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Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars

02-13-2012 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
The hyper STTs use four as the maximum and operate very successfully. They run far more often than the Fifty50s.
Hmm.. and yet they are capped @ max buyin of $30..
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by dannyb1990
Hmm.. and yet they are capped @ max buyin of $30..
It did occur to me while typing the above post that I might see a reply along those lines

We know higher buy-in hypers would be popular. They would also have a significant impact on existing Sit & Gos. We just want to make sure we make the right decision. As soon as a final decision is made, one way or the other, I will post about it.

Last edited by PS Walmsley; 02-13-2012 at 08:54 AM.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
It did occur to me while typing the above post that I might see a reply along those lines

We know higher buy-in hypers would be popular. They would also have a significant impact on existing Sit & Gos. We just want to make sure we make the right decision. As soon as a final decision is made, one way or the other, I will post about it.

Cool, please hurry

Also, did you read the suggestions on equity chopping HU? will reduce variance for players and shortens sng length so stars profits too. Win-win right?

what are your thoughts on this?

Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
I'm willing to try the new system with an open mind, but my hunch is that 4 hyper satellites at a time will not be enough, especially on a Sunday.
That is my hunch as well. Please do treat the hyper satellites a little more carefully then the regular SnGs, since there's always just a small window of time where a lot of hyper satellites run. In the off-time nobody registers a ton of games at once anyway, but during the short peaks it's very nice to have the ability to reg 8 or 10 at once. This doesn't clutter the lobby much either, since they take off so quickly.

There used to be a few guys who would register too many at once, but after talking to them for a while the hyper satellites lobbies already look pretty slim in off-peak times and busy only during peaks.

Other than that I really like this thread and what's happening here! Go S&G Community!
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisA3
That is my hunch as well. Please do treat the hyper satellites a little more carefully then the regular SnGs, since there's always just a small window of time where a lot of hyper satellites run. In the off-time nobody registers a ton of games at once anyway, but during the short peaks it's very nice to have the ability to reg 8 or 10 at once. This doesn't clutter the lobby much either, since they take off so quickly.
All SNG satellites, including the hypers, are looked after by the PokerStars Tournaments Team, so I won't be making any changes to them. I have mentioned this thread to the tournaments team though so they should see your comments. If you want to post any further suggestions regarding hyper satellites, the best place is the Official 2012 MTT Discussion Thread located at:
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 11:22 AM
i play 5000 stts a month and will join Pokerstarz if you facilitate Heads Up Equity Chops

best wishes
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 11:43 AM
I like this Walmsley guy, we get answers!

very nice
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:55 PM
Option #1 has been extended to cover $30 and $60 buy-ins for 6-max turbos, 9-max turbos and Fifty50 turbos. It may take a little while for the lobby to sort itself out because of those Sit & Gos that were already open for registration when the change was made.

I would be interested in any comments on regular speed Sit & Gos. The changes have concentrated on turbos because they are more popular and are more likely to have a large number open for registration. The current situation for regular speed is as follows:

9-Max Regular: Unlimited at $60 or less.
6-Max Regular: Unlimited at $15 or less
Fifty50 Regular: Unlimited at $15 or less.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 12:58 PM
Nobody plays reg speeds cuz they suck

Now add more hypers plz
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-13-2012 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
Option #1 has been extended to cover $30 and $60 buy-ins for 6-max turbos, 9-max turbos and Fifty50 turbos. It may take a little while for the lobby to sort itself out because of those Sit & Gos that were already open for registration when the change was made.

I would be interested in any comments on regular speed Sit & Gos. The changes have concentrated on turbos because they are more popular and are more likely to have a large number open for registration. The current situation for regular speed is as follows:

9-Max Regular: Unlimited at $60 or less.
6-Max Regular: Unlimited at $15 or less
Fifty50 Regular: Unlimited at $15 or less.
The $30 and $60 levels are definitely easier on the eyes than before, nice to see you guys are implementing all the changes downward. Definitely appreciated.

In regards to the unlimited options you listed, it'd be great to put reasonable caps on every gametype, at every buyin...

...Unless each buyin level is several days of programming (by several people, etc.) that could be better spent, and you want to take the approach of putting in a fix here or there once a problem arises and not where there's unlikely to be one. Then it makes sense to keep as is until enough people start screaming about a particular game/level

Hopefully it's "easy" enough to slowly work your way down through every game/buyin level though. And have all of the same gametype in registration remain "bunched" in the unfiltered lobby regardless of when it was created/the first person joined.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 03:15 AM
while playing today i noticed that the regular speed sit n go games between 30 and 60 dollars were no longer spawning. i immediately thought something was wrong on pokerstars end and quit playing for the day. upon further inspection i realized that pokerstars is now limiting the number of games being shown in the lobby at this level. i can understand how allowing infinite games to spawn could be considered clutter but only limiting the games to one at these levels is very unfair. the same case can even be made for games over 100 dollars. at times the games fill rather quickly but limiting them to one may make them harder to find and fill much slower. at the very least they should equal the number of allowed turbo games which i believe is now 4. anything less would be unfair and would cause many regs to abandon playing here at all. regs start games; random people are not going to register for sngs and tournaments if no one is already registered. i ask that pokerstars please look into this and if the number of allowed sngs has to have a limit i would hope that the turbo and regular speed games were at least capped at an equal and fair number.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 03:23 AM
3rd time might be a charm...
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by lambonali
while playing today i noticed that the regular speed sit n go games between 30 and 60 dollars were no longer spawning. i immediately thought something was wrong on pokerstars end and quit playing for the day. upon further inspection i realized that pokerstars is now limiting the number of games being shown in the lobby at this level. i can understand how allowing infinite games to spawn could be considered clutter but only limiting the games to one at these levels is very unfair. the same case can even be made for games over 100 dollars. at times the games fill rather quickly but limiting them to one may make them harder to find and fill much slower. at the very least they should equal the number of allowed turbo games which i believe is now 4. anything less would be unfair and would cause many regs to abandon playing here at all. regs start games; random people are not going to register for sngs and tournaments if no one is already registered. i ask that pokerstars please look into this and if the number of allowed sngs has to have a limit i would hope that the turbo and regular speed games were at least capped at an equal and fair number.
Turbos are mainly capped at four games but as you move to higher buy-ins, that changes to three, then two then one. Regular speed games are less popular than turbos so the buy-in at which the number starts to reduce will be lower for regular speed than for turbos. That has been the case historically as well, with unlimited registrations available at higher buy-ins for turbo speed Sit & Gos.

Because of the lower traffic in regular speed games we had planned to leave this alone for a while so we could get feedback in this thread. However, last night there was a sudden profusion of $30 and $60 regular speed 9-max games with a single player registered. Therefore we changed the number of available games ahead of schedule. The $60 9-max was changed to a single registration while the $30 was changed to two simultaneous registrations.

Bear in mind that the $30 and $60 regular speed 6-max have had only a single registration for several months. When we looked at the traffic for every buy-in for 9-max regular compared to 6-max regular, the single available registration for 6-max at $30 and $60 did not appear to be a handicap in comparison to the unlimited registrations for 9-max.

We will continue to monitor the situation though, as well as seek further feedback in this thread.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 10:27 AM
Can you give us any insight what impact the changes have made?
More games run? Less? Not much change?
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
Regarding the idea of adding a new filter so that recreational players can filter to only see the top four games in terms of registering while players who prefer to mass register can still do so. Unfortunately, most players don't use filters. We wouldn't want to rely on players learning about and using a new filtering feature in order to improve the look of the lobby.

A couple of players have questioned why we are using four simultaneous registrations instead of six or more. We have to draw the line somewhere, especially as with option #1 those four (or six) games will always be in the lobby, regardless of whether anyone is registered. The hyper STTs use four as the maximum and operate very successfully. They run far more often than the Fifty50s.
How about making the filter button bigger and more prominent? In both classic and black lobby themes it's quite small and too similar in colour to the background. 2+2ers and other grinders know it's there, but by the sound of it, most players don't. If people see it they are more likely to use it.

Also you could occasionally mention the filter in a news popup, or perhaps a targeted email at people who play a few SNGs per week/month in a "Did you know....?" type thing. You could also maybe target those who don't have any SNG history; maybe they thought the lobby was too confusing and didn't know how to filter it. Hopefully it'll get them to visit the SNG tab, and when they see that SNGs are good, they'll play some.

Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Can you give us any insight what impact the changes have made?
More games run? Less? Not much change?
As a poker player, I am extremely cautious about drawing conclusions from very small sample sizes .

I'll say that based on the limited information from the last few days, it seems positive so far. That may change so I will be keeping a very close eye on the traffic.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
Turbos are mainly capped at four games but as you move to higher buy-ins, that changes to three, then two then one. Regular speed games are less popular than turbos so the buy-in at which the number starts to reduce will be lower for regular speed than for turbos. That has been the case historically as well, with unlimited registrations available at higher buy-ins for turbo speed Sit & Gos.

Because of the lower traffic in regular speed games we had planned to leave this alone for a while so we could get feedback in this thread. However, last night there was a sudden profusion of $30 and $60 regular speed 9-max games with a single player registered. Therefore we changed the number of available games ahead of schedule. The $60 9-max was changed to a single registration while the $30 was changed to two simultaneous registrations.

Bear in mind that the $30 and $60 regular speed 6-max have had only a single registration for several months. When we looked at the traffic for every buy-in for 9-max regular compared to 6-max regular, the single available registration for 6-max at $30 and $60 did not appear to be a handicap in comparison to the unlimited registrations for 9-max.

We will continue to monitor the situation though, as well as seek further feedback in this thread.
Comparing 9 max and 6 max SNGs for regular speed traffic is not a fair comparison. You can't really compare the data between the two unless 6 max non turbos were uncapped for a while to see the difference in volume. I'm usually the top volume player at non turbos and have been branching out throughout the year. I can assure you this change makes it so I doubt I will be playing non turbos in the near future, I always hated the 1 cap at $100+ and the 1 cap for $30/60 6 max but could live with it having uncapped at 30/60 for more volume. Please just give us 4 tables, it won't kill anyone. I actually lobbied in the past for an increased seeding for 100+ non turbos and 6 max, not the opposite.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-15-2012 , 12:24 AM
numbers 2, for better table selection.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-15-2012 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by claudiao
numbers 2, for better table selection.
I'd say number 2 leads to worse table selection, and that it is actually completely unnecessary to improve your table selection.

Just my opinion though .
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Thrash370
Comparing 9 max and 6 max SNGs for regular speed traffic is not a fair comparison. You can't really compare the data between the two unless 6 max non turbos were uncapped for a while to see the difference in volume. I'm usually the top volume player at non turbos and have been branching out throughout the year. I can assure you this change makes it so I doubt I will be playing non turbos in the near future, I always hated the 1 cap at $100+ and the 1 cap for $30/60 6 max but could live with it having uncapped at 30/60 for more volume. Please just give us 4 tables, it won't kill anyone. I actually lobbied in the past for an increased seeding for 100+ non turbos and 6 max, not the opposite.
I didn't explain that very well

What I meant was that for every buy-in up from $1.50 to $60 the ratio of 6-max regular to 9-max regular stays about the same, even for the $30 and $60 buy-ins where 9-max was unlimited and 6-max was restricted to a single registration.

However, I agree with the basic principle that it is difficult to draw a valid comparison between two similar games when one is unlimited and the other isn't. Therefore I have set $30 and $60 for both 9-max and 6-max to two games each. Let's see how that goes for a week or two and then look at the situation again.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:54 AM
for s&g 45 man non turbo why there are just $0.25 - 1$ and $6 BI. I wish we could have other levels like $0.50 - $ 1.50 - $2.50 - $3 BI.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-15-2012 , 10:22 AM
There are now official PokerStars suggestions threads for SNG with two tables or less and for MTT-SNG. I'll be responding in both threads They are located at:

18-man or less:


We plan to have a HU Suggestions thread as well.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by PS Walmsley
I didn't explain that very well

What I meant was that for every buy-in up from $1.50 to $60 the ratio of 6-max regular to 9-max regular stays about the same, even for the $30 and $60 buy-ins where 9-max was unlimited and 6-max was restricted to a single registration.

However, I agree with the basic principle that it is difficult to draw a valid comparison between two similar games when one is unlimited and the other isn't. Therefore I have set $30 and $60 for both 9-max and 6-max to two games each. Let's see how that goes for a week or two and then look at the situation again.
I have to say with how annoyed I was with the original change I'm very happy with the compromise as it gets me to 2 6 max games assuring I never miss a random 30/60 while I'm distracted by other things. Also having more then 1 loading at 9 max is also an improvement. I can't speak for other 9 max grinders though as I'm only one of a few that mix 6/9 max.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-17-2012 , 02:30 AM
You should not be able to see who the players waiting are. You just register. When the game is full, it starts and a new one is open for registration. The game selection on Stars is ridicules. It should be like a casino. When you go to a tournament at a casino you have no idea who is going to be there.

I was a Stars reg for 2 years. I have an ROI of 18% for SnG's $15 and below. I have switched to a smaller site because I am tired of always playing the same people. I am playing on a site that has on overage about 1000 total players for all games. It is so small PT3 doesn't work on it. I find I have a bigger pool of non regs to play against on this site. You have to stop catering to mass multi table players. You need to limit the number of games someone can play.
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
02-17-2012 , 04:32 PM
Whats wrong with game selection lol?
Number of Registering Sit & Gos on PokerStars Quote
