there. Just shoot me a PM.
09-09-2009 , 03:03 PM
Just spent a little bit catching up to this thread without glasses/contacts bc I lost my glasses during a drunk weekend, and I also didnt use fresh contact solution the entire drunk weekend. Im sick now, likely bc of the drunk weekend, and I dont want to put in my contacts bc they are stinging like crazy, likely bc of no fresh solution in days. 'Largest' text with -3.75 eyesight ftw

Re: Poker dreams, I feel GROSS when I wake up after them. The last thing in the world I ever want to dream about is poker.

I had a crazy two part dream lastnight. I dont know if it was over two nights or if it was waking up in themiddle of a night or falling back to sleep and resuming the dream. Basically Iwas in my house/neighborhood where I grew up, but it was the present day. I murdered three friends of mine from grade school. Details are fuzzy now but the only face / method I remember was my freind Dan who I strangled. I was reading the papers reporting the murders and all of a sudden my front door was smashed in by 3 other friends who had solved the crime. They kept on yelling taht I was going to rot in jail and they couldnt wait to turn me in. I ran out the back door of my house, hopped the fence, and the last thing I remember is crossing the street to a neighbors backyard and thinking about if I should just kill myself because there was no way I could escape.

... In other words, Ill take a poker dream next time.

Also this can segue into another frequent **** thread topic, marijuana. After typing this post I was reminded of a discussion I had with another 2p2er who used to smoke alot. He commented on how vivid/frequent his dreams were after cutting back on smoking, and that a specific area of the brain responsible for dreams is far less active under THC. Feel free to crack the joke 'stoners dream they just dont remember them.' Since I didnt smoke before bed lastnight due to feeling like garbage and considering it wasteful, Im really wondering if it was the cause for the vivid dream, or the reason I remembered it, or a bit of each
09-09-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
On a side note I've been thinking about trying to learn a new game and LHE seems appealing... Thoughts?
How about any of the other games (O8, Razz, etc.)?

Limit seems the least appealing to me, especially if you're coming from Unlimited Poker. I do like the mix games like Horse and stuff. Fun way to break up the monotony.
09-09-2009 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by kevstreet
How about any of the other games (O8, Razz, etc.)?

Limit seems the least appealing to me, especially if you're coming from Unlimited Poker. I do like the mix games like Horse and stuff. Fun way to break up the monotony.
I was def considering O8 or 7stud just b/c they seem like more complex games. Not to play for profit I suppose just b/c sngs bore the **** out of me.
09-09-2009 , 03:15 PM
Somebody asked me the other day how much I spend on food and entertainment a month. I laughed and said I have no ****ing clue. It's funny that I can tell them down to the cent of how much a made in the past day/month/year but can't guesstimate within $100 on how much my grocery tab for last month was.

Anybody know of a good program that tracks all the money you spend? I'd like a program where I can quickly enter how much I spend and what it's for and have the program group it into dates and different categories. I'd prefer a free program but open to any suggestion.
09-09-2009 , 03:17 PM
From a purely $/hr perspective, learning PLO seems the way to go.

When im bored and want to play sth for fun, i play 8game. I don't really find limit holdem fun, and afaik its getting pretty close to dead/pretty tough due to people just playing closer to optimal (kinda like sngs).
09-09-2009 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Somebody asked me the other day how much I spend on food and entertainment a month. I laughed and said I have no ****ing clue. It's funny that I can tell them down to the cent of how much a made in the past day/month/year but can't guesstimate within $100 on how much my grocery tab for last month was.

Anybody know of a good program that tracks all the money you spend? I'd like a program where I can quickly enter how much I spend and what it's for and have the program group it into dates and different categories. I'd prefer a free program but open to any suggestion.
I'm sure you can prolly find some excel spreadsheets that our pretty sophisticated.
09-09-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Anybody know of a good program that tracks all the money you spend? I'd like a program where I can quickly enter how much I spend and what it's for and have the program group it into dates and different categories. I'd prefer a free program but open to any suggestion. is the nuts imo, unless you pay for everything with cash

I have all my credit cards and bank accounts hooked up to it. It tells me exactly what I spend on travel, groceries, rent, gas, etc, without having to input anything. Transactions are already categorized for you, but you can re-associate them if it is wrong. The reports and charts are very good, with lots of filter options and drill-down capabilities.
09-09-2009 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Beerocrat is the nuts imo, unless you pay for everything with cash

I have all my credit cards and bank accounts hooked up to it. It tells me exactly what I spend on travel, groceries, rent, gas, etc, without having to input anything. Transactions are already categorized for you, but you can re-associate them if it is wrong. The reports and charts are very good, with lots of filter options and drill-down capabilities.
Aren't you worried they'll get hacked? Maybe I'm just ultra paranoid.
09-09-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Comment I got today: Wow, you suck so much. You just push any two and pray, don't you?

(7BB deep, blind vs blind).
I generally type "push wider, run better" when an unknown reg correctly pushes wide into me. Just to give them something to think about.
And the other way around "call lighter, run better". Chat ftw.

Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Anybody know of a good program that tracks all the money you spend? I'd like a program where I can quickly enter how much I spend and what it's for and have the program group it into dates and different categories. I'd prefer a free program but open to any suggestion.
Ten years back when I decided to do a 1 year fulltime MSc degree in Manchester, I had $10k to spend for the full 12 months. So I knew exactly how much I could spend on average per week/month. To prevent me from going broke early, I created a Excel sheet with all days in and at the end of each day I would type down every expense I made (which sometimes took some focus since I went out 4 nights a week..). Gave me a good overview each week of how much I had in surplus or came short.

Now I'm just as clueless as the next guy on expenses, I just know that I always seem to spend it all..

On a different subject:
I'm going to a Coldplay concert tomorrow, which I'm really excited about.
One of my collegues had a spare ticket so invited me along (he prolly knows annual job appraisal are coming up shortly..)
09-09-2009 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Aren't you worried they'll get hacked? Maybe I'm just ultra paranoid.
Not really. They use bank-level security (128-bit SSL encryption) and you cannot use the site to perform transactions - it is read-only. The site will actually alert you of suspicious behavior on your accounts.

It's been around awhile and is well known/widely used, named the best online personal finance tool by Money Magazine and PC Magazine.

Edit: You don't actually give them any personal information or bank account/credit card #s. You give them an email address and the logins you use for online banking. To do anything with that someone would have to hack their system, get your online banking username and password, login to your banking site, then setup external accounts to transfer to. IME online banking sites do not display your account #, so it's not like they could hack, login to your bank site, get the account #, and start buying stuff online.

Last edited by Beerocrat; 09-09-2009 at 03:45 PM.
09-09-2009 , 03:37 PM
nice deurdy rob coldplay and the coldplays put on a good show
09-09-2009 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by TwistedEcho
From a purely $/hr perspective, learning PLO seems the way to go.
This is cash, correct?
09-09-2009 , 03:46 PM
Lol Eury is going off the reservation again. I think I'm going to have to ban myself from that KK thread the way I banned myself from the politics forum.
09-09-2009 , 03:47 PM
<----- SELF BANNED (beat you to it)
09-09-2009 , 03:49 PM
ahah ya that thread is outta control. note to self no more 49 tablin...
09-09-2009 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Lol Eury is going off the reservation again. I think I'm going to have to ban myself from that KK thread the way I banned myself from the politics forum.
I hope you have a good little speech prepared for when you realize how wrong you were
