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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-01-2009 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Really? I think it looks more majestic w/o. But maybe a little boring. I haven't done any other retouching yet. Might mess with the contrast and saturation a little.
I like without better, but with is more interesting
09-01-2009 , 12:43 AM
If you win a satelite on FTP, you can unregister and collect the money, right?

Also, is there a MGR hit for buying into satellites with FTPs?

Last edited by Kvaughan; 09-01-2009 at 12:57 AM.
09-01-2009 , 12:52 AM
So after smoking bananas out of a bong for about 6 months and the occassional bowl and blunt ( blunts suck, btw) my roommate and I bought a voporizer....

We had a discussion about how the bong was gonna be left behind cuz the vapo was gonna take over and how it was sad... lol... we high, ldo.

Not until today, i was able to get the hang of the vaporizer(3 days later)......
but im happy my lungs arent gettin fuc ed up...sorta..

the bong..

anyone have any preference... or once you get a vopor, the bong just gets to stop being used??

the hot girl
09-01-2009 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads

3, 1, 2

09-01-2009 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Hi sttf. Took a month off 2plus2. Didn't log in the 1st 15 days. Eventually brokedown and trolled some sports threads. Held true and didn't post in sttf.

Had so much extra time that I decided to get engaged
Nice, congratulations Mike!

Pics or it didn't happen
09-01-2009 , 02:38 AM
So, I need some financial help.

if I have 10,000 in a CD for 6 months with a .25 APY what whats my return after 6 months?
09-01-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Kvaughan
So, I need some financial help.

if I have 10,000 in a CD for 6 months with a .25 APY what whats my return after 6 months?
09-01-2009 , 02:45 AM
Lol. Good thing you didn't have that in a checking account. Loan it to me so I can finally have a BR again, I'll give you a much better return.
09-01-2009 , 03:12 AM
awesome dd wtg u player i would assume your fiancee is super hot cuz u seem hudge.
09-01-2009 , 03:24 AM
Dan, you should have put "please discuss all the strange American sports we all love" and then noone would've bothered imo..
09-01-2009 , 03:53 AM
Let's come to a consensus STTF. Obviously some of my CQesque posts get on some of your nerves, and for good reason no doubt. Just wondering if its pretty unanimous that they are unwanted and are basically BBV. If so you'll never hear such a peep from me again about my exploits/conquests. As I see it talking about sports and arguing about each topic of the week tend to get boring. I do tend to fall into lust with everything that walks past me, but talking about that here might not be kewl.

This isn't an emo bbv post of any sort, I'm genuinely curios.

Nite kids.
09-01-2009 , 04:00 AM
Why should there be a consensus about your posts?
Just keep posting and see what happens. You can't please everyone in this world anyway.
09-01-2009 , 04:09 AM
If you wanna post about something about girls, make it interesting or funny to other people. Most of your posts are "should i sex this girl who really wants to sex me?" or "my ex gf is kissing other girls". Which could be interesting or funny or something if we actually knew the girl(s) in question (pics?) or there was a funny story behind it.
09-01-2009 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Let's come to a consensus STTF. Obviously some of my CQesque posts get on some of your nerves, and for good reason no doubt. Just wondering if its pretty unanimous that they are unwanted and are basically BBV. If so you'll never hear such a peep from me again about my exploits/conquests. As I see it talking about sports and arguing about each topic of the week tend to get boring. I do tend to fall into lust with everything that walks past me, but talking about that here might not be kewl.

This isn't an emo bbv post of any sort, I'm genuinely curios.

Nite kids.
I like your posts. We live in very different worlds. It's fun seeing what other people are thinking and doing, especailly when it's so different than what I'm thinking and doing at any givin time.

lets face it, if I didnt like hanging out with a bunch of random 20ish kids and wasn't interested in what they were doing I wouldn't read this thread. keep on keeping on I say.
09-01-2009 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by bones
If you wanna post about something about girls, make it interesting or funny to other people. Most of your posts are "should i sex this girl who really wants to sex me?" or "my ex gf is kissing other girls". Which could be interesting or funny or something if we actually knew the girl(s) in question (pics?) or there was a funny story behind it.
this is true though, you could put more effort into making your posts entertaining, but the subjects are fine.

I'm not very entertaining though, so I wasn't about to mention it.
09-01-2009 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
Why should there be a consensus about your posts?
Just keep posting and see what happens. You can't please everyone in this world anyway.
I'm by no means trying to please everyone, but participation in this forum is purely elective. If I share disinterest with the majority of this forum or if I'm inadvertently being a troll, I'll post "better" or choose not post at all. There is absolutely no reason for me to post here just to piss off mostly random people who I'll probably never see IRL, so it's probably better that if I am here, at least someone enjoys it. I haven't played SNG's in quite a while so the majority of my time in the subforum is spent in this thread and the sng -> cash thread.

bones/lacky, duly noted.
09-01-2009 , 04:49 AM
fence - without
dd - congrats =]]
lets go September one fkn time
are you ready for some football (of the American variety)
May we run like gods plx
09-01-2009 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by Hiway2Hell
3, 1, 2

You do realise that the top and bottom picture are both heavily photoshopped right? There's a fairly good chance that the non-altered center pic girl looks hotter irl than the other to on a "normal picture".
(Although the on in the bottom pic would prolly still pwn. )

Originally Posted by crackedquads
so it's probably better that if I am here, at least someone enjoys it.
Well I lolled at your pokerstars patience win comment in the previous ***thread.
09-01-2009 , 05:16 AM
page 5 for good luck

gl everyone

cracked i don't mind ur posts at all

dd congrats

love all
09-01-2009 , 05:16 AM
just sent this email to sharkscope because im annoyed by these new features and have been meaning to say something about it for a while.

if any of you agree with my sentiments, please copy/paste/send the same email to

Hi Sharkscope,

Im a longtime loyal customer (3 years now) and want to comment and ask about a few new features.

1) Now if a player blocks his stats, we do not get to see his # games played or his average roi. Why is this? Also this "reset" of stats function is weird. It lowers the effectiveness of your site for its core users very similarly to the block stats function.

2) When players stats are blocked, we really really need to still be able to see Head to Head games. I dont need any winnings stats, just to see how many games 2 players have played together. This is massively important in catching cheaters. The sites dont do a good job at all of catching colluders, and me and my friends have used sharkscope several times to uncover cheats. Without your head to head search function on ALL players, its too easy for colluders to block themselves and remain dangerously anonymous.

I plan to continue using sharkscope in the meantime, but if enough players block their stats and the head to head function doesnt work against any cheaters, then i will have no use for my subscription there. Please let me know if theres anything that can be done about this.

Thanks for your time,
09-01-2009 , 05:26 AM
Forgive me for being blunt, I think you're wrong here.

Originally Posted by braminc
1) Now if a player blocks his stats, we do not get to see his # games played or his average roi. Why is this? Also this "reset" of stats function is weird. It lowers the effectiveness of your site for its core users very similarly to the block stats function.
You're starting from the assumption that you have the right to see someone else's results. I think that assumption is fundamentally wrong.

It makes sense that if a player wants to have no information published about them, they should have no information published about them. Why should your desire to know about the player outweigh their right to privacy?

2) When players stats are blocked, we really really need to still be able to see Head to Head games. I dont need any winnings stats, just to see how many games 2 players have played together. This is massively important in catching cheaters.
As far as I know, there's not a single colluder that has ever been caught using SharkScope.

I don't know why people would think that SharkScope is such a good tool for detecting cheating - as far as I know, there's no proactive or automated researching of possible cheaters using their data.

If you have a suspicion of a couple of people cheating, you should report it to the site concerned and let them investigate. They have access to all the data that SharkScope has, plus more. Rather than typing player names into SharkScope, you'd be better off typing those names into an email to the site concerned.
The sites dont do a good job at all of catching colluders, and me and my friends have used sharkscope several times to uncover cheats.
I don't think this is right. There's a great point made by Bruce Schneier on Security Cameras and their effectiveness in stopping crime.

To claim that SharkScope is "massively important" in catching cheaters, you need to prove that such cheaters would not have been caught without SharkScope. There's simply no evidence (as far as I'm aware) of any such case that is entirely dependent on SharkScope.

If you have a suspicion about a couple of players, I really think that you should just report it to the relevant site.

SharkScope has made really good strides in protecting player privacy, and I think their recent changes (to protect player privacy) should be applauded, not condemned.
09-01-2009 , 05:46 AM
Poker Stars $15+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25/t50 Blinds - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP2: t2845 M = 37.93
CO: t1415 M = 18.87
Hero (BTN): t2460 M = 32.80
SB: t1870 M = 24.93
BB: t1840 M = 24.53
UTG: t930 M = 12.40
UTG+1: t960 M = 12.80
MP1: t1180 M = 15.73

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is BTN with J K
5 folds, Hero raises to t150, SB calls t125, 1 fold

Flop: (t350) 4 Q 3 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets t225, SB calls t225

Turn: (t800) 8 (2 players)
SB folds

Good instinct, but he couldn't quite pull the trigger.
09-01-2009 , 05:57 AM
Josem, i understand you work for Pokerstars and they have been hard against sharkscope for a long time now. I play 99% on FTP first of all. Secondly, yes ive caught 5 colluders in the last 2 years because random suspicions of mine (not from shady play, but from seeing a few guys ONLY play together) because of the head to head feature on sharkscope. Without it they would not have been caught. They had been cheating for over 3000gms and over a year. How long do i wait for ftp to catch them?

Scotty, from this forum, caught over 20 colluders last year who had profited OVER 1MILLION dollars in sngs collectively. He did all his research on sharkscope (and some on OPR). What alerted scotty, as far as i remember, was that these players had abnormally high roi's over large sample sizes much higher than the best regs. Without sharkscope we would never have known this and probably not have caught them.

If they were able to win over 1 million dollars, how long do we wait for ftp to catch them on their own?

Perhaps stars does good work on their own, i dont know. But i rely on sharkscope for safety and self defense really. Im not sure it would be so useful to email ftp every name i was suspicious of, because usually these days im suspicious of almost everyone and use sharkscope to filter down my suspicions to those who have much higher probabilities of cheating.

Of course if i see blatant play i report that. But there are many colluders who are good enough not to be so obvious, and its very hard to catch them while playing 9 or so tables.

And regarding peoples right to privacy. I believe once you play a game in a public venue like the internet, its no longer private. If you want to play poker privately play at home, not at a casino or the internet. If someone wins a big tourney at a casino, is it wrong that its published in a magazine or the newspaper?

Anyone can gather the data sharkscope gathers. Theyve just made it convenient for the rest of us for a small fee.

09-01-2009 , 06:04 AM
I'm not 100% sure where I stand on the SharkScope matter, but... Josem, seriously, not a single colluder caught because of sharkscope?

edit: also josem while i have your attention is there anyone in the states who works (not in advertising) for poker stars (not a player, an actual employee)?
09-01-2009 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Josem
You're starting from the assumption that you have the right to see someone else's results. I think that assumption is fundamentally wrong.

It makes sense that if a player wants to have no information published about them, they should have no information published about them. Why should your desire to know about the player outweigh their right to privacy?
You're very right. However, that is from a general, privacy and on some sites T&C related perspective. However, Sharkscope if offering people a subscription service against a certain fee to allow them access to data.
If they start blocking information I'm sure people will not subscribe anymore or much much less. So looking at it from their perspective towards their customers it is not the smartest course to take imo.
They probably also realise this, since during the trial period the current subscribers still have unlimited access.

Originally Posted by Josem
As far as I know, there's not a single colluder that has ever been caught using SharkScope.

I don't know why people would think that SharkScope is such a good tool for detecting cheating - as far as I know, there's no proactive or automated researching of possible cheaters using their data.
I thought these these threads got kick-started by sharkscope searching by players:

I mean obviously not all sites have the same security standard as Stars.

Originally Posted by Josem
SharkScope has made really good strides in protecting player privacy, and I think their recent changes (to protect player privacy) should be applauded, not condemned.
Again this is very true from a general poker perspective. But end of the day they are also a business, and a business generally needs to focus on their customer's needs. Obviously, if their activities are illegal they should change their way of working so it becomes legal and offer the best value to their customers within that framework.

I have a SS subscription, but I'm pretty sure I would not extend mine if I cannot look up other people's stats anymore, since I can get my own stats from HEM. And I have the feeling that would go for most of SS's customers.
